
Chapter 5: Story Time

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Episode 5: Story time.

Hannah serve us our breakfast. Mine is a fried rice, I can see bits of bacon, sausage, ham and onions. It’s smell really good.

(Hehehe, you are drooling) (Little Star)

I wipe my drool and grab the spoon, I picked up a spoonful of the rice. It is still steaming hot so blew it, the closet the spoon is to my mouth, the more enticing the smell become.

I finally took a bite.

“Are you… crying?” (Cassidy)

Cassidy looked at me surprised.

I touched my cheek, it is wet.

Not saying anything, I continued eating the food miss Hannah gave me.

I kept eating, and eating and eating and soon the plate was empty.

I don’t even remember the last time I ate food this warm before.

Miss Hannah saw me and came over, giving me a glass of water.

“ha… you have been through a lot haven’t you?” (Hannah)

She looked at me with a sad eyes.

There was a lump of coal down my throat.

I tried really, really hard to let something out.

Until finally I said

“Y…yes” (Arthur)

“Aw… poor boy, I’ll make you something warm to drink.” (Hannah)

She then left to make a drink for me.

Cassidy stared at me.

“so, Arthur I want to know your story? What happened? How did you get here?” (Cassidy)

(Tell him your whole story, he could help you) (little star)

I fell silent, pondering If I should tell him my story. Since Little star told me he could help me, I decided to tell him everything.

I began to tell him my whole story and how did I ended up here.

My name is Arthur Grace, I was born in the city of west hope on the 1st may 2054. My father name in Jonathan Grace and my mother is Annabelle Grace. I am their firstborn son and two year later, my twin sister were born.

I grew up healthy with a loving family. as I grew up, I didn’t show any sign of manifesting a power so I was brought to the city’s Power Research Center. They didn’t find any sign of power manifested in me so I was one of those rare powerless individuals but my parents still love me regardless.

After finding out that I didn’t have any power, the kids in the neighborhood and school are making fun of me. It was terrible but my family were there for me.

It was bearable because of my family, it was until at the end of summer ten year ago. At the time, I was just 6 years old. I came back from school and only to be greeted by silence when I came back home.

I though my dad was still busy at work and my mother is probably going outside with my sister.

I waited until dinner, they didn’t comeback

I waited until tomorrow morning, they haven’t returned.

I waited for a day more, still no news.

I was scared. I was crying, no the crying haven’t stopped in two days.

So I ran, I ran to the police station nearby as fast I could while crying.

When I get there, a police officer saw me and bring me inside. I was calmed down by them and then asked my what happened.

I told them, my family haven’t returned home. They asked me more questions and asked me more detail.

Like where is the location of dad’s work, home address, other family contact.

They told me to stay there for a while.

I stayed for two more days, they were nice and tried to cheer me up but I can only think I was about my family.

In the next day, in the morning, I asked them again. There’s still no news. I was feeling sad again, it was a bad feeling to hear it again, so I decided to walk outside to clear my mind.

When I walked outside of the office to clear my mind. Just a moment when I stepped outside of the station, the station exploded.

I was thrown and hit the ground several times before I fainted. luckily for me, there is an officer near by and save me and bring me to safety.

When I woke up, I was in a shelter tent, no longer in west hope. I felt pain all over my body, I apparently have almost one third of my bones broken.

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I asked the caretaker what happened. She answered by saying west hope was attacked by a large group of terrorist, she then tell me where are we. We are in the Gahanna city shelter, there are a lot of survivors and since one city can’t hold them all, the government created shelter in several cities nearby.

That day, I couldn’t even think anything. I just lay there silently. The only thing that stayed on my mind was “why does all of this things happened?”.

I stayed in the tent only for more than a week because one of the medical staff have a power to hasten healing process. But I’m didn’t fully recovered, only enough to move around without much complications. The reason is that more people are still needed to be taken care of.

The shelter life is hell, it was suffocating, I was lonely and since I’m very weak, getting anything were a chore. The worst of all however, is that I’m stuck there, unable to leave because I’m only a kid with no family and in the orphaned status.

Well, I’m not too lonely because the officer who had saved me always accompanied me during his free time but he is also quite busy thanks to his work. The officer is a cool guy in my eyes.

Once I can move normally, things become a lot more bearable. I almost got used to every day lives in the shelter but few days later, the shelter were attacked by a small group of terrorist.

I was dead center in the conflict, I was really scared. Chaos and scream everywhere, Fights happening in surrounding area and many have died due to the initial attack on the shelter.

I was in despair, I had nowhere to go, no family to fall into and no one to help me. I was in a really dark place that day. Suddenly, in the darkest moment, my power awaken and it had helped me escaped, though not without some bruises and scars.

Along the way of the escape, I found some stuff I could bring a long. I ran as far as I could.

When I didn’t or couldn’t see the conflict anymore, I stopped and sat on the ground.

I couldn’t cry, my mind was blank and the I could only laugh and laugh I did. Why does all of this happening to me?

Once I calmed down, I have time to think for myself. I ponder on what I should do next. Thanks to the shelter experience, I don’t want to get into another one. I have no other relatives, and I’m all alone.

So I made a stupid decision to just… drift. I decided to travel to many destination, following the wind and my heart. That day, I just simply walk, and haven’t stopped till this day.

Along the road I travelled, get to experience a lot of thing. I get to experience more pain, food I haven’t tasted, meet other people and see things I haven’t seen and do all kind of things and I have been doing this for a decades.

After I told Cassidy and then Hannah who joined later on. Both of them stayed silent. Cassidy stared at me and he seems to ponder a bit while Hannah is on the verge of tearing up.

Hannah then walk over to me and hugged me. I felt really warm. My eyes were watering when that happened. I can only cry silently in her hug.

After a good while she let go and walk behind the counter.

“you have suffer a lot, a boy your age shouldn’t have experienced any of that” (Hannah)

She then gave me a glass warm milk.

I drank it, it was the best glass of milk I ever had in my life.

For few minutes, I just say there silently. I could only enjoy the milk she gave me and can only reflect the thing I have done.

Cassidy phone rings. He picked it up and answer it.

I could hear a bit.

“… Cass, I need you at the office now…” (???)

Cassidy groaned.

“fine… I’ll be there in an hour” (Cassidy)

He hanged up. He stared at the phone, he then write something down, probably messaging someone.

He looked at m….

“Boy, do you want to come with me to my office” (Cassidy)

I ponder a bit, but decided to follow him.

Cassidy looked at Hannah, he placed the money on the counter and walk to the door, he urged me to follow him.

Before I left the door, miss Hannah spoke to me.

“If you want to come here, you are always welcomed here.” (Hannah)

(We are definitely going to steal her) (Villain)

(For once, I agree with you) (little Star)

I couldn’t refute them, I could only stay silent at their thoughts.

“thank you miss Hannah” (Arthur)

It’s the only thing I could say.

“don’t mention it” (Hannah)

I could only stare at her before I reluctantly left.

I followed Cassidy back to his car and once we got inside, he looked at me and said.

“don’t you dare do anything stupid” (Cassidy)

I was startled, I guess he sees what I am thinking.

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