Waiting for You in a City

Waiting for You in a City

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Genre :

Drama, Romance



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Waiting for You in a City

Review: 7.7/10 from 13 ratings

“If you want still want to love, I’ll accompany you, Xu Qin.” He says with solemn tone, he looks like he makes a major decision.

”Huh?” She takes a deep breath.

“Do you still like me?” He asks directly and frankly.

Xu Qin is stunned, her heart is beating so quick like it will lose control soon.

She nods, “Yes.”

He looks at her for a long time and says: “I regret it, Xu Qin.”

She breathes: “Ah?”

”Let’s be together.” Song Yan says, “I don’t need you to do anything for me, I don’t need you to guarantee that you will be on my side in the future. If one day you want to break up, then let’s just break up. But for now, let’s be together.”

After ten years of searching, I’m still alone. It turns out I just want to be with you.

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