Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby?

Chapter 5: Feeling Anxious

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Not long after my father left, I my mother began to teach me how to hunt. Normally, I wouldn't start learning such things until I was eight. My mother needed to teach me earlier because it was only me and her. She began by teaching me to use a bow. I already knew how to use one because of my previous life. I used all kinds of projectile weapons. When my mother saw how easily I was getting a hang of it, she was happy and praised me.

Skill: Archery Lvl. 1 has been acquired.

Hmm. I wonder if I'll get a skill tied to guns when I start using them. This system probably didn't have anyone using such a weapon. How did I know this without leaving the village? Soldiers that could no longer fight had injuries related to slashes an none that could have been caused by gunfire. This is a medieval era where swords and bows are the most used weapons. 

I had acquired the skill after only a week of training with mother. She told me now that I have the skill to go into the forest and hunt a horned rabbit. I walked into the woods for the first time that day. Now that I was isolated I wanted to try something.

I placed my hand on the soil and closed my eyes. I began to think about the properties of iron. I thought about it's atomic number, conductivity, and it's liquid form. I then use my mana to create a pulse. I used an image of sonar so wave should bounce off what I'm looking for. Thirty seconds go by before I get a response. The response was huge meaning is a large iron deposit deep underground.

Unique Skill: Earth Sense Lvl. 1 has been acquired. 

Hmm. It seems that I got a skill from that. It's also is unique? 

Earth Sense Lvl. 1

You have extensive knowledge over the natural laws governing the world. You are now capable of releasing a wave that will search for metals and other substances that can be found in the ground.

This will definitely be useful for detecting the materials I'll need to build my weapons I'll need to find a way to draw out the materials though. Also what is a unique skill?

A unique skill is a skill that relates to the individuals hidden talent. Most species never unlock a unique skill.

My skills and stats are going to cause a problem for me if there's a means to see them. If that's the case there should also be a way for me to hide it. I don't want people to disturb me because of my strength. 

I concentrate once more. I imagine my mana covering me like a blanket. Then I imagine that blanket taking in the surrounding scenery and mimicking it. I also meditate to calm my breathing to reduce the sound that comes from me.

Skill: Stealth Lvl. 1 has been acquired. 

Skill: Appraisal Block Lvl. 1 has been acquired.

That was easy. I guess the culprit of my worry was the Appraisal skill. It's probably does exactly what is sounds like too. It seems the stealth skill will cost mana to activate but, Appraisal Block doesn't. I wonder why this is. 

I activate the stealth skill to level it up. A hunter needs to be stealthy right? I sneak around the forest while keeping track of where I'm going. It only took fifteen minutes to find the horn rabbit I was looking for. It looks similar to a jack rabbit but with a menacing horn sticking out of its head. Luckily, it's back is already turned to me. 

I pull out my bow and nock an arrow. I take in a deep breath and take aim. I aim for the head and release the arrow. The arrow hits the rabbit in the back of the skull. The rabbit twitches for a second after impact before falling over dead.

"Mission complete", I said. Honestly, i thought this would be a lot harder. Granted, it was a weak monster but, still a monster. When I think of monsters I think of them overpowering the police and military like they did in movies. But, I guess that really is fiction. 

I take the corpse of the rabbit and throw it over my shoulder. The wound was pretty precise and it didn't bleed much. Surprisingly, the weight felt like nothing to me. This is probably a characteristic of my race. If I was a human five year old, this wouldn't be possible. I make my way to the village while using the stealth skill to keep any monsters from noticing me. When I reached the gate, the guard there had a look of surprise on his face, but he let me through the gate without questioning me. I walked back to the house while catching a few more surprised looks along the way. It's just a rabbit? I don't get why they are surprised my mother told me to hunt this.

However, when I came through the front door, my mother gasped at me. She seemed to be just as surprised as the others.

"What's wrong mother?" I asked while tilting my head. 

My mother ran to me and started moving my clothes seemingly checking for injuries.

When she finished she looks at me. "Where did you find that?" she asks worriedly.

I tilt my head as if to think about it and said, "About an hour east of the village, mom."

"While I'm glad you completed your test, you seemed to have also stopped the village from being overrun." She said rubbing her hand on her forehead.

"Why is that?" I ask with genuine confusion.

"This is a young horned rabbit queen. It must have just evolved because it's small for it's kind", she answered. 

"Usually horned rabbits are G rank monsters, so they are easy to kill for most children and adults if they are careful. However, when a queen evolves the threat of all rabbits are immediately is increased to C rank." She continues to explain that horned rabbit queens have a large area skill that allows it to command the other rabbits. The horned rabbit queens are also more intelligent than a goblin king, because of this they command their forces much better. The queen can also produce, on average, twenty offspring every other day. 

"There was once a city that ignored the rabbits and was subsequently wiped out", she finishes. 

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"Well I was able to sneak up behind it ant take my shot I learned the stealth skill too" I lied. While I did learn the stealth skill, I wasn't going to tell her the way I truly did it. It would be bad if she told others how smart I was. This is why I told her this in a way that made sense.

"Well I'm glad you're safe but, I'm going with you for the next few times okay? I'll need to inform the guild and the village head" she said while giving me a hug.

The guild huh? My father talked about it before too. It was an organization that didn't care about borders. They employed people from all sorts of backgrounds, rich or poor, it didn't matter. The people they employed were called adventurers. These men and women help maintain monster populations, collect rare materials, and travel the world. It seems like a nice place for the poor, but talented to find a place in the world. My previous world hardly had the means to provide such a organization, nor would they need to.

My mother took me to the guild and we explained the situation to the guild master. He said he would make sure to increase the reward for subjugating the horned rabbits. That seemed to satisfy my mom and we left soon after.

However, ever since I got back I couldn't stop feeling that something was going to happen. The rabbit problem was quickly dealt with by passing adventurers. Even so, the feeling bothered me every morning for two weeks. I finally had enough and decided to head into the forest to investigate it. 

I found nothing, not even a trace that something was amiss. The monsters weren't numerous at all. What is this feeling? My stomach churns constantly. I unconsciously glance over my shoulder for seemingly no reason while I'm hunting. Yet, I can't find anything wrong with the forest nor do I hear of trouble in the town.

I head into the forest to hunt for the next two months. My skills don't level up at all during this time. I have a going theory that leveling skills may not only relate to usage but also age. Perhaps young bodies can't handle high level skills? I guess even if you are experienced in using a skill, your body might be able to handle the stress and fatigue that comes with it. I did make it to level five however. My mana will seem to grow at an astonishing rate if I keep it up. I'm able to use fire and earth magic as well. Although, I don't use fire because I don't want to start a forest fire by mistake. Earth magic allows me to impale targets with stone spikes. I only tested it a few times on orcs. These guys are supposed to be tasty but if I came back to the village saying I killed an orc it would be troublesome so I burned their bodies by using a combination of fire and earth magic to create molten lava underneath them. 

I hunt down two horned rabbits for dinner today and head to the village. I walk a few minutes before I see a dark plume coming from the village. 

So that's what it was. I hurry and head back to the village at full speed. I get to a cliff that overlooking the village. They're are human men attacking the villagers others are setting fire to homes. I came just in time to see the beastmen army arrive to drive them back. The village has already been burnt to a crisp at this point though. 

Beastmen have enhanced senses and I used my sight to try and locate my mother. She is lying with a sword wound in her chest in front of our house which is a smoldering pile of wood at this point. 

I feel a tear coming down from my right eye at this moment. I may have not known my mother for long but she still loved me with every fiber of her being. 

The humans of this world are just as barbaric as I suspected and the beastmen are constantly discriminated by them. It's also possible for the beastmen to work with humans to sell other beastmen into slavery as well. That happened in my world so why not here?

I'm not going to be the one that changes this planet's history. I am no hero. I was the villain in my past life. My choices killed people. My profession was finding the most effective way of killing people. I love weapons, the power they bring into your life, the efficiency in killing your enemies is too inticing. I may not have been the one to use them this way, but I'll be sure to use them on monsters. No one can judge me then can they?

I start to laugh maniacally. Falling to my knees, I laugh hysterically.  I'm not a madman, or I guess madwomen now. I just spent five years being bored out of mind with the mundane life of a normal civilian. Now though, I can pursue my hobby again I have the perfect excuse to do so. My father might die in the war against the hairless apes. Hell after he hears what happened here he will lose his morale as he worries about what happened to me. I'm going to disappear from this world so that no one will find me while I'm having the time of my life.

"I will live for myself and my hobby", I say to myself. I turn and head back into the woods chuckling to myself about insane ideas for magical weapons.

You can find story with these keywords: Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby?, Read Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby?, Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby? novel, Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby? book, Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby? story, Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby? full, Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby? Latest Chapter

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