Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby?

Chapter 7: The Lonely Queen sets out

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When I awoke it was still day time or the next the day? I check my surroundings. For some reason I'm standing up with my staffing my hand. I look down to check my robes. They are black in color with red stripes. 

Cloak of Immunity (Epic) 

Made by a master in earth magic, this cloak provides high physical resistance and complete immunity to poison.

"Why did it change?" I ask the system. 

Due to the effects of the unique skill Earthbound your magic items have received a buff.

"Display the unique skill Earthbound." I tell the system.

Unique Skill: Earthbound 

You have defined what makes up the known world. The earth element under your complete control. 

"Well I manipulated atoms before so why didn't I get this earlier?" I am surprised as it seems I gained another unique skill.

Incorrect. The unique skill Earth Sense has evolved into Earthbound.

Ok now that makes even less sense. I didn't know how to get a unique skill nevermind evolving it. Why did I pass out though?

Your body couldn't handle the magical power surge from your soul.

Well that explains it. I get up and inspect the staff. The staffs handle is black. The crystal has turned white it seems to look like a lava lamp as the color shifts to gray from time to time.

Staff of the Lonely Queen (Legendary)

This staff was crafted by a master of earth magic. Made from the bark of a powerful treant and a powerful magic stone, this staff cannot be wielded by anyone but the Lonely Queen. Reduce the magic power consumption of earth spells by 20%

"Pretty good craftsmanship if I do say so myself" I complimented myself since there's no around at the moment. I'm not full of myself. I'm just lonely like the staff says.

The staff floats and follows me around. However, to make it less suspicious I grab it and carry it myself. Im going to test the staff and my new skill on a few targets on the training ground.

I head out the door and I use the staff to cast a few spells. The magic power consumption is really low but the spells are quite powerful.

"I'll be a very tough opponent to deal with", I say to myself. Even getting close to me can be dangerous because I know a lot of close combat skills. And because of my race I have high physical strength. This means my blows will be deadly as well. My cloak will protect me from most damage too.

"I think I'm well prepared enough now. I will prepare to leave starting tomorrow", I say to myself. I have all the skills that will protect me. My armor is great and I have the best weapon I can ask for right now. 

I leave the training grounds and hunt down an orc. I can only season it's meat with salt. I laid the rest of it out to dry. For my journey. I lay down on my bed while thinking about the coming days. I want to return to earth within the next five years. I've already wasted a decade on this planet already. Who knows what happened there already? 

Over the next few days I gather my clothes and crafting materials. I realized I couldn't hold them all and decided to craft something similar to an item I never understood in my grandson's games. There was some kind of inventory space he had that seemingly stored an infinite amount of items. Perhaps I can make something similar?

I grab the remaining skin of the wyvern from the basement and activate my leatherworking skill. I close my eyes and think of a simple leather bag as my hands do the work. I infuse about half my total mana into it as well.

Three bags are in front of me when the skill deactivates and I open my eyes. All of them have the same description. 

Bag of holding (Large) (Rare)

A bag that can hold a large amount of items.

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Guess it worked. I put in a piece of metal as a test. Then I place my hand in the bag and think about the piece of metal again.

"Glad I watched him play those games", I tried to find time for my grandson when he was young. A lot of what he taught me about worlds similar to this one has helped me time after time. 

Enough of that I check myself over again in the mirror. I look like a stereotypical wizard from the movies. My red hair now hangs below my waist and my eyes are heteromorphic. My right eye is red and the other is blue. My mother and father both had blue eyes. I guess I'm an oddity among oddities huh?

I focus on my appraisal block skill to hide my facial features. I learned that the skill can also alter my appearance after some experimentation. My eyes are now brown with my hair turning black. The hair is also shorter now as well. I didn't want to be seen as a beastman. I want to avoid the slave trade as much as possible. I said before that wasn't going to change this world. That includes the slave trade. This world will never be my home so I'm in no mood to change it. If the people of this world think slavery is ok, then so be it. 

I focus on packing my stuff up by the time I finish it is night time. I lay down on my bed to get some much needed rest.

When I wake up the next day I store the bed away and head out side. I remembered which way I came to from to get from this place. I don't know if that war is still raging nor do I need to know. If the beastmen discover my strength they may attempt or try to force me into their ranks. I will not allow that to happen. I turn and head in the opposite direction of which I came. I break into a full sprint in that direction I chose. With my physical capibilties, I'm running at an incredible speed.

I ran for the whole day without stopping until the sun shows that it is evening I set up camp by creating coal and set it a blaze with fire magic. I lay my head on the tree and fall asleep soon after. 

When I awake repeat the same. I encounter monsters but they were no match for me. I split them open and burn their bodies in lava. I continue on like this for a month before noticing the first sign of civilization. I find what looks like a small inn nestled by the road. 

I approach the structure. It has a sign out front but I can't read this worlds language but I can speak it's language. I head to the door of the structure and find it ajar. There is a desk and a man where a man in his thirties sits. He has a glass in his hand and is polishing it with a cloth.

"Hello lass. You an adventurer?" He asks without glancing at me. 

"In a sense", I respond in a similar attitude.

"Need a room?" He asks me still focusing on his glass.

"Yeah", I answer. 

"Two copper" he says back.

"Don't got it. But I can trade some materials", I counter. I'm broke in this worlds currently.

"Got any globlin stones? I'll take one of those if you got em" he says finally giving me a glance. I reach into my cloak and toss one of the stones at him. He looks at at nods to himself. 

"Two nights then I'll need another stone", he says. He opens a drawer and takes a pair of key out.

 "Upstairs third room on the right", he says to me while moving to polish his cup again. I nod and head to the room. It's a cozy looking place? The bed was nicer compared to the one I made and the furniture looked better then what I made. 

I take of my cloak and hang it on a chair near my bed. I'm mentally and physically exhausted from that journey. Sleep comes fast and I finally rest my body properly.

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