Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby?

Chapter 8: Being Exposed. Browsing the city

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I wake up the next morning with a slight headache. I put my cloak back on and head down the stairs. The man from earlier is back at his desk. I head to the door to leave but the man calls out to me. 

"Young miss. That's Appraisal Block, isn't it?" I froze. 

"Don't worry. I have to warn you though, that skill's illusions are quite easy to see through. You're trying to hide your race right?" He reassures me then asks another question.

"What's it to you?" I ask while on high alert. 

"Although Appraisal Block can disguise your race, it's easy to disrupt with even the residue mana from other spells" he informs me.

"Suggestions?" I ask.

"None. If you weren't born with the disguise skill it's impossible." He shakes his head.

"The humans in this country will try to capture slaves. But if you took the time to learn appraisal block you have some strength to hide. I have to say though, your young now, but you'll be a looker when your older. Damn shame your trying to hide it." He says turning to to reach into the drawer from yesterday. 

"I'll need my key back", he says while looking down into the drawer.

"Sure", I answer. I toss the key back to him while dispelling the illusion. 

"You need directions to the nearest city?" He asks.

"Sure", I answer back. 

"Turn left after you walk out the door the city is about ten miles in that direction." I turn to leave.

"We aren't all bad y'know. Although you are a beastman you shouldn't have a problem in most countries besides the empire." He calls out.

"I'll keep that in mind", I head out the door and turn left.

"He said I would become a looker when I'm older..." I mutter to myself while walking. I conjure a mirror to look at the non-illusion version of myself again.

"Tch, looks like it'll be a little harder now. I'll bust the shit of anyone who tries to kidnap or kill me." I wasn't going to let this setback stop me. I'm going to try my hardest to find a way home. It's a longshot, but it's one of my long term goals. 

I follow the road for awhile before setting up camp in a clearing in the evening. I can't run like I did before because that speed would attract too much attention. A fancy looking carriage pulls into another part of the clearing.

"Annoying", I turn to face the opposite direction of it and use my ears to listen to thier movements. My hood has been up this entire time and my staff is laying on a log next to me. I use their conversation for tonight's entertainment.

"......Just a beastman, but she has a high Appraisal Block skill." A deep but formal voice says. So they tried to appraise me? Can I not have my private info exposed please? Have some manners!

"I sense no ill will coming from her so we should be fine, master." A professional female voice says. Probably a maid. 

"I'm surprised she has such a high level in it, father. Isn't it extremely hard to level up?" A young male voice questions.

"It is, but it's rude to pry into a stranger's business", a fatherly toned voice replies.

Tired of the conversation I create a wall of stone in front of me. I want to test the reactions to certain feats to slowly determine what amount of strength is normal. I take my stance and punch the rock wall with a fourth of my full strength. The wall cracks as I intended. 

I look back at them with the corner of my eye and see that they have conflicted feelings written on their faces. 

Hmm....so about fifteen percent of my strength is acceptable. Noted.

I dispell the wall and lay on the grass ignoring the rest of their conversation. I close my eyes while looking at the stars of the night sky.

By the time I awoke the fancy carriage had left already. I shake off my grogginess and do some morning stretches. When I'm finished I continue on my way to the town while munching on some dried orc meat. I see a few monsters on the road, but for some reason they decide not to attack me. Hmm. Even if I'm strong I shouldn't be strong enough for them to fear me. Monsters have low intelligence from what I've seen. So, why are they avoiding a fight with me? Not my problem I guess.

I continue walking for another thirty minutes and find the carriage from earlier stopped ahead of me. I get a little closer to see some people in armor fighting some orcs. 

"Tch. Pain in my ass", I'll try to walk by as nonchalantly as possible to make it clear I'm not in the mood to help them. As I approach the scene the orcs seem to not notice me. The knights however, sense me and one turns to face me.

"Hey fox girl help us out will yah!?" Guess they didn't get the memo. Unfortunate. 

"Not interested", I don't slow my pace at all and take out a piece of wyvern meat this time. Finally the orcs take notice of me.

"Dont even think about it", I shoot the largest one with a death glare. He seems to get the message and the orcs return thier attention to the knights. 

"Thank you", I continue walking and hear the knights cursing behind me. I can't help but laugh at the situation. The monsters I've killed the most are rabbits and orcs. Orcs used to attack me on sight, but now tend to ignore me unless I directly attack them. Perhaps they sense the aura of their fallen kind around me? That'd be comical and sad at the same time. I walk for a another hour. I can see the city in the distance now. I pick up the sound of a carriage behind me though.

The carriage stops a few yards ahead of me.

"YOU", a man in full plate armor steps out of the carriage and glares at me.

"Yes?", I can forgive him for not saying my name because they never learned it.

"Why didn't you help us? Do you understand who this carriage belongs to? This marquis is the one of the reasons your kind is safe in the city up ahead y'know?" He's fuming right now and I tighten the grip on my staff.

"I'm not keen on potentially losing my life." I say simply. It's true I already died once. I'm not going to waste this new life.

"Mark!" A man in fancy clothing steps out the carriage.

"You know the beastman are still distrusting of us at the moment. She had a very good reason not to help us. Don't dwell on it", the apparent marquis places a hand on the mans shoulder.

"But, sir", the man let's out a breath and regains his composure. The marquis then looks at me. 

"Sorry about that he's still shaken up after that fight with those orcs" He turns to the man.

"Let's get to the city. I need to keep schedule", the man says as he pulls out a pocket watch. He tucks it away again and they both head back to the carriage and it pulls away.

"Interesting", I loosen my grip on my staff and continue on towards the city gates. There are three entrances, as I learned from someone standing in line. One for commoners, one for merchants, and one for nobles. I keep to myself. I keep my hood up the entire time.

The line is painfully slow and by the time it's my turn the sun was already setting. 

"ID", the guard says. 

"Lost it", I say back. The man raises an eyebrow and calls someone over. The other person nods and heads inside the gate. 

"He's gonna bring someone with the Truth Revealed unique skill. He'll ask you if you committed any crimes. If you lie we'll know. If it's the truth we'll know. Got it?" He informs me.

"Sure", I reply. Not long after a boy with blue hair comes out of the gate with the person from earlier. 

"Ask her", he commands. 

"S-sure", the blue haired boy answers.

"Have you, as long as you've been alive, committed a crime we would see as deplorable?" He asks me.

Not in this life.

"No", I answer. The blue haired boys eyes shine for a second. 

"She's fine", he tells the gatekeeper. 

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"Go to the administration office down this street. It'll be on the left side. They can issue you some identification since you lost it. The guilds are a little farther down the street, but are also an option. Good luck." He motions for me to enter through the gate.

They're stands all around selling all sorts of items. The smell of delicious food wafts through the air. Is this normal for this city? I head past the administration office. I only need one form of identification and that's with the adventurers guild. As I get closer to the guilds I can see several beastmen walking past.

"Don't get your hopes up", I mutter to myself.

Ill need to sell some materials in case there is a registration fee. I walk for some time until I see a stand with a bald black man attending it. 

"First brother I've seen in this city," I smile to myself. The minority even in another world huh? I can't help but chuckle at the thought.

"Young lady", he calls to me. I guess I'll give him the time of day. 

"Hmm?" I answer him.

"I get the feeling you're strong. Got any monster parts on yah?" He asks.

Good intuition too. "Yes I got some parts on me. Want to buy em off me?" I ask.

"I'm looking for some orc meat. Have you killed any recently?" He asks. 

"Sure have", I answer. I walk over to his stand. 

"I don't know the prices around here. As long as you don't scam me, I'll come sell you my materials at a reduced price", I offer him.

Intrigued, the man asks, "By how much?"

"Twenty percent because I like your intuition", I answer.

"Deal. I'm assuming you have a magic bag?" He accepts.

"Yup", I answer I pull out an orc thigh for him to inspect. 

"Perfect. I'll buy it for thirty silver coins that's five more then market price" he offers.

"Trying to get in my good graces I see", I laugh and he smiles.

"Compared to the profits I'll make from doing business with you, this is nothing", he hands over the coins. He then stores the meat away in his own magic bag. 

"I look forward to working with you", I say to him.

"Same here. Have a nice day." He smiles and I turn to head toward the guild again.

"Got some change. All there is to do now is register. Then I can finally find an inn to sleep in", I say to myself. I pick a coin and flick it in the air and catch it.

The guild building is not too much farther from the shop. When I get there I activate my stealth skill to conceal my presence. I would like to only be noticed by the person who will register me if possible. I pull down my hood as I head inside. Their are plenty of adventurers around and they don't seem to notice I walked in. I head to what looks like a reception desk but before I can reach half way. I feel something trying to enter me. Not physically but it feels like something is trying to pere into my soul.

Lvl. 3 Appraisal attempt has been blocked. Track source? Y/N

Angered, I say yes in my mind. The system focused my attention on a large muscular man with brown hair and blue eyes. He has a large sword strapped to his back.

I shoot him a death glare. I point my staff at him. 

"Got a problem jerk?" I ask with clear anger in my voice.

"Sorry, I just noticed you were using a stealth skill to sneak past everyone so I was curious", he explained himself.

"Mind your own business", I say coldly. I put my staff back to it's original position. I head to the reception area. A male receptionist greets me.  

"Hi, how can I help you?" He asks.

"I'd like to register", I answer.

"Understood. You'll need to take a combat test but, the examiner only does tests tomorrow", he says apologetically.

"Can you sign me up for the test then?" I ask. I didn't want to wait any longer to get registered. I don't need any crooked guards questioning me about my identification.

"Yeah, you can still sign up. What's your name?" He asks me. I didn't want to give my real name because I didn't know if my father was alive or not. I didn't want him hindering me. 

"Karla", I answer.

"Got it. Class?" I don't need to lie about this one.

"Weapons Trainee", he flinches but writes it down.


"Fire and Earth", I still didn't know what light magic was and I haven't used it as far as I know.

"Got it your signed up. Be here by noon tomorrow", he tells me.

"Ok", I turn to leave. I shoot the appraisal pervert another death glare as I walk out. I ask a nice old man outside for an inn to stay at. He points me to one not too far from here. 

I get to the inn and check in. I'm mentally exhausted. Maintaining my composure while suspecting everyone drained me. Perhaps I need to loosen up a bit? I shake my head. Everyone is an enemy unless proven otherwise. I sigh and flop on the bed in my room. It doesn't take me long to lose consciencness.

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