With enough mana, I can create any weapon!

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Goblin Slayer

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{Thwip! Splat!}

The sound of an arrow being released, followed by the splattering sound of flesh being penetrated could be heard.


A boar, over a meter tall and over two meters in length (three feet tall, six feet in length), squealed in pain as an arrow sprouted out of its left eye. Only half of the arrow was still exposed, the other half penetrating deep into the boar's brain. Soon, the boar slumped onto the ground, unmoving. A bush by its side began to rustle, and a figure could be seen exiting it.


{That's dinner settled...}

Due to the lack of people to speak with, I had grown the habit of talking to myself to prevent my communication skills from regressing. As for why I am using a bow instead of a gun, I created a training plan where I would train with cold weapons for a few hours per day, in case the need to use them ever arises. Of course, it's less training and more of familiarizing myself with the weapons. I am a Weapon Master, after all. Today happens to be bow and arrow training day.

{Heave ho!}

I dragged the 250 kg boar back to my base, one of the larger trees in the area, and hung its body from a thick branch. With the increase in strength every level, this was a tough but doable job for the Level 6 me.

Then, by creating an incision on its neck, I allowed its blood to flow freely onto the ground. I heard that by doing this, the meat will taste better, and it also lowers the risk of diseases. Looking at the pool of blood beneath me, I murmured to myself:

{Wow, I have really grown desensitized.}

I had stayed in this forest for over two weeks, and I haven't seen a single human. I haven't left the forest either, not because I don't want to, but it's because this forest is too damn huge.

Other than the time I spend hunting, life in this forest is mind numbingly boring. As a result, I had to control myself from hunting the animals for sport.

On the seventh day in this forest, I had gone into the forest to test the shotgun I had just created using 3000 mana, and as much as I dislike admitting it, using a shotgun gives one an addicting sense of power. Before I knew it, I had hunted way too much.

I looked at my reflection in the stream, only to find an unkempt man with a short beard and blood thirsty eyes staring back at me.

When the clothes I was wearing deteriorated till the point that they were unwearable, I crafted leather clothing for myself. I don't know how to tan leather, so I look like a caveman wearing rags. Well, if I had to point out one of the good things that came out from this, it would be the two guns I had formed. I flexed my biceps and spoke:

{Who says that I need a weapon creation ability to create guns. There are two perfectly good guns right here, no abilities needed.}

This can't go on. I had to find other humans. Within two weeks, I already feel myself becoming someone I no longer know. Tomorrow, I decided, I would abandon my camp and follow the river downwards. I took a look at the camp, which was filled with a makeshift leather tent, failed leather products and attempts to preserve animal corpses. Yep, I won't be missing this place.


{I miss my camp.}

Did God drop me into the actual middle of the forest or something? I had been walking for two days straight and there's no end in sight. Suddenly, my instinct blared its alarm at me. This instinct was something I had gained by fighting every day for the past two weeks. Although it doesn't show up in my Status, it has saved my life countless times. Using one hand, I swung my two-handed sword towards a bush. I'm using a sword today since it was sword training day.


A goblin, which had just leapt out of the bush, was immediately dissected in half with no resistance. This is thanks to my sword. The sword was created with 1000 mana. With the usual two-handed sword costing only 80 mana, this super sword was sharper and more durable than anything I had ever made before.

Back to the current situation, with the increasing number of ambushes, I seem to be getting close to another Goblin Camp. Goblins were green, 1-meter tall (3 feet tall) creatures that like to build their camps near the river, two of which I had already destroyed along the way. I decided to check my Status.


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Name: Eren Yeager

Race: Otherworlder

Level 2>9

Hp: 30/30 > 100/100

Mp: 2000/2000 > 8493/9000

Skills: Weapon Creation, Weapon Master, Greater Mana Pool


A while later, I could finally see the Goblin camp. Since I killed every patrol before they could alert anyone, the camp was none the wiser. I dispersed the sword back into mana, half of the mana used to create the sword returning to me, bringing my mana up to 8997/9000.

Using up 5000 mana, white light flashed from my hand and a flamethrower appeared within them. Whistling a tune, I turned the nozzle towards the camp. After I wiped out the first Goblin camp, I wanted to ignore any Goblin I meet onwards since I felt that I had already killed too many of them. However, from the things I found in the camps, let's just say that Goblins aren't sinless creatures. Thus, I shall purge them with righteous intent.


A stream of fire descended upon the camp, setting everything ablaze. Goblins could be seen escaping from their burning huts before eventually being set on fire themselves. Within a moment, there wasn't a single Goblin which wasn't on fire. After a minute, I could no longer see any in the camp.

{Looks like my work here is do-}


The largest wooden hut in the center of camp, which was just about to collapse from the flames, suddenly exploded into splinters. What the heck, were there explosives in it or something? I paid attention to the destroyed hut, spotting a tall figure through the flames and dust. Oh wow, I have never seen such a large goblin before.


The two meters (6 feet) tall creature began charging towards me, its right hand holding a club half of its size. The momentum of the large Goblin pushed the dust surrounding it away, giving me a clear shot. I immediately begin hosing it down with flames. Despite being in visible pain, it still pushed towards me.


My flamethrower began spluttering as my fuel was used up. When the stream of fire dispersed, a charred, still burning figure could be seen staggering towards me. I couldn't help but admire his vitality. With the cost of each tank of fuel for the flamethrower being 2000 mana, I dispersed the empty flamethrower into 1500 mana and created a shotgun instead. Aiming the SPAS-12 at its torso, I opened fire.


A large hole was immediately blasted through the chest of the large goblin, allowing me to look directly through it.


It slowly collapsed onto the ground while giving me a shocked look.

(You have leveled up to Level 10.)

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