With enough mana, I can create any weapon!

Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Cliched Setting?

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How many days has it been. On the third day after leaving my camp, I came across a bridge across the river, with roads leading into the distance on either side. I chose to cross the bridge and follow the road. However, right now, I had gone a distance away from the path. I'm currently trying to take a dump in the bushes.

Since I ate nothing but meat since coming to this world, I had been constipated for a few days already. Being constipated is better than being poisoned by some strange plants, but damn does it hurt. After another failed attempt, I pulled up the leather rags I call my pants and made my way back towards the path.

{Clang! Clang!}

I could hear the sound of metal clashing in the distance, in the direction of the path. I quickly made my way over to the commotion and hid in a bush nearby.

{Are those, bandits?}

Bandit attack, a pretty cliched setting. A group of man, clad in worn leather armour, were attempting to attack a fancy looking carriage. There were a few people in chainmail armour guarding the carriage, but they were totally outnumbered. Thankfully, no one had died yet. I created a bow and arrow and took aim at one of the bandits.

To be honest, I had no idea how to confirm if they were really bandits or not. For all I know, they could be the heroic rebel army attempting to arrest a fleeing corrupt noble. Just then, I overheard a conversation between two of the bandits staying at the back.

{Kekekeke! We have basically succeeded. After we kidnap the duke's daughter, we can demand any amount of ransom we want from the duke.}

{I heard that she is one of the most beautiful ladies in the kingdom. Too bad we can't do anything to her, or else the duke would chase us to the ends of the world.}

I have heard enough. Still, I hesitated for a second whether to shoot the bandits, I didn't want to hurt another human.

{Looks like I still can't help but hesitate...}

In an urgent situation, hesitation can easily lead to unnecessary deaths. Seeing the guards struggling to fend off the bandits, I knew I had to take matters into my own hands before anyone died.



A bandit clutched his shoulder, an arrow now sprouting out of it. His shout attracted the attention of other bandits, who looked around warily. I fired my next arrow at the shoulders of the next closest bandit, causing him to cry in pain and drop his sword.

At this point, the bandits have already discovered my location, but it didn't matter. In quick succession, I shot my arrows into the sword wielding shoulders of all of the bandits on my side of the carriage. One of them attempted to charge me even after dropping his weapon, but I shot an arrow into his thigh, disabling him. Nice, I have disabled them all without unnecessary killi-

{Hack! Slash!}

Even as they pleaded for mercy, the Guards began cutting down the incapacitated bandits. Those that fled were ignored, as most of the Guards rushed to reinforce the opposite side of the carriage. I looked at the butchered bodies of the bandits.

I should have guessed that something like that would happen. Of course, the Guards would kill the bandits if given the chance. Still, I had basically taken multiple human lives, even if those lives belonged to evil people. I feel like vomiting.

{No, I have to hold it in.}

This isn't the time to get sick. Although the balance has already tilted towards the well-trained Guards, there were still some bandits attempting to attack the carriage. An especially large bandit caught my eyes. His face, which had a maniacal grin and was filled with scars, simply screamed the word "Bad guy". Swinging his 2-meters long great sword, a guard was sent flying despite successfully blocking the attack with his shield.

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{HAHAHA! Give me the girl and I will give all of you an easy death! Otherwise? Hehehe...}

His skills and battle sense are good. From what Weapon Expert was telling me, he was definitely a veteran. Although he could have finished off the Guard, he held back as it would leave him wide open towards a possible attack. The Guard he knocked over recovered, but was worse for wear. I see, he is the reason why the bandits did not retreat despite the situation. If this went on, it may be possible for the Guards to lose.


I fired my arrow, the arrow heading straight for the large bandit's shoulder. However, the bandit unexpectedly swung his sword at the last second, flicking the arrow away. I almost had no time to react to that swing.

Is this the power of levels? Sure, I could think of a few ways to counter his sword with techniques using my Weapon Expert ability, but I was completely beat out in terms of physical capabilities.

As I thought about how a 1v1 with him would go, I continued firing arrows repeatedly. Varying from his shoulders to thighs to feet and back to his shoulder, I could see the large bandit getting more and more flustered. He wants to reach me, but the Guards, who now knew of my presence, prevented him from passing by them. Every time he tried to charge towards me, a few Guards would stop him by attempting to stab him, forcing him back. And every time he attempted to attack a Guard, I would intercept the attack with an arrow.

Soon, the large bandit was huffing and puffing. Due to the large bandit being too occupied by a few other Guards and I, all of the other bandits had been defeated, leaving him as the only one left. If he had fled earlier, he would be able to make it out of here, but perhaps he got too into the fight. Now, the Guards were pissed, and I doubt they would let him escape. Just as the final battle was about to begin, the door on the carriage opened.

Out came a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. I know its cliched, but I couldn't help but gasp as I saw her exiting the carriage, something I had never done before. She was dressed in a simple, light blue dress but I could still see the elegance radiating off her every action. Her body had curves in all of the right places and although she had an indifferent expression, I felt that she could still charm any man that sees her face.

My description isn't capable of capturing the feelings I had while looking at her, so all everyone needed to know is that she was hot as hell. She meets my expectation of an isekai noble lady, a hundred percent.

{What's taking so long?}

{Y-Young lady!}

The Guards panicked when they saw the person they were supposed to protect walk to the frontlines. The large bandit, originally almost collapsing from exhaustion, seemed to receive a sudden boost of energy. The moment his eyes met the duke's daughter, his eyes bulged, his tongue stuck out of his mouth, and all that was missing was steam coming out of his ear while he shouted Awooga.

He swung his sword, knocking aside the Guards blocking his way, and charged towards the carriage.

{Stop him!}

I shot an arrow at his thigh, and it penetrated deep, but the man kept charging. I quickly created an assault rifle with 5000 mana and just as I was about to open fire, I saw the lady snatch a sword from one of her Guards. What is she trying to do? I really wanted to open fire, but her confident expression changed my mind.


With a slice of her sword, the bandit, which should have obviously been out of range of a sword, was sliced diagonally. His top half slowly slid off his lower half, his expression turned from a lustful one, to one of pure shock and fear. His sword, which was in the perfect position to block, was sliced in half too.

That power! This wasn't something my technique could make up for! If I had to face her and she attacked first, I'm pretty sure I would die before I knew what happened. And this prediction is made only from my preliminary observation. There's a possibly that my bullets could not hit or harm her. While I was deep in my thoughts, I heard a charming yet commanding voice.

{You! In the bush! Get out!}

Uh oh, looks like it was time to show myself.

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