With enough mana, I can create any weapon!

Chapter 5: Chapter 4: Finally, A Town!

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I slowly exited the bush, my hands raised. How do I explain myself? Before I could say word, the lady spoke.

{Oh, you are pretty cute, huh?}

W-What? Just as I had finished formulating my reason, it was all blown out of the water by what she said. I know being called cute by a girl isn't the best situation, but I still felt my face turning hot from her praise. I proceeded to feel even more embarrassed about overreaction, causing my face to become even hotter.

{Brown hair, green eyes? Those are rare features, where are you from?}

In my previous world, having brown hair was normal in my country. My green eyes, on the other hand, were pretty rare even throughout the world. That's why, my Dad said, it would be a waste not to call me Eren. I would have believed him if it weren't for the fact that he had those same exact features. He could have just changed his own name to Eren Yeager if he liked that character so much. Also, I read the manga, and let's just say that no parents should want a child like Eren.

Anyways, crap, I forgot the excuse I wanted to make. I quickly spoke some filler words while thinking of an excuse:

{I'm from... outside the forest...}

{Oh ho? From the way you are dressed, I thought you may have been living in the forest since you were young.}

Remembering that I was basically covered in rags, I could see her point. I continued explaining while integrating as little lies into my words as possible:

{No... I just got lost in the forest for a few weeks.}

{Only a few weeks? What happened to your clothes?}

Damn, she is really trying to find some suspicious points in my story.

{It was torn by a monster attack, and since they were also covered in monster blood, I threw them all away and made some leather clothes. But since I have no experience with leatherworks at all, you can see the results.}

She continued staring at me in suspicion for a moment, before finally lowering her sword and speaking:

{Fine, I believe you. Judging from your bow, it is unlikely that you have been in the forest since young.}

I looked at my bow. Now that I think about it, although the bow looked simple, its polished looks clearly wasn't something made in the forest. Just how observant is that girl? Was the praise at the beginning just to get me flustered so that I will slip up?

As I was pondering the genuineness of her compliment, I watched as the Guards prepared to leave. The carriage wheels, which had been snagged by ropes set by the bandits, were released from the ropes. Seeing the possibility of getting out of the forest, I shouted towards them:

{Wait! Can I come with you! I can just follow along behind!}

I made no attempts to move towards the carriage, but the Guards still pulled out their swords and pointed them at me. Hey, I probably saved some of your lives, you know!

One of the Guard seemed to whisper something into the Young Lady's ear, who nodded and whispered something back. The Guard looked visibly shock before clearing his expression and approaching me. The Guard had dark blue hair and brown eyes, features shared by every other Guard I have seen so far. He spoke to me in a respectful tone:

{The Young Lady has allowed you to ride in the carriage with her.}

Wait, this wasn't what I wanted, don't just invite the stranger you have just met into your carriage. Besides, I was already exhausted coming up with answers for her previous questions, and now I had to spend time inside the carriage with her, where she would be able to freely ask me questions. I felt that I should have been happy to be able to travel in the same carriage as such a beautiful lady, but her perceptiveness scares me.

Still, I don't dare to deny a noble and I boarded the carriage. Inside the carriage, along with the young lady, I saw a black-haired maid who looked to be around my age. She had a bob hairstyle and was dressed in a proper maid attire, which suited her well. With her rosy cheeks, clear eyes and slightly chubby and bright face, although she didn't have the goddess-like beauty and elegance of the duke's daughter, she is really cute and would be popular anywhere she goes. The noble lady, seeing that I haven't taken a seat, spoke:

{Take a seat.}

God, I hope I wasn't acting weird. I sat down on the seat facing them as the maid passed a cup of green coloured juice to me. Surely, the noble lady wouldn't have to poison me in order to kill me. Thus, I greedily drank it as all I had was water for the past few weeks, and the drink tasted delicious. However, as I feared, as soon as I finished my drink, the questions came in.

{So, how did you lose your way in the forest?}

{I was out training, and I guess I must have gone the wrong way. One thing led to another, and when I discovered that I was lost, it was already too late for me to backtrack.}

{How did you survive in the forest all this time?}

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{I hunted animals for food. I have been eating nothing but meat for days.}

After a few questions, the maid suddenly interjected into our conversation:

{Aren't there a lot of edible plants in the forest? Why have you only eaten meat for the past few days?}

With the sudden interruption, I was half expecting the maid to be told off by the young lady, but no such thing happened. It seems like their relationship are more akin to friends rather than master and servant. Thus, I spoke with them throughout the journey. The noble lady is, as expected, elegant and graceful, in such a way that doesn't contradict the valiantness she showed earlier. The maid mostly maintained an expressionless face, although she does seem interested in my experience in the forest.

A few hours into the journey, the scenery outside was replaced by plains. Since the carriage was travelling at walking speed so that the Guards can keep up, it meant that I would have made it out of the forest after a few hours of walking.

About half an hour later, we arrived at a town. It was surrounded by a sturdy looking stone wall, and the gate had a short queue in front of it. With the young lady around, we did not have to queue to enter at all, and I entered the town without any issue.

Mmm, the town isn't as impressive as I thought it would be. I wasn't expecting much, just a town around the level of that in Attack on Titan. But even then, I was disappointed. Although the buildings were medieval looking, all of them were quite a distance apart, giving the town a sense of sparseness. The young lady, who seemed to have noticed my reaction, took a sip of her tea and spoke:

{This town is still new. It was created for an easier access to the forest. The next closest town, the one I am in charge of, is five hours away. Do you want me to drop you off there?}

Ah, that's right. She told me that her father had placed her in charge of a large town to test her ability to manage a fief. Still, even though this town didn't meet my initial expectations, I really like the environment and location of this town. Travelling to hunt isn't troublesome as the forest is close by, and the town already has basic amenities such as a herbal store and a tailor shop.

This town also has a branch office of the must-have organization of every isekai, the Adventurers Guild. Maybe I should become an Adventurer? Regardless of that, I have made up my mind to stay in this town. I bowed towards the noble lady and the maid.

{You can drop me off here. Thanks for the ride.}

Stepping off the fancy carriage, I received the stare of many passers-by. However, I didn't care. This is the true start of my new life, and I'm not going to let anything daunt me. Taking a deep breath, I headed towards the Adventurers Guild.


(POV: Maid)

{So, Emilia, what do you think of that guy?}

Most maids would freak out when their master asks for their opinion, but my professionalism doesn't allow for that, and I was already used to it. Thinking about the guy I observed before, I gave my honest opinion.

{He doesn't seem like a bad guy. Otherwise, if he is trying to get close to you, he is doing a really bad job.}

He disembarked at a town not even owned by my young lady. Even if he was pretending to be uninterested in the young lady to lower her guard, this is a bit too far. With no one else around, my young lady could finally act like herself. She yawned inelegantly before continuing:

{I meant are you romantically interested in him?}

Damn, why do our conversations always end up like this. It wasn't just limited to guys too, as long as we met anyone attractive, she would always ask me this question. Still, I thought about the appearance of guy I met before.

Messy brown hair, vibrant green eyes, sharp features, tanned skin, muscular arms, tall stature, and the eight packs on his abdomen which were barely covered by his clothes. No, this isn't enough to confirm anything. I began fantasizing myself together with him to confirm my feelings, however, I was interrupted.

{Your nose is bleeding!}

WHAT?! What the heck? Hearing what my young lady said, I quickly touched my nose and felt the warm sensation of blood. This has never happened before! As a proud maid of my young lady, I have met many nobles whose looks surpass idols from my previous life, but I haven't had such a drastic reaction before! Also, a nosebleed?! Isn't it too much? I felt my image as a perfect maid was shattered, and my professionalism was crying.

Is he really my type? I didn't realize this before due to the lack of samples, but I guess it is possible that I like the wild type. I couldn't help but think of other possible reasons for my nosebleed, and as I used my cleaning magic to clean up the blood, I overheard my young lady muttering:

{Looks like I've finally found your type...}

Why did she sound strangely annoyed?

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