With enough mana, I can create any weapon!

Chapter 6: Chapter 5: The Red Lions

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A figure could be seen sprinting in the forest towards a camp in the distance. It launched itself towards a tree, before kicking it and launching itself even higher, towards another tree. A few more repetitions, and the figure was above the canopy. He flew over the wooden walls of the camp before landing dead center in the middle of the camp.

His appearance attracted the attention of several bipedal pig-like creatures, Orcs. They picked up their weapons, ranging from clubs to crude great swords, and charged towards the intruder while grunting angrily.

White light flashed in the figure's hands as a silver pistol, with suppressors attached, appeared in each of its hand. Suddenly spinning on the spot, the figure seemed to fire wildly in every direction with its pistols. However, for each bullet fired, a hole would appear on the forehead of an Orc. After continuously firing an impossible number of bullets without having to reload, the figure stopped spinning and took a look at the results. Surrounding the figure were the corpses of more than 40 Orcs.


Desert Eagles are probably one of the most famous pistols ever created and their nickname, Hand Cannons, suit them completely. The power a Desert Eagle holds definitely exceeds the power of a Glock 17 significantly, costing 600 mana each. And by creating 4 full magazines using 200 mana and dispersing the empty magazine in the guns into 50 mana, I was able to fire continuously.

I examined the corpses of the Orcs. The bullets had cleanly pierced through their skulls and destroyed their brains. Just then, I received an announcement.

(You have leveled up to Level 11.)



Name: Eren Yeager

Race: Otherworlder

Level 9 > 11

Hp: 100/100 > 140/140

Mp: 7201/9000 > 11,201/13,000

Skills: Weapon Creation, Weapon Master, Greater Mana Pool


For every level from Level 10 and onwards, I gained 20 Hp and 2000 Mp per level, resulting in my current status. Although it isn't shown in my status, I feel my gain per level for strength, speed and endurance have also increased after Level 9.

It has only been a day since I arrived at the town, and I am already back in the forest, hunting. Admittedly, I am beginning to feel restless if I do not hunt, which I'm not sure is a good or bad thing. Thankfully, the Adventurer Guild gives out subjugation quests, which can satisfy my needs. Adventurer ranks are split according to strength and achievement, from F rank at the lowest all the way to A rank at the highest. There is also the legendary S rank, reserved for the most powerful of adventurers.

Even though I only recently joined the guild and should have been given Rank E at most in the examination, I was given Rank D instead, high enough to accept a quest to subjugate Orcs. This is possible due to my strength, since the lower ranks of the Adventurers Guild focuses on an Adventurer's strength instead of achievements.

In terms of factors contributing towards a person's overall strength, levels are important, but abilities are even more important. Thus, even though I was Level 10 at the time of registration, I was able to dominate the Level 30 veteran adventurer during the evaluation spar. The adventurer had a tracking ability, which was useless for the spar.

The number of abilities one can have ranges from zero to three. That's right. It is possible to not have an ability. In fact, most people do not have an ability. Thus, people with ability are often praised and adored. However, not having any abilities doesn't stop people from becoming strong.

Back to the current situation, I dispersed the bullets lodged in the Orcs' heads and cut off their right ears, which are required for submission by the guild to proof the subjugation of the Orcs.

{Hmm, what's with this Orc?}

The Orc I was looking at was wearing a cloak, its hands holding a wooden staff instead of a club or sword. It looked like a mage, but I didn't see a single magic attack when I slaughtered the Orcs. Perhaps I killed the mage way too quickly for it to react. I cut off its right ear, which had a golden earring on it. While looking for more spoils in the camp, I found several human remains. Orcs in this world, just like Goblins, are the no-good types which must be purged, so I felt no guilt killing them. To prevent other Orcs or Goblins from taking over this camp, I created a flamethrower and torched the entire camp. May the humans who lost their lives in this camp rest in peace...


{Here is the proof of my subjugation. Sorry, I forgot to use a waterproof bag.}

I placed a bloody bag onto the Adventurers Guild countertop along with my Guild Card. The receptionist checked my Guild Card before flipping through the content of a folder. She spoke:

{Eren Yeager, is it? Let's see here. You took the D Rank Quest, Orc Camp Search. Hmmm, strange, there shouldn't be any proof of subjugation needed for this quest?}

Uh oh. I think I misunderstood the quest. I reread the quest information on the poster:

An Orc Camp is suspected to exist in sector G7 of the Belaris Forest. Adventurers who take the quest are to confirm the existence of the Orc Camp and mark it accurately on a map. Reward will be given after the Orc Camp has been subjugated and information given confirmed to be correct. Remember, for the sake of humanity, Orcs should be wiped out as soon as they are discovered.

Oh, screw off! What was with that last line? Is it there on purpose to mislead people?

As I complained internally, the receptionist opened the bag and poured its content into a tray. Over 40 Orc ears were displayed to everyone in the Guild. As expected, no one felt disgusted, but I could sense their shock and disbelief. The receptionist shuffled through the Orc ears:

{Yep, fresh Orc ears. Are you sure you are the one who completed this request?}

I knew I seemed suspicious, but it's not like they didn't know my capabilities. Most of the guild staffs saw my fight with the veteran adventurer, and the veteran adventurer was already strong enough to take on multiple Orcs at once and win, let alone me.

After I reminded her of my strength, the receptionist seems to believe me and continued inspecting the Orc Ears. Her expression changed to shock abruptly, and she pulled out the ear with earrings in it, her hands trembling.

{Wait! Is this?!}

She pulled out another folder and flipped through its content.

{This earring! And the lighter colour ear?! This ear belongs to an Orc Mage?!}

As I thought, I was correct about my assumption. I gave more details about the Orc:

{It had a staff and was dressed in a cloak.}

{Hold on! I have to inform the Guild Master.}

She disappeared and soon returned with a middle-aged man. Is an Orc mage really that strong? She explained the situation to him, which I eavesdropped on.

{Let's assume that him killing the Orcs and collecting all these ears to be true. It means that he had to have attacked an Orc Camp to collect these many ears. He took the quest yesterday for crying out loud, and there's even a Rank C Orc Mage among the ears collected.}

Orcs were Rank D creatures, which can be soloed by a Rank D adventurer. It turns out Orc Mages were Rank C creatures, which require a party of Rank D adventurers to take on. Its body didn't seem any tougher than other Orcs, so I guess most of its stats went to intelligence.

{Oh, that means he is really capable then, prepare the Rank C promotion documents.}

You are reading story With enough mana, I can create any weapon! at novel35.com

The Guild Receptionist had a look of disbelief as she questioned the Guild Master:

{Is that really fine? He just joined the Guild yesterday, and he is already Rank D. If we promote him again, won't the other Adventurers have a problem with us.}

The Guild Master explained:

{We all saw the fight yesterday, one of the top Adventurers in this town was beaten senseless. What this developing town needs now is powerful adventurers, and he is one of them. Besides, the Adventurers Guild allows Guild Masters to promote an Adventurer up to Rank C at their own discretion.}

The receptionist continued asking questions and after a lengthy explanation, the Guild Master was able to assure the receptionist that the Adventurer Guild won't investigate them. The receptionist then began preparing the documents for my Rank Promotion.

Eh, is this fine? Whatever, I was the one who benefited anyways. Just like that, I became a Rank C Adventurer. I received my reward and went to the Quest Board to check on what quest I can take now.

As I was browsing through the Rank C quests, I felt the presence of a group of four people approaching me. I turned around, and along with the adventurer I beat up yesterday, I saw three others. A male swordsman, a female mage and a cat girl wearing gauntlets. By the way, the adventurer I defeated used a dagger. The swordsman began speaking:

{So, you were the one who beat up John yesterday?}

Are they here to find trouble with me? I was nervous as I didn't want to get in trouble with the Guild for fighting, but I couldn't show weakness, so I answered them confidently:

{Yes, I am. And you guys are?}

{We are the Rank C Party, Red Lions. I see you have been promoted to Rank C already, even though you registered yesterday. A solo archer...}

Looks like they were really here to cause trouble. I prepared myself to brawl with my fist. Fists are counted as weapons, so I believe that with my Weapon Master ability, I could easily beat all of them up if they are all at a similar level of strength to the adventurer yesterday.

{You are precisely what we need in this party, would you like to join us?}

Oh, they just wanted to invite me to their party. To be fair, they sounded pretty threatening. Anyways, it turns out that they moved to Belaris Town, which is the town we are currently in, so that it is more convenient to hunt in the forest.

They had an archer before, but he remained at Bastion Town, which is the Town that is 5 hours away from the forest. 

Still, should I accept? I glanced at a Guild Staff, who was posting new quests on the Quest Board. Noticing my gaze, he stated his opinion:

{Red Lions is the highest-ranking party in this Town. They have a 98% completion rate of quest and so far, no one has any complains about them.}

At this point, I couldn't help but recall God saying that this world is dangerous. What if he was talking about the cunningness of the humans in this world. Although the noble lady and her maid seems nice, that doesn't apply to everyone in this world. What if they felt threatened by my existence and colluded with the Guild Staff to kill me? The female mage in their party suddenly spoke:

{In a Rank C party, you are allowed to take Rank B quest.}

I looked at the Rank B Quest Board. Wyvern Subjugation, Gryphon Subjugation, Earth Dragon Subjugation. I really wanted to fight those. As long as I make preparations, even if they attacked me, I should be able to 1v4 them. I turned back towards the Red Lions.

{I'm in.}


(POV: John, 1 day ago)

{Eh? I have to fight the new adventurer?}

A receptionist requested me to fight the new adventurer to test him. Do they want to demoralize him so badly? Although I am the weakest in my party, I'm still well above Level 30.

{Please, Mr John. Our in-house tester is having his day off. You are the only one here who is powerful enough to test him.}

Looking at me with teary eyes, I couldn't help but agree to the receptionist's request. Damn, is this why the Guild hires attractive people to be receptionists? Finishing my drink, I followed the receptionist to the testing ground.

Entering the testing ground, I couldn't help but notice the high number of female Guild Staffs standing around. Are they here to see me? As I was entertaining that cheeky thought, I looked at the examinee I would be evaluating.


I knew it was too good to be true. The female Guild Staffs probably gathered here for him. I'm only willing to admit that he is a little handsome. Damn, I really want to beat him up, but as an evaluator, I must be impartial. I cleared my thoughts and pulled out my dagger.

Surprisingly, this examinee was using a bow. I thought that from his muscular figure, he would have at least been a swordsman, if not a blunt weapon user. Seeing that we were both ready, the Receptionist started the match.

{3, 2 ,1, Begin!}

As an evaluator, we have to let the examinee attack first. An arrow soon came flying towards me, and I deflected it. Strong! I glanced at the deflected arrow, noticing its blunt arrowhead, which makes it harder to deflect. I have to get closer. I took a step to the right, only to see an arrow heading straight towards my chest. Deflecting it, I took a step to my left. Another arrow! I raised my dagger into the arrow's path, but the arrow seemed to curve at the last second, impacting my shoulder and sending a wave of pain through it. Thankfully, it was my left arm and not my right arm, which was holding the dagger.

I retreated and continued deflecting the arrows, my arms beginning to feel sore. Unable to push, I focused on exhausting him. Surely, he can't keep up this rate of attack for long. Logically, as the fight progresses, the attack rate of an archer should gradually slow down, and the power of their arrows should weaken. With his lower level, he should run of stamina before me. However, this wasn't the case. I began slowing down due to exhaustion, causing more and more arrows to successfully hit me.

I'm about to lose, but my pride prevents me from surrendering, so I shall fight until I fall.


Suddenly, I heard a loud growling sound, it seemed to come from the direction of the examinee. His face was pale, and his consistent attack finally faltered. Finally! A chance! Even though this was only a test, I had to let the examinee know that faltering due to a stomachache would cost him his life in a real fight. It had nothing to do with my pride, nuh-uh.

I rushed towards him. He released an arrow towards me, but perhaps due to his condition, it flew directly towards my dagger. As I attempted to deflect the arrow, it suddenly curved towards my chest. Oh yeah, I forgot he could do that. The pain spread throughout my chest. I stumbled backwards, but this isn't enough to knock me down. I knew that if this was a real fight with real arrows, I would have already lost, but this is a test.

At least one hit. That's what I wanted. I charged again, another arrow flying towards me. Damn it, I predicted the path and put my dagger in front of my chest, but it curved towards my right shoulder this time.


I watched as my right hand was forced to release my dagger due to the pain. The dagger produced a sharp noise as it hit the ground. The examinee had his bow pointed at me, and I willingly surrendered. After the receptionist announced his victory, the examinee bowed towards me:

{Thanks for the test. Where is the nearest toilet? Damn it, it must have been the green juice I drank earlier!}

I pointed towards the toilet and the examinee rushed off before the receptionist could say anything. I felt ashamed when I lost to a new adventurer, but seeing him about to crap himself, I couldn't help but feel lighthearted. This guy, with his skills, I feel like he would make a great party member.

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