With enough mana, I can create any weapon!

Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Slice-Of-Town-Life

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We were hiding in the bushes, observing a slab of raw meat in the middle of the road. At this time, I have already been in the party for a month. It didn't surprise me when the male Swordsman Alex, the most impatient out of all of us, yawned and spoke:

{Is it really going to fall for our bait? We have already been waiting for an hour. The meat is going to spoil at this rate.}

The female Mage, Annabelle, replied in an annoyed manner:

{Just wait for a while longer, would you? You are going to scare it off with your loud voice.}

To an inexperienced observer, they may seem like enemies who pick on the minor faults of each other. However, through the careful observation of John the scout, Sally the cat girl brawler, and I, the archer, we were able to confirm that they will become a couple sooner or later. John, who had the sharpest senses among us, suddenly pointed and spoke in a hushed voice:

{It's approaching!}

I raised my head, only to see a Wyvern with a wingspan over 20 meters (66 feet) swooping towards the ground. It's body from head to tail was 10 meters long (33 feet) and it looked like a giant, armoured lizard, with a pair of wings attached to its front legs. We remained quiet as we waited for the Wyvern to land on the ground. After circling in the air for a while, the Wyvern landed as expected. It then began eating the meat greedily. Annabelle spoke:

{Ok, lets follow the plan. Eren, you are up.}

As the mage, Annabelle has the highest intelligence among us, or so she claims. Thus, she is in charge of the plans and so far, they have all worked perfectly. As I observed the Wyvern, my party members head towards their position. Time for my time to shine. Nocking an arrow, I continued observing the head movement of the Wyvern before releasing my arrow.


The arrow pierced deep into the Wyverns eyes. Although its tough skull prevented my arrow from doing any damage to its brain, it's now blind in its left eye. It roared in pain and rushed in the direction of where the arrow came from, but everyone was already long gone. On the Wyvern's left, Annabelle appeared from a bush with a spell fully chanted.


Annabelle shot a fireball towards the Wyvern left wing, but other than charring the wing, the wing still looked fine enough to fly. But crippling it wasn't her goal in the first place. The Wyvern turned towards her, exposing its right eye to me. Before it could breathe its fire, I released another arrow towards its eye.


Now it was blind in both eyes and would most likely attempt to fly away. Annabelle shouted:

{Sally! Now!}

Sally hopped out from a bush behind the Wyvern and grabbed its tail. Logically, with the weight difference between the Wyvern and Sally, she should have been flung from side to side even if she does succeed in holding onto its tail. However, with her ability, Anchor, she is able to hold down significantly stronger enemies. However, the mana consumption is high, and she won't be able to hold it down for long. Annabelle shouted again:

{Alex! Now!}

She released a fireball at the Wyvern's left wing again, this time successfully burning large holes into the already damaged wing. At the same time, Alex rushed out and sliced off the Wyvern's right wing, followed by a spin slash towards the neck. Although it wasn't enough to defeat the Wyvern, it successfully left a gash in its neck, weakening it. At this moment, John suddenly shouted:

{The fight attracted some Orcs, I will go handle them!}

John, using his tracking ability, is in charge of ensuring that our fight had no outside interference, allowing us to fully focus on the fight.

The Wyvern shrieked in pain as it struggled. Sally yelled at us in a panick:

{I can't hold it much longer!}

We had little time left. Alex began hacking at the Wyvern's right leg while I fired arrows non-stop into the joints of its left leg. By the time Sally's mana was depleted, the Wyvern was basically fully crippled. It attempted to crawl away with its remaining frontal left limb, but even that was chopped off by Alex. Alex then began chopping the Wyvern's head off to finish it off as John returned with a bag full of Orc ears. Annabelle, the de facto leader, began speaking:

{Great job everyone. This hunt has only succeeded thanks to the hardwork of all of you. I have already contacted the Guild, and they should send their staffs to retrieve the Wyvern. All we need to do now is protect its body.}

The hunt went easier than I expected. The Wyvern didn't even use its signature flame breath on time, and all of us basically got off unscratched. We already knew about the procedures for retrieving large spoils as we had hunted an Earth Dragon before this. After the Guild Staffs arrived and secured the Wyvern to the carriage, we followed them back to Belaris Town.



All of us shouted as we knocked our beer mugs together. Our rewards, as expected from hunting a pseudo dragon, were huge enough for an ordinary family to live on for years. Thus, we decided to celebrate in a higher-class bar. We even dressed in casual clothes instead of our usual hunting gear. The legal drinking age of this world is 16, the same as my country in my previous world.

Alex, who is the actual leader of the Red Lions, has been drunk since his first cup of beer and spoke in a slurred manner:

{Very soon! We will be able to go for the Party promotion test at the Capital! But before that! Let's wait for the Church to arrive!}

I was a little drunk, but I still found his words weird. I asked John, who still seemed sober:

You are reading story With enough mana, I can create any weapon! at novel35.com

{Why do we have to wait for the Church before going for the promotion test?}

Despite his mouth being full of tidbits, John immediately explained:

{The Church has this device that lets us see the actual perimeters of our body, such as strength, agility, endurance and intelligence statistics.}

Oh no. Will it reveal my abilities?

John, who noticed my troubled expression, spoke:

{Don't worry, it doesn't reveal any other information.}

Thank God for that. But is my expression that easy to read? This isn't the first time my thoughts have been read from my expression.

{What! Right here?! Right Now?!}

Both John and I immediately turned our head after hearing what Annabelle said, only to find that she and Alex were making out in public. This town is brand new, so thankfully, the patrons of such a high-class bar would usually be merchants and we wouldn't be offending any nobles. John and I cheered at their relationship which was finally moving forward, but I noticed the lack of a third cheerer.

Sally, who is only 16, kept staring with her eyes wide opened, her cheeks completely flushed. Crap, young children shouldn't have to see this kind of scene. I covered her eyes with my hands which she tried to pull away.

{Wait! I want to watch, Nya!}

{You are too young for this type of scene, focus on eating your tidbits.}


Oh crap, she is succeeding in pulling my hands away.

{John! Help!}

John immediately placed a paper bag on her head.

{See, problem solved!}

Sally quickly ripped the paper bag off her head, but Annabelle and Alex had already stopped kissing. They must have sobered up slightly as they were now blushing in their seats like pure and innocent lovers.

Sally slowly turned her head toward John and I, a clear expression of rage on her face. She took out a crumb of tidbit out of her hair as she glared at John.

{Did you just put a tidbit bag over my head?}

I immediately gave John a look that contains the message: John, you are the oldest out of all of us, get us out of this situation. He nodded and pointed at me.

{It was all his idea, don't blame me.}

Heh? He is putting all the blame on me! To be fair, I allowed him to slot the bag over her head, but this is too much. Unlike him, I decided to persuade her with reason instead of shifting the blame:

{We are doing this for your own good. We simply couldn't stay still and do nothing while you end up growing up to be a pervert.}

Roll for persuasion. Yikes, a nat one.

{Me, a pervert?!!}

Sally was now huffing in rage, her face completely red from anger. Uh oh, how can I defuse the situation. Nope, there's nothing I can do. I'm screwed. With a clean uppercut from Sally, I was sent flying across the room.

The human body, with enough training, can be considered a weapon. Since I am the master of all weapons, I am the master of moving my own body, and I was able to move my body in such a way that most of the impact from her attack would be defused. That's why...

{That bloody hurt!}

I rubbed my jaws, which hurts like hell, while holding back my tears. Does she think that I won't fight back just because she is a girl and is younger than me? Damn gorilla! I'm going to her a lesson if it is the last thing I do! I rolled onto my feet and got into a fighting stance.

If I don't show off how strong I am right now, I am going to be bullied in the future, and hell will freeze over before I am bullied by a girl younger than me. Sally chugged down the rest of her beer and also prepared her grappling stance, and we faced off against each other. Finally, with a roar, we charged at each other.

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