With enough mana, I can create any weapon!

Chapter 8: Chapter 7: Preparation for the Beast Tide

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After that day, Sally and I would frequently meet together in order to spar, with John joining in too sometimes. In the bar fight, despite my Weapon Master ability, Sally was still able to land a blow on me using her ability, Anchor. This displayed the weakness of Weapon Master, which is that in the end, it depends on my physical capabilities.

During the fight, the moment my weapon was anchored, my Weapon Master ability was able to come up with a technique to counter the ability, but I wasn't able to enact it on time due to my reaction speed and the sudden change in techniques. In other words, unexpected situations are my weakness.

Of course, after that night, I now had a few ideas to counter her ability, but even if I learnt how to prepare myself against Sally's Anchor, is it possible to prepare myself against every ability in existence?

On a rest day, Sally and I were sparring. With neither of us being drunk and our fighting skills improved since then, our fighting capabilities were leagues above that night, around one month ago.

I dispersed the force behind several of her punches before counter attacking with a knee strike. With her superior strength, she blocked my knee with one hand before swinging down her other fist towards my leg. I wanted to pull my leg back but couldn't, meaning that she had activated her anchor ability.

Throughout the pass few days, her activation of her abilities had gotten more random and strategic, making it harder to predict. Unfortunately for her, my reaction speed has also improved through our fights. Knowing that it would be hard to defend against her fist with my hands, I placed my weight into my locked knee, launching a powerful knee strike with my other leg, knocking her fist aside.

Seeing that her attack failed, she released my knee and backed away before I could punch her, and then we continued fighting intensely. After an hour of intense, continuous fighting, both of us collapsed onto the ground, exhausted. Breathing heavily, I asked Sally a question:

{So, did you gain anything from that?}

{Yeah, how about you?}

{Maybe. I think I have another idea on what to improve.}

My defense is clearly an issue. Throughout the fight, although I rarely got hit straight on, each punch I directly receive will cause quite a lot of damage to me. I'm basically a glass cannon. I thought that my defense would be remedied by my body improving as I level up, but with the existence of abilities, that clearly won't be enough.

It would be better to take things into my own hands. Having defensive gears would be great, but my past-self decided to ask for Weapon Creation. Still, I have a few ideas I want to test out. I checked out my Status.



Name: Eren Yeager

Race: Otherworlder

Level 11 > 16

Hp: 140/140 > 240/240

Mp: 13,000/13,000 > 23,000/23,000

Skills: Weapon Creation, Weapon Master, Greater Mana Pool


For someone at my level, the Rank B creatures my party had recently been hunting give a lot of experience. Thus, I was able to reach Level 16 pretty quickly. A normal person, with no abilities, would have taken a year or more to increase their level from Level 10 to 16. With this much mana, I believe that I would be capable of coming up with a solution to my issue. Besides, if it still isn't enough mana, I had another way to supplement my mana.

{Hey! What are you thinking about?}

I turned my head to look at Sally. She was covered in perspiration from our spar, but she still looked as energetic as ever, as expected of a brawler beastkin.

She had orange, shoulder length hair. On top of her head were two cat ears, the defining feature of Cat beastkins, which are the same colour as her hair. Her limbs, although slender, were filled with power, like the limbs of a cheetah. The long tail behind her swung slowly and occasionally flicked left and right, which I was told provided balance while fighting.

While hunting, she usually wore leather armour, as it provided protection while barely impeding her movement. Her weapon of choice are the leather gauntlets, fitted with iron knuckles, complementing well her high physical strength but lower durability.

{Why are you staring at me like that?}

Sally complained before quickly turning her face away, but I didn't miss her blush. Cute. I was about to tease her when the door to our training room was suddenly opened. John, who knew about our training arrangement, entered the room.

{What's wrong?}

John wouldn't have barged into training room if there wasn't anything urgent. He quickly replied:

{Every adventurer has been summoned to the Guild for an emergency announcement!}

Sally and I looked at each other before immediately getting up despite the exhaustion. If the Guild is summoning every single adventurer in this town, that means that there is big trouble. All three of us rushed to the Guild's assembly hall.

The assembly hall was still quite empty, but it was filling up fast. This town, despite only having a population of 1500, has over 300 adventurers. This meant that one fifth of the population here are adventurers, which isn't surprising since this is a newly developed town with easy access to a forest, a hunter's dream.

Soon, the assembly hall was filled, and the Guild Master walked onto the stage. With a somber expression, he began explaining why he had called every adventurer here. His powerful voice boomed throughout the assembly hall, commandeering the attention of every adventurer present:

{I have called upon every available adventurer in Belaris Town to inform all of you about a serious matter. A beast tide is approaching.}

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Sharp gasps emanated from among the adventurers, the sound of discussion slowly growing louder. A beast tide? Although I don't know how beast tides work in this world, I assume that it would be similar to the beast tides I read about in fantasy novels in my previous world. Basically, a lot of monsters would gather together and attack a location, usually a town, making beast tides a huge threat no matter what story they occur in. As I was deep in thought, the Guild Master continued.

{Everyone! Quiet! I will now provide the details regarding the beast tide, provided by our scouts. It is estimated that the tide will occur three hours from now. We believe that a majority of the tide would consist of Goblins, although there would very likely be Orcs and Hobgoblins within the tide.}

Hobgoblins within the beast tide, I understood since they were evolved, stronger versions of Goblins. However, Orcs? Although both Orcs and Goblins are similar in behavior, they were mortal enemies. If they ever meet each other in the wild, only one side will make it out of the situation alive.

{We believe that there is a Rank B+ monster controlling them in order to stage an attack on the town.}

The plot thickens. A Rank B+ monster was stronger than the average Rank B monster, but weaker than the average Rank A monsters. This could be achieved in two ways. Either the monster has the physical capabilities of a Rank A monster and the intelligence of a Rank B monster, or vice versa.

{I want everyone to remain in town and prepare themselves to fight. In two hours, ranged Adventurers will be stationed on the wall, while melee Adventurers will be stationed behind the gates. As for the scouts, all of you will be stationed along the path from the forest to the Town immediately. All of you are to provide updates regarding the tide. I will be giving out orders at the forest gate. Everyone except scouts, you may be dismissed. Go and prepare yourselves, and remember, report to your stations in two hours! Scouts! Follow me!}

The forest gate, as its name implies, is the gate facing the forest. According to the Guild Master's words, for our party, Annabelle and I will be stationed on the wall, Alex and Sally would be stationed behind the gates, and John would be...

{What happened?}

Annabelle and Alex finally arrived. Since today was a rest day, they were probably out on a date, probably at the opposite end of the town. Sally began explaining the situation to them while I spoke with John.

{John! What are you going to prepare for the beast tide?}

{Probably a spare dagger and some potions.}

John had dark blue hair and brown eyes, as do most other people. His hair was on the longer side, kept out of his face with a headband. He was around my height and despite staying under the sun every day, he somehow still had fair skin, which I planned to ask about in the future. And although he says he hates handsome guys like Alex and I, he himself doesn't realize that he is popular with girls too. Now that I think about it, everyone in this party is good looking. Whoops, I was getting distracted.

{I have something for you. Here.}


There are explosives in this world, but they were mostly weak, underdeveloped due to the existence of magic. The three dynamites I was passing to him is special. Each of them costs 1000 mana, and their power don't lose out to grenades.

{These are dynamites specially made by me. They are ten times stronger than those sold in the store. Use them when you are in a pinch, but make sure that you are at least ten meters (thirty-three feet) away from your target. Good luck for your scouting.}

{Thanks bro!}

We did a fist bump, something I had proposed to do to show my support. Then, he headed off towards the forest gate along with the rest of the scouts.

With the spars, his skill with the dagger has improved since a month ago, and the dynamites are just insurance for something unexpected. At his level, he should face no issue running from the beast tide even if something does happen, but I still couldn't help but feel worried for my friend.

{Eh? Has John left? I wanted to give him a Fireball scroll.}

Annabelle asked me. In her hand was a scroll with glowing red runes. Spells can be stored in a scroll by mages, for people who are not mages to use anytime they want. However, the materials used to make such a scroll isn't cheap.

{It's fine, I already gave him some stronger than average dynamites.}

{Ah, it should be fine then.}

Excusing myself, I returned to my inn room to prepare. I was level 10 when I first arrived at this town. Every day since then, before going to bed, I would create a sword using all of my mana. I have created more than 30 swords now, ranging from 11,000 mana to 23,000 mana. The swords which cost more mana to create seem to give off a more dominating aura than my earlier swords, but that isn't important right now.

Because, I also found out that my mana can go over my mana capacity. As long as I disperse a weapon, the mana will be returned to me, regardless of my mana capacity. I call this state, Mana Overdrive.

In my Mana Overdrive state, I won't regenerate mana. In fact, I will lose my additional mana at a fast rate. However, there is one benefit. I can create weapons which I normally can't. And now, it is the time to use this to boost my power.

As previously stated, my defense needs improvements. With my ability, I can only create weapons. However, weapon is a pretty lax condition. For example, I can create a lighter with my ability as a lighter can cause damage to objects, making it a weapon.

During the previous spar, I was staring at Sally, or more specifically, her gauntlets. Gauntlets were basically gloves but with more armour. If a person uses them with a sword, gauntlets will be classified as armour. However, if a person punches another person with a gauntlet, would the gauntlets not be classified as weapons?

With the observation I made on Sally's gauntlet, I began imagining a gauntlet suitable for me. A dark, silvery colour would be nice. Defense at the level of metal gauntlets, but the flexibility and weight of being barehanded so that my archery skills won't be affected. 


Looks like I am still not able to convince myself that it is a weapon. I began adding weapons to the gauntlet. A hidden blade like those in Assassin's Creed? Sure! Retractable claws? Go ahead! This went on for a while. When I was finally able to convince myself that I was creating a weapon, the gauntlets were already filled with weapons. I was ready.


The swords around me dispersed into mana and returned to me, my mana instantly reaching over 270,000. Bright light flashed from my two hands as I felt the mana draining from me. Soon, two gauntlets appeared, already fitted perfectly over my hands. The gauntlets are as I envisioned, metallic looking yet weightless. When I flexed my fingers, I felt no obstructions.

I quickly checked my remaining mana. Around 120,000 mana. I began imagining a boot with similar design to my gauntlets, then added weapons to it. Finally, my legs flash with light and the boots appeared on them, fitting perfectly. The boots cost around a 100,000 mana, which means I have 20,000 mana left. With this, I believe I am fully prepared for the beast tide.

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