World Of Sync

Chapter 10: Battle

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Chapter 10 - Battle

A man is raised and held in the air by his shoulders by a giant glowing arm made out of vines and flowers.


Captain Rose: There now, that wasn't too hard was it?


The kids and their Captain have quickly taken care of the masked Shadow Sun members who took the truck through a portal that led them to a random alleyway. 


Vanessa: *carrying guys with her wind* this is the last of them, they were barely worth my time.

Felt: It doesn’t matter much as long as we got em. Hey Gira, you did a good job!

Gira: T-thanks.

Rose: You all did well, but… We're like, very far from the battle. For now, let’s get information out of our friends.


She extends another vine arm and takes the bland mask off the person she’s holding,


Masked Man: L-listen, we were paid to do this! Just let us go!


Captain Rose noticeably changes attitudes, and dumps the guy on the floor with her vine hand reaching around his waist.


Captain Rose: You’re all coming with us. We’ll figure out what to do with you later.

(inside her mind) For now, let’s just drop 'em with Ruby and get back to the fight.


The team walk through the alley with Vanessa holding a majority of the masked men in a circulation of air and Captain Rose holding the others in vine arms. 


Hera sends a barrage of fire shots through her punches that slowly wear down Rico as she uses her ice arm to block. She tries to respond by slashing her arm vertically, sending ice shards at them but Saiko threads them and chucks them both forcing Rico to block as Hera dashes over and punches Rico in the stomach, face and uppercuts her into the air for Saiko to lasso into a wall. Rico recovers and stabs her hand into the wall, ripping out a piece of wall debris that’s frozen and launches it at Saiko, but Hera punch-shots it defending her. Saiko then uses a thread she forms on her ankle to thrust Rico into the ground. Rico lands on her feet and cuts off the Thread quickly dashing towards Saiko. Who stands still with her fists up. Thread forming on her fingers. Time slows down as she starts to think to herself.


Saiko (in thought): I’ve been thinking about what Kai said, about my defect… My sister trained me in a way to make use of all the material around me, to always be distant from my enemies…

Time goes back to normal as she notices Rico closes the gap enough.


Rico: Tch! You got nothin but puppet strings, kid! 


Rico jumps at her, sharpening the Cold Claws’ tips


Rico: Luckily, I'm ripe for cutting them!


Saiko looks down to her ankle on the ground as she hopped off her other foot, Threads it and dodges her claw swipe, dashing in Rico’s opposite direction and yanks the thread forcing her to slam into the ground.


Saiko (in thought): But with the training I've done and my acrobatics… I can fight even if I'm without a weapon!


She follows this up by swinging Rico by the Threaded ankle at Hera


Saiko: Hera! Heads up!


She let’s go and Rico reposition herself in the air and blocks Hera’s punch and consistently throws her claw around in attacks close up damaging a poorly countering Hera but her claw arm is Threaded by Saiko who yanks it to the right moving her whole body for Hera to swing to the right walloping her in the face. She rips the thread off and sends a huge amount of Aura to her Cold Claw and makes the claw bigger, slashing at Hera rocket punches off the floor to dodge. While in the air, Hera signals to Thread Rico’s legs and Saiko does it quickly, running around Rico close to the floor and flips away from a slash, letting Hera dash towards Rico and attack with her sync's giant tail that stored up a lot of her Fire Aura during the fight. Rico is blasted into the building behind her.


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Saiko: ...I-is she dead!?

Hera: No! …I hope not.


They start clearing through the building’s debris. Saiko Threads rocks and flips them to the side while Hera simply lifts and tosses them. And after a bit of a tense minute, they find out-


Saiko: She’s gone!

Hera: What? H-how!? Damn it! What’s Captain Rose and Felt gonna think!?

Saiko: …Even if she’s escaped, she’s badly damaged. Let’s look through the building and see if she’s close.

Hera: R-right! She can’t be far! 

The 2 carefully step over the remaining rocks and head inside the building.


Zeke jumps around the consistent flame waves Slain is slashing at him, and tries giving a kick up close that is dodged as Slash steps to his right. Slain tries slashing at him but is not quick enough to land a hit as Zeke jumps back and sends a bolt while Slain swings a wave of fire sendong them both back, but Zeke immediately rushes back in. Kai watches this with his arm raised and his other hand holding his wrist.


(In Kai’s head)

Kai: I can't shoot with Zeke in the way!

Talin: Just wait for the appropriate opening.

Kai: Damn it! Everyone else is fighting and all I can do is wait! Have I even gotten any stronger!?
Talin: Do you really think doubts like that will help you in this moment?

I’ve noticed something with you, Kai. Whenever a situation seems to be out of your control, no matter how small it is, your immediate conclusion is that you’re unable to step up to it. Even in moments when you feel confidence. And I don’t understand… Why?
Kai: Just- shut up! I’m trying to focus!

Zeke and Slain continue their back and forth of dodging and throwing attacks before Zeke takes a second to look at Kai, waiting for an opening. He dashes towards Slain who slashes at him, but instead of flipping back, Zeke jumps on Slain’s shoulders and jumps into the air making Slain unbalanced.


Kai: There!

Kai fires a sphere that Slain is too late to block, and gets hit by it getting blown onto the floor. Zeke lands and dashes to Slain but has to retreat his attack as Slain dances on his back and hands with his scythe being swung around by his legs to defend himself, and successfully recovers on his feet. He slashes a fire wave at Kai who, without thinking, crosses his arms to block, with his ability coursing through his arms, disrupting the wave enough to mitigate the damage. Zeke zaps back over to Kai’s side.


Zeke: You okay, blue?

Kai: Yeah, thanks. He’s pretty tough, isn’t he?

Zeke: We can take him down. We just need to be faster!

Slain: Y'know, i really gotta hand it to you kids! As annoying as it’s been to tango with you every now and then, you’ve been pushing me to become better as a fighter! This type of rush i’m getting is exactly what i’m looking for!

Kai …What exactly are you looking for!? These guys- Shadow Sun! What do they want!?

Slain: Personally, I don't really know or really care. I’m in it for the thrill!...And i’m gonna fight with them if it means I get my buds back safe and sound!

Kai: If they mean that much to you, why work with guys this dangerous?

Slain: You don’t know me, kid. You don’t know what they mean to me, and you don’t have to. All that matters is I'm gonna bust heads till I get what I want.

Kai: …I guess you’re right.


Slain is taken back by Kai’s response.


Kai: Somehow, without a Power I still got a Sync. I don’t know your leader, but he wants my Sync. I’m sick of being clueless, I want to know who he is, and i want to know who my Sync was, so

Kai raises his arm yet again.


Kai: I’ll just do whatever it takes to get what I want, same as you!


Slain spins his scythe to reposition himself to his fighting stance.


Slain: Now we’re talking, kid!


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