World Of Sync

Chapter 11: Pushing Through

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Chapter 11 - Pushing Through


Captain John attempts to land a swing on Fanz but misses as he portals behind him. John quickly turns around and swings a star but Fanz uses his hands to form a small portal and the star goes through, suddenly in front of Captain John’s face. He bends backwards to doge it but gets punched in the stomach by Fanz fist through a portal. Captain John grabs his arm and yanks through the portal, but Fanz quickly summons another portal under them, sending them high into the air. Fanz portals himself back to the ground leaving the Captain falling, Ano swings his hand upward forming a wave of ice for Captain John to slide down on, and the moment he touches the ground, Captain John slashes half of the ice and gets behind it to use a white hole to shoot it over at Fanz giving him little time to react. 


Captain John: Ano, do the explody thing!


Ano focuses and before Fanz can get through his portal, the ice explodes. Ano almost asks Captain John what to do next but sees he’s already turned around in position to slash Fanz who he predicts will summon a portal behind him, His assertion is correct as a portal is formed behind them with smoke from the explosion moving through it. 


Captain John: Cosmic Aura Skill; Star Rain!


John quickly slashes downward with multiple stars shooting from the swing, they go through the portal and a sound of impact is made in the smoke. The portal fades and a different portal forms above them with several pig pieces of wall debris falling at the 2. They quickly move out of the way.


Captain John: Hey, Ano. I prefer fightin on my own, so i’m gonna try and give you some captain-ly tips.

Ano: Is now really the best time?
Captain John: Just listen. You don’t freeze people’s whole body to avoid any lethal damage, right?

Ano replies with yes as Captain John destroys debris from another portal above them.


Captain John: alright, eh. Um. Lemme see…
Ano: You’re seriously coming up with something on the spot?
Captain John: Hold on, hold on.. *snaps fingers* Got it!


Fanz sits on the ground as the dust is slowly starting to fade.

Fanz: Compared to the rest of Shadow Sun, I'm definitely the last choice for combat. But with my maneuverability, I might actually be able to pull this off! Xaylian was hesitant on letting me join, but if i manage to bring back the body of a Professional Guardian, he’ll probably make me his second in command! I’ll get his respect, and whatever his plan is, I'll absolutely get top billing!


Suddenly, a wide circle of ice starts forming around the road forcing Fanz to get up and dodge, the ice then forms icicles out of its side, Fanz quickly portals under himself and appears hgh above the ground. He watches the icicles explode to the center, butis too late to do anything as he turns his head and sees Captain John already next to him, and gets slammed into the ground. Rendering him out cold. Captain John lands and pats Ano on the back.


Captain John: See? I knew you could puff something off like that.

Ano: I hadn’t thought of using my Ice like that, I'll give you that.

Captain John: Why not? You have a good amount of Aura. Come to think of it, have you even made any Aura Skills?

Ano stays silent and diverts his eyes away from Captain John, signaling that this isn’t something he wants to talk about.


Captain John: Eh, whatever. 


He walks over and hoists the unconscious teleporter over his shoulder.


Captain John: Let’s go check on threads and the other girl. Gotta tie this guy up.
Ano: What about Kai and Zeke
Captain John: They’ll be fine, and we’ll be quick.


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The 2 start running down the street to check on the others.

Zeke dodges to the left from an upward slash and does a one handstand and does a sweep kick forcing Slain to backflip away. He quickly slashes one of Kai’s spheres which dowses the fire on his Scythe. He leans back jst barely missing Zeke’s kick and swings the scythe around forcing Zeke to jump back, followed by making him dodge a flame wave, Slain then starts sharply swinging his scythe to send multiple flame waves forcing Kai to hold his blocking and Zeke to continuously dodge.

Slain: *pants* You kids got a lot of fire, but it’s time to drop dead already!


Slain stops his swingin and holds the end of the scythe behind him to burst fire out o fit and dashes quickly towards Zeke, he wildly swings at Zeke and manages to land a few strikes while he’s trying to dodge. His attention on Zeke let's Kai land a sphere shot on Slain’s back with Zeke kicking him in the face, blowing him back. Slain breathes heavily, having a stare off with Zeke.


Zeke; You're really fast with that Sync, but I'm faster with my whole body! You aren’t going to win!

Slain: You can try to psych me out, but your endurance won’t save you!

(in thought)

I have an idea, but… (checks his jacket’s pocket to make sure the Aura stone is stil there) I’m sorry, Rico. But I gotta take them down.


Slain starts spinning his scythe in a circle, wildly charging up the Fire Aura around the blade, before he stops, tosses the aura stone in the air and opens a portal in front of him, he dashes into it and the other end of the portal pops up behind Zeke. Time slows as he starts to swing and Zeke isn’t fast enough to fully dodge. Kai quickly releases a blast of his ability which blows both Zeke and Slain back, draining their Aura. Kai runs over to Zeke worried


Kai: Zeke! Are you ok!?
Zeke: Yeah, I'm fine.You’re blast took a little out of me, though.

Kai helps Zeke up as they look over and see Slain barely standing.

Slain: i… Can’t give… Up-

He falls down, tuckered out. 


Zeke: (jumps up in excitement) We did it! We finally toko him down


Zeke’s excitement is dwindled as he takes a second to realize Kai is filled with sorrow. He places a finger on his cheek but doesn't zap him.


Zeke: If Shadow Sun sent these guys to get their weapons back, i’m sure they’ll send people to get these guys back. We’ll find a way to their boss. Don’t worry!
Kai: …Yeah, I guess you’re right!

The 2 start walking over to pick up the body, but something bashes the roof from under and Slain falls in the building.

Kai: What!?

Zeke: Hold on! I’m starting to sense someone’s Aura from under us!
Kai: Just now!?

Zeke: No! It just suddenly appeared!

The same person jumps through the roof on the 2’s left side. And lands on one knee in front of them.
Kai: It’s you!

Wallus fully stands up before them, and cracks his neck both ways.

Wallus: It seems we meet again, boy. 


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