World Of Sync

Chapter 12: All Or Nothing

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Chapter 12 - All Or Nothing

Kai and Zeke stand next to each other, staring what may be their final fight for this mission.

Zeke: Hey! I was wondering when you'd show up!

Wallus: *Chuckles* I knew you would look happy to see me.

Kai: Wallus!

Wallus: Blue boy, I hope you’ve treated your Sync well.

Kai: I have! Not that it means anything to you!

Zeke: Your portal guy already sent the van somewhere else, why are you here?

Wallus: The amount of Aura drains depending on distance. So I was stationed here in the building since the battle began. And thus (holds his wrist up to reveal a bracelet) was how i went unnoticed. It’s a Aura masker, made by our one and only tinker.

(in thought while he takes it off and puts it in his coat pocket)

I better keep this safe. Sui asked me not to get it broken since it’s her only prototype)

Kai: Woah, it even tricked your Aura sensing, Zeke.  

Zeke: Cool!

Kai: That’s not… Anyways, If you’re not here for the weapons, why are you here?

Walus: …Isn’t it obvious?

Kai: …I guessed.

Wallus: Xaylan sent the others to deal with the rest, and he sent me to obtain Talin, and I am not leaving without him.


Kai looks over to Zeke to discuss the upcoming fight, but is immediately stumped by his serious fight.


Kai: Zeke?

Zeke: …I'll keep him busy by rushing him, stay as distant as you can!


He rushes at Wallus and lets him swing a punch at him which he dodges swiftly and follows up with a quick bolt charged kick in the side of his waist, which Wallus is visually hurt by. Zeke steps back.


Zeke: I noticed something yesterday, you may have strength and speed, but your body still has weight! The best way to face you is striking you in places where you’d lose balance!

Wallus: Huh, you got a sharp eye, I'll give some respect to that!

Kai: Zeke! Why'd you tell him his own weakness!?

Zeke: Oh! Simple!


Zeke gets into a position to start dashing as his Electric Covers starts shining greatly with electricity.


Nobody can dodge lighting!


Wallus jumps fast and tries landing a punch but misses as Zeke dodges and the fist gets into the floor. He fixes his attempt by ripping concrete and tossing it at him, a bolt destroys it and Wallus's surroundings are obstructed by quick zaps of electricity that Zeke shoots, he notices a bolt coming up right behind him and smacks it, as Zeke used the electricity as a distraction to get behind him. Zeke dashes in for a quick attack, Wallus collides a punch with Zeke's kick pushing them both back with Zeke going back further.  Zeke zaps behind him, but Wallus quickly catches him and smashes the ground behind him, Zeke begins to run on the buildings with Wallus giving chase, the two jump into each other exchanging blows going back and forth from fighting in the air to running on the walls before he knocks Zeke straight into a building. Zeke stands up and charges a bolt just in time for Wallus to jump through the giant hole. He shoots a giant surge of electricity at Wallus which he crosses his arms to block but it still damages him. Ceasing his attack, Zeke lunges for a physical attack, Wallus let’s the kick hit his face and quickly grabs Zeke’s ankle, and swings him upward through the roof. Zeke pushes himself to zap back to the floor and Wallus jumps through the same hole against Zeke. Zeke zaps into the air and throws a giant bolt at Wallus who swats it with a Aura filled hand. But Zeke predicted this and immediately dashes towards Wallus with a heavily electrical charged kick and Wallus responds with a heavily charged punch. Ending the fight with the 2 colliding and a huge explosion kicking up smoke with Kai struggling to stand against the force of the wind and dust.

Hera and Saiko walk out of the building, visibly upset.


Hera: I can’t believe we just let her get away!

Saiko: She most likely had the assistance of Shadow sun’s Portal Aura member.


Hera fires a shot at the ground out of anger.


Hera: But we had her!!

Saiko: Hera, we still managed to deal a great amount of damage to her. We can focus on helping the others for now.
Hera: …Tch! Fine!



Hera and Saiko notices loud fighting noises from afar

Hera: Man, those guys are goin’ at it.


Saiko gets Hera’s attention by pointing at Captain John and Ano running toward them.


Saiko: Guys!

Captain John: We felt Wallus’ Aura pop up on our way here, we need to get to the others now!

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Saiko: Hera, can you watch the Shadow Sun member? I’ll keep him tied up

Hera: Oh, sure! Leave me with the boring job… Alright, go on.

Saiko quickly ties Fanz up in her Thread, and the 3 run down the street. Hera moves a big piece of debris and places it in front of Fanz and sits on it.


Hera: *sigh* Got any weekend plans?

Unconscious Fanz: …

Hera: …Sounds boring.

The dust starts to clears as Kai tries to focus on what he sees past it. And after a bit… he  sees Wallus holding an unconscious Zeke by the back of his emblem 

Wallus: …Unfortunately, i’m not holding back to pretend to be knocked out this time.

Kai: ...Zeke

Talin: Kai, don’t do anything brash-


Talin’s words fall on deaf ears as an enraged Kai lunges at him with a charged fist ready, Wallus chucks Zeke to the side and let's Kai land the punch, grabbing his arms and SNAP


Kai’s screams fill the air as Wallus proceeds to break and crush Kai’s arms.


Wallus: I’m sorry, boy. But Xaylian warned me that your ability, while unknown, manages to drain stamina from those it comes in contact with. Compared to everyone else… You’re the one those should fear the most. Which is why I have to do this.


Wallus lets go of Kai’s bruised and broken arms as Kai steps back and falls to his knees.


Wallus: …When the body feels too much pain, the brain nerves sever the connection between the body and the Sync… And yet he’s still in his Sync form.


Zeke slowly starts to wake up, and struggles to even stand on his knee.

Wallus raises both of his arms into the air and prepares a axe punch charged with his Aura


Wallus: You stood conscious until the end… You have my respect, boy,


A dry ice explosion catches Wallus’ attention, and suddemly Ano, Saiko and Captain John are in the air. They land on the roofs and Saiko quickly Threads and pulls Kai and Zeke back as Captain John charges Wallus, the speed causes them to burst through the roof and crash into the field.


Saiko catches Zeke and Ano catches Kai and puts them on the ground.

Saiko: Zeke! Wake up!

Ano: Kai! Are you okay!?

Kai: I… My arms…


Zeke starts to wake back up.

Zeke: O-ow! …If i finished measuring how strong that punch would be, i would’ve backed out.

Saiko: You’re leg and ankle’s pretty bruised, you’ll have to stay-

Zeke: Ano! Freeze my leg!

Ano: What?

Zeke: We’re wasting time! Captain John’s already fighting him!

Ano: …You’re not gonna stay down are you?


Ano hovers his hands over Zeke’s leg and gently cools it. Zeke immediately gets up and takes a second to adjust to his leg.


Zeke: Saiko, stay here with Kai! Me and Ano are going!

Saiko: Be careful you two!

The 2 dash off and hop off the building, Zeke holds on to Ano as they ride an ice wave down to the ground.


Captain John and Wallus’ close combat is interrupted as the 2 notice they’ve landed. Captain John uses a white hole to quickly move over to them.


Wallus cracks his knuckles as the 3 stand ready.


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