Xavier's girl

Chapter 51: 6

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I quickly regained myself before he could see that he affected me, I continue to watch as he put his other arm around Cara. She was looking up at him with so much love, but I wasn't sure what emotions he was feeling.

"Can I have Amelia now?" I didn't want to be in the room any longer than I have too.

"She needs to get dressed," he pushes Cara out of the way, turning to the stairs. Not hesitating, I followed him. Only to be stopped by Cara's hands holding me from moving forward.

"You should wait in the sitting room," she said giving me a fake smile

"The next time you touch me I will slap the shit out of you," I yanked my hands out of her perfectly manicured once. She looked shocked for a second and I continue to move towards the stairs.

"He will never love you again," her voice stops me.

"You left him, he hates you. You can't take him away from me," her voice quivers "he loves me now." I almost laugh at how pathetic she looked.

"You were made for him to fuck Cara, not love, what he has for you don't love just merely lust. He can always find that somewhere else." I continue walking but the stairs not waiting for her to reply.

I walked down the dark hallway not knowing what room Xavier's was in, I have passed three doors so far. I continue to walk down the corridor till I heard his voice. Stopping in front of the wooden door, it was slightly opened.

"I can't leave now" I hear him say

"You were meant to go to New York," he continued

"You can't expect me to take a baby to New York,"

I didn't want him to think I was listening to his conversation so I stepped into the room, expecting it to be Amelia's room but I knew it was his. This intense scent hits my nose, he was talking on the phone facing the huge window with Amelia of the bed playing with her foot.

I tiptoed in not wanting him to turn around, I walked to the edge of the bed. Bending down to pick up Amelia, her face lit up when she saw me. She started babbling loudly and I shushed her smiling. She was still in her pink towel. I held her in my arms, doesn't he know she can catch a cold.

Looking around for something to cover her with, I stopped when I realised I couldn't hear him talking on the phone anymore. Turning around slowly I make eye contact with him and my widened, I didn't know what I expected him to react like. But he looked surprisingly calm, he points to the door and continues his call.

"Fine, I will leave tonight and make it for the meeting. I won't be staying for more than two nights. New York is yours to take care off"

I walked in the direction of the door that I knew was the closet— I was right. It was a variety of men clothes and a bunch of baby clothes. Some looked too small to even fit Amelia anymore. I felt relieved when I didn't spot any women's clothing, didn't they share a closet?

Moving Amelia to my hips, I look around for something she could wear. Agreeing on a brown onesie, I plopped her on the changing table that was hidden in a corner. She didn't even have on a diaper, she practically kicked me with her legs as I was doing her diapers.

"I could have done that," Xavier came in just as I finished dressing her.

"Well it looked like you were busy on the phone," I say picking her up.

"It's time for her feeding," he didn't move from the entrance where he stood.

"I can feed her, where's the bottle?" I asked him, I wanna spend as much time with her as possible. Instead of responding he just stared at me like I knew the answer, didn't he make a bottle?

"Why can't you use those," he points at my breast looking uncomfortable,

"Why can't I use her bottle?" Not that I didn't want to breastfeed her, I just see what milk he was giving her. He starches his head, looking anywhere but at us.

"Xavier?" what was he doing?

"She's doesn't like the bottle, she hates drinking for it. It practically takes me an hour to get her to eat," he mumbles looking defeated. I give Amelia a high five in my head, telling myself the reason she refuses the bottle was cause she wanted me.

"Maybe she doesn't like the milk or you made it wrong"

"I did everything right," he growls

"I can feed her," I say "but I wanna see her tomorrow as well"


"I know your gonna say no, but I can come.... wait you said yes!" I stopped taking over him, I did not expect him to agree right away.

"Yes, you can see her tomorrow. Now feed her," he said bluntly but I move to feed her.

Instead of staying in the closet I walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed—there wasn't any other place to feed her. I took off my jacket and bra— I don't want the metals pocking me. Surprisingly he looked away, the old Xavier would have watched me.

"Does it hurt?" he breaks the silence, I was too busy watching Amelia eat to notice him hovering over my head.

"At first," I reply

"I heard you say would be going to New York," I asked remembering his phone conversation.

"I have a business meeting, we'll be leaving later tonight" he sat down making the bed dip. I nod thinking he was referring to him and Cara.

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"Wait, who will be watching Amelia if you leave?" I wasn't going letting him leave my baby with a random person.

"She will be coming,"

I gave me confused face cause he said I could see her tomorrow and now he's saying she will be in New York.

" You said I could see her tomorrow," I wanted to yell but I didn't cause it sounded like Amelia was falling asleep. Why would he tell me that I could see her when he was leaving?

"You will," he simply said

"Your not making sense." Did he hit his head somewhere?

"You, me, Amelia. New York" he talks to in a child's voice making me madder.

"We'll not be going to New York with you!" I whisper yell at him, he wants me to go to New York with him? I can't even be in the same room with him, talking about an aeroplane.

"Yes you are, I need those so therefore you are," he gestures to my breast.

"Have you lot your mind?"

"Maybe, the drugs did a number on me" he chuckled but I didn't laugh with him.

"Xavier! You can't expect to go to New York with you"

"If you haven't noticed we hate each other and you wanna spend two days together" I don't think I can last a day with him.

"You think I want you there," he was mad now.

"If Cara had breast milk I wouldn't even be letting you come, I need someone to watch and feed her"

"If Cara is so perfect I'm sure you can find a way to make her get breast milk, you have a lot of money to waste. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt your bank account" I say stupidly, knowing it doesn't make sense.

"Your coming and that's final!" he walks off to the closet.

"You see that's why I left you, so just a control freak. You just expect me to do whatever you say without questions". I place a sleeping Amelia in the middle of the bed following him into the closet.

"Xavier?" He ignores me whilst he was packing his clothes into a black box.

"Xavier!" I call again.

If I could go to New York with him I would but I had to collect my keys for the apartment and I called movers to come to help me take some stuff to storage.

"Why can't you just leave her with me hear, I can take care of her," I try to reason.

"So you can run away again" he laughs bitter,

"I won't go away Xavier, you can have Scott watch me 24/7" I pleaded, I didn't plan on leaving just yet.

"Your words means nothing to me," he spat out

"I suggest you have Scott drive you home to pack a bag or you can run and buy some clothes with MY money"

"Are you deaf! I'm not going anywhere with you," the last time I was in New York it wasn't the best. He dropped the suit in his hands and stalked towards me, trapping me between his hands against a shelve.

"You are, your ass is going to be on that plane sit in two hours."

"My ass isn't going anywhere near your stupid plane," I shove against his chest but he didn't move.

"Vanessa, do I have to remind you who you belong too?" he says dangerously calm.

"I don't 'belong' to you anymore," I quote the word belong.

"Just because I don't touch you doesn't mean you don't, you will always be mine. Mine to fuck, to love, and to hate. Don't forget you were made for me," he moves down to whisper in my ear sounding chilling.

"Don't make me repeat myself," he moves away and I finally let go of the breaths I was holding in.

"Will Cara becoming?" I give in, my head I almost believed what he just said.

"No." He didn't think twice.

Was I glad that bitch wasn't coming?

Let just say I was dancing on the inside right now.

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