Xavier's girl

Chapter 50: 5

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"Thanks," I tell the driver as I got out the car, I was currently in town on a Wednesday. After the meeting I had with Xavier, I've decided to get an apartment closer. I knew he lived somewhere in the city, besides that house was too big and lonely for just me. Getting an apartment would be easier and quicker, in case he calls me. Which he hasn't and it's been two days. He never sends when he would, but it would be better if I didn't have to drive a long way to meet him. The apartment I was looking at today was the only one I booked, I didn't plan on staying for long. I just needed something quick and easy.

The building was bigger than it looked online, there was a cute coffee shop next to it. The area was surprisingly quiet for the fact that it was right next to the road. The double doors opened revealing a young woman in a full black suit.

"Good morning Ms Morales, we are glad to be of help to you today," I covered the surprise on my face when she said my name.

"Thanks?" I say unsure. How did she know who I was?

"Would you like anything to drink?" She asked.

"No thank you,"

"Alright, we can get on with the tour" she nods, turning around.

"This is our concierge, he will be here through the day taking care of your deliveries and guests." She points to the man behind a desk at the other end.

"If you do decide to rent a place here, you can provide him with your guest list that way it would be easier" she continues.

"As requested, the apartment will be on a lower floor" we entered the lift. I did request for a lower floor, I didn't wanna be too high up. Not that I was scared of heights, just had reasons. I was thinking of carrying a baby, bags, buggies and a car seat. She pressed on the seventh floor, not bad.

"This is the floor is very private," she says once the doors opened.

"We don't have a lot of people occupying it yet," I look around, there was a small table with a round mirror. I think that was just decor. We walked down the white hallway before stopping in front of a dark grey door.

I already knew what to expect when we walked in, a long hallway that leads to the sitting room, the kitchen right there. The sitting and the kitchen were connected which I liked, I had a nice view of the city. The two doors in the hallway were the bedrooms, one will be mine and the other will be Amelia's.

"It comes fully furnished?" I asked her running my hands on the white counter.

"Yes Ma, if you like the furniture we can leave them in," She tells me.

"Yea please" I don't want to do any furniture shopping, expect maybe Amelia's room.

"It comes with two bathrooms and a guest one" she was still trying to sell me on the apartment. Only if she knew I already made up my mind, I knew I would be getting this place.

"There is also a balcony," she points to the glass doors. "24 hrs gym, a salon on the 2nd floor with a spa"

"I think I will take it" I didn't have much choice, I needed a place in the city fast.

"That's good to hear," she was smiling to herself.

"I can have the paperwork ready by Fri..."

"I need this place before Friday" I cut her off, I can't keep driving out of town. Xavier could call at any time.

"Erm, alright if you can sign it right now" she looks down at the iPad she was holding, unsure.

"I would appreciate it, please."

"If I can just have a minute to bring up the file."

I will move in by tomorrow, I know I will have to go back to the house to pack all my clothes and things I will be needing. After I get settled, Amelia's room will be taken care of. I felt my phone vibrating in my purse. I take it out not recognising the number, I already knew who it was.

"Hello?" I whisper into the phone.

"Penthouse, Serra road" his deep voice vibrates through the phone. "Be here in 20 minutes"

"What! I can't, that's about 30 minutes drive away from me" I say frustrated, moving into one of the rooms for privacy.

"I don't care how you get here Vanessa, if you aren't here in 20 minutes you can say goodbye to seeing her this week" he spoke calmly.

"Xavier, please" I beg

"30 minutes" he gives in "30 minutes, that's it" he hangs up. I held the phone to my chest smiling— I get to see her.

What a fucking dick, I could get there in 30 minutes hopefully. I quickly texted my driver to have the car ready.

I opened the door, shocked when I see the women standing right outside it. Her eyes widened and she took a step back, was she listening?

"I have the contract here" she pushes the iPad in my face before I could ask her.

I shake my head but collected the iPad pencil, I needed to be making my way now. I looked down at the place I needed to sign and wrote my name underneath it, giving it back to her. She glanced down at it before smiling.

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"Welcome to the building, we can go downstairs to collect your ke...."

"I'm sorry, but can you drop that off with the concierge. I will collect it tomorrow" I cut her off

"I need to leave"

"That's perfectly fine ma, you can go and I will just lock up" she looks around the room. Looking at her feeling weird before making my way out. That was off and once again how did she know my name?


The second the car stop I was out the door, I made it. Had two minutes left, the area was very busy. But I made it. I took in the building, it looked like the one I was just viewing but this one was way bigger and had a doorman. I smiled at the old man as he opened the golden door for me.

I gasp in awed when I saw the reception, it was twice the size of mine. There was a huge glass chandelier above me, there was a sitting area. The floor was so white and clean I could see my reflection. And a young man behind a white desk.

"Hello," I greeted him with a smile

"I'm here to see Xavier" I wasn't sure if I should have given his last name.

"Mr Knight?" He looks at me from head to toe.

"Yes, Mr Knight" I corrected myself.

"I'm sorry miss but under strict instructions not to let anyone in" he smiled but it wasn't genuine.

"Can you call him and tell him Vanessa is here?" I pleaded.

"I'm sorry, Vanessa. He doesn't like people distributing him." I took a step back from the desk ready to give this guy hell if he doesn't just let me up.

"Listen here, Dick," I say looking down at his name tag.

"It's Rick"

"I don't give a fuck—"

"Is everything alright Rick?" I heard from behind me.

"Everything is fine Mrs Knight," he raises his brows at me.

"Mrs Knight?" I say confused. Was that his mother?

I look behind me not expecting to see Cara holding multiple shopping bags with Scott behind her. She was known as Mrs Knight? How? I knew they weren't married, Alan would have told me right.

"Vanessa!" She says bitterly but I didn't miss the surprise on her face. Didn't she know I was coming?

"Cara, Scott," I say my face hard.

"This woman claims that she's here to see Mr Knight," Dick tells them

"That's alright, she can come with us" Cara smiles sweetly at Dick.

"If you have this brought up," she dumps the shop bags on the table.

"This way," Cara walks towards the lifts, with Scott not far behind.

"Ma," Scott acknowledges me as we got in the lift.

"Hey Scott" I wasn't angry with him, he didn't do anything.

I was the first out the lift, it opened into a huge sitting room. I walked in a little bit before seeing the dark wooden stairs that lead upstairs. There was a piano in the middle of the room, the sitting area was huge with a lit fireplace. You could see the whole city from up here.

I heard footsteps coming from the hallway making my heart race. I stopped breathing when I saw a half-naked Xavier holding Amelia that was wet with a towel around her. He didn't notice us yet, he was too busy looking down and trying to make Amelia laugh but she looked upset

"Don't cry, your mummy should be here soon" my heart turned into a puddle when he said that.

"In fact I think she's late"

"I'm here" I wanted to yell but I whisper it but I knew he heard cause he stopped walking and looked up. The smile fell off his face, his eyes hardened.

"I was talking about Cara" he scoffs at me and once again my heart shattered. I stood in my place as she pushes past me to meet them.. I stoop in my place my heart all over the floor as I watch them together.

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