You Are My Monster (GL)

Chapter 3: The Smell of Sea

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The next morning, Yang Xihe woke up in a daze while her mind felt hazy as if she was still in dreamland.

After another five minutes, she was finally fully awake. She sat up and felt sweaty when she touched her neck.

Summer was really getting under her skin.

While the heavy rain was over, the heat wouldn't go away, which really made people uncomfortable no matter what they did.

A hoarse voice came from beside her, "Sister, you wake up..."

Yang Xihe turned her head and was surprised to find that Yang Xuerou was lying beside her with a feverish complexion, looking so weak and pitiful. Her lively almond eyes could barely open before closing again as if her eyelids weighed a ton.

Moreover, Yang Xihe could see her lips were a little bit pale and cracked, and conspicuous dark circles marred her face under her eyes; with her chubby cheeks, she looked a little bit like a panda.

Yang Xihe placed the back of her hand on Yang Xueruo's forehead and felt her skin scalding hot. She didn't even need a thermometer to determine that she had a fever.

Yang Xihe quickly took the remote control and turned on the air conditioner. Fortunately, the power was already restored, otherwise, it would be difficult to cool down in such hot weather. However, to prevent from making Xueruo's fever get worse, Yang Xihe did not set the temperature too low and adjust the wind to the lowest speed.

"Why do you suddenly have a fever?" Yang Xihe helped to tidy up the quilt that was squeezed into a ball so that Yang Xuerou could rest more comfortably. She blamed herself a little, "Could it be I transferred my fever to you?"

Yang Xuerou shook her head and stammered a reply, "No… that's… not it."

"I used up all the anti-fever medicine at home yesterday." Yang Xihe poured warm water and let Yang Xuerou take an anti-inflammatory first, "You have a rest first, I'll go downstairs to buy medicine for you, and while I'm at it, I'll buy some porridge for breakfast."

Two days ago, Yang Xihe got a fever, but she recovered yesterday, so the possibility of Yang Xuero getting infected by Yang Xihe's fever was actually quite low. Yang Xuerou reckoned that she might get a fever because she had stayed up late last night due to shock and fear.

After Yang Xihe fell asleep last night, Yang Xuerou kept gawking at her phone and didn't dare to sleep at all. The goosebump behind her neck couldn't be straighter. It could be said that she didn't feel at ease all night.

She dared not tell Yang Xihe what she saw outside the door last time, because she was well aware of Yang Xihe's obsession with her deceased girlfriend, Hei Yuan. If she knew that there was a trace of Hei Yuan outside, even a single hair, then Yang Xihe would definitely open the door without hesitation. Her guts told her that nothing good would come from such a thing happening.

The person who had been dead for three years suddenly came back, and no matter how she thought about it, she felt that it was really abnormal and creepy. They often said that only people with heavy obsessions or resentment could turn into ghosts after they died. And such a ghost would go to any length to get what they desired. If that was true, Hei Yuan definitely wanted to take away her cousin!

How could Yang Xuerou let Hei Yuan mess with Yu Xihe again? Since she was already dead, why still bother with the living? Outrageous! In life, Yin and Yang were complimentary, but beyond that, they would only ruin each other!

To prevent the ghosts from attacking in the middle of the night, Yang Xuerou stayed in Yang Xihe's bed and did not sleep even after her phone's battery went empty and her phone shut down.

Yang Xuerou stayed awake until dawn, and she started to feel a headache and dizziness after Yang Xihe finally woke up.

Yang Xuerou grabbed Yang Xihe's hand and spluttered, "By the way, could you also buy some glutinous rice, salt, beans, rooster..."

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Yang Xihe looked at Xuerou with a puzzled look.

Yang Xuerou closed her eyes and felt that the breath she exhaled was too hot, like high-temperature steam as she repeated her words.

"Glutinous rice, salt, big rooster, and beans... I want to eat glutinous rice chicken."

Yang Xihe smiled and said, "Okay, but you can't eat until your fever gets better."

After Yang Xihe washed her face attentively with a wet towel and changed her clothes, she grabbed her mobile phone and prepared to go downstairs to buy medicine.

When she walked out of the bedroom, the smile on Yang Xihe's face faded. Her eyes lowered slightly as she walked hesitantly toward the door.

She actually didn't forget about what she saw last night, but Xiaoxue said it was all fake and it was just her hallucination acting up.

In fact, Yang Xihe knew that it was most likely true. Just like in August of the past two years, she had seen Hei Yuan come back to find her countless times, but every time it was just a false hallucination.

Yang Xihe knew that Hei Yuan was dead, and the dead could not come back.

Just like her parents, who passed away when she was young, Yang Xihe also prayed that they would come back, but in the end, she walked out of the shadow gradually under the comfort of time.

And this time, how long will it take for her to completely accept Hei Yuan's departure?

Yang Xihe didn't know, at least for now. She was still hoping that her beloved would come back, no matter what form she took.


For some reason, Yang Xihe always felt that what happened last night was extraordinarily real, making her not want to believe it was a mere hallucination.

Yang Xihe unscrewed the door bolt and opened the door. The hot air outside rushed in, smashing against her like a locomotive train.

The corridor that was flooded by rainwater last night looked as dry as barren land today. With the temperature reaching a staggering 100 F at the peak, no matter how humid it was last night, it would become dry and hot as soon as the sun came out.

She stared blankly at the place where the water traces, she saw in the dark last night. The light was so dim last night that she could only find the approximate location. Yang Xihe probed more and more carefully, leaving no corner untouched, and finally knelt down to the ground at one particular spot.

In this spot, there was a barely perceptible difference in colour compared to other places. Although it was not very obvious, the irregular shape on the ground can still be seen.

She stretched out her fingers and lightly brushed a very faint trace. Then, she put it in front of her nose and sniffed, and surely, the smell was very faint but clear like the smell of the sea.

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