You,Under My Name

Chapter 179: 179

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Lu Wanyue immediately replied, "Mom, according to the family law of our family, if the daughter-in-law of our family is not protected for her own reasons, this woman should accept the baptism of ice and fire."

"Good." Anne nodded,

"I'm afraid someone doesn't know what the baptism of ice and fire means. Please explain it to her."

"Of course, she doesn't know. If she does, I'm afraid she will try her best to steal and hide when she and other men steal and prostitute. How dare she be so blatant!" Looking at Li luoran, Lu Wanyue sighed with emotion,

"as the name suggests, the baptism of ice and fire is to lock this woman in a cage, first pour 981 barrels of ice water all over her body, and then burn the iron with the word" bitch "red, and burn 981 permanent marks on her face and body, so that she can remember herself every moment in the future‘ I will never dare to commit again

Oh, my God!

Just thinking about the scene, Li luoran was in a cold sweat.

The relatives all smile.

Even the dripping water that has been hidden does not reveal the brocade Heart Tong, the corner of the mouth at the moment can not help but evoke a fleeting smile.

She had heard of the horror of family law in Lu Shaochen's family, and she was not disappointed.

Before, Lu Shaochen threw her to Chu Xingchen for Li luoran's sake like garbage. She was so desperate that she couldn't bear to live. At last, she took a bad breath

An Jiaren is also very proud, "the words are tactfully said very clearly, but tactfully forgot to say that the most important point is that the woman who made a mistake in the baptism of the punishment, by the woman's husband personally executed, Shaochen, don't you think?"

Lu Shaochen grasped Li luoran's hand tightly. "I have already said that she is my wife. As long as I am here, no one is allowed to touch her finger, or I can't get along with Lu Shaochen."


Mrs. an had expected that Lu Shaochen would be like this, she sneered,

"ridiculous, my obedient son, Mrs. an, was taken away by Fox spirits like his fickle father. Unfortunately, Mr. Shaochen, I had expected that you would protect her surname Li without asking right or wrong as before. Do you think I would be unprepared? Do you think all the people I bring today are decorations? "

He raised his hand and pointed to the large area of people in black behind him,

"Why are you still in a daze? Why don't you arrest me?"

At this moment, Li luoran finally understood why Anjian had brought so many people.

At least 60 strong men in black came to liluoran like a big black cloud.

Lu Shaochen, who always held Li luoran's hand tightly, released her and strode forward, protecting Li luoran behind him with his tall body.

"I will remember the faces of all of you. Whoever dares to move her today is my enemy."

Cold eyes swept every strange face, the most handsome man seems to turn into an iceberg, dangerous and fatal.

Those 60 people even stopped at the same time, and did not dare to move forward at a distance of less than one meter from Lu Shaochen.

At this moment, Chu Xingchen couldn't even care about Jin Xintong. He ran to Lu Shaochen and stood in front of Li luoran with him.

"and I, who dares to move my sister-in-law today, just can't get along with Chu Xingchen."

Anne's face was very ugly. "Star, are you going to rebel?"

The cynical boy is still a bit green and tender, with a little firmness on his face,

"no matter what happens, I will stand with you, even if he is wrong, I will support him."


An Jiaren, who was already full of anger, was so angry that her chest fluctuated violently,

"OK, OK, OK, then, you can go to prison with her surname Li!" With trembling fingers pointing to Lu Shaochen and Chu Xingchen's faces,

"what do I spend so much money to invite you here for? Tie them all up, and your commission will double! "

After hearing this, a group of people could no longer be afraid and surrounded Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen, Li luoran and Chu Xingchen were still struggling at first, but how could they resist so many people? After only three minutes, they were tied up with ropes and packed into three cars.

"Xin Tong, come with me, too!"

An Jiaren stares at the Jin Xintong who stands in situ.

Brocade Heart Tong light should a, and an beautiful woman together on the car.

Lu Wanyue and his family relatives also got on the train.

A long string of black cars lined up in a neat line, driving out of the neighborhood, leaving a group of onlookers standing in the neighborhood after the rain.


Li luoran did not expect that an Jiaren would arrange the place of "execution" in Lu Zhai.

Li luoran was tied to a lamp pole beside the fountain in the compound.Lu Jiachen and Lu Shaochen are escorted by the two servants to watch the prisoners.

"Li luoran, I have advised you that staying in our house will only make you black and blue. Are you too late to repent?"

Standing in front of Li luoran, an Jiaren was so happy and proud.

Li luoran raised his haggard face coldly and arrogantly, "have you ever thought about the result of your doing this?"

The consequences?

Now, you are the one who is going to die of pain. This is also the result you deserve. Do you ask me my result

Liluoran looks calm, "you don't know what I'm asking, you don't know the answer, you just don't dare to face it."

"Oh?" Because she was stabbed to the pain, Mrs. an's eyes were a bit ferocious,

"you seem to know everything, but you tell me about it."

"First of all, it's a society ruled by law. There's no family law. Even if I really make a mistake, it's lynching. Afterwards, I'll never give up. I'll ask the most powerful lawyer to take you to court. The more you do to me, the more severe the punishment will be."

Li luoran's voice has always been light.

I don't know why, but Ann feels a strong aura when she faces her -

Li luoran is such a girl. She is so thin and thin. On the surface, she looks like a weak woman as soft as Jin Xintong. However, every time she confronts Li luoran, ANN can feel that Li luoran is as powerful as a man Momentum, which she, Jin Xintong, tactful and even most women don't have

On the surface, she said, "what's next?"

Li luoran's eyes turned to Lu Shaochen, who was bound in the distance, "followed by your son Lu Shaochen."

An Jiaren also looked at Lu Shaochen involuntarily.

Even in such an encounter, Li luoran's voice is always as cool as water, "you have more than once ignored Shaochen's feelings in order to harm me. This time, if you leave so many ugly marks on me, not only will I hate you all my life, but Shaochen will also hate you, and you will lose his love for you forever."

At this moment, an Jia's eyes clearly showed a trace of fear.


What Li jiaran said is not what Luo an did not think about.

Although Jin Xintong was humiliated here three years ago and threw herself into the river, in any case, Jin Xintong jumped into the river by herself, and an Jiaren was only indirectly responsible. Since then, Lu Shaochen has not talked to her for a long time and has alienated her a lot

This time, if an Jiaren "starts punishment" on Li luoran, it will be a direct injury to Li luoran. She can't shirk her responsibility anyway. Moreover, an Jiaren can see that Lu Shaochen is more interested in Li luoran than Jin Xintong. Once she does this, Lu Shaochen's heart will be completely broken by her. She may really lose Lu Shaochen's love for her forever!

Separated from a few meters away, she and Lu Shaochen look at each other in a trance, and clearly feel the silk begging in her son's eyes. For a moment, an Jiaren almost let Li luoran go.

However, thinking of Li luoran as Gu lianyue's daughter, her hatred for her husband, and her daughter's tragic death, an Jiaren's heart suddenly hardened again.


Reading the name coldly, an Jiaren suddenly turns back, and her fierce eyes seem to pierce Li luoran on the spot.

"as long as you can get retribution, I will go to prison and be hated by my son with no regrets!"

The voice dropped, suddenly raised his voice, and his shaking right hand chopped down like a knife,

"now execute this shameless bitch!"

Lilo ran closed his eyes in despair.

Sure enough, there must be something hateful about the poor man. No matter how she was treated by Anjian in the past, she always had a little sympathy for Anjian in her heart. Now, Li luoran fully understands that such a person as Anjian is not worthy of sympathy

There is no difference between a madman and a person who is completely controlled by hatred. In order to get revenge, Anjia completely ignores the hatred between her and Gu lianyue, which has nothing to do with Li luoran, and even does not hesitate to lose Lu Shaochen's love for her.

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In fact, an Jiaren and Jin Xintong are the same kind of people. They are already insane. The difference is that Jin Xintong is because of love, but an Jiaren is because of hatred.

"Mom, do you really want to be so desperate?" Looking at an Jiaren in pain, Lu Shaochen's eyes almost begged,

"from small to large, I am extremely obedient to you, everything depends on you, I have never asked you anything, this time I beg you."

"Mom, please let Ranran go, OK?"

Extremely handsome man, black gem like eyes with tears looming.

Even the servants and family members in the land house couldn't bear it.An Jiaren shakes her head indifferently. "Shaochen, there are national laws and family rules. There is no room for negotiation. This woman named Li luoran has to pay the price!"

Lu Shaochen's thick black eyebrows were painfully tight, and his Adam's apple was sliding violently.

Anna raised her voice,

"are you stupid? Didn't you hear my orders? "

"Yes, ma'am!"

Three men in black carried a pig cage to liluoran.

Lu Shaochen's eyes at an Jiaren were as painful as a knife, "Mom, don't let me hate you!"


Ha ha

An Jiaren's expression is resolute and desolate,

"Shaochen, even if you hate me, I will never look back."

Lu Shaochen looked at his beloved mother with grief. He felt a kind of pain and hysteria in his heart

In the twinkling of an eye, the three men in black put the pig cage beside Li luoran.

Someone untied liluoran from the lamppost and pushed him into the pig cage.

Anjia had arranged everything for a long time, and then 99 buckets of water came one after another. Each bucket was filled with ice water mixture. Although it was midsummer, it made people feel cold at a glance.

"Since Shaochen refuses to execute her, I'll take the lead as a mother."

An Jiaren, who was weak, had no strength to lift a whole bucket of water. She filled a basin with water in the nearest bucket and splashed it on Li luoran in the pig cage.


Li luoran screamed with endless cold.

"Stop it Lu Shaochen growled.

However, it didn't work. Lu Wanyue followed an Jiaren and poured a basin full of water on Li luoran.

Then there are the family relatives.

"Pour it on her!"

"Don't be shameful

"Li luoran, don't take revenge. We are helping you to wash away the dirt on your body. In the future, be a good man and don't be cheap again."




Basin after basin, the mixture of ice and water could not help splashing on liluoran.

Endless coldness spread all over her body. At first, she was still dodging and struggling. With the continuous pouring of cold water, her whole body seemed to be frozen and stiff, and she could not make any strength. She just sat down in the mud, her slender hands clutching the cold cage, and her whole body could not help shivering

Through the thick mist in front of her eyes, she watched the people outside the cage splashing her like a carnival. Anjian, Lu Wanyue and their family relatives were so satisfied and enjoyed when they splashed her.

She will also remember every ugly face!

Especially Anjian and luwanyue!

She vowed that sooner or later, she would return all the humiliations she suffered today to these people.

From this moment on, an Jiaren and Lu Wanyue have been included in her list of enemies. She will revenge Bai Qingwan with an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!


"Stop it

"Stop it all!"

Lu Shaochen, who was closely escorted by two men, screamed out blood in his throat. A pair of beautiful black and white eyes turned into blood red because of his emotional excitement, so bloodthirsty and terrible.

But everyone seems to be crazy, just revenge on Li luoran, no one cares about him.

Only ten minutes later, ninety-nine barrels of water were all spilled.

In the pig cage, it was already muddy. Liloran, trembling all over, was lying powerlessly in the mud. Her wet hair wrapped her face like seaweed, and her arms and cheeks were stained with black mud

Looking at her like this, Lu Shaochen, who rarely shed tears, could not help but shed tears.

Just now, watching the cold water poured on liluoran one after another, he felt more pain and suffering than on himself.

He'd rather be spilt on him!

Why isn't he the one who was splashed?!

"Ma'am, are you ready, or will you be the first to execute?" The humble servant bowed deeply and handed over a red hot iron.

At the same time when liluoran was splashed with water, someone started a lot of carbon fire and burned nine soldering irons red. The word "bitch" was clearly printed on each soldering iron!

"Since Shaochen is not willing to do it himself, of course, I'll be the mother instead." An Jiaren took the soldering iron in the servant's hand, and without hesitation put it into the pig cage and went to liluoran.

Li luoran, who was cold and powerless, watched the red iron coming close to his face. He didn't know where the strength came from and unconsciously flashed to one side.

"Oh, so tenacious, even now can struggle, come on, tie her to me!" She gave a cold order.

Just now, after splashing Li luoran's cold water one after another, she felt a sense of revenge. Therefore, at this moment, her face was involuntarily smiling, venomous and ferociousHowever, this is not enough!

Next, one by one, she will brand the 99 marks on Li luoran's most prominent position. She will make Li luoran's face, which is at least six points similar to Gu lianyue's fox spirit, full of "bitch" marks. She will make Li luoran's little fox spirit have no face to see anyone!

Two capable men quickly imprisoned Li luoran and tied her firmly to the pig cage. In addition, they wrapped three circles of rope around her neck so that she could not even move her head.

Before that iron had cooled down, Anjian threw it back into the burning carbon fire, and the servant handed her another one.

"Li, remember, this is my lesson to you!"

She hated Li luoran so much that the first time an Jiaren put her brand iron on her eyebrows.

Scalding iron, braved the star fire light, inch by inch to liluoran's eyebrows.

Li luoran knew that he could not escape. He could only close his eyes and wait for the pain.

"Since you must talk about family law, let's talk about family law."

Lu Shaochen's voice was originally very recognizable. Although his voice was hoarse at this time, no one could ignore it because he was raised very high.

Anyway, Lu Shaochen was made and Li luoran was tied up again, so she couldn't run away anyway. Mrs. an was not in a hurry to torture Li luoran. She took back the iron in her hand.

"Shaochen, do you think of our family law now?"

"I think so."

Lu Shaochen looks at an Jiaren coldly. He has just been struggling. His wrists are bleeding. He is only worried about Li luoran. How can he feel the pain?

"As far as I know, there is a provision in the family law that a wife who has made a mistake in the family can choose to accept the family law for her if her husband does not want her to accept the family law."

Lu Shaochen's voice was cold.

However, Anne seemed to hear a bolt from the blue, so that her right hand could not hold the iron tongs. The iron tongs, together with the red iron, fell to the ground, making white eyes and chattering in the mud.

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