You,Under My Name

Chapter 180: 180

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"Shaochen, you What do you mean

Anne's voice trembled with excessive panic.

Lu Shaochen's eyes were red and his mouth was smiling. "What I said is very clear, that is, I want to accept it for her."


Anne's face turned pale in an instant, and the joy of revenge for Li luoran vanished in an instant.

The others were stunned, too.

There is indeed such a provision in the family law as Lu Shaochen said, but if Lu Shaochen did not say it, no one would have thought of it -

after all, a normal man, after his wife "red apricot comes out of the wall", would like to enforce the family law by his own wife. Who can be so stupid that he would take the place of his wife after being betrayed by his wife?

"You've always valued your face more than anything else. Today, all the people in the family are here, and so many people are watching. I know that in order to save your face, you can never stop for anyone in this family."

Lu Shaochen looked at an Jiaren faintly, his indifferent eyes were like looking at a stranger,

"in this case, you can just do it to me."

Once upon a time, she always used the warm and friendly title of "Ma" to Anjia, but this time, she always used the word "you".

An Jiaren looked at him with loss, but because of guilt, she did not dare to look him in the eyes, "Shaochen, don't force me..."

"You've always been pushing people. No one has ever pushed you."

Looking back on the scenes that an Jiaren did to separate herself from Li luoran in the past, each scene is more cruel and inhumane than before. Lu Shaochen's voice is more ironic,

"in this world, what is family love to you? What am I? Compared with your hatred, nothing matters. You insist on using family law against Ranran, not because Ranran has made a mistake or for the sake of family reputation. You just take her as your way to vent your hatred for Gu lianyue. "


As if Lu Shaochen hit her face in public, an Jiaren's expression was extremely embarrassed.

The relatives of the family all sighed secretly. Of course, they knew the root of the cruelty to Li luoran, but no one would tear it down. Lu Shaochen obviously couldn't bear to see Li luoran tortured by an jiaran, so he didn't want to save face for an jiaran.

"Brother, mother has to do this. You can say less."

Lu Wanyue couldn't see it any more. She grabbed an Jiaren's arm hard,

"Mom, I think that's the end of the matter. After all, we just spilled so much ice water on Li luoran, which is a lesson for her, isn't it?"

Of course, I don't want to help Li luoran speak.

However, Lu Wanyue knows how deeply Lu Shaochen feels about Li luoran's little fox. First, she and an Jiaren lead the affair. If Li luoran is hurt too badly, Lu Shaochen will hate her for it.

Second, looking at this posture, Lu Shaochen is determined to accept it on behalf of Li luoran. If an Jiaren insists on it again and again, the consequences will be unimaginable

"Mildly, after seeing those photos, who suggested that I call the whole family together to use family law against Li luoran? What's the matter? Now it's really provoking. Do you want to shrink back? "

An Jiaren stares at Lu Wanyue.

Lu Wanyue took a breath of air. She didn't expect that an Jiaren, knowing her feelings for Lu Shaochen, still sold her by saying these words that easily attracted Lu Shaochen to hate her.

An Jiaren looks back on Lu Shaochen's face,

"Shaochen, are you sure you want to be punished for her?"

"Yes." Lu Shaochen did not hesitate to return.

I don't know how many times I look at Li luoran. Now, I look at her again.

Tied up all over her, she curled up in the cold mud, with no blood on her beautiful face and no expression in her eyes.

Just now, when Li luoran was thrown cold water by others, he struggled desperately to save her. When he had no strength to struggle and could not move any more, he recovered a little calm Also just think of, that he can help Li Luo dye be punished of "family rule".

If not, he had offered to take her place long before Li luoran was splashed with water. How could he let her suffer so much in vain?

"As you know, family rules are hard to break. In this case, I will help you."

An Jiaren turned around and gathered up her lost eyes. Her voice became fiercer and fiercer,

"come on, shovel the charcoal out of the charcoal fire from the front of the pig cage to Shaochen's feet!"

No one knows what Anjia is going to do.

But no one dared to disobey her orders.

At once, four men in black took shovels and shoveled charcoal out of the pile of charcoal fire used to burn the soldering iron. According to the order of Anjian, they paved a road with charcoal between Lu Shaochen and Li luoran.

A road that is not straight enough, more than 20 meters away, each piece of charcoal is red, burning vigorously, so that people standing nearby feel a terrible heat.However, this is not enough.

Then she told other humanists,

"bring me a table and put a knife on it."

Soon, a square table was moved to the edge of the pig cage. The blade of the fruit knife on it was so sharp that it still released cold light in the cloudy weather.

Not far away, the courage is very small Jin Xin Tong see this behind the scenes, lips can't help shivering.

"Lu Shaochen, after seeing this, I think you know how to help her get punished."

An Jiaren holds the pig cage with one hand and points to Lu Shaochen's face.

"according to the family rules, the man who is willing to be punished on behalf of his wife should be punished more cruelly than his wife. Who let him have no dignity and backbone? Who let him be lower than his wife? Who is willing to be humiliated and protect a shameless woman?"

Because of her excessive excitement, an Jiaren was a little out of breath. She stroked her dizzy head and then continued to sneer,

"OK, Lu Shaochen, if you want to be punished instead of Li luoran, then you will step on the carbon fire all the way to her, and then cut off your finger with this knife beside her."


There was a cry of surprise from the crowd.

"Ma! How can you be so cruel? " Lu Wanyue was the first to lose control. She stamped her feet anxiously,

"Mom, brother Shaochen is your own son. How can you be so cruel to him?"

"Asshole, even you call me cruel?"

She was so angry that she slapped Lu Wanyue in the face with a heavy slap,

"thanks for my doting on you and loving you, ah, it was picked up after all, not her own daughter. Otherwise, how could she disobey me when I needed support most?"

Thinking that she was better to Lu Wanyue than to Lu Shaochen, and Lu Wanyue always disobeyed herself, Mrs. an was also very sad.

"Ma..." Lu Wanyue's small hand covered her red left face, and her tears gurgled down.

She is not Anjian's own daughter -

this is also her most painful and sensitive scar. When Anjian said this in front of the public, she felt as if she had been shot through her heart.

Those relatives of the family wanted to dissuade Lu Wanyue when they saw that she was so cruel. However, when they saw that Lu Wanyue had been beaten, who would dare to dissuade her?

An Jiaren's eyes slowly moved back to Lu Shaochen with her chest undulating violently,

"it's too late for you to retreat now. Do you think it's worth it for such a cheap..."

"I've made it very clear."

Not wanting to hear anyone insult Li luoran again, Lu Shaochen lightly interrupts an Jiaren's words,

"I do as you wish."


Anne's lips were open, her heart seemed to be gripped by a powerful hand, and she could not say a word.

She thought that as long as she set the punishment too severe, Lu Shaochen would give up. After all, how could he pay so much for an unruly woman?

But he underestimated Li luoran's position in his mind.

What happened to his good son?

Li luoran, what did that little bitch do to him?!

Time seems to be still at this moment, and everyone's eyes are focused on Lu Shaochen's handsome face.

Lu Shaochen glanced at the two men who were escorting him,

"don't you let me go yet?"

"But, Mr. Lu, this..." The man behind Lu Shaochen looks at an Jiaren in embarrassment, and at the burning carbon fire under Lu Shaochen's feet. He doesn't dare to make decisions privately.

An Jiaren helplessly raised her hand,

"let him go..."

They untied Lu Shaochen.

As time went on, that piece of charcoal became more and more prosperous. It had turned into a sea of fire more than 20 meters long. Lu Shaochen didn't even prick his eyes. After he was free, he was about to step up.

"Slow down!" An Jiaren raises her hand to stop her,

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"if you think clearly, even if you are a normal person in good health, it's hard to insist on going through this journey. What's more, you are so weak now. I have a word in advance. If you can't insist on walking to the pig cage and give up halfway or coma in the middle, it means that you don't have to be punished on behalf of Li. I have to continue to punish her."

Lu Shaochen sneered,

"in the final analysis, I just don't want to let her go easily."

The voice dropped and the right foot raised again.

"Slow down!"

Anjian raised her hand to stop again,

"take off your shoes and socks before you go on the road. You must go barefoot."


Someone in the crowd took a cold breath.

However, only some unidentified people feel that Anjian is becoming more and more cruel. People who know her well can see that the conditions she has put forward are becoming more and more harsh. They just want Lu Shaochen to give upJinxintong of course also knows the intention of an Jiaren.

So, she always stood in the family relatives, tears in her eyes, small hands clenched his skirt, as if very reluctant to see this scene, but never spoke a word of advice.

She would like to take the place of an Jiaren to make Li luoran's face covered with the brand of "cheap woman", so that Li luoran would never face anyone again, and would never have a beautiful face to compete with her for Shaochen -

she would never persuade an Jiaren to stop!

Even if Lu Shaochen really stepped on the carbon fire because of Li luoran, she would never persuade him to stop. She would only hope that Lu Shaochen would not stick to the end. In this way, Li luoran would still be disfigured!


Lu Shaochen's meaningless hook lip.

Slightly bent down, blood dripping hands elegantly removed his black shoes and pure white socks, and neatly placed.

Li luoran had experienced too much cold before. Her mind was in chaos and her ears were buzzing. She only heard them talking and didn't know what they were saying. Until now, when she saw Lu Shaochen taking off her shoes and socks and looking at the long string of red carbon fire, she probably realized what had happened


Lu Shaochen, no!


She tried her best to shout, but her vocal cords seemed to be frozen. No matter how hard she tried, her voice was weaker than the wind at the moment. No one could hear her except herself.

Can only anxiously look at him, cold teeth open, haggard lips like two withered petals can not stop shaking, exuding dense sweat, quickly cooled by cold water, chilly


There was a clear movement in the air.

It was Lu Shaochen's right foot that stepped into the carbon fire.

At this moment, Li luoran seemed to feel that he had stepped into the carbon fire, and suddenly felt a burst of heartbreaking pain.

Before she was constantly pouring cold water, always strong did not drop a drop of tears, at this moment, tears but burst down the dike.


Anne whispered out his name and closed her eyes in pain.

Lu Wanyue is sitting on the ground, her tears are more fierce. Besides her pain for Lu Shaochen, she also hates herself -

this time, if she didn't propose to use "family law" against Li luoran, she might not have thought of this way. However, in the end, it is Lu Shaochen who is most injured.

Looking back on the past, every time she and an Jiaren calculated with Li luoran, in the end, all the people they hurt were Lu Shaochen

Jin Xin Tong clenched his lips, and his hands clutched at the side of the sycamore tree, looking like a broken heart that could collapse at any moment. In the heart, he kept praying that Lu Shaochen would fall down quickly.

Others have sighs, heartaches, sorrows and schadenfreudes. Everyone's expression is extremely complex -

only Lu Shaochen has no expression.

Stepping on the blazing coals, his feet were instantly bloody. Other people felt numb when they just thought about the pain, but he didn't seem to feel it. There was no emotion on his handsome face.

Just looking at Li luoran's position, step by step, he went to her.

Step on the foot of the place, sparks everywhere, blood along the wrist was broken by the rope spread over a pair of hands, along the fingertips dripping into the fire.

Looking at this scene, Li luoran felt that his whole heart was broken.

She thinks that since Jin Xintong appeared, her position in Lu Shaochen's mind has become less important. She never dares to think that Lu Shaochen would do it for her -

in the blur of her tears, Lu Shaochen's desperate pictures suddenly appeared in her mind, intertwined with this picture, and Li luoran suddenly hated herself



If she had not willfully moved out to live alone, she would not have made such a big misunderstanding with Jin Qian, and would not have given people with ulterior motives an opportunity to take advantage of it, so she would not have suffered so much for Lu Shaochen.

"Dong!" There was a loud noise.


"Shaochen is down!"

"My God, I thought Mr. Lu was made of iron. Could he even fall down?"

There was one scream after another in the crowd.

Li luoran blinked hard to squeeze out the tears that blocked her sight, and then saw that Lu Shaochen was lying on the ground -

lying on the ground motionless, with large holes burning in his trousers, and flames springing out in some places, as if in a coma.


He is also flesh and blood, how can he stand the burning of the fire?

Watching Lu Shaochen fall down, Li luoran is relieved, because Lu Shaochen has only walked about five meters in the carbon fire. The earlier he falls into a coma, the lighter his injury will be -

if he insists on walking to the end, his feet still don't know how serious the burn is.Besides, she asked him to cut off a finger!

"Brother Shaochen!"

"Mr. Lu!"


Lu Wanyue, Jin Xintong and a servant quickly run to carry Lu Shaochen away.

However, just as several people's hands were about to touch Lu Shaochen, his voice suddenly rang out,

"don't help me, I can get up by myself."

Three people are in the same place.

The next second, Lu Shaochen got up on his feet.

Take a deep breath, ignore all the pain, even though the handsome face because of excessive pain full of fine sweat, still expressionless does not reveal a trace of pain, as if very relaxed general to liluoran hook lip smile, as if to say to her, with him, don't be afraid.

But the pace is no longer steady.

Staggering, continue to walk.

"Brother! If you can't make it to the end, don't try to be brave and stop! " Lu Wanyue cried pitifully.

Jin Xintong looked at him with tears in his eyes, "Shaochen, your foot is badly hurt. You can stop, Shaochen..."

But he was laughing in his heart. Now Lu Shaochen has not finished one third of his journey. It seems that he will soon be unable to hold on. He will never succeed. This time, Li luoran is dead!


A thunder suddenly interrupts Jin Xintong's thoughts, and the bright lightning is hitting the lamp pole used to tie Li luoran behind an Jiaren.

The whole earth seemed to tremble violently.

The next moment, it was pouring down.

Cold raindrops hit the carbon fire on the ground, and the carbon fire was burning vigorously. Although it was difficult to extinguish it for a while, the temperature dropped sharply under the effect of the rain. Lu Shaochen, who was in great pain, was also sobered by the cold rain

As a result, Lu Shaochen quickened his pace and walked to the pig cage in less than three seconds.

"Oh, Mr. Lu has done it!"

"My God, is that the will of heaven? Heaven is moved by heaven? "

"This should not count. After all, his wife asked him to walk through the whole carbon fire, but later the carbon fire was watered out by the rain."

"Are you blind? Which eye of yours sees that the carbon fire has been extinguished? Take a closer look... " A servant pointed to the charcoal fire.

People's eyes were attracted to the past. At this time, although the rain was falling more and more quickly, the carbon fire had not been completely extinguished because it was very thick and fierce before.

Therefore, although Lu Shaochen took advantage of the rain, she fulfilled her request, and she had nothing to say.

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