You,Under My Name

Chapter 181: 181

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Li luoran looks at Lu Shaochen standing in front of her in a trance through the hot tears. He can't make a sound, but can only tell him with his eyes that he has done enough for her, so don't continue.

Lu Shaochen clearly understood her meaning, but he gave her a smile, followed by, without hesitation picked up the knife on the table, and put his left hand on the table.



"Lu Shaochen, don't..."

Liluoran's lips trembled violently.

Lu shaoran, how to stop to protect her hand may be cut.

Before Ann said too much, now, even if it's too late to regret, she closed her eyes and couldn't bear to see the cruel scene.

Everyone held his breath, timid scared to cover his eyes, did not dare to look down.

"Stop it

A mellow baritone suddenly sounded.

Accompanied by a huge thunder, the man's already powerful voice set off a more dignified instrument.

Bright lightning across, the man's deep outline and delicate features as the bright.

Jinqian -

Li luoran called out the name silently.

In the past, she always rejected Jin Qian and didn't want him to appear in her own world. However, in such a situation, Jin Qian's appearance made her happy as if a drowning man had caught a straw.

Now, everyone is against Lu Shaochen and she is the only one who can help him

"What are you doing here?" Jin Qian's voice is so familiar that Lu Shaochen doesn't have to look back to know who the owner of the voice is.

Jin Qian strode behind Lu Shaochen,

"save you."

"Oh?" Lu Shaochen laughs sarcastically,

"as far as I know, you swore three years ago that you would never step into Lu's house again. Besides, my family does not welcome a lover who has an intention to my wife."

Looking at the blood dripping from Lu Shaochen's feet to his ankles and his wrists, Jin Qian could not hide the pain in his eyes,

"then, you should think that I am coming to atone for you."

Lu Shaochen's sword eyebrows tightened, and the emotions in his eyes were complicated.

He did not expect that Jin Qian, who was as rebellious as he was, would say the humble word "atonement" to him.

Lu Shaochen's aristocratic relatives were also surprised.

Jin Qian didn't care about other people's eyes. He just grasped Lu Shaochen's right hand holding the knife for the first time. "If you have something to say, put the knife down first."

"It's not up to you to take care of my family."

Lu Shaochen sneered,

"Oh, I forgot that all this happened because of you Jinqian..." Then she looks at Li luoran in the pig cage,

"I know Ranran's character. She is a good girl with principles. If you didn't take the initiative to seduce her, she would never betray her marriage. You always pester her so much that she can't bear to talk to you That's why you're satisfied now? "

Li luoran looks slightly stiff.

Everyone else, including an Jiaren, can't laugh or cry. No one can imagine that Lu Shaochen knows that Li luoran is on the wrong track. He is not willing to blame Li luoran. Instead, he blames Jin Qian for his fault. Jin Qian is the only one to blame

"If you think so, you should not continue to hurt yourself." Jin Qian has a dignified face and a warm voice.

"Shaochen, what you say is that I'm the one who made all the mistakes. I'm the one who made the situation. So if someone must lose his finger today, it should be me, right?"

Lu Shaochen's extremely handsome face expressed surprise,

"what are you going to do?"

Jin Qian, "I have already said my purpose. I promise you that I will give everyone a satisfactory explanation, provided you put down the knife first."

Lu Shaochen just let go.

Jin Qian is holding this bright knife in his hand. In the thunder and lightning, the sharp edge of the knife is sharp. He thinks that if he comes a few seconds later, Lu Shaochen's finger has been cut off by this knife. It's not a good feeling in his heart.

"Jin Qian, I can't imagine that you shameless adulterer dare to come to the door. Well, today, the dogs and men are all together. Listen to you, do you want to cut off your own fingers instead of Shaochen?"

Lady Ann was the first to meet her.

In her heart, there are also 100000 people who don't want Lu Shaochen to cut off his fingers, but in front of so many family relatives, she set the rule of letting Lu Shaochen walk the carbon fire and letting him cut off his fingers. Later, there is no way to turn back. Jin Qian's appearance just gives her a step down -

If Jin Qian cuts off a finger instead of Lu Shaochen, it will protect Shaochen's Zhou Dynasty All, and save her face, no better!

Jin Qian shakes the knife in his hand with great interest. Just as he wants to say something, Lu Wanyue points to his face and says angrily,"Mom, he put a green hat on brother Shaochen. He also made brother Shaochen suffer so much. It's too cheap for him to cut off a finger. Jinqian is a man who attracts beautiful women by his handsome face. In my opinion, he should destroy his attractive face, so as not to harm others."

Jin Qian took a cool breath.

Then another relative of his family came forward and pointed at Jinqian indignantly,

"not only to destroy his face, but also to cut off his dishonest life root, so that he would never be able to commit adultery with this bitch surnamed Li again."

"Yes! His surname Jin not only doesn't talk to Li luoran, the little fox, but also comes to Lu's house to interfere in our family affairs. It's arrogant and arrogant, and I don't pay attention to our family! "

"That's right. Didn't he have the courage to come? Didn't he admit that everything was his fault? In this case, we will impose family laws on him, and brand his face with the brand of "bitch!"

"Then we have to castrate him and feed his lifeblood to Lu's dog!"

Family relatives a pair of angry eyes staring at Jin Qian, all the spearheads are pointing at him.

After so many experiences, everyone has deeply realized that as long as Lu Shaochen is there, he will help Li luoran to stop everything. Therefore, proposing to hurt li luoran is tantamount to hurting Lu Shaochen. It's better to point the spear at Jin Qian -

in this way, everyone can get off the stage and preserve the family's reputation.

"Well, since everyone says so, it's done like this!" An Jiaren immediately took over the stem,

"someone, put Jinqian and the shameless one in the pig cage."


There was an immediate response.

The next second, at least ten people in black surrounded Jinqian.

Li luoran's brain "hummed" and tried to support it before he didn't go into a coma.

Now an Jiaren is so crazy that she can't stop Lu Shaochen from walking and chopping his fingers. Li luoran believes that an Jiaren will be able to do what they said to Jin Qian


He should not be stupid enough to jump into the fire pit alone without any preparation!

When Li luoran was thinking wildly, he just heard Jin Qian say coldly,

"it's all my fault to Shaochen, it doesn't mean that I've done something shameful with Ranran."

Those who came to catch Jinqian stopped in an instant.

An Jiaren sneers,

"you don't mean to say that you and Li, a lonely man and a widowed woman, stayed in your house all day and night, but you didn't do anything between them, did you?"

Lu Wanyue and her relatives also laughed.

Those photos are hard evidence, even Li luoran and Lu Shaochen can not explain, Jin Qian said so, good hypocrisy!

Jin Qian, "yes."

"Ha ha!" Mrs. an's brother-in-law, Zhou Yongnian, laughed wildly,

"Jinqian, after we showed the evidence that you were together last night, Li luoran didn't explain himself. How could you say such shameless words to deceive us? Do you think we're three years old? "

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Jin Qian's eyes were cold,

"Ranran didn't explain because she knew that some people had ulterior motives for her. Her explanation would only make her laugh and humiliate by people like you."


Zhou Yongnian was angry and couldn't speak.

Indeed, if Li luoran said that he and Jinqian had done nothing at that time, he would have come forward to laugh and humiliate her like this

"I also heard later that not long ago when I was on the floating island, I had some close contact with Ranran for some unavoidable reasons, but I swear to God that she and I never crossed the bottom line. However, those pictures were taken by people who didn't know where to hide and sent to Lu Shaochen, which caused some misunderstanding." Jin Qian said in a cold voice.

Recalling the scenes on the floating island, Lu Shaochen's eyes were darker.

Jin Qian continued,

"since then, I believe that some people, and more than one person, have been secretly monitoring Ranran's every move. I have been sending people to investigate who they are, but these people seem to know the whereabouts of the people I sent to investigate. After these days, they still haven't found out who these people are, but they can still avoid me Zha Zhiren's line of sight is always staring at Ranran like a pair of eyes. "

Li luoran was surprised.

No wonder these days, no matter where she is, she always feels that someone is following her like a shadow. Has she been secretly monitored for so long?

Li luoran can't help but think of a movie in which the protagonist, no matter where he is or every phone call he makes, is watched. He is very afraid

"So, there are so many people with ulterior motives who want to blackmail her and catch her all the time. Since I dare to take her into my house, which is so easy to be misunderstood, how can I not be used by others, and how can I not leave evidence to prove her innocence?"With these words, Jin Qian took out a USB flash drive from his pocket,

"yesterday, Ranran had an accident on the way out of the hospital, and then fell into a coma. I took her back to my home. From the moment I stepped into my home until I sent her away, I recorded every second with my home camera. All the videos are stored in this disk, you can see for yourself."

“……” Since Jin Qian dares to monitor her, she already knows that Jin Qian and Li luoran are innocent without watching the video, but she refuses to answer them.

"Oh, ridiculous, what era is it now? The video is easy to be tampered with and falsified, which can't prove anything."

"I know you're going to say that, so I have 16 cameras in my home, each with a video." Jin Qian calmly picks eyebrows,

"this is just three videos, which is enough to prove the innocence of me and Ranran. In addition, I gave a copy of another video to ah sir, only if I made a fake. As for who is ridiculous, ah Sir will give you a result."

She was speechless.

Those previously domineering family relatives are now drooping and silent.

Jin Qian's eyes don't stay on an Jiaren's face for another second. He turns his head, and his eyes fall on Lu Shaochen's pale face again.

"I wanted to send her away when Ranran wakes up. I didn't expect that she was in a coma for a day and a night. She was always calling your name when she was in a coma. After waking up, I was afraid that you might misunderstand her, so I was desperate to leave."


Lu Shaochen's thin lips opened slightly, but at the moment, he could not say a word.

Think back to this morning.

At that time, he was dazzled by anger and jealousy, so he decided that Li luoran had betrayed him, so he went crazy and almost did that unspeakable thing to her downstairs

Now calm reflection, in fact, at the beginning of the Li luoran in the face of his questioning, also do not want him to misunderstand, so just tell a white lie.

Sure enough, I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, only because I am in the mountain!

Luoran owes him again.

In the palm of one cool, is the brocade Qian handed back the knife in his hand, he slightly a stay.

Jin Qian Wen Ru a smile, "don't you go to save her to come out?"

However, when Lu Shaochen started to walk in front of the pig cage, his feet suddenly softened, and he knelt down heavily in the mud, and the knife fell to the ground -

it turned out that his feet and wrists were badly injured. He had tried to hold on to it in order to save Li luoran. After standing at the table for a moment, he was so weak that he could hardly walk I can't make it, let alone save Li luoran.

Jin Qian is going to help Lu Shaochen.

Lu Wanyue, who was boldly dressed, had already helped Lu Shaochen up before him. "Brother, why are you so stupid? My God, your feet... " Looking at Lu Shaochen's bloody feet, tears fell down again.

Jin Qian picks up the knife, cuts the rope that binds Li luoran, removes the pig cage and picks up Li luoran.

"Sister Ranran!"

Jin Xintong, who had been silent before, was the first to run to Li luoran and "kindly" helped her,

"sister Ranran, I knew earlier that you are not a girl who does not love herself. I also believe that my brother is a good man. Sister Ranran, you did not disappoint me."

Knowing smile, as if very happy and proud for Li luoran.

Li luoran is so weak that he can't make any sound, and he doesn't even have the strength to push Jin Xintong away. He can only let Jin Xintong help him and perform in front of her.

The family relatives and the onlookers watched the touching scene quietly.


Angie stamped her feet in frustration,

"it turned out to be a misunderstanding, but it's no wonder that other people don't bite seamless eggs. If she is really a girl who loves herself, she won't be alone with her first love as a wife."

Jin Qian, with a cold face, said, "I have clarified that at that time, she was always in a coma. I took her back to my home on my own initiative. She had no choice."

When others insult him, Jin Qian always doesn't care, but as long as someone says that Li luoran is not good, he immediately doesn't let a word clarify for her.

"Yes? We are not boys and girls without judgment. Do you think we will believe you when you say so? " Although the truth has come to light, an Jiaren just refuses to admit it.

"I will also find someone to verify the authenticity of this video. Jin Qian, I will give you this account. If the video is fake, our family will not tolerate you."

"Yes! The beauty said yes! The reputation of our family is more important than anything else. I believe the video in the USB flash drive was forged by Jin Qian. "


"Lady, let the couple go today. Anyway, it's not true. We'll deal with them later."

Seeing the wind, the relatives rushed down the steps for Anjia."Well!" Ann nodded,

"let's go!"

In the twinkling of an eye, this group of beautiful people gathered in the distance.

Only Lu Shaochen, Jin Qian, Li luoran, Lu Wanyue, Jin Xintong and Chu Xingchen are left standing in the courtyard with thunder and lightning. The long road paved by carbon fire has been put out by rain, leaving a dark ash.

"Are you ok?"

Jin Qian put his right hand on Li luoran's shoulder.

Li luoran returned to him with a smile. Although his eyes were not repelled as before, they were still cold and distant.

"I understand that I have already died in your heart, and you will never return to the past for me." Jin Qian, a warm Confucian, smiles, and his green and ink like eyes are deeply embedded in his heart.

"after all this, I fully understand that the lost love can never be recovered. What you say is that people should look forward and rest assured that I will not harass you any more in the future."

Is that right?

Li luoran was surprised that Jinqian would have such an understanding, and he was very happy for Jinqian.

If a man like Jin Qian is willing to let go of her fetters, he will surely have a perfect love for him, which is also the result that Li luoran most hopes to see.

"So, I think it will be very difficult for us to meet again in the future. Don't you say goodbye to me?" Jin Qian seemed to smile freely.

Li luoran couldn't speak, so he could only raise his hand to say goodbye.

“……” With a deep sigh in his heart, Jin Qian turned and looked at Lu Shaochen,

"Shaochen, I said 'repentance' to you before, you know why."

Lu Shaochen eyes deep color, do not reveal a trace of emotion, "you have nothing to repent of."

"No!" Looking directly at Lu Shaochen, Jin qian does not shy away from his debt,

"although nothing happened between me and Ranran, after all, she is a married man. I shouldn't pester her blindly. In this way, it's not good for her and you. It's just because I'm not sensible that the situation today is created. In the final analysis, I'm the culprit."

Lu Shaochen was silent.

Jin Qian sighed, "but not in the future."

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