You,Under My Name

Chapter 182: 182

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Lu Shaochen's good-looking eyebrows and eyes reveal something strange. He can't help remembering the scenes when he and Jin Qian were like brothers and sisters at the beginning. It's just that Xiaojin's throwing into the river three years ago made them break up completely. Now, Xiaojin "comes back from the dead", but there is still a gap between them because of Li luoran

"Let's say goodbye, Lu Shaochen, and treat her well."

Jin Qian looks back and finally looks at Li luoran. This one looks as if he is forever dead.

It's time to die with her forever!

In the past, he always tried to get her back because he couldn't let go.

After so many experiences, he gradually realized that her heart had already left her, and that her obsession would not help but only bring her pain and trouble.

"If you can't be a lover, you can be a friend. The door of Lu's house is always open for you. You can come to see her any time in the future."

Behind him, Lu Shaochen's voice was slightly hoarse because he had been devastated.

Jin Qian smiles bitterly, and his eyes are sad.

"if you love someone too much, if you can't depend on each other in this life, it's better to never see each other."

Knowing that a man would say such sad words only when he was extremely distressed, Lu Shaochen didn't know how to persuade him at this moment.

He cherishes his friendship with Jinqian. If he does anything else, he will give up to Jinqian, but for Li luoran, he can't afford to

Jinqian eyes to jinxintong, "Xintong, you follow me."

Jin Xintong's right hand holding Li luoran was obviously stiff,

"brother, you What do you mean

Jin Qian said, "Ranran and Shaochen have gone through too many storms. I don't want you to be a stumbling block between them. Like me, you take the initiative to quit." The tone of the order is so cold and defiant.

Li luoran was slightly stunned.

Even now Lu Wanyue, who is still in tears, has a shocked expression on her tearful face.

Lu's love for Lu's sister is better than Lu's

Now, Jin Xintong "comes back from the dead". Jin Qian doesn't love his lost sister enough. No one can imagine that he should say such cold words to Jin Xintong.

"Brother, I don't understand what you're talking about..."

Jin Xintong is obviously flustered,

"it's Shaochen who cares about my safety and insists on keeping me by his side. I also know that I will become a fetter between sister Ranran and Shaochen, but this is not my original intention..."

"Since it's not your intention, you should go with me, shouldn't you?" Jin Qian resolutely interrupts Jin Xintong,

"Xiao Jin, if you are sincere, come with me now, otherwise it can only prove that you are right and wrong."


Want to cry without tears of brocade Heart Tong only incredible looking at brocade Qian.

She never thought that her brother, who loved her and loved her most in the world, knew what she thought of Lu Shaochen, but said these words that made her unable to choose!

Ha ha

Of course, he did it for liloran!

Li luoran!

It's all liluoran!

What's good about liluoran?

Why did the two most important men in her life ignore her for Li luoran?

"Sister, be obedient and follow me!"

Jin Qian's big hand gently holds Jin Xintong's arm.

Up to now, Jin Xintong can no longer find an excuse to leave. She can only reluctantly release Li luoran and follow Jin Qian with mechanical steps like a puppet who has lost her soul.

After Lu Shaochen's side, Jin Qian slowed down, "I will protect her for you all the time. Forget Xiaojin and concentrate on Ranran, just as Xiaojin never came back."

Lu Shaochen gazed at Jin Qian.

He entrusted jinxintong to Chu Xingchen. Jinqian is jinxintong's brother and the best person to jinxintong. Compared with Lu Shaochen's imposing jinxintong on Chu Xingchen, Jinqian's willingness to take jinxintong away is the best result.

At this moment, Jin Xintong's heart seems to have a broken voice, and her delicate face is covered with painful tears.


How she wished she hadn't come back?

Why did she come back?!

She would rather have died three years ago. In that way, she would at least live forever in Lu Shaochen's memory than make him cruel to her for another woman

Jin Qian helps Jin Xintong go further and further.

Lu Shaochen looked at his figure, "three years ago, you vowed never to step into the land house. Now, we are as good as ever?"

"The river won't flow backwards, the broken mirror can't be reunited, how can a broken relationship be restored?" Jin Qian pointed to the gate of Lu's house,"This time is just an exception. My oath is still valid. Lu Shaochen, you and I are just like me and Ranran. We will never go back to the past!"

Lu Shaochen's thin lips were open, and he couldn't say a word more. Only a trace of loss passed silently in his black gem like eyes.

He knows that although Jin Qian says "let go", he is still worried about Li luoran. Jin Qian still blames him for robbing Li luoran -

think calmly. If he didn't break into Li luoran's world, Li luoran and Jin Qian would be entangled by Jin Qian again and again after they broke up, in fact, there would be a great possibility to return to Jin Qian's arms

However, his appearance, so that Jin Qian no longer a chance!

Lightning and thunder, rain is quick and slow.

Jin Qian walked farther and farther in the rain.

He didn't say anything to Lu Shaochen. In fact, he envied Lu Shaochen. Lu Shaochen did what he didn't do at the beginning -

at the beginning, he fell in love with Li luoran and Li luoran loved him wholeheartedly. However, under the pressure of his family, he had to disappoint Li luoran and get engaged to another woman.

If he could turn back the clock, he would like to be like Lu Shaochen, no matter how difficult and forced the family members are.

The most beautiful things, often only one chance for everyone, do not know how to cherish when they have, and so lost, they will never come back.

He not only lost the most beautiful love with Li luoran, but also lost the most precious friendship with Lu Shaochen.

From now on, friendship and love, the two most beautiful things in life, have nothing to do with him any more


Lu Wanyue and another servant help Lu Shaochen and Chu Xingchen back to the room with Li luoran.

Qian Haichao, a private doctor in neat white, came in a hurry.

"Mr. Lu's feet and lower legs are severely burned. Fortunately, they are all skin and flesh injuries. If he burns a little more seriously, his feet will be useless." Qian Haichao carefully treated Lu Shaochen's scald and sighed,

"Alas! When I came here, I saw a piece of carbon fire in the yard. What happened? How could it be like this? "

Under the influence of anesthetics, Lu Shaochen has fallen into a coma.

Lu Wanyue wiped away her tears.

Li luoran looked at Lu Shaochen's haggard face in a trance.

Only the heartless Chu star winked with a smile, "well, it's my willing to say, so you'd better treat him as self mutilating?"

Self harm?!

The scalpel in the doctor's hand was stiff.

Does Mr. Lu have a tendency to injure himself?

How come he never heard of it?

Li luoran couldn't bear to see the scene of Lu Shaochen's wound bleeding. When he learned that Lu Shaochen would soon recover, he was relieved and walked out of the bedroom alone.

She stood in front of the French window. The rain of the takeout was overwhelming. It was a dark scene like the end of the world. The light in the room was bright. The difference between the light inside and outside made the French window turn into a mirror, clearly reflecting her pale face.

"Don't you blame yourself for my brother's injury?"

A question came from behind.

In the French window, Li luoran saw Lu Wanyue, tall and wearing a QIB short skirt, coming closer to her.

Li luoran didn't look back. He just looked at Lu Wanyue's reflection on the floor glass. "Why he was hurt like this? You know very well. Who should blame yourself? You know very well in your heart."

Back in the room, although she had been able to speak, her voice was still hoarse and low, which was different from her original clear voice.

"You're still quibbling?"

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Lu Wanyue, standing behind Li luoran, excitedly points to her back,

"if you didn't break into my brother's world, how could my mother and my brother have such a fierce fight? How can my brother take so much damage in vain to protect you? Li luoran, don't think that you have no fault at all. Without you, our family is calm, rich and luxurious. How many people are envious of us. Since you stepped in, our family has been stirred up by you and will never have peace. "

"Li luoran, think for yourself, how many curses and injuries have my brother suffered because of you? Don't you really blame yourself at all? "

Remembering the scene of Lu Shaochen's injury, Li luoran's eyes were filled with a trace of pain.

However, the next second, she changed back to the original indifference, calmly turned around,

"what about you? Do you blame yourself for planning this "family law" and causing your brother such harm? "

"I..." Lu Wanyue clenched her trembling lips, because she was stabbed by Li luoran and couldn't argue any more.

Li luoran looked up at this beautiful and open woman with a haughty face. Her cool eyes were indifferent,

"Lu Wanyue, the people who are not qualified to question me in the world are you and Anjian. You are the culprits. I know what you are thinking. You planned the family law. You feel guilty when you see Shaochen's injury Heavy, you feel unbearable, so you have to put the responsibility on me. "Lu Wanyue trembled all over, and her tears fell out of control.

Every word that Li luoran said was like a ruthless knife that poked into her heart.

If she saw Lu Wanyue's pain in the past, Li luoran would stop there. However, this time, she didn't have it. Instead, she was even more ruthless. She sneered and pointed her fingertips at Lu Wanyue's heart,

"don't run away from the truth. You know in your heart that you've done your brother such a harm. The doctor said that if he was hurt a little more seriously, he will never die I can't stand up any more... "

"Stop it!"

Lu Wanyue painfully interrupts Li luoran's words.

"No, I say, I will! Lu Wanyue, it's all your fault that Shaochen has become like this. If it hadn't rained in time, his feet would have been burned to pieces and he would never have been able to stand up. "

Li luoran's smile is satirical and her words are sharp.

just like when Lu Wanyue deliberately said something that made her feel more sad when she was most hurt.

"Li luoran, you You... "

Lu Wanyue gritted her teeth and looked at Li luoran like a terrible devil,

"I don't want it! I don't want to see you again. You are poisonous. You are a goblin and a poisonous snake. Get out of here

"Get out of here now!"

"Oh..." Li luoran is not angry but laughs,

"this is my home. Even if you want to go away, I ask you to go away!"

Lu Wanyue was a fool again.

Pointing to the location of the door, Li luoran's expression became more and more indifferent. "Lu Wanyue, now I'll ask you to go out as the hostess of the house, or use the word you like, go away!"

"No This is not your home. This is my brother's home. It's also my home. What kind of hostess are you? What qualifications do you have to ask me to leave? Leave! You should be the one to go

Flustered and annoyed, Lu Wanyue picked up the blue and white porcelain vase on the table beside her and wanted to fight Li luoran.

However, in the moment of looking at Li luoran coldly and arrogantly, she suddenly remembered that she had been beaten by Li luoran before -

How could she beat Li luoran as a shrew if she really did it?!

Li luoran looked at her sarcastically,

"do you fight? I'll fight against you just as you fight against my reputation


Lu Wanyue was so scared that her hands and feet softened. The blue and white porcelain vase fell to the ground and broke into countless pieces.

Li luoran glanced at the ground, and the next second, his eyes were sharp,

"I said for the last time, my home does not welcome you, give you 30 seconds, if you don't go, I'll beat you out."


"Good! Li luoran, it's you. I'll go, I'll go! You'll see for me! "

Knowing that Li luoran can say and do it, how dare Lu Wanyue stay? Can only gnash one's teeth to speak, also ignore the outside is pouring rain, angrily walked to the door.

"I will inform everyone in Lu house that from now on, you and Anjia are not allowed to step forward."

Li luoran's voice is slightly hoarse and clear in the luxurious living room.

Lu Wanyue couldn't help but disorganize her steps.

Just listen to Li luoran continue,

"tell an Jiaren that if she becomes peaceful from now on, I will let bygones be bygones and bygones be bygones. If she continues to make trouble maliciously, then she and you are my enemies. I will ask you to repay all the wrongs you made me suffer today and all you did to me before like debt collection."

Li luoran's voice was as cool as water. However, Lu Wanyue felt a strong air field that made her unable to breathe.

Li luoran!

She is an ordinary weak woman!

Why does Lu Wanyue feel that this little bitch has a kind of momentum that she does not dare to look directly at?

In the heart of inexplicable panic, Lu Wanyue did not dare to stay, regardless of the weather outside, did not hesitate to plunge into the rain.

Li luoran breathed a sigh of relief.

Until this moment, has been covered by her in the eyes of the loss was clearly in front of us.

Lu Wanyue, an Jiaren

For the mother and daughter, Li luoran sincerely hopes to get along with them, so if they don't trample on her bottom line again and again, she will definitely tolerate it.

But this time Anne and Lu Wanyue completely used up Li luoran's tolerance!

Li luoran knew that if Lu Shaochen hadn't been punished on her behalf today, she would have been ruined by an Jiaren, and her face and body would be full of stigma -

her tolerance has never won an Jiaren's magnanimity, but made an Jiaren more cruel and cruel to her.

If it is said that the former Li luoran was tolerant to an Jiaren again and again because of Lu Shaochen, then she will never be again!

This time, it's her last warning to an Jiaren and Lu Wanyue.If there is another time, she will be like what she said to Lu Wanyue, eye for eye, tooth for tooth!


the phone rings at this moment.

The caller ID shows the name of "Qin Weijie".

Li luoran suddenly remembers that she only promised Mr. lookout to film today. In fact, after she left Jinqian's house, she planned to go home first and then go to the cast. She didn't expect that so many accidents happened in the middle of the way, which has been delayed until now.

Now it's more than half past ten, an hour and a half after the time she and Mr. Wang agreed.

"Well, you must want to scold me for standing Mr. Wang up. Please say sorry to him for me. I'll be right there."

Qin Weijie said, "you can't apologize. You are late on the first day of the cast. You and Mr. Wang dare to play such a big game. How can I blame you? I'm calling you because Mr. Wang told me to tell you that it's raining so hard. If you don't want to come today, you can't come. If you still want to come, Mr. Wang will send a special car to pick you up. "

Oh, my God?

Does Mr. Wang attach so much importance to her?

Li luoran, who had been late for such a long time, felt guilty enough. How dare he bother Mr. Wang to pick him up by car? He said, "no, please tell Mr. Wang that I'll be there soon."

I hung up.

He took another look at Lu Shaochen's bedroom, picked up his handbag and dragged his tired body to the door.

"Sister in law, don't you wait for me to wake up?"

With this familiar voice, a big boy with wine red explosion came to her.

Li luoran rolled his lips and said, "I have to go to the crew."

"Well, well, my sister-in-law is a good girl with love. If it's not a last resort, how can I leave my father who hasn't woken up?" Chu Xingchen smiles brightly,

"however, I have to send you personally."


Li luoran was puzzled.


Chu Xingchen habitually touched his big earrings, "you are so important to me, the weather outside is so bad, I think if I am awake, I will tell me to send you, right?"

All right!

In fact, she is also worried about how to go to the cast.

Although she can completely drive Lu Shaochen's car, her driving skills are too bad. She will have a headache when driving under complicated road conditions, let alone in the storm.

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