You,Under My Name

Chapter 183: 183

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"Sister in law, let's go!"

Chu Xingchen warmly takes Li luoran's arm.

Li luoran took another look at Lu Shaochen's bedroom before he stepped forward.

This is the third time that Lu Shaochen has been seriously injured for her -

the first time is to block an arrow for Bai Qingwan in her mansion;

the second time is because she was imposed family law by an Jiaren;

then this time

Li luoran never thought that the love road between her and Lu Shaochen would be so long and arduous. She knew that those who were plotting against the law could not become peaceful. She didn't know how many twists and turns and frustrations were waiting for her. But as long as Lu Shaochen didn't fail her, she would go on bravely and firmly and never give up


as early as last night, when Li luoran was in a coma, Qin Weijie sent her the exact location of the crew on wechat. Nearly an hour later, Li luoran arrived.

It is located in a large film and television base in the suburb. Within a few kilometers, it is full of ancient buildings. The luxurious "imperial palace" is located in the center, surrounded by inns, markets, teahouses and technical institutes

Although the urban area is full of torrential rain, more than 20 kilometers away from the urban area, there is only a drizzle. People dressed in all kinds of ancient clothes are shuttling through the streets. If they don't see a helicopter taking photos at high altitude, Li luoran almost mistakenly thinks that he has gone through the ancient times.

The door of the "Palace" was open, and Li luoran went in.

Qin Weijie stormed up and said, "Li luoran, do you know, I've been in charge for more than ten years, but it's the first time I've met you so frightening. I'm almost scared of heart disease by you."

“……” Li luoran was secretly frightened,

"how to say?"

Qin Weijie glared at her. "Some people are the palm of Mr. Wang's hand. They put on airs to him and are late. They are not afraid. Those of us who want to see Mr. Wang's face are not so lucky."

All right!

In this production group, Mr. Lu is the immediate superior of everyone. Everyone depends on his face.


When Li luoran lost her mind, Qin Weijie threw a thick script into her arms,

"Mr. Lu revised the script for you."

"O ~"

in response, Li luoran opens the script and skims through it roughly -

although the story is still the same story, it has been modified from the beginning to the end because of the change of the female master setting, and even has to delete some plots that are not consistent with Li luoran's identity as a "pregnant woman", and adds a wonderful passage specially for "pregnant women".

Li luoran was surprised. She decided with Mr. Lu just yesterday. Only one day later, Mr. Lu revised the script, and the revised story is still so wonderful, which shows his intention.

At this moment, a shadow suddenly fell on the script.

At the same time, Li luoran heard Qin Weijie's low scream, and then covered his mouth as if he had been greatly frightened.

"What's the matter?"

Li luoran looks up at Qin Weijie's original position. The next second, he looks into a pair of green eyes, cool and clear, just like the green water in the fairyland yaochi.

"Mr. Wang!"

Li luoran called this title in surprise, and the excessive panic made her script fall between her feet.


Embarrassed to stoop to pick it up.

The man with the beauty of the golden age leans over her and slowly picks up the script.

"In case of bad weather in the future, you can be absent completely. This is my privilege to you." The eyebrows bend to look at her, Wang Zimo wipes the mud when the script falls to the ground with a wet towel, and gently hands it into her arms.

The flattered Li luoran held the script tightly in his hands,

"thank you. However, since I have decided to shoot the play, I will try my best to do it well. I promise that today is an exception. In the future, I won't be late easily, let alone absent."

It's not really that she's playing big.

Now she, at best, is just a "net red", what qualifications does she have to play a big card?

Besides, there is no star in the world who can be regarded as a big name in front of Mr. Wang!

"Well." Wang Zimo answered faintly,

"follow me and introduce two people to you."

But is she hallucinating?

As soon as Wang Zimo turned around, she seemed to see his eyes especially warm, just like when Lu Shaochen spoiled her.

It must be her illusion!

"Let's go..."

Qin Weijie gently pulls Li Luo to dye.

Li luoran and Qin Weijie follow Wang Zimo.

The place we went was the imperial study in the "imperial palace". Two golden dragon gates were open. A man in a Dragon Robe and a crown was sitting at the table drinking tea. Opposite her, a woman in a royal dress and a gold jade hairpin was sitting. I didn't know what she was talking about with the "emperor".When wangzimo entered the door, "the emperor" raised his head and gave an uninhibited smile,

"it's always the artists around Mr. Wang. It's the first time for Mr. Wang to make such a great effort to invite an actress who hasn't appeared yet."


Hearing this sound, Li luoran, who was too frightened, almost dropped the script on the ground again.

Unbelievable looking at the past, sure enough, the evil like face reflected in her vision is not the wind shallow, who can it be?

Expecting that Li luoran would behave like this, Wang Zimo looked at her with great interest, then turned his eyes to fengqianhe,

"I haven't come to meet our female number one yet."

"Er ~" Feng Qianyi took off the heavy crown and showed her golden hair. Because of her long legs and big steps, she came to Li luoran in a twinkling of an eye,

"has Aifei seen the script? In this play, you are my beloved concubine. In the future, you will call me "husband."

If it were not for the presence of other people, Li luoran would have answered Fengqian with his fist.

At the moment, she can only smile and shake hands with Feng qianshe, "teacher Feng is my idol. It's a great honor to have the opportunity to act with teacher Feng."

Feng Qianji recovered the high and cold appearance of his predecessors. "Where, where, you're the mistress. At best, I'm just a play maker for you. However, you're a newcomer after all. Only when I visit my husband's face can I condescend to accept a play that I'm not the protagonist. You should be honored."

All right!

In fact, Li luoran was really shocked.

As the most popular male star at present, Feng qianzhen is a famous actor. He refuses to be invited to be the leading actor in many large-scale films and TV dramas -

the entertainment circle is full of rumors about Feng's "three no principles" of accepting films: films and TV dramas with a pay of less than 200 million will not be accepted; plays that can't be seen will not be accepted; any plays will not be accepted when they don't want to make films

How can Li luoran not be surprised that such a star as "living Bodhisattva" would come to play a supporting role for Li luoran?

"Li luoran, nice to meet you."

With this soft voice, the woman who had been drinking tea with Feng qianshe also came to Li luoran.

Although Li luoran also noticed her just now, she didn't see her face clearly. At this moment, Li luoran clearly saw her facial features -

it was also the moment when she saw the woman's face clearly. Li luoran seemed to have been given a body immobilization curse, so she opened her lips and straightened her eyes.

She felt that Qin Weijie's small hand holding her arm was obviously shaking.

"It's not so unexpected, is it?" The woman smiles quietly,

"Li luoran, I play" Sheng Fei "in this play, which is your own sister and the biggest obstacle before you become the queen. I hope we can cooperate happily in the play."

"Me too..."

Shock, joy, pride, pride Li luoran was in a trance because of his complicated emotions.

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Now she is absolutely sure that the woman in front of her is her idol, and she is also the most popular strength female star at present.

At the beginning of her youth, like other girls, Li luoran liked some stars, but she liked and has been crazy about the stars up to now. There is only one shuxinshuang -

in every film and TV play made by shuxinshuang, Li luoran repeatedly saw that she could recite every sentence of shuxinshuang, and Li luoran also participated in it like some crazy fans There were several fan meetings of shuxinshuang, but none of them had the chance to get shuxinshuang's autograph.

Li luoran didn't expect that one day she could stand face to face with her most respected idol and act with her


Li luoran, who is too excited and slow to respond, suddenly remembers the role of "SHENGFEI". SHENGFEI is also a supporting role in this film. She is also a "vicious" scheming bitch and tragic cannon fodder. She was born to set off the aura of the heroine. Does her idol want to be cannon fodder for her?

Li luoran's mood is very complicated.

Qin Weijie, always holding Li luoran's arm, is more complicated than Li luoran's mood.

Although Qin Weijie is known as the "person in charge" of the crew, in fact, Mr. Wang only asked her to be the "person in charge" of Li luoran. To put it bluntly, he asked her to be the attendant and nanny of Li luoran. Qin Weijie has no idea of the decision of the senior management of the crew

Therefore, it was at this moment that Qin Weijie learned that Shu Xinshuang and Feng Qianyi played a supporting role in the play to play for Li luoran.

Although shuxinshuang's amazing appearance has been rated as "the first in a thousand years" and her superb acting skills have been praised as "unparalleled in the world", shuxinshuang is an artist of Mr. Wang's, so it is reasonable for shuxinshuang to come to Mr. Wang's investment as cannon fodder.

What surprised Qin Weijie most was the wind.

Who in the circle doesn't know that fengqianshe is not only popular, but also has a strong family background that doesn't give Mr. Wang face. Moreover, a few years ago, fengqianshe was coldly rejected by Mr. Wang because he wanted Mr. Wang to be his agent, and then he married Mr. Wang. According to common sense, no matter what, fengqianshe can't condescend to Mr. Wang's play“ Run the Dragon setHowever, the result of a flesh and blood of the wind shallow on such a real stand here, it is a hundred people think of its solution ah!

In a word, as long as there is a film starred by Feng Qianji and Shu Xinshuang, there will be a box office guarantee. These two legendary stars perform on the same stage, and they all act as supporting roles for a new comer. Does Mr. Wang want to take Li luoran to heaven all of a sudden?


standing in front of the French window, Lu Shaochen's dark gem like eyes reflected the storm and thunder outside.

Until now, there is still some loss on her haggard face. Although she has learned from Chu Xingchen that Li luoran has gone to the crew, when she wakes up, she doesn't see her face, and her heart is still as empty as if she had been hollowed out.

"My Lord, here comes the Falcon."

Chu Xingchen's voice rang out at the door.

Lu Shaochen, "let him see me."

Chu Xingchen went out and did not come back, only a thin man came to the room.

Because of his special training, the man walked quietly. He was dressed in black clothes and had thick black hair that almost covered his whole face. He approached Lu Shaochen like a shadow.

Lu Shaochen looked at the Falcon in the floor mirror,

"do you know why he asked you to come?"

"I know." The man slightly lowered his head,

"Mr. Lu told me to find someone for more than a week, and I let Mr. Lu down."

Lu Shaochen, "why?"

The Falcon bowed his head guilt, "I also want to know why, but now I can only guess that maybe a person who is very familiar with Mr. Lu is protecting him."

Lu Shaochen did not return, but lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply.

More than a week ago, after Li luoran told him that song Zilu was still alive, he immediately issued a reward order of 50 million to capture song Zilu and sent out falcons.

As Lu Shaochen's most trusted subordinate, Falcon has dealt with countless difficult things for him in the past seven years. It has always been clean, efficient and steady. Like this time, it has never happened that it took more than a week to catch a person.


Lu Shaochen also suspected that song Zilu must have been protected by someone who knew him like the back of his hand. That person didn't want him to catch song Zilu, which means he didn't want him to find him and the child Li luoran.

"Mr. Lu, it's me who is not good at doing things. If you want to punish me, punish me."

The Falcon's apologetic voice was behind him.

"It's not your fault. Where is it that it's not good?"

Lu Shaochen puffed a string of cigarette rings on the glass,

"change the direction and check everyone I know."

"Everyone who is familiar with Mr. Lu? Does Mr. Lu mean that even your mother, sister and Chu Xingchen need to check? "

Lu Shaochen, "stars don't have to."

In other words, they acquiesced in the idea that they wanted Falcon to go to cha'an and Lu Wanyue. After all, they all had bad intentions for Li luoran.


Falcon thought of another person,

"and Miss Jin Xintong, do you want to check?"

Hear this name, Lu Shaochen Mou color not from a deep, "I said, everyone, understand?"

"Yes! I understand! Mr. Lu, I'll check it right now. "

The Falcon turned silently, even though it left quickly, it was still silent.

Standing in front of the French window, Lu Shaochen looked at the scene of the storm outside in a trance, his eyes lost focus.

Once he always believed in Jin Xintong, however, now, he was shaken.

He still believes that Jin Xintong is kind and beautiful, but after a lot of things, although he didn't find out what's wrong with Jin Xintong, there is a little doubt about Jin Xintong. This kind of doubt is like a drop of ink in the white snow. It's almost nothing, but it can't be ignored

Maybe it's because he has just been hurt by his favorite mother and sister. Lu Shaochen began to doubt everyone he once loved, even Xiaojin!

"Mr. Lu, there's another thing I don't know whether to say." Approaching the door, the Falcon suddenly remembered something.

Lu Shaochen knows that for people like Falcon who don't talk much, everything they say is a big deal,


"That was last month. When you and Miss Li went to the floating island, I was secretly responsible for protecting you. That day, your mother, Wanyue and Miss Jin also went to the island."

Lu Shaochen's thoughts went back to that day.

Many things happened on the island that day, and he still feels uncomfortable in retrospect.

Falcon, "Mr. Lu, that night, I saw two of you."

Lu Shaochen can't help turning around,


"exactly, as like as two peas, I found a person who looks exactly like you." "As like as two peas as like as two peas,"

, "I saw the eagle in the hall, and I was walking around the hall. It was the same as a person who looks exactly the same as you. I can't even see him anywhere different from you. I thought he was you, but after a few seconds, I saw you soaked in water. Miss Li walked into the hall. The man obviously dodged after seeing you and turned around to get into the fire passage. "Lu Shaochen remembers the scene.

That night, he was dazzled by jealousy. He was very angry with liluoran on the beach. After quarreling with him, she just walked forward and fell into the sea. He should have saved her and walked back to the hall with liluoran in his arms when he was seen by the Falcon.

there was as like as two peas in the hall at that time.

Is there such a coincidence in the world?

"I think there must be something strange about it, so I followed this man for a period of time. I followed him to the bathroom. Then I heard him make a phone call and he said to a person on the phone," Miss Jin, are you satisfied with my performance? "

Hearing these three words of Miss Jin, Lu Shaochen can't help thinking of Jin Xintong.

The Falcon continued, "this man is obviously very alert. After he noticed that I was following him, he hung up the phone in a hurry. Mr. Lu, I know Miss Jin is a good girl. I don't think the" Miss Jin "she said can be the Miss Jin you loved, so I haven't told you about it."

Lu Shaochen did not return.

Suddenly, Lu Wanyue told him that jinxintong asked him to meet him that night and said that he wanted to make an end with him. He went to the appointed place, but he never saw jinxintong. Later, he received a picture of Jinqian and Li luoran's close relatives. Later, Li luoran sat alone on a reef by the sea, and he went to question Li luoran. Li luoran also rejected him, so they quarreled, Li luoran falls into the sea

and there was as like as two peas on the island that night.

that person as like as two peas is closely related to Miss Jin.

Is there any connection between all this?

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