You,Under My Name

Chapter 184: 184

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With the sound of the door closing, the Falcon has gone away.

Chu Xingchen quickly came to Lu Shaochen, "master, listen to Falcon say you call me."

Lu Shaochen, with a dignified face,

"if you go on, song Zilu's bounty will be increased to 100 million."

Lu Shaochen has never said to anyone that since Li luoran told him that song Zilu was still alive last week, he couldn't restrain his joy. Sometimes he even dreamed of the happy reunion of the three members of his family after he found his child with Li luoran


Chu Xingchen was shocked.

Before, in order to catch song Zilu as soon as possible, he offered a price of 50 million yuan, which made the whole city a sensation. Almost everyone was paying attention to the man with a scar on his left face, and even a large number of people formed a professional search team. Now that he doubled the reward, wouldn't it make the whole city restless!

"as like as two peas, I'll send a secret reward order to find someone who is exactly the same as me." The one and only as like as two peas, Lu Shaochen's voice,

's voice, brings back the thoughts of Chu star to reality. He looks at Lu Shaochen with a fixed look.

, "Hey, hey, is he the only man in the world who is unique? Isn't that man made out of your shocking face? "

Lu Shaochen's mouth curved mysteriously,


"Special!" Chu Xingchen angrily grabs his wine red explosion,

"this kind of person is also too shameless, God did not give him a handsome face, he likes plastic surgery, go to the whole and other people is not the same, but especially make the same as ye, Ye's face is so handsome against heaven, he goes out against Ye's face, how many innocent girls will be harmed?"

Lu Shaochen, "..."

Chu Xingchen said more and more angrily, "it's nothing for him to do harm to other girls. In case of his bad intentions, he pretends to be the master to approach his sister-in-law, and if his sister-in-law can't recognize that he cheated her into going to bed, she should - ow -"

before he finished his words, Lu Shaochen kicked her to the ground.

Regardless of his own pain, he got up and helped Lu Shaochen, who was shaking from left to right. "My Lord, your foot injury is not good yet. The doctor told you not to kick people like before Your feet are bleeding again

Seeing the bandage of Lu Shaochen's right foot dyed red with blood, Chu Xingchen raised his heart in an instant,

"Sir, the doctor said that if your foot is injured twice, it is likely that you will be disabled for life. Move your foot, I'll see if there is anything wrong?"

Squatting down with concern, we need to take apart the bandage on Lu Shaochen's feet to see what happened.

"How can there be so much nonsense?"

Lu Shaochen pushed Chu Xingchen away with disgust on his face,

"go to deliver a message."

"Er ~"

seeing that Lu Shaochen's right foot still moved freely, Chu Xingchen walked to the door with ease.

"Wait!" Thinking of that, Lu Shaochen's eyes were serious,

"go ahead and wait for her, don't miss the time."

All right!

All right!

His sister-in-law is so important. What's his Chu Xingchen's time? Even if he waited for his sister-in-law outside the crew an hour in advance, he couldn't hurt his sister-in-law to wait for him a minute!


because it was the first day, the crew did not turn on the TV, but let the six main actors know each other and get familiar with each other.

Although Wang Zimo has written the script, he has never set the title of the film. After reading the script, the main responsible persons and the actors decided to tentatively set the title of the film as "Queen of the demon in troubled times".

In the afternoon, Li luoran went through the script again.

This is not a historical play, but a fictional Dynasty, full of magic color. Although there are also some palace fighting elements, more is not emotional drama, but the heroine who experienced the murder of her parents, son and husband, from kindness to indifference, and finally turned into a merciless "demon Queen" revenge story

Although the emperor played by Feng Qianji has a noble status, he is poisoned and "killed" by treacherous officials before one third of the story goes on.

Among them, the true love of the female master, the "master Mo" who is also the female master of the church, is the male master. Li luoran was surprised that no one knew who played "master Mo" until now. On this day in the cast, everyone seemed to forget the most important male master.

Wangzimo is a mysterious existence. Since he met wangzimo, there have been many strange things happened to Li luoran. Although Li luoran is curious about the "male master", he is not surprised.

Five o'clock sharp in the afternoon.

Li luoran and Qin Weijie leave the crew together.

Outside the crew is a large parking lot.

As soon as they went in, a beautiful white shadow stopped Li luoran's way,

"Li luoran, let's talk about it."

The woman with a big figure, wearing the iconic white pearl skirt, is still so dazzling even in the dark and rainy days.This "white lotus" like beautiful woman, is not Bai Qingwan who can be?

Li luoran was surprised that Bai Qingwan could find this place,

"Oh, as far as I know, Miss Bai and I are one in the East and one in the west, nearly 50 kilometers apart. Miss Bai is not here. Did your crew come here to talk about the past with me instead of filming well?"

The white pure Wan facial expression ugliness of fierce, "you know why I come to you, why still so sarcastic me?"

Li Luo Ran is a stay, she really doesn't know the reason why Bai Qingwan looks for her.

However, Qin Weijie, who was beside Li luoran, kept a secret smile,

"I've heard some gossip. It seems that after Miss Bai was kicked out by Mr. Su, her acting career became unstable."

See Bai Qingwan's eyes so ironic, so contemptuous.

When Bai Qingwan was in song and dance, Qin Weijie, like everyone else, was deceived by Bai Qingwan's "pure and kind" appearance. If Li luoran didn't tell her the truth later, Qin Weijie would never have dreamed that Bai Qingwan's "Saint" had a completely different face hidden under her appearance

"Well! Aren't you just a little person in charge? This is a conversation between our stars. It's not your turn to talk! " Bai Qingwan responds to Qin Weijie's disdain with disdain.

"Big star? I can't even make a movie, so I'm a big star? "

Qin Weijie almost laughed,

"well, you're a big star, you talk to Ranran, I'll avoid it."

First, I know that Bai Qingwan has something to say with Li luoran alone; second, after listening to Li luoran about Bai Qingwan's behavior, I really don't want to spend more time with such a woman. I turn around and walk out nearly ten meters away, leaning on a red car.

Li luoran looks at Bai Qingwan lightly. Judging from Bai Qingwan's haggard face and Qin Weijie's words, Bai Qingwan is probably a big event.

"Li luoran, don't look at me with such confused eyes. Now there are only two of us. You don't have to pretend." Bai Qingwan sneered.

Li luoran remained silent.

She disdains to explain to Bai Qingwan, also believe that Bai Qingwan will say.

Sure enough, Bai Qingwan sighed with frustration,

"well, I'll take it as if you really don't know. Just yesterday, Su Yan talked to the chief executive of Shengshi imperial concubine. He wanted to invest another 200 million yuan for the cast. This time, his condition is to ask me to get out of the cast and change you to be the heroine."


Li luoran was really shocked.

Su Yan has never discussed this matter with her. In fact, she and Su Yan have never contacted each other since we separated at Fengqian's last time.

Isn't she very clear to Su Yan that she won't go back to the imperial concubine of flourishing age?

Even if she wants to go back, now she is already shooting "gone with the wind", how can she take on another play?

"Ha ha, Li luoran, your expression is so shocked that even I believe you are innocent!"

"you are more greedy, aren't you? Is Mr. Wang's play not enough for you? Why do you even think about my role? "

Thinking of the cruel reality, Bai Qingwan's beautiful apple face showed a trace of evil.

Li luoran did not explain.

She didn't care how Bai Qingwan misunderstood her.

What's more, Bai Qingwan's angry appearance was very popular with her.

Bai Qingwan tries to calm down her emotions,

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"although I have signed a contract with the princess of the golden age, the crew is very jealous when Su Yan says that they want to invest so much money. Just this morning, a high-level person in charge came to talk to me and said that they want me to take the initiative to quit, otherwise, ha ha..."

The excessive anger made Bai Qingwan short of breath,

"otherwise, on the premise of not breaking the contract unilaterally, they had more ways to let me take the initiative to quit. I think the way they said should be similar to the way I used for you in the song and dance Shengping."

My mind goes back to the past.

Once upon a time, Bai Qingwan was so vicious to the means used by Li luoran, and there was no lower limit. Li luoran still feels cool when he thinks about it.

"Good..." Li luoran's eyebrows are light and her smile is cold and proud.

"the villain has his own mill. Now, Miss Bai is going to get what she deserves."

Voice down, leaving the following color pale Bai Qingwan, indifferently turned away.

"Cunt, you told Su Yan to harm me, and you laughed at me like that?" Completely angry, Bai Qingwan's voice has turned into a vicious curse.

Li luoran turned back calmly, "yes, I told Su Yan to harm you. I just like to laugh at you, and I just like to see you framed by others like you framed me by those dirty means."


Bai Qingwan lost his voice in anger.

She knows this circle, remembering that from now on, she may encounter all kinds of frame ups and accidents in the crew at any time, and her heart is even more frightenedLi luoran didn't stop all the time. He turned back and continued to walk to Qin Weijie.

"Let's make a deal." Even if the heart is very angry, Bai Qingwan is still trying to keep calm.

Li luoran can't help but stop.

It's hard for her to think of what conditions Bai Qingwan can have to talk to her.

With the rapid pace of footsteps, Bai Qingwan has stopped in front of her in three steps and two steps,

"I know you have a good relationship with Yingye, and his death is a great blow to you."

Think of shadow night elder brother, intense pain and hatred instantly rushed to Li luoran's heart.


In Li luoran's mind, Yingye is always a brother.

The innocent death of Yingye makes Li luoran still think of it as if she saw him die in her arms that night

"That day at the funeral of shadow night, you forced me to kowtow to his tombstone. You said that one day, you would let me kneel down to his tombstone and confess to him. Today, I can do what you want..."

When he said these words, Bai Qingwan seemed so helpless and reluctant,

"Li luoran, Su Yan is the one who listens to you most. As long as you call him now and ask him not to make trouble with me in this film, I will go to the tomb of shadow night with you now. I will let you watch me kneel in front of the tablet of shadow night. How do you want me to confess to him I'll tell you what you want me to tell you

Li luoran's eyebrows were locked, and his hands were shaking violently.

Seeing Li luoran's appearance, Bai Qingwan thought that Li luoran had been persuaded to continue to fight on the railway while it was hot.

"Yingye loves me so much, and he would rather die for me. If a man has a spirit in heaven, he would most like to see him at his grave. I am the one who loves him more than his sister. You also hope that his spirit in heaven can be satisfied, don't you? ”

"Li luoran, as long as you nod and agree, I can satisfy Yingye, and Yingye will Ah

Bai Qingwan couldn't go on.

Because liluoran's slap had been heavily thrown on her face.

This time, so hard that Bai Qingwan's ears were buzzing, and it took a long time to recover,

"Li luoran, you What do you mean

Half of the red as if dripping blood of the beautiful woman, incredible looking at Li luoran.

She thought that this condition was attractive enough for Li luoran, but she never thought that Li luoran would beat her coldly.

"Go away!"

Liluoran's face was desolate, and his trembling fingers pointed to the unknown distance.

Bai Qingwan's lips trembled and his eyes were not willing to say, "Li luoran, what I said is true, you don't want to shadow the night..."

"Go away!" Li luoran interrupted Bai Qingwan's words coldly and fiercely,

"you are not qualified to mention his name, get out of here!"

Bai Qingwan wants to be popular in her dream. How can she give up like this?

"Li luoran, I gave you a chance. If you miss this chance, Yingye will hate you..."

"PIA ~"

a heavier slap on her face.

The white pure Wan a face startles Leng, the blood slowly flows down in the nose.

Li luoran's voice was trembling with excitement,

"don't let me see you again, go away!"

"Get away from me!"

"Good! Li luoran, don't regret it! "

This fully realized that Li luoran would not make this "deal" with himself in any case. Bai Qingwan turned around and said, "ha ha, Li luoran, if you miss this opportunity, you will regret it to death. In my eyes, your infatuation with brother Yingye is brain damage and stupid. I will only laugh at him for his death, which is worthless. In this life, you can never expect me to repent to him It's over. "

Li luoran also wanted to catch up and hit people, but found that his excessive anger made him stick in the same place like a nail, and his feet could not move.

Bai Qingwan, who ran away quickly, had already plunged into the car, started the car quickly and fled the scene in a hurry.

"Alas! I used to hear from you, but now I see it with my own eyes. " The sighing Qin Weijie took her arm.

Luo Li smiles bitterly.

Until now, the mood is still not calm.

When Bai Qingwan says that she wants to make a deal with her by going to the shadow night "confession", she instantly has the heart to strangle Bai Qingwan on the spot.

As the saying goes, after ten years of cultivation, Li luoran could not have imagined that he had been sleeping with Bai Qingwan for several years, and even after Bai Qingwan and Su Yan had made love, he was still willing to be the shadow night of Bai Qingwan's underground lover, and the place in Bai Qingwan's heart was so "humble" --

even if the shadow night killed Bai Qingwan People who kill and then sacrifice their precious life for Bai Qingwan will still be treated as a laughing stock by Bai Qingwan, a tool to use by Bai Qingwan, and even scolded by Bai Qingwan for brain damage and stupidity"Did the doctor tell you that anger can affect fetal development?"

Qin Weijie gently comforted.

Li luoran breathed a long sigh of relief and tried to send a smile at the corner of his mouth. "That's right. Bai Qingwan is rubbish. After he gets angry with rubbish, he makes himself dirty. Why should I get angry with rubbish?"

Qin Weijie said with a smile, "that's, that's, according to this trend, my big star is a good seedling of the film queen. If you get angry, you can't grow into a towering tree."

Li luoran was amused to a great extent.

However, just hit Bai Qingwan that two slaps, Li luoran exhausted all strength, up to now, the palm of the right hand is still hot pain, this hand is also shaking badly.

So much so that she grabbed her cell phone several times in her pocket.

After deleting Su Yan's mobile phone number three years ago, she never saved it, but now she still remembers it -

dialing the phone with the fastest speed.

"Dye dye?" Su Yan's voice was a bit depressed and sad.

Li luoran said, "do you want to drive Bai Qingwan out of the" imperial concubine of prosperous times "

There instantly understood what, "white pure Wan once looked for you?"

"Yes." Li luoran faintly returns. He thinks that Su Yan used to call Bai Qingwan "wanwan". After seeing his true face, he always calls him by his name. I can't say what he feels

"The role of the female leader belongs to you. Let her replace you. I spent 300 million to ask her to leave. I can do it at any cost. You don't have to persuade me." Su Yan's voice was heavier than ever.

Li luoran sighed,

"I didn't advise you. I just want you to know that I am already filming in Mr. Wang Jinjin's crew. I support putting Bai Qingwan in the crew of Shengshi HuangFei. Even if you do anything, it has nothing to do with me. As for the female owner, just change someone else."

Then he hung up the line.

The mood also relaxed a lot.

In a word, Su Yan and Yingye have the same status in Bai Qingwan's heart. In essence, they are all tools used by Bai Qingwan. At the beginning, Yingye was drained of the last bit of value by Bai Qingwan and then went away miserably. If Su Yan, who has the same experience with Yingye, can make Bai Qingwan pay the price, it can be regarded as a kind of consolation to the spirit of Yingye

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