You,Under My Name

Chapter 185: 185

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Parking space 21.

Seeing Li luoran come over, Chu Xingchen's wine red head poked out of the window of the cockpit, "I can't imagine that the weak sister-in-law has such a fierce side. Does her hand still hurt?"


Li luoran clenched her right hand speechless. She was also a soft and weak little woman in essence. How could she like to hit people all the time?

However, some people always like to challenge her bottom line, so that she has no choice!

The door pops open automatically.

Li luoran lowered his body and was about to drill into the car. When he put his eyes into the car, he saw the bright eyes like black gems.

"Lu Shaochen!"

Excessive joy and shock made her call out his name,

"what's the matter with you?"

"Why can't I come?" Lu Shaochen's lips were hooked, and his thick black eyebrows were curved into a beautiful arc.

She was stunned. "I mean..."

"Get in the car," he said

The man's warm big hand has taken her small hand and pulled her into the car.

The car started and drove out of the garage.

In the sparsely populated suburb, there are green mountains and clear waters outside. It's still raining in the sky. Li luoran and Lu Shaochen are sitting side by side. The infinite beauty is passing by the car window. She can't help but think of the time when she used to meet Bai Qingwan in song and dance Shengping. At that time, Lu Shaochen always went to meet her with Chu Xingchen, just as now

The past and the present seem to overlap.

After Jin Xintong's "resurrection from death", Li luoran once thought that Lu Shaochen had changed, but this situation made her realize that Lu Shaochen was the same as Lu Shaochen at the beginning, and everything was the same as when he and she first met.

"What are you thinking?"

With this extremely magnetic voice, Lu Shaochen held his arms tightly.

"Nothing..." Li luoran smiles vaguely and looks at his clear face in the dim light,

"he just thinks that time flies so fast that it will be dark in a twinkling of an eye. I don't know if tomorrow will be as beautiful as today?"


Lu Shaochen's mouth is light. On this day, the storm is like the end of the world. He and Li luoran encounter "family law" again, like a nightmare. She thinks it's "beautiful"?!

Li luoran just smiles and doesn't explain.

When she nestled in Lu Shaochen's arms, the closer she was to him, the clearer she could see his face.

Li luoran clearly remembered that when she left Lu's house, Lu Shaochen's face was still haggard. Only a few hours later, his face regained its luster and became full of spirit, as if the hysterical devastation had no effect on him 。

Looking back on all the pictures of meeting Lu Shaochen up to now, although Lu Shaochen is also flesh and blood, he seems to have an invincible heart. It seems that no matter how hard he is, no shadow will be left in his heart


Lu Shaochen!


it's getting dark.

As the car moved closer and closer to the city, it rained more and more. Sometimes, lightning flashed by, which was brighter than the road light, as if to blind Bai Qingwan's eyes.

Distance and Li luoran had been separated for more than an hour, but Bai Qingwan's face was still in pain. Although her nosebleed stopped, there were a few drops of blood dripping on her skirt collar, enchanting red and bright white, with such a sharp contrast.

She didn't go home -

to be exact, since Su Yan broke up with her, she had no home, so she had to use the money she had asked Su Yan to open a single room in the hotel not far from the shooting base.

Now, even the cast is going to kick her out.

"Yuanwangge, No.3 courtyard, No.6" --

Bai Qingwan clearly remembered the address.

When Bai Qingwan arrived outside the hospital, she saw that the driver was her. The two guards didn't stop her, but directly opened the door.

One of them said faintly,

"Mr. Xiao said Miss Bai would come, 6534, the password of the room, just go in and look for him."

Is his surname Xiao?

He knew she was coming?

Thinking of the last meeting with that man, although Bai Qingwan had a lot of fear in his heart, he still drove the car into the yard.

The three story villa in the courtyard is equipped with a code door.

Bai Qingwan pressed the four numbers of "6534". Sure enough, the heavy door opened. She went in and was shocked by the scene in front of the door -

there were three people in the room -

to be exact, there were three people on the carpet -

one man and two women.

Neither of them wore any clothes. The two women were perfect in shape and beautiful in appearance. One of them was lying on the carpet. Of course, there was a strong man on her body, while the other woman was caressing the man and flattering him with her soft, scarlet lipsBai Qingwan had many experiences in both men and women, but she had never seen such a scene before. Her eyes were so bright that she didn't even scream.

"You want to join?"

A very penetrating magnetic sound sounded.

as like as two peas, the man looked up, and the handsome face with Lu Shaochen's face was reflected in his view.

Bai Qingwan then subconsciously looked away, "sorry, I didn't know you were Busy... "

"Sorry? I don't think you're sorry at all. Besides, you like to watch it The man laughed playfully and sarcastically.

Bai Qingwan closed her eyes, such a scene, make her at a loss, "I'd better wait for Mr. Xiao after busy come back."

Turn around and go.


"why do I get angry when I hear the curse from hell

The stiff tone of Bai Wan's voice is more important than the danger of his cold door.

She tried not to tremble. "How can I not make Mr. Xiao angry?"

"Don't you like it? I'll see it without blinking The man's voice is not ironic or threatening.


Bai Qingwan admits that she is a rotten girl. She really likes watching this kind of pictures, especially such a handsome man and such a beautiful woman, or two beautiful women. Sometimes, she will secretly watch such small movies

The purpose of peeping at Luo Chi is not to satisfy her, but to humiliate her!

But now she has no choice.

I turned my heart back.


The man's satisfied lips are hooked, and the well-defined fingers are gently pinched on the woman's face below,

"be good, don't be shy, just think there is no audience, you know, I don't like boring women, so how to call it or how to call it, do you understand?"

"Well, I hate it Oh, my God

Because the man suddenly increased his strength, the woman couldn't help making a voice out of control.

The next scene is more wonderful, eye-catching and bottomless. The evil and fierce man not only asks two beauties to exchange places every few minutes, but also makes two women do some hugs, kisses and even more difficult actions

Even if I'm used to seeing this kind of picture, I can't help blushing.

Men are not lingering with them at all, but playing and humiliating, like a proud cat playing with a mouse that has been trampled on by it.

Which woman likes to be so humiliated?

Bai Qingwan can see that the two women are actually very exclusive, but in order to please the man, they always flatter her eyes, wriggle their waist and smile

The scene lasted at least half an hour.

And Bai Qingwan just watched it for half an hour.

"Mr. Xiao, are you satisfied with my performance?" One of the women peeked at Bai Qingwan while wearing clothes.

The man languidly squints the long and narrow cold eyes, "no work, no fault."

The woman slightly a Zheng, "so ~ the matter between us is not written off?"

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

"Write it off?"

With a sneer, the man's powerful hand suddenly grabbed the woman's face heavily,

"do you think that your cheap skin bag is so valuable that it's worth a hundred million to sleep with me once?"

The woman widened her eyes, and her voice was vague because she was pinched. "Mr. Xiao, you said that as long as I was willing to accompany you, you would let me go."

"I said I wanted you to accompany me, but I didn't want you to accompany me once." The man's eyes are so dark,

"Miss Han, you are so good at flattering men. How can I let you go easily? Don't worry. I like the new and hate the old. I can't say that one day you will be tired of playing with me, and then you will be free, eh? "

Suddenly throw away a woman's face.

The powerful force makes the woman squat on the ground, but she looks at the man in a daze and fear, unable to say a word.

The man turned his eyes to another woman who kept silent,

"why, just lying on the ground and crying so happily, now he is silent? And you. I love the feeling of you two kissing each other. When I call, next time, you'll still be together. "

Because was grasped by the man to oneself very disadvantageous handle, the woman can only pretend very willing to nod.

The man raised his hand and pointed to the door, "you also see that I have guests, so you go to the bedroom on the second floor and wait for me, eh?"

"Good ~"

the two women stood up obediently.

It's also the moment when they stand up. Bai Qingwan is surprised to recognize that these two women are popular stars——Han Yuxin, one of them, took part in a popular star talk show last night!

"This spring palace drama, wonderful?"

With these words, the extremely handsome man came to Bai Qingwan step by step with long legs.

Bai Qingwan didn't return.

Because the man had never been dressed, so he came to her without any cover. In such a situation, she only avoided sight, where could she reply?

"Can't you hear me?"

The man with deep and terrible eyes can't tell whether he is angry or not.

Bai Qingwan turned his back to him, "can Mr. Xiao put on his clothes first?"

"Oh?" The cold voice was close at hand, and Bai Qingwan knew that the man was standing behind her,

"I've seen a lot. In other people's eyes, Miss Bai is a holy" white lotus ". But as far as I know, what Miss Bai is good at is taking off her clothes in front of people. Would women like you mind others not wearing clothes in front of you?"

Bai Qingwan's eyes were slightly frightened. "Mr. Xiao seems to have misunderstood me. I don't know what Mr. Xiao is talking about."

Few people know the shameful things she has done. Even Su Yan, who has been sleeping with her for more than three years, has been hoodwinked by her for three years. She doesn't believe that a strange man will know anything.

"Misunderstanding? Interesting... "

The cold voice was like the cold wind blowing on her aching face, and her thin lips were indistinct in her ears.

"Miss Bai, you know, I never use my eyes to judge whether a woman is pure or not, but my sense of smell."


The beautiful body trembles slightly.

The man grabbed a handful of her hair dyed into gold, buried it in the top of his nose, and smelled deeply, "that day, the first time I smelled your breath, I knew that you are not a peaceful woman. Your breath is too mixed and disordered, at least mixed with the breath of 33 men. Bai Qingwan, your white lotus is not as innocent as you show people. ”

this time, Bai Qingwan was really scared.

At the beginning, she was more or less restrained when she was with Yingye. Apart from Yingye, she only had a one night relationship with a strange man after getting drunk for two times. Since he and Su Yan made a love settlement, on the one hand, she flattered Su Yan regardless of her dignity, on the other hand, she was more indulgent, and often made an appointment with a strange man behind Su Yan's back -

but she was also sure that she was safe As like as two peas, she is sure that she will never be known by others. And she can clearly remember how many men she has experienced, and the total number of 33 men who have been Suyan and shadow night.

When the man says that he knows a woman by "smell", Bai Qingwan still feels ridiculous. Now, her mood has completely collapsed.

"So, Miss Bai, tell me, do you still think I misunderstood you?"

A man's voice is as terrible as a curse.

Bai Qingwan stood in the same place, the temperature in the room is the most suitable 24 degrees, but she felt cold all over.

Body suddenly a shock, so be pulled by a powerful force in situ turned 180 degrees, had no choice but to face the man.

Before she could recover, a hot pain came to her. It was the man's big hand holding her face tightly -

she remembered that more than a week ago, when the man saw her for the first time, he also grabbed her face like this, so hard and so cold. Just now, he also grabbed Han Yuxin's face like this.

He seems to like this to a woman!

Or play Nong!

The first time I saw a man, Li luoran was very scared. This time, she was so frightened that she suddenly regretted coming to him.

Such a man, like the devil!

But now she has no way to go except to dance with the devil!

The last time a man scratched her face like this, Bai Qingwan still resisted with dignity. This time, she let him hold her,

"Mr. Xiao, since everything can't be concealed from you, let's open the window and tell the truth. I saw how those two female stars flattered you. I also know that you men like this. I'm more confident about my appearance than those two female stars Every female star is beautiful. I can please you just like them. Of course... "

She took a breath,

"if Mr. Xiao likes, I can do anything with them that Mr. Xiao wants us to do."

It doesn't matter!

Now that she had decided to come to him, she made up her mind to betray her dignity.

Since Mr. Xiao has smelled out her essence, she might as well say it more simply and directly. Anyway, all this is "trading" in her eyes!

Unexpectedly, at the moment when her voice fell, she caught the sneer in the man's deep and bottomless eyes -

bone deep sneer -

better than ever, as if she heard a big cold joke and looked at her eyes as if she were looking at an ugly clown."So, you think if you have a more beautiful face than Han Yuxin and Zhou Jin, I will sleep with you like them?" The man's eyes are secretive.

Bai Qingwan shrugged, "I will make Mr. Xiao satisfied."

Sue was not so critical of her body and face, otherwise she would not be so self-confident.

"However, Han Yuxin and Zhou Jin are much cleaner than before..."

The man, whose eyes were suddenly cold, grasped Bai Qingwan's big hand with fierce force,

"Miss Bai, do you think Xiao Qianhua would accept a young lady who came to ask for a price?"

Bai Qingwan was really scared.

At the same time, the hope in my heart is shattered.

She looked at the extremely handsome and sinister man in horror,

"I don't know what you mean Last time, you said you wanted to be my backstage. That time, I refused you. You gave me this address and told me to come to you when I regretted Now I I regret... "

The voice could not help shaking.

"You don't regret it. You have no way to go. At the beginning, Su Yan promoted you to the stage. Now, he wants to drive you out at any cost. You are not willing to negotiate with Li luoran. Instead, she slaps you in the face. So, I'm your only way out, aren't you?"

The picturesque Xiao Qian said.

Even though her face had been released by Xiao Qian's painting, Bai Qingwan's face became more and more frightened at this moment,

"how do you know everything? Who the hell are you? What do you want? "

"I have said my name." The voice fell, Xiao Qianhua turned around, more perfect than most male models, with his back to Bai Qingwan.

Xiao Qian's painting -

Bai Qingwan thought about the name!

According to common sense, a man who can make two popular female stars humble and flatter him is definitely a man of great reputation, but Bai Qingwan has never heard of the name

The more mysterious things are, the more frightening they are. Besides, men themselves are as terrible as demons!

"I can assure you that you will continue to be the mistress of the golden age, but you have to show some sincerity." With his back to Bai Qingwan, Xiao Qian's deep sea like eyes are thought-provoking,

"don't you like to please men? I have a client who said a long time ago that he wanted to sleep with you, so you should go and spend the night with him. "

A note with the phone number written down was left at Bai Qingwan's feet,

"you must record the whole process of accompanying this customer and take a clear picture of your face."


Bai Qingwan seems to be petrified.

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