You,Under My Name

Chapter 186: 186

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Bai Qingwan doesn't know how to make a sound.

Xiao Qian's eyes suddenly deep, "because I have grasped your handle, you will never escape from my palm!"

Bai Qingwan took a cool breath.

"Beautiful scenery on a beautiful day is worth thousands of gold. Those two beautiful stars are still waiting for me in my bedroom, so I won't waste time on you..."

As he pondered, the extremely handsome man walked upstairs with his long legs.

"Go with my client tonight, record a video for me, and give yourself a chance not to be kicked out of the cast and be popular; or, bow down to Li luoran and Su Yan and give up and be the ordinary person struggling at the bottom of the society again, the decision is up to you

"My patience is limited, so you only have this chance. If you miss this chance, never come to me again."

The voice faded away.

With a heavy sound of closing the door, Xiao Qianhua has entered the bedroom on the second floor.

"Mr. Xiao, you make people hurt so much

"Well! Mr. Xiao, you are good or bad! "

"What?! Mr. Xiao, do you really want us to do this to each other? We How interesting... "

"Ah, don't..."

"Mr. Xiao!"

"Ah ~"

even though there is a heavy door, the bedroom is so hot, and the two female stars' voices are so indulgent, even Bai Qingwan on the first floor can be heard.

Bai Qingwan stood in the same place like a puppet. After at least five minutes, he squatted down slowly.

The note with a customer's phone number lying quietly on the red carpet, she picked up, finally, picked up the black signature pen on the desk, wrote in the open diary -

this is my mobile phone number: 138xxxxxx, call me in three hours, I will give you the video you want.

Holding the note tightly in the palm of my hand, I turned around and walked to the door resolutely.

She doesn't know who Xiao Qianhua asked her to accompany, and she doesn't know his age, beauty and ugliness. However, it doesn't matter. As long as she can stay in the "imperial concubine" crew and continue filming, what's the point of her sacrificing her hue?

What's more, in the past three years, which day did she and Su Yan not sacrifice their appearance?

She doesn't love Su Yan.

Every time Su Yan and she are sweet, she is also thinking about Li luoran. She sells her dignity and body to Su Yan. Su Yan gives her the glory and wealth she yearns for. She and Su Yan just use each other and ask for each other's needs!

Now, she is struggling to get into the film and television industry. She does not want to be kicked out. She must be popular. She must let Li luoran, the little bitch, lose to the ground -

for this purpose, she is willing to sleep with the dirtiest and ugliest man in the world!


Li luoran and Lu Shaochen return to Lu's house.

Because of Lu Shaochen's leg and foot injury, the doctor specially told him not to do strenuous exercise, including the life between husband and wife. Li luoran knew that Lu Shaochen was very difficult to control himself in this aspect, so he insisted on sleeping in separate beds with Lu Shaochen.

In this way, Li luoran was relieved.

She has not found a suitable opportunity to tell Lu Shaochen that she is pregnant. Since she can't live as a husband and wife with Lu Shaochen and separate from him, she saves a lot of trouble.

It rained all night.

The next day, Li luoran was awakened by a nightmare.

She doesn't know what's wrong with her. She once again dreams of song Zilu. In her dream, song Zilu once again tells her that Lu Mingyue is her own son.

Lu Mingyue -

Li luoran found that although he had not seen the small meat bag for some days, his tender face was just in front of him when he thought of him.

"Can we stop filming today?"

Outside the bedroom came a very penetrating magnetic sound.

She looked at Lu Shaochen standing outside the door in a trance and embarrassment,

"what's the matter?"

"Mom just called. She went to an expert to identify the video Jinqian gave her and made sure there was no fraud." Lu Shaochen habitually draws a perfect curve at the corner of his mouth,

"she is very sorry for misunderstanding you. She said that she hopes you can forgive her and specially ordered a luxury banquet in the hotel to apologize to you."

Is there such a thing?!

Since she learned that she was Gu lianyue's daughter, she has been more and more cruel to her. If it wasn't for Lu Shaochen who said these words, Li luoran would never believe that she would apologize to her.

But from a mother's point of view, although an Jiaren hurt Lu Shaochen more than once in order to revenge Li luoran, Lu Shaochen still occupies the most important position in an Jiaren's heart -

yesterday's an Jiaren almost killed Lu Shaochen by cutting off his feet, and almost forced him to cut off his fingers. Therefore, she realized that she had been killed by that hatred After she calmed down, an Jiaren, who hated her son so much, changed her mind and decided to let go of her hatred and make peace with Li luoran.Thinking of this, why is liluoran so excited?

She couldn't help remembering that when she first met her, she was so kind and friendly to her. If she would treat her as a family member in the future, she would never care about what she had done to her.

Lu Shaochen is a step closer to her!

However, today is the second day for her to go to the cast. She was late yesterday. If she asked for leave again today, how could she feel happy?

"The city after the rain, lonely and embarrassed, the roadside seat, it is empty waiting for who..."

The phone rings at the moment.

When Qin Weijie calls, Li luoran picks up quickly, opens her petal like lips, and is about to tell Qin Weijie about asking for leave. Qin Weijie's voice has already been heard in the receiver,

"I guess a lazy bug must still be in bed now. Go on sleeping. Today we don't have to go to the cast."

"Ah?" Li luoran was both surprised and happy,


"I heard a person in charge say that because of the recent heavy rain, in order to eliminate the potential safety hazard, the photography base has to repair the buildings with potential safety hazard. However, the main reason is that our hero is a little out of shape. He said that it is difficult to enter the play today, so that the whole crew can delay starting up one day."

Qin Weijie's voice clearly poured into Li luoran's ears.

Li luoran's eyes lit up in an instant. "So, do you know who is the man who plays the role of male pig's feet? Who is he? Can he ask the whole crew to accompany him to postpone the startup? "

"Yes! That's what he is! Don't be silly, Ranran. Even the two legendary movie stars Feng Qianji and Zheng Xinshuang are only for you. Of course, the male pig's feet have more weight than them. Can't you imagine who they are? "

Li luoran didn't know who it was.

Feng Qianji and Zheng Xinshuang are already the most popular stars in China. The artists who have more weight than them can only be Hollywood's world-class stars

So, is the actor who plays pig's feet a foreigner?

Qin Weijie doesn't give Li luoran another chance to ask, so he hangs up the line in a hurry.

Li luoran is so dazed that she still keeps the posture of talking to Qin Weijie on the phone. She can't get back to reality for a long time.

Lu shaoran's eyes are not like a flash of light in Luochen's mind


Lu Shaochen's sword eyebrows are slightly raised, and the curved line at the corner of his mouth is thought-provoking.

"OK, just think I didn't say anything ~" Li luoran said with a smile, stretched out and got out of bed,

"I don't have to go to the cast today."

Lu Shaochen, "I know."

Do you know?

How could he know?!

Li luoran's eyes almost stare out. However, Lu Shaochen doesn't give her a chance to verify. He leaves her a secretive look and turns away.

Li luoran was also confused.

She also knows that Lu Shaochen is very busy. What's more, he is not only very low-key and does not want to appear in public, but also people of his status do not care about acting and becoming popular

Therefore, the possibility that Lu Shaochen is a male pig's foot is extremely small.

However, people like Lu Shaochen never play cards according to common sense and often do things that are beyond Li luoran's expectation. Li luoran thinks that Lu Shaochen is the mysterious male pig's foot.


Royal pig feet.

It is one of the most luxurious hotels in Jiangcheng.

After all, Li luoran was full of hope, so today she specially put on delicate makeup and wore the water blue dress that Lu Shaochen bought for her at a high price when she was on the floating island.

Li luoran was surprised that an Jiaren did not make a special reservation for a private room. Instead, she made a reservation for the most prominent "No. 8" table in the center of the hall.

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"Mr. Lu, Miss Li, madam has been waiting for you for a long time. Please come with me."

The polite usher led the way.

Li luoran saw from a distance that there were six people sitting at the table. Except for Anjian and Lu Wanyue, the other four were the most important relatives in their family. Xiaoqing, Anjian's servant, stood behind her and Lu Wanyue with a low brow.

"Brother Shaochen!"

Lu Wanyue, who saw Lu Shaochen, ran quickly and held Lu Shaochen's left arm tightly with her slender snow-white arms,

"brother, I was just telling my mother that you are the strongest person in the world. What does that injury mean to you? See how well you recover. "

"I think it was the rain that saved me."

Lu Shaochen has no expression,

"so, you can plan another family game with your mother to see if I will be so lucky next time."


Lu Wanyue is biting her lips, and her complex emotions are interwoven in her clear eyes.

It's all because of Li luoran. Every inch of her skin should be branded with the brand of "cunt". In that way, brother Shaochen would not suffer so much because of her, and would not still have a grudge against her (Lu Wanyue).Lu Wanyue felt resentment in her eyes.

But she didn't come back.

She came here today for the sake of "harmony". She believed that Lu Wanyue would listen to an Jiaren in everything. If an Jiaren made up with her again, Lu Wanyue would never be able to make any big waves again.

"Shaochen, I thought you would be seriously injured. You would be in a wheelchair or at least supported by two people. Unexpectedly, you walked by yourself, and you didn't see any difference when you walked." Angie stood up.

The four family members also stood up.

An Xiaoqing also said with a smile,

"Shaochen, no wonder you are the strongest person in the world. Yesterday's carbon fire Ha ha, I don't mention it. I mean, after such an injury, if you are an ordinary person, you have to stay in bed for ten days and a half months. "

"Yes, look at Shaochen in our family. He is handsome and strong. He is the best man in the world."

"Ha ha, of course, of course, who is Shaochen, the pride of our family!"

Everyone was full of praise.

From the beginning to the end, Lu Shaochen kept silent and could not find any expression on his face.

When his hands were tied, they all threw ice water at liluoran with great joy. He yelled, and his wrists were bleeding, and no one was willing to stop hurting liluoran for him.

when he was forced to walk away from the carbon fire, they all looked on like cold-blooded executioners, and no one pulled him out of the carbon fire, and no one dared Standing in his position, let Li luoran go

Now, things are over, but they all smile and flatter!

A close relative of Xu Yuwei's family!

Li luoran and Lu Shaochen are holding each other's arms silently and looking at each other's fake smiling faces.

"Cough! Cough

Anjian cleared her throat,

"Ranran, are you ok? I mean We poured so much cold water on you yesterday. Did you catch a cold, catch a cold, feel sick or something? "

"Not bad."

After all, I don't know whether Anjian has really settled her heart of "making up" with her, and she is not ready to let go of her dignity and easygoing.

"Well, then I'm relieved!" An Jiaren walks up to Li luoran,

"Ranran, I think Shaochen has already told you that yesterday's event was a misunderstanding. Although you and Jinqian are innocent, who can't think too much after seeing those photos, and you don't explain yourself..."

Li luoran sneered and interrupted an Jiaren's words,

"so, in the end, it's all my fault. I don't blame you for the deliberate arrangement of the family law, the ninety-nine barrels of cold water you poured on me, or you want to destroy my face. It's all covered with ugly marks on my face and body, but I don't explain it?"

Suddenly I feel funny.

Jin Qian also said, in that situation, who would listen to her explanation?

Her explanation will only attract more ridicule and humiliation!

“……” Anne couldn't help but stay, and she was speechless at the moment.

The four family members also showed embarrassment.

Lu Wanyue stamped her foot angrily,

"Li luoran, my mother made peace with you just because she had fallen down. Don't be shameless!"

"Graceful and restrained!"

An Jiaren gives Lu Wanyue a white look,

"no big or small, how do I tell you at home, Ranran is your sister-in-law, you have to respect her in the future, how can you talk to her like this?"


Unconvinced, Lu Wanyue turns her face to the opposite direction of Li luoran. She sits on the seat indignantly and drinks tea in anger.

An Jiaren gently holds Li luoran's hand,

"Ranran, it's all my mother's fault. After I left the land house yesterday, I kept thinking, why should I do this? It's Gu lianyue, not you, who has caused me to lose my husband and daughter. There's no reason in the world for me to repay my mother's debt and my son's debt. I'm too much to you. "

Li luoran's hand, held by an Jiaren, trembled obviously.

She's not she's dreaming, is she?

Since Ann turned against her, she hoped that Ann would hold her hand and say such things to her.


The enmity of the previous generation has nothing to do with her.

For other things, she has a choice, however, she can not choose who her mother is, she will never change the fact that she is the daughter of pity month!

"Ranran, today I apologized to you in front of my family. If you accept my apology, let's write off the past. I promise that I will treat you as my own daughter in the future, OK?"

She has a kind face and a gentle voice.

The four family relatives are also looking forward to Li luoran.

"Good ~"

Li luoran didn't know how to nod her head, and her face couldn't help smiling.Later, Li luoran did not know when he was seated.

At the dinner table, Lu Wanyue was always unhappy. Everyone said warm words, and the crystal clear wine cups seemed to make a "happy" sound.

Perhaps, happiness for themselves has always been the cause of extravagance, the former Li luoran, no matter how big the grievances can be strong enough not to shed tears, looking at the beautiful scenes, her eyes can not help blurring.

Li Jia ran always admitted that her heart was desolate at the beginning.

At this moment, her heart has never been warm.

Thinking that her mother-in-law will finally stop making trouble for herself, she can't help yearning for a happy time together with her family in the future.

Although Lu Shaochen, sitting on Li luoran's left hand side, never smiles, Li luoran can feel that his mood is as brilliant as her.

Now, Jin Xin Tong, who was taken away by Jin Qian, is hard to affect her and Lu Shaochen's feelings.

An Jiaren, who used to be very difficult to her, has made up with her. Now she is pregnant with Lu Shaochen's child. As long as she finds song Zilu, she and Lu Shaochen will be reunited with the child she gave birth to three years ago -

Li luoran thinks that this should be the perfect ending between her and Lu Shaochen.

How she wished that was the end!

Good times always go by quickly.

It's as if it's time to end in a blink of an eye.

When Lu Shaochen was about to leave with Li luoran in his arm, an Jiaren, who had just been lifted up from her seat by Lu Wanyue, seemed to have nothing to say,

"eh? Am I old and have a bad memory? I remember when I came here, I wore my emerald ring. Why is it missing now? Xiaoqing, you have been standing behind me. Have you noticed? "

"Ma'am, you did wear that ring when you came here, but you just took it off and put it on the table when you were eating." Xiaoqing pointed to the teacup on the right hand side of Anjian,

"just now it has been on the side of this teacup."

"Oh?" Ann looked at the teacup in surprise,

"where? Why can't I see anything? Have I lost my eye, too? "

"Madam, you don't have eyes either. It's just that it's not here any more. It's in your daughter-in-law Miss Li's bag." Xiaoqing points to the handbag hanging on Li luoran's arm,

"just now I saw Miss Li secretly put your ring into her handbag."


Li luoran's brain was buzzing, and the handbag fell to the ground.

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