You,Under My Name

Chapter 187: 187

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"Xiaoqing, you can eat food indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. The fight between me and Ranran has just turned into friendship. You are not allowed to insult her personality." There was an obvious dissatisfaction in the tone of Anne's voice.

Xiaoqing bowed her head wrongly, "madam, I've been with you for so many years. You know me better than anyone else. I never lie. I know that emerald ring is a birthday gift given to you by Mr. Lu last year. It's worth more than five million. Which girl doesn't like precious pearls? When Miss Li saw such a precious thing, she was greedy for a moment. It's human nature for her to take it as her own


Anne looks at Li luoran in surprise.

At the same time, Lu Wanyue and the four family relatives looked at Li luoran.

At first, only some people on the nearby table noticed something strange and then cast their eyes to this side. Then, curiosity seemed to be contagious and quickly spread around.

In a twinkling of an eye, almost everyone's eyes turned to Li luoran in such a big restaurant.

"Ranran, is everything Xiaoqing says true?"

The surroundings became silent, and Anne seemed to raise her voice unintentionally, so that everyone could hear her clearly.

Li luoran calmly raised her face and indifferent to all kinds of eyes,

"I've never seen the ring you said. Even if I see something that doesn't belong to me, I will never have the idea of taking it for myself. What's more, if it's really like what Xiaoqing said, it's' Stealing '!"


Anna repeated the word.

People who have studied psychology all know that in fact, the "audience" present already suspected that Li luoran had stolen an Jiaren's ring. With an Jiaren's emphasis, they were more convinced that it was true. Therefore, those eyes became more contemptuous.

"Madam, I really didn't lie. I saw it with my own eyes..."


An Jiaren coldly interrupts Xiaoqing,

"Ranran is my good daughter-in-law and the best wife selected by Shaochen. Even if she is like you said, she is blinded by greed. I believe she is good in nature. How can you hold on to her when so many people are watching?"

This is supposed to be talking for liluoran, right?

Why did Li luoran listen and feel that an Jiaren was saying something ironic?

It's like telling everyone that it's Li luoran who stole her ring, but in order to take care of Li luoran's face, she doesn't investigate

"Yes, Xiaoqing, who didn't do anything wrong? What's more, as soon as the beautiful woman and Ranran get back together, you can say less. " An Xiaoqing, the sister of an Jiaren, is just at the right time.

Lu Shaochen's uncle Lu Tingfeng also waved his hand magnanimously, "forget it, forget it, what a big thing, Xiaoqing, don't worry about it."

"That is, it's a family affair between beauty and Ranran. What can you do as a servant even if you see the truth? Even if you can't see something, don't you know? "

"Hum, that's it. It's a ring worth millions of yuan. I'll ask brother Shaochen to buy another one for you later. Mom, let's go!"

Li jiaran thought that luo'an had stolen your ring.

Lu Wanyue is going to leave with an Jiaren.

Li luoran's right hand on Lu Shaochen's arm pulled away at the moment. She strode up to an Jiaren and said, "wait, everyone is watching. Let's make it clear."

"Forget it!" An Jiaren has a "generous forgiveness" expression,

"Ranran, I'll give it up. It's just a ring. Just take it as a gift for my daughter-in-law. Why are you so serious?"

"God, how can there be such a good mother-in-law in the world?" Someone in the crowd couldn't help sighing.

"Well, I think so too. You didn't hear someone say that the ring is worth millions. I went and gave it to her daughter-in-law. Such a good mother-in-law gave me a dozen."

"But is it too indulgent for her daughter-in-law? I heard that" stealing "is addictive. Will she become worse in the future?"

Under this situation, people praise Anjia more and despise liluoran more.

Listening to people's whispers, Li luoran sighed silently,

"some things can't be more true, but some things must be more true. After all, no one wants to be wronged, let alone be wronged, right?"

"OK ~"

Anjian seems helpless,

"in this case, how can you prove your innocence?"

when Li jia'an put the ring into your hand bag, she said, "I'm not sure if I can see it with my own eyes?"

"Of course I'm sure." Xiaoqing's eyes are firm.

"That's good!"


The handbag was put on the table by Lilo dye, and then she unzipped it without hesitation.In the next second, as if she had been splashed with cold water, she stayed in the same place -

there was an emerald ring in her handbag.

This ring is in the most prominent place in the handbag, which makes it clearly show in front of people the first time she opens the zipper. The light in the restaurant is bright, the pure emerald is shining, and Li luoran's eyes are aching.

"Lying trough!"

A cry of surprise came from the crowd.

"Especially, the lady gave her the steps, but she couldn't help but tear off her last fig leaf. Is that a slap in the face?"

"Yes, there's nothing to say. What a shame!"

"Well, thief, it's really a dead man!"

Some hateful people could not help but scold.

"Ranran, why are you suffering?" Ann sighed,

"you like this ring. Ask me for it honestly. Why steal it?"

As if very unintentionally again increased the "steal" word tone.

At this moment, Li luoran also clearly saw the success in the eyes of an Jiaren.

Li luoran closed his eyes in pain.

Not because she was misunderstood and ridiculed by everyone, but because the happiness that lingered in her mind less than ten minutes ago suddenly fell apart at this moment.

Ha ha

Sure enough, the so-called "happiness" is just her extravagance.

A person with ulterior motives will always have ulterior motives and will never become kind to her.

What do you mean to set up this grand banquet to apologize to her?

What do you mean to write off the past enmity?

What do you mean to make up with her after that?

All are the lies of Anjia!

The banquet arranged by an Jiaren is just another dig for her and another bad intention to make her reputation bad!

Now think about it. Instead of booking a private room, Mrs. an chose the most eye-catching table in the middle of the hall to make it convenient for everyone to watch a good play

"Sure enough, the blood of the lower class is flowing in my bones. I have never seen a valuable treasure. Once I see it, I want to steal it." An Xiaoqing also turned into a mean face, sharp sarcasm.

"Alas! The beauty even wants to make up with her. Unexpectedly, on the surface, she steals her ring impolitely. Alas! Alas! Alas

"It's hard to change the bad character, the bad character."

Those close relatives showed their true colors one after another and turned against liluoran.

Lu Shaochen closed his eyes in despair.

It's not because Li luoran was wronged. He knows that this kind of "Pediatrics" frame up will be easily exposed by Li luoran. This is also the reason why he didn't rush to explain to Li luoran from beginning to end.

To Lu Shaochen's despair and heartbreak, an Jiaren would cheat Lu Shaochen and Li luoran to attend the Hongmen banquet on the pretext of "making peace with Li luoran in order not to see him suffer any more"!

Sure enough, in her mother's eyes, hatred always takes the first place. What does family love mean to her?

"I'm still saying that, you can keep it since you like it. However, my good daughter-in-law, it's better not to steal anything in the future. This ring is worth millions. If you are stolen by someone else, and if someone else takes you to court, you may be sentenced to decades of" theft. "


Ann sighed helplessly and gave Lu Wanyue a hand,

"Wanyue, let's go."


Lu Wanyue turns back and smiles at Li luoran.


Mother hates Gu lianyue so much that she can't let go of the old fox spirit's daughter. Before Li luoran thought that mother really wanted to make up with her. It's ridiculous!

Today, Li and Luo's mother are all regarded as thieves, and she finally breathes out!

Those family relatives are also pretending to sigh, surrounded by Anjia to go.


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Li luoran's voice was very cold in the silent hall,

"the truth is not clear yet. You are in a hurry to leave. Are you guilty?"


Almost everyone in the hall couldn't believe their ears.

What's the matter with this woman?

She steals people's things herself, but says others are guilty?


An Jiaren seems to be shocked. She stops and looks back at Li luoran,

"I'm the victim. I haven't complained about injustice, but I feel guilty?"

"Since I'm not guilty, I'll wait until I clarify the facts."

Li luoran no longer has a trace of extravagant hope for an Jiaren. She looks up at her delicate face and her clear eyes are filled with indifference and hostility,"As I said, no one wants to be wronged, let alone wronged. Since I dare to open my handbag for others to see, I have made plans in two aspects. Even if your ring really appears in my handbag, I have a way to deal with it."

At first, Mrs. an was slightly stunned, and the next second, she sneered,

"since you say so, well, I really won't leave. I'll wait for you to prove to others how I've wronged you."

"However, I said that in front of you, your daughter-in-law is unkind and always shameless. If in the end you are making trouble for nothing and can't prove that you have been wronged, I'll let Shaochen slap you three times in front of everyone, so that his wife and son can remember that their hands won't be clean in the future."

His eyes turned to Lu Shaochen,

"Shaochen, what do you say?"

Although Lu Shaochen believed that Li luoran could prove his innocence, he didn't want to take any risks. Just as he wanted to refuse decisively, Li luoran said ahead of him,

"I agree!"

"But do you dare to promise that if I prove that someone wronged me, the person who wronged me maliciously will also be slapped in the face by me?"

He raised his voice so that everyone in the hall could hear clearly.

From then on, she will never leave a trace of affection for Anne.

"Of course, no one has wronged you. What can I not promise?" Anne shrugged her shoulders easily.

In fact, the restaurant was originally equipped with surveillance cameras, but the owner of the restaurant is her distant relative. She has already asked this relative to remove all surveillance cameras in advance, and the process of the ring entering liluoran's handbag will never be photographed.

Everything she planned was perfect.

Li luoran's pursuit is just self humiliating.

In this case, she completed Li luoran and let the little fox spirit suffer humiliation under the public's eyes!


at this time, Li luoran sends a message quickly with his mobile phone.

After getting the reply, Li luoran put away her mobile phone and turned her eyes to Xiaoqing,

"little sister, you said before that you saw me put the ring in my handbag. You said that I put it in my handbag

"How can I put it? It's just that I put it when my wife doesn't pay attention!"

Xiaoqing points to the blue and white porcelain tea bowl that Mrs. an used before on the dining table,

"when you eat, your wife's emerald ring is next to this tea bowl. You first peek at your wife and see that she is chatting with Miss Lu. Then you use your index finger and middle finger to hold the ring. Then you hold it in your hand and worry about being inspected After holding it in the palm of my hand for a long time, I opened the bag and put it in the bag. "

Li luoran, "and then?"

"And then? What else then? Since then, your handbag has been hanging on the chair handle. You are probably worried that if you pay too much attention to your handbag, you will be seen by others. Therefore, even when you go to the bathroom on the way, you don't take your handbag on purpose. This handbag has been hanging there, and you haven't opened it any more. "

What Xiaoqing said is vivid.

An Jiaren and Lu Wanyue are secretly happy.

Xiaoqing is as like as two peas. This is worth paying so much yearly salary. Every word she says is exactly the same as they have taught before, and there is no word in it.

Li luoran looked at Xiaoqing without any trace,

"do you dare to swear that what you said is true?"

"I never lie. My wife always keeps me as her servant just because she likes my quality. What can I not swear?" Xiaoqing raised his right hand, palms up the oath,

"I swear, every word I say is true, if I have a word is lying, let me be slapped in the face, hit me red and swollen face, mouth bleeding, can no longer say a word."


Li luoran's eyes suddenly turned cold,

"I remember your oath, and I also swear that I will make your oath come true."

“……” At this moment, Xiaoqing's fingers trembled with fright. Fortunately, she always lowered her head, and no one saw the fear in her eyes.

Li luoran is obviously a weak woman. However, I can't say why, every time Xiaoqing faces her, she feels uneasy for a while -

as if this weak girl can see through her heart.

Xiaoqing fell into silence.

Li luoran no longer said anything, but calmly sat back in her previous seat, gracefully poured a cup of hot tea for herself and drank it slowly.

People notice that Lu Shaochen, who has been silent all the time, always stands less than a step away from her no matter where Li luoran goes. At this time, Li luoran sits down, and he also sits back where he sat before, quietly watching Li luoran drink tea

An Jiaren, Lu Wanyue, Xiaoqing and the four close relatives of the family stand not far away with their own worries. The painting style is astonishing.

Time seems to be still.The onlookers seem to have turned into wax figures, waiting for the results with full expectation.

Even the customers who have finished their meals give up the idea of leaving, and the staff forget their work for a while.

They don't know what will happen next, but they are extremely looking forward to the result -

because no matter what the result is, someone will be slapped in the face three times.

"Da, Da, Da..."

Fast paced footsteps came from the door.

Then, a girl with similar figure to liluoran rushed into people's sight with a big box almost as high as her.

Seeing that everyone except Li luoran in the hall seemed to be under a body cursing, the girl "poof" a smile,

"what's the matter? Ranran, have you cast all your spells on them? "

Li luoran put down his tea cup and said, "they are waiting for you, a big detective, to uncover the truth. Come here quickly!"

Lu Wanyue frowned deeply.

She remembers this woman -

Li luoran's best friend, who, like Li luoran, could not fight and chew, was also Bai Qingwan's natural enemy.

"Well Jiang Xiaojing quickly walked to the table, then frowned and pointed to the dishes on the table,

"can the waiter clean up the table?"

"Of course!"

Two waiters came up.

Li luoran was also anxious to know why she invited the girl. It took only about a minute to clean up the table.

Jiang Xiaojing shook his head straight, "no, wipe it again, my equipment is my baby, can't get a little oil."

All right!

The waiter had to wipe the table clean enough.


The big box was put on the dining table by Jiang Xiaojing and opened.

Inside is her super laptop, in addition to some investigative magnifiers, tweezers, ultra high definition cameras and other instruments.

"Is that the ring?" The ring in Luo Li's hand mirror was dyed with emerald.

Li luoran nodded.

Everyone is staring at this beautiful girl who looks like "Sherlock Holmes" in the movie.


Jiang Xiaojing cleared his throat,

"listen, now I want to check the fingerprint on this ring. I will project the whole process onto this wall so that everyone can see it clearly."

Wave your hand and wave your right hand to the huge projection wall in the east of the hall.

The motion sensing system on the projector captures her gestures and throws a clear image on the wall.

Jiangxiaojing with tweezers under the heart of the clip up the ring.

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