You,Under My Name

Chapter 188: 188

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With this crisp voice, the noble emerald ring is placed under Jiang Xiaojing's self-made fingerprint extractor.

After a moment, the fingerprints automatically extracted are listed on the projection on the wall.

"Mrs. an, Ranran, and this, Er ~ I don't know your name. You should be the servant who stole Mrs. an's ring. Please put your hands on this glass." Jiang Xiaojing pointed to the clean glass on the table that she had put in advance.

An Jiaren, who guessed that Jiang Xiaojing wanted to compare her fingerprints, had a bad feeling in her heart, but if she shrank in full view of the public, it would mean that she was guilty, so she was the first to stand out and put her hands on the glass.

Li luoran and Xiao Qing followed suit.

Three people's fingerprints, three hands, thirty fingers and thirty fingerprints were clearly printed on the glass. All of them were magnified and projected on the wall.

"You see, there are six fingerprints on the ring, which are the six fingerprints." Jiang Xiaojing points to the central area where the six fingerprints are located with the projection of his finger,

"and these 30 fingerprints belong to Mrs. an, Ranran and the servant. Now I confirm one by one whose six fingerprints on the ring belong to. Since Ranran is suspected, first of all, we use Ranran's fingerprints to compare with these six fingerprints."

Jiang Xiaojing used the fingerprints extracted from liluoran's fingers to cover the six target fingerprints from different angles.

Almost everyone held their breath and watched intently.

However, in the end, none of Lilo's ten fingerprints is the same as the one on the ring.

"Why? Is my method wrong? How come there are no fingerprints on the ring? It's strange. Don't worry. Let's compare Mrs. an's and the servant's little sister's

In the next 20 minutes, Jiang Xiaojing compared the fingerprints of an Jiaren and Xiaoqing with those on the ring.

As a result, of the six fingerprints on the ring, two belonged to Anjian herself, and the other four belonged to Xiaoqing only.

"What's the matter? How can there be no fingerprints of Miss Li on the ring? "

Some people hold their black glasses in surprise, almost can't believe the fact in front of them.

"Strange, since Miss Li stole Mrs. an's ring, there must be her fingerprints on the ring. How could it be like this?"

"Dizzy! You still don't understand? Miss Li was wronged. She didn't steal the ring at all. "


"Oh! We have wronged Miss Li. Look at her charming and lovely appearance. How can she be a thief? "

"Why did Mrs. Ann and her servants plant her?"

There were all kinds of voices in the crowd. For a moment, those who thought that Anjia was good before felt cheated. They looked at Anjia with resentful eyes, as if they were watching a street mouse that everyone was shouting and beating.

In the face of everyone's criticism, an Jiaren was also flustered. She pointed the finger at Xiaoqing for the first time,

"Xiaoqing, what's the matter? Why did you plant Ranran? "

"I didn't plant her!" Up to now, Xiaoqing is still biting Li luoran.

"a person who often steals things will not leave fingerprints on the things she steals. I saw her wipe off her fingerprints with a tablecloth after she steals the ring!"

Anne frowned slightly.

There was a sigh in the crowd.

Jiang Xiaojing couldn't help laughing, "right? Just now when I extracted fingerprints from the ring, you also saw the process. These six fingerprints occupied the whole ring. How did Ranran erase his own fingerprints without destroying other fingerprints? "


Xiaoqing obviously ignored this point, but after all, she was a super nanny with professional training, and then she had an idea,

"I didn't see it very clearly, maybe she wore gloves in the process of stealing? In a word, how could the ring that was originally placed on the table run into her handbag for no reason? If it wasn't stolen by her, could it be that the ring itself grew legs and ran into her handbag? "

"Ha ha!"

Some people can't help laughing,

"don't be a disgrace here, OK? Who said before that he could see clearly, but now he said that he could not see clearly? "

Xiaoqing bit her lip with a guilty heart, "I I... "

"What are you doing? It's shameless. It's because you proved that you said so vividly when you saw Miss Li steal the ring. You just made it up. You didn't see anything! "

A rotten egg hit Xiaoqing's arm, and the turbid egg white and yolk slowly flowed down the back of her hand.

"Do you want to be shameful or not? Why are you wronging Miss Li? "

"Mrs. an, Miss Li is your daughter-in-law. Why do you insult her like this? Give us an explanation. "

"That's to say, stealing is a crime. It's more serious for you to plant and humiliate her in public than to slander her. Aren't you a crime? That's ridiculous"Give us a reasonable explanation, otherwise, we will not finish with you today!"

Angry people denounced Anjia, and the scene exploded.

The eyes of the masses are bright. Just when Jiang Xiaojing compared his fingerprints, it was a live broadcast. Everyone could see clearly. After knowing that there were only the fingerprints of an Jiaren and Xiao Qing on the ring, everyone could see the truth.

Anne's heart was in a mess.

She thought that she was resourceful, but unexpectedly, because she didn't care about the tiny detail of "fingerprint", she was turned over by Lilo.

Knowing this, she instructed Xiaoqing to remind Xiaoqing to wipe off all the fingerprints on the ring before Li luoran slipped her ring into her handbag. That way, Li luoran would not be able to wash it even if she fell into the Yellow River

Now, however, it's done.

These people at the scene seem to have guessed that Li luoran was framed at the instigation of an Jiaren, so they all pointed their guns at her -

if she didn't give people a satisfactory explanation, maybe the scene would be chaotic.

For a moment, an Jiaren, who had nothing to do, had no choice but to look at the four close relatives of the family. However, when there was nothing wrong, these mobs were very proud of each other. Once they were in trouble, they all drooped and had no idea.

An Jiaren can only look at Lu Shaochen,

"Shaochen, don't you say a word for your mother?"

Lu Shaochen returned with her indifference, "from now on, no matter what happens between you and Ranran, I will be on her side unconditionally."

As if she had been hit in the head, Anne's body trembled obviously. "Even if she wants to hurt me?"

Lu Shaochen, "yes."

Anne's face turned pale for a moment.


Short answer, clear as water, crisp, but also like a ruthless dagger, crisp pierced her heart.

When Lu Shaochen and Lu Shaochen were more and more far away from her opposition to the law, they knew that they were already fighting against her.

Today, she uses Lu Shaochen to "invite" Li luoran and sets a trap again, which completely destroys Lu Shaochen's last hope for her.

Sure enough, as Gu lianyue said, people like her are too self-centered and selfish. Sooner or later, even the son who loves her most will be hurt by her and abandon her?

"Good, good..." "Shaochen, I know this day will come sooner or later. It's good. From now on, I don't have to show mercy to some people in order to take care of your feelings any more."

Lu Shaochen laughs bitterly,

"you never use anything. When did you take my feelings into consideration? When did you show mercy to her? "

She was speechless.


She felt that it was not enough to be cruel to Li luoran. She always wanted to put her to death when she got the chance. How could she be merciful?

Thinking of Li luoran, an Jiaren's eyes became fierce again. "Li luoran, is this the result you want? Are you satisfied with the separation of mother and son? "

Li luoran did not return.

I didn't even look up at Anne.

In this world, there are many people who seem to be normal. In fact, they are crazy. They are obsessed with a certain purpose and become hysterical and unscrupulous in order to achieve it

It's like Bai Qingwan.

It's like Lady Anne.

For such people, Li luoran will no longer waste words with them to fight for right and wrong. She will only teach them to be human with an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!


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Taking a deep breath, an Jiaren's sinister eyes turned to Xiaoqing, "this ring is my own, with my fingerprints. It's understandable to say, how can your fingerprints appear on it?"

"What do you mean, ma'am?" Xiaoqing was obviously in a daze.

At this moment, the angry people also stopped their agitation and watched the scene in disbelief.

"You know what I mean." Anjian takes a step closer to Xiaoqing,

"now, everyone wants me to give them an account. I think the truth of the matter has been almost guessed by everyone up to now. You deliberately put the ring into her handbag while Ranran didn't pay attention to it, and then wrongly accused her of stealing my ring, saying," why do you want to do this? "


Excessive panic and disbelief make Xiaoqing stare at an Jiaren like a monster. Her lips are frozen and she can't say a word.

An Jiaren promised her 50000 yuan to help plant Li luoran, but after she was torn down, she put all the blame on her.

People's eyes also turned into astonishment.

Looking back, Mrs. an has always been very kind to Li luoran. Even when she first learned that Li luoran "stole" her ring, she wanted to cover it up so as not to make a fool of herself in public.Isn't Angie innocent?

Is this servant instigating everything?

Li luoran shook his head secretly.

Lu Shaochen's eyes became colder and colder.

The first time that the ring appeared in Li luoran's handbag, Lu Shaochen already knew what was going on. Now that his mother dares to do it, but she doesn't deserve it, she finally adds all the blame to a servant, which makes him despair

"Didn't you hear mom ask you? You speak

Lu Wanyue, who understands the intention of an Jiaren, quickly walks up to Xiaoqing and waits for her fiercely,

"you should tell her the truth. You are not such an insignificant servant in our family. If you can't tell the truth now, my mother and I will make your end miserable."

The surface meaning is to tell Xiaoqing the truth.

But Xiaoqing knows that this is a threat from chiluoluo. The original meaning of this sentence, translated into Lu Wanyue, is clearly to say -

you carry this pot on my back, otherwise, my mother and I will make your end miserable.


She is just a babysitter for others. In ancient times, it was called "servant". How could a rich family be provoked by a servant like her?

"I did it." Xiaoqing lowered her head,

"Miss Li didn't steal her ring. What she said was that I stole her ring into Miss Li's handbag when Miss Li didn't pay attention. It was me!"

People are not satisfied with this answer, but more confused.

An Jiaren knows what hot is wondering. She points to Xiao Qing, "why?"

Xiaoqing lowered her head, "because I hate Miss Li."


Ann was surprised.

"A year ago, I had a boyfriend. We were originally engaged. Just when we were going to get married, another woman robbed her from me, and my boyfriend abandoned me decisively, just because that woman was more beautiful than me, so much more beautiful..."

With these words, Xiaoqing shed tears,

"so, I hate beautiful girls. Whenever I see a beautiful girl, I will unconsciously think of the beautiful woman who took away my happiness. I hate all the beautiful women in the world. The more beautiful she is, the more I hate her, and the less I want to see her happy. Miss Li, she said It's so beautiful... "

He unconsciously glanced at Li luoran,

"when I first saw her, I hated her to death. How can I see her happy? How can I reconcile my wife with her? So, I stole your ring and put the blame on her. I just want to stir up trouble between you and her. I just hope she will never get along with her mother-in-law. I just don't want to see her happy! "

People have complicated expressions.

Although this is surprising, people who have experienced lovelorn all know that it is not surprising that a woman who has been betrayed by her lover will have such a psychological shadow.

If so, the servant named Xiaoqing is also very poor.

"Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing! I know that feeling hurt you deeply, but how can you do such a thing? Alas... " On the surface, Mrs. an was extremely helpless.

But I was overjoyed.

Sure enough, Xiaoqing is quite intelligent.

A year ago, Xiaoqing did break up with her fiance, but on the contrary, it was not Xiaoqing's fiance who failed her, but Xiaoqing decided to break up with her fiance after meeting a richer man.

Look at Xiaoqing's crying. Those who don't know will be moved by her wonderful story

Xiaoqing bowed her head in grievance, tears streaming,

"madam, I'm sorry, that feeling hit me too much. I shouldn't hate all beautiful women because of it. Maybe I should go to see a psychologist."

"Oh, it is!" Angie sighed,

"I know your pain, and I won't blame you. I think everyone will sympathize with you and won't blame you any more. What do you say?"

Look around.

"Alas! Forget it

"Well, it's just a stupid thing done by a poor woman who was hurt by love. Anyway, it didn't do much harm to miss li. Forget it."

"Well, let's break up. This Alas! Poor thing

The crowd broke up.

Li luoran, who has always been sitting silently watching the play, turns up sarcastically.

Compassion is indeed the most easily overflowing emotion. No matter what bad things a person has done, as long as she can shed tears at the right time and arouse people's sympathy, most people will forgive him generously.

In fact, Li luoran is also a girl who is easy to be compassionate.

If what Xiaoqing said is true, she will turn over the matter and never pursue it again.

But she knows that Xiaoqing is just helping Anne carry the pot.She also knows that Xiaoqing is lying. Even Xiaoqing's tears are clever improvisation.

"Well, don't cry, isn't it a false alarm? Go home and give you a good reward." After the people dispersed, an Jiaren, who breathed a sigh of relief, threw a rewarding look at Xiaoqing.

Xiaoqing wiped away her tears and showed a proud smile on her face, "thank you, madam."


Anne glances back at Li luoran, and turns to leave with some of the people she brings, but Li luoran slowly stands up at the moment,

"have you forgotten our agreement?"

Anne can't help but stop, "what?"

Li luoran's mouth is high and his voice is cold. "Since your forgetfulness is so big, I can remind you, three slaps in the face."

Anne took a cool breath.

Just now, she was overjoyed, and naturally thought that this matter was over. Until Li luoran reminded her, she suddenly remembered that she had made an agreement with Li luoran that the person who maliciously wronged Li luoran would be slapped in the face by Li luoran.

Just a few minutes after returning to normal, in the hall, a fire seemed to be burning again, and people's eyes focused on this side again.

I had a good feeling for liluoran before.

How can this weak girl be so unsympathetic?

She even wanted to slap the poor servant?

"Of course I didn't forget." However, everyone has forgiven Xiaoqing for being so pitiful. If you are so cold-hearted, even such a pitiful woman hurt by love, just come and fight

It's obvious that they are inciting people's sympathy.

If Li luoran does it, he will be hated.

Determined that Li luoran did not dare to hit her, Xiaoqing also looked up, pitifully looking at Li luoran, "Miss Li, it's my fault. If you really want to hit me, I will let you fight."

Li luoran did not return.

Just went straight to Xiaoqing, raised his face, slapped three times, mercilessly to Xiaoqing face.

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