You,Under My Name

Chapter 189: 189

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Three successive slaps, so clear and loud, spread far away.

The hall became silent. People who had just had a good feeling for Li luoran changed their eyes again.

Li luoran didn't care about people's eyes. She looked at the maid who was beaten red by her coldly,

"these three slaps, I didn't prepare for you originally. Since you like to help others to answer the crime, I will help you."

Xiaoqing stares at Li luoran, and the burning pain spreads from her left face to her whole body.

"Don't forget your oath, so, Xiaoqing, we are not finished yet." Fall this words, drew away the vision on the small green face, lift the handbag again, turn round and go.

Looking at her figure, Xiao Qing is more flustered when she remembers her oath when she planted Li luoran.

An Jiaren stands not far from Xiaoqing. Li luoran slows down when she passes her,

"when I drove Lu Wanyue out of the house yesterday, I asked her to bring a message to you. She should have brought it to you?"

Pale Anne looked at her resentfully.

It's up to the master to beat a dog!

Anne knows better than anyone that Li luoran's slap on Xiaoqing's face is for her master. Li luoran is clearly declaring war on her.

"I'll take it as if she didn't bring it. This time, I'll tell you personally that from now on, you Anjian and Lu Wanyue are no longer my family, but enemies in my mind. I'll give back all you have done to me one by one."

Voice so cold, eyes so cold, like a ruthless cold-blooded killer.

Li luoran said to Lu Wanyue before that yesterday's "family law" was her last tolerance for Anjian and Lu Wanyue. Since Anjian and Lu Wanyue refused to turn back, she would never continue to connive.

Anjian has completely destroyed Li luoran's last hope for her with her practical actions.

Since Anjian doesn't want a good daughter-in-law who treats her gently, but a cold and heartless enemy, Li luoran will give her a cold and heartless enemy!

Li luoran goes further and further.

Anne looked coldly at her back.

Li luoran has always been an enemy in her heart, but she always has the illusion of being treated as her family.

You are so naive, liloran!

You deserve so much damage to see the truth!


Li luoran walked out of the hotel.

It's 1:30 in the afternoon. The streets are crowded with people. The bright sunshine is shining on this prosperous city. Jiangcheng, which is hit by typhoon, has not had such good weather for a long time.

"That servant's words are full of holes. I know that if you pursue them, you can expose her lies in public, but you don't have the reason?"

This is a question that Jiang Xiaojing has always been puzzled about, and she believes that Li luoran must have her reasons for doing so, so she didn't ask until she got out of the hotel.

Li luoran said with a smile, "what do you think?"

Jiang Xiaojing shrugged, "the old lady of Anjian Well, ha ha... "

Realizing that Jiang Xiaojing, who Lu Shaochen has been following Li luoran all the time, spits out his tongue and changes his address with a smile,

"I mean that now you don't have to save face for your mother-in-law, so you didn't open it. Of course, it's not for your mother-in-law."

Li luoran just laughed.

Jiang Xiaojing said, "Ranran, don't you still want to have a deep grudge with an Jiaren? Do you want to be tolerant and indulgent to her?"

Lu Shaochen also looked at Li luoran with the eyes of seeking answers.

Li luoran took Jiang Xiaojing by the hand and said, "you can think the same way."

"What? Li luoran, do you have any conscience? I'm the closest woman in the world to you and your most beautiful and invincible best friend. Can't you tell me why? "

Jiang Xiaojing belongs to the typical type of "not to see the Yellow River, not to give up" and pesters Li luoran without a satisfactory answer.

Li luoran, however, never answered.


When an Jiaren put all the blame on Xiao Qing, the scene she played was more childish than when she arranged Xiao Qing to put her ring into Li luoran's handbag. If Li luoran wanted to, she could easily tear it down.

Of course, she is not looking after the face of an Jia.

Since Lu Wanyue and she have never been the same in her mind, Lu Wanyue and she will never leave any face.

It's just that Lu Shaochen is also present -

although Lu Shaochen has been disheartened with an Jiaren, she is still close to her son. If she embarrasses an Jiaren too much in front of so many people, Lu Shaochen will be in a dilemma.

"Hello, you are so busy here. What happened? Did you have a good meal with aunt AnnBig step meteor came to Chu star, this words a, found everyone fell into silence.

"Er ~ OK ~" Chu Xingchen stroked his wine red hair,

"ha ha, sister-in-law, this sister looks like you. Is she also your half sister?"

Before Li luoran answered, Jiang Xiaojing had smashed Chu Xingchen's heart with his fist,

"do you know how to speak? Who is the daughter of that dirty woman? "

See river small mirror double eyebrows inverted vertical, a pair of as long as a word don't agree to also want to start to him of appearance, Chu star Chen how dare again poor mouth?

Only murmured in his heart, "especially, it's strange that you and Li luoran are not born of the same mother. Otherwise, how can you not only have similar figures, but also similar personalities?"

Li luoran is half head shorter than Lu Shaochen. Lu Shaochen looks down at her, "go home?"

Li luoran rolled his lips and said, "I'll walk around with the mirror. You and the stars go back first."

Lu Shaochen, "well."

Turning around and walking with Chu Xingchen, Li luoran called her, "you said in the dining room that no matter what happened between me and your mother in the future, you would stand on my side. Is that what you mean?"


Lu Shaochen did not look back and continued to move on.

Li luoran still wants to ask. He has already got on the bus.


The car door closed and the luxurious streamlined super race sped away, leaving Li luoran and Jiang Xiaojing standing on the crowded street.

"Alas! Don't look. There's no one left. " Jiang Xiaojing patted Li luoran on the shoulder.

Li luoran's thoughts came back to reality. "Mirror, if I didn't have you, I might be black as a dog again today."

Jiang Xiaojing smiles brightly and complacently, "of course, how can your world lack me! Come on, what are you going to do next? "

“……” Li luoran sighed a long time. She looked thoughtfully at an Jiaren and others walking towards the lengthened Lincoln nearby,

"do you still have contact with those playmates who used to fight with you in high school?"

Jiang Xiaojing instantly understood what, "Ranran, do you really want to do this?"

Li luoran didn't have a clear answer, but his eyes were colder when he looked at those people.

"All right! I am behind you! I'll call them now. "

Jiang Xiaojing calls while walking with Li luoran to her parking position.


the luxury Lincoln limousine is in a stable situation on the road.

The driver is an Xiaoqing, the sister of an Jiaren, who is also the most trusted old driver of an Jiaren.

Anjian's residence is located in a large courtyard in the city center, covering a large area.

The land that could have been used to build high-rise buildings was occupied by the compound. Against the backdrop of the surrounding high-rise buildings, it showed its luxury.

Far away, Mrs. an saw that the door of the compound was open. The six security guards who were supposed to watch the door 24 hours a day were not seen.

"Well! If there are too many expensive things in my house, I don't know what to do when I go out to eat? Look, I won't deduct their bonus! "

Anjia is so angry that she falls.

Today, she originally wanted to humiliate Li luoran. Unexpectedly, she ended up in a mess. She was trying to find someone to vent her anger. These security guards were bumping into her muzzle.

"Lady, don't be too angry. No one in the whole river city knows that this compound is Shaochen's mother's house. It's too late for those little thieves to hide far away. Who dares to steal things from your house? Don't worry, it will be OK."

She was advised by her brother-in-law.

Another family relative also comforted, "sister beauty, over the years, who have we been afraid of? This time, Li luoran is lucky. Next time, I promise to make her miserable."

"Is it?"

Anne smiles bitterly.

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

These idiots will only exaggerate, once it's done, one by one they will become like turtles with no idea.

Don't let Luoli be sad?

After so many times, even she felt that she was at a loss. She couldn't think of any good way to deal with Li luoran. What can her stupid relatives do to make Li luoran miserable?!

Now, the car stops.

What's more surprising to an Jia is that the gardeners and cleaners who should have worked in the yard have disappeared. The courtyard is as fresh and beautiful as a garden, and there is a strange silence in it.

"Mom, this group of lower class is too much. When they learn that we're out, they all slack off and don't work. We'll call them together later and fire them all!"

Lu Wanyue was so angry that she stamped her feet. It's not the first time that their servants have been lazy together.

Anne was even more out of breath,

"Alas! Family misfortune, family misfortuneEven the door of the living room was blatantly open.

The mahjong goes to the mansion and shouts, "are you the ones who beat me? Don't you all come out for me

"Here we are."

A cold female voice came from an unknown corner.


The door of the master bedroom was opened, accompanied by steady footsteps, a thin figure came out slowly.


Seeing the delicate melon seed face clearly, the rosary beads in an Jiaren's hand fell to the ground,

"Li luoran, how are you?"

I still can't believe it until now.

Lu Wanyue, Xiaoqing and the four family relatives are also looking at this weak woman in horror -

I'm afraid that an Jiaren, who has been in a fire in the hotel, is now ready to swallow Li luoran alive. When Li luoran comes to an Jiaren's house, isn't she sending herself to the tiger's mouth?


How did she get in?

Where are the gatekeepers, security guards, servants and gardeners?

"Why can't it be me? If you are only allowed to enter my house, am I not allowed to enter your house? " Li luoran looks up at her beautiful face and the radian of her mouth is cool and meaningful.

"Oh?" An Jiaren was very proud. She pulled Wanyue's arm with great joy,

"Wanyue, did you hear her saying that she broke into our house? Did everyone hear what she said? "

Excited, even the voice is gone.

"Well, Ma, I can hear you clearly." Lu Wanyue couldn't help laughing.

After a series of confrontation before, Lu Wanyue thinks that Li luoran is still very thoughtful. Unexpectedly, when this little fox spirit's IQ is not online, she foolishly breaks into their home to cast a net.

"Sister, I heard that too."

"We all heard clearly that this rebellious woman came to the beauty's house."

Everyone threw angry eyes at liluoran.

An Jiaren sneered with satisfaction, "over the years, even if the door of an Jiaren's house is open in broad daylight, if someone wants to come, they have to call me and get my permission before they dare to step into my house. You are the first one who dares to" break into "my house."

Li luoran looks at an Jiaren like a play. She can expect that an Jiaren will turn over next.

Sure enough, Mrs. an's face sank,

"in this case, I can only use the family law to you. I won't let you die unknowingly and politely. Tell her what to do with her according to the family law?"

Lu Wanyue did not hesitate to reply, "according to the family law of our family, the person who maliciously intrudes into our family should pierce her feet with nails. In this way, he will remember to take care of his feet in the future."

"Well." Anjian nodded with satisfaction and turned her eyes to other people,

"what are you doing? Tie her up for me, prepare the nails and carry out the family law immediately."

Do it now!

I'm afraid Li luoran will run away a little later.

Li luoran thought that if an Jiaren could kill her without paying her life, and she had a knife in her hand, she would stab her heart without hesitation

Four family relatives and Xiaoqing go to liluoran together.

When they came to Li luoran's side, a series of footsteps sounded in the master bedroom of an Jiaren. Then, five people came out of the bedroom and stood beside Li luoran.

Everyone's here for one.

Then, the sound of footsteps and opening the door rang out again and again. Anjia's family had five bedrooms, and some people came out of each bedroom. But after more than ten seconds, at least 30 people stood beside Li luoran.


Lu Wanyue scolded secretly, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

How dare those five people go to tie Li luoran? One after another, like sculptures, they are standing only one meter away from Li luoran. They are neither shrinking nor moving forward

"Who are these people? Li luoran, what do you mean by bringing them to my house? " Although she tried her best to show her confidence, she was still uneasy in her eyes.

Li luoran raised her eyebrows,

"don't you like to play tricks on people? Since I come to your house, of course, it's also a family law. "

"What Is that right? " Angie's voice trembled.

Li luoran didn't reply any more, but just waved his little hand,

"let's do it, tie it all up."

"Good!" Jiang Xiaojing had been waiting for Li luoran to say this for a long time, and now he was the first one to stand up,

"brothers and sisters, give it to me!"

A group of men and women of the same age as Jiang Xiaojing gathered around an Jiaren.

"Don't touch me. It's my home. I have the right to let you out. Let's all go out!""Don't touch me!"

"Come on, where's the security guard? Get rid of these little gangsters! Come on

"Don't grab my arm!"

"Go away!"

"Get out of here, you lowlives!"

Angie struggled and scolded.

Lu Wanyue and others also screamed and struggled violently.

Jiang Xiaojing, who tied up an with her own hands, gave a sarcastic smile. "You can save your strength, Queen an. Your security guards and servants won't come to save you."

"What did you do?" she said

Jiang Xiaojing winked, "guess?"

"Anjian"... "

In the twinkling of an eye, an Jiaren, Lu Wanyue, Xiaoqing, an Xiaoqing and the other three were all tied up. The "top class" who lived in luxury villas and wore splendid clothes, where did they receive such treatment? They kept shouting, hysterical.

"Shut up, everyone. From now on, anyone who shouts will be given ten slaps in the face."

Jiang Xiaojing's threat made everyone calm down.

Walking back to Jiang Xiaojing beside Li luoran, "Ranran, do you want to carry out the family law next?"

Hearing the words "executing the family law", an Jiaren and Lu Wanyue looked at each other, and cold sweat oozed from their foreheads.

Born in this family, they all know that "family law" is synonymous with "cruelty". The lightest family law in this family is whipping, and the heaviest one is like nailing feet, branding all over the body, and being disabled There is no limit to the cruelty

What family laws did they break?

Why does Li luoran enforce family law on them?

Although they were full of discontent, they only dared to complain because they were afraid of being slapped in the face.

"Bring Xiaoqing up first." Li luoran opened his mouth lightly.

Immediately, two skinny young boys pushed Xiaoqing to Li luoran.

Xiaoqing stares at Li luoran in bewilderment. She doesn't understand why Li luoran is the first to call her out.

Li luoran, with cool eyes and light voice, said, "tell me about the oath you made when you framed me for stealing your master's ring."

The bad premonition made Xiaoqing "buzz" in her mind. Her voice was scared, "I I don't remember... "

"I remember." Li luoran takes a step closer to Xiaoqing,

"you say that you never lie. You say that your master always keeps you as a servant just because of the quality he likes. You raise your right hand in front of everyone, palm up and swear that every word you say is true. If you have a word that is lying, you will be slapped in the face in turn, and your face will be red and swollen, your mouth will bleed, and you will never die again You can't say a word

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