You,Under My Name

Chapter 190: 190

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Xiaoqing's face turns pale instantly, and Li luoran's eyes are like looking at the devil.

Li luoran, with a cold face,

"now, it's time to honor your oath. Anyone who wants to slap someone with itchy hands, just let it go like me."

Voice down, the first slap in the face of Xiaoqing.


The burning pain made Xiaoqing scream.

Jiang Xiaojing slapped her.

Then there was another yellow haired boy, and then there was another young girl

More than 20 people crowded in front of Xiaoqing, mercilessly slapping and shaking her face in turn. The pain and shock made Xiaoqing's scream incoherent and turned into intermittent chanting.




The sound of clear slaps in the face came one after another in the luxurious living room.

An Jiaren, Lu Wanyue and the four close relatives of the family looked at each other face to face, and their hearts were covered with endless fear like shadows.

I don't know how long later, Xiaoqing's scream stopped -

to be exact, Xiaoqing can't scream any more.

Because her face had been beaten red and swollen, and her mouth was overflowing with red blood, which covered her lips and chin.

"Yes." Li luoran waved to stop.

The slap came to an abrupt end.

The boys and girls who beat Xiaoqing face stand beside Li luoran, and their eyes are still fierce when they see Xiaoqing -

they listen to Jiang Xiaojing about the process of Xiaoqing and an Jiaren framing Li luoran, so they are not soft hearted when they beat Xiaoqing.

"I said that I will let you realize your oath. It's your own oath. No wonder others." Standing in the focus of everyone's eyes indifferently, Li luoran's face is expressionless,

"everyone who slaps you today is fighting for me. If you take revenge, you should take revenge on me. Even if you come to me, it has nothing to do with them."

Xiaoqing sits on the ground with her head down, her eyes lax and tears falling.

Li luoran no longer looked at her, but cast her eyes to an'jia'an, who looked frightened. "Now, it's time to settle the accounts between us."


She seemed to hear a sound similar to a bomb explosion in her heart, "no! Are you crazy, Lori? There is no account between us. Let me go, let me go! "

Struggling with my life.

However, her whole body was tied up, and a pair of young boys and girls around the "custody" of her, where can she break free?

Li luoran's eyes are cool, like a ruthless cold-blooded killer, "is empress Ann so forgetful? I told you in the restaurant less than an hour ago that I would give back everything you did to me. "

The slender finger points to Xiaoqing,

"the servant you used as a shield is your precedent."


Mrs. an, who was shaking all over her body, was so scared that her eyes were almost staring out,

"Li luoran, you can't do this to me, I'm Shaochen's mother, I'm your mother-in-law, we are a family, how can you do this to me?"

Oh ~

now I know that I am a family with her!

Li luoran only felt ironic, but she only sneered, "it's too late. Now, it's my turn to use 'family law' on you."


When she heard the word "family law" again, Anjian almost collapsed, "Ranran, don't be angry. It used to be Mom's fault. Don't treat mom like this. It was mom who was too mean and cruel to you. Mom promised that she would never treat you like that again. Mom will treat you as her own daughter in the future, OK?"

Slightly trembling voice, so sincere, so kind, look at Li luoran's eyes full of begging.

However, liluoran gave her more indifferent eyes, "I don't have a mother like you, and I disdain to be your daughter. Your promise, take it to cheat the ghost!"

"No, Ranran, listen to me, I will..."


Li Jia interrupts, "the person that gives Luo an to block her mouth."


The beautiful woman who put the mirror on Jiang An's table found a solid piece of cloth.




Can't speak of Anne beauty can't stop to Li Luo dye throw to beg for mercy of eyes.

But all of them are ignored.

In fact, even now, Li luoran is still more eager to get along with her than anyone else. But after so many previous injuries, Li luoran has seen through her thoroughly -

she only said good words to Li luoran against her heart and begged for mercy. Once Li luoran let her go, she will not be grateful, On the contrary, Li luoran will feel silly. Next time, it will be even worse.Enough!

That's enough!

She will never be soft hearted to these monsters again!

With a deep breath, Li luoran's eyes were cold,

"pull them out."

Who else dares to talk more when she is gagged by a rag?

The four relatives all bowed their heads, only Lu Wanyue stared at Li luoran with hatred, as if to kill Li luoran with her eyes.

Li luoran knows that after what happened today, Lu Wanyue and an Jiaren will hate her even more.

But it doesn't matter!

Once upon a time, even if she didn't pay an eye for an eye, didn't the mother and daughter do anything to kill her?

Since the mother and daughter hate her to the bone, she doesn't care to make them hate her more.


six pig cages have already been prepared in the yard.

An Jiaren, Lu Wanyue and the four family relatives were all put into the pig cage.

It turned out that a total of 13 security guards, servants, gardeners and cleaners in the yard were all tied up by the people brought by Li luoran. After they were put into the pig cage, the 13 people were also brought to the scene.

"Li luoran, I advise you to stop just enough, otherwise, my brother will never let you go." Lu Wanyue, who was put into a pig cage, could no longer be silent.

"Is it?" Standing outside the pig cage, Li luoran looked down at the beautiful woman in the pig cage,

"so, you already know what I want to do to you?"

Lu Wanyue raised her eyebrows and shrill voice,

"of course, I know that you little shrew want to put us in the pig cage and splash us with ice water mixture just like we did to you!"

Li luoran was not surprised.

Of course Lu Wanyue knows.

After seeing this scene, who can not know?

Li luoran's nature is kind and harmless. How could she come up with such a way to torture people?

She just returned what these people had done to her in the same way

Lu Wanyue, who was lying on the pig cage, shook the cage with his hands angrily, "hum! Li luoran, you are too vicious and excessive to us

"Yes, Ranran, it's too much for you to treat people like this. It's inhuman treatment at all." An Xiaoqing sighed.

Several other family members also protested, "liluoran, if you do this to us, we will hate you for the rest of our lives. It's too late for you to stop now."

"Li luoran, I advise you to let us out now!"

"Let us out of here!"

Li luoran's eyes swept lightly on their faces, "do you want to be gagged by rags?"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone shut up.

Looking at everyone curled up in the pig cage in such a mess, Li Luo's eyes were cold when he remembered that he must have been in such a mess when he was locked up in the pig cage by them.

"you people, when others treat you like this, you know it's too vicious, too much, and you know it's inhuman treatment. When you treat me like this, who ever thought of it Toxic, excessive, is this inhuman treatment? Have you ever thought that you would be hated by me all your life, and stop in time? "

Even Anne bowed her head with guilt.

At the moment, two rows of buckets have been put in place by the people brought by liluoran.

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Li luoran didn't know where she got so much ice water mixture. There was a huge round swimming pool in the yard, which was full of cold water. Li luoran specially arranged the pig cage beside the swimming pool.

She opened her red lips,

"began to carry out the family law."

Lu Wanyue, who had just been quiet for a while, lost control. "Li luoran, are you crazy? How dare you really... "


A bucket of cold water poured back Lu Wanyue's words.

Then, buckets of cold water poured into the five pig cages like waves.

After splashing a bucket of water dry, the energetic boys and girls filled the bucket in the swimming pool again and again, pouring bucket after bucket to five people.

The doormen, servants and gardeners were all staring around, and the relatives of an Jiaren, Lu Wanyue and her were always arrogant and looked down on them. No one had ever seen them in such a mess.

Li luoran and Jiang Xiaojing always stand by in silence.

The five people who were splashed with cold water in the pig cage were also the five people who splashed cold water on her yesterday. They deserved all this.

After a long time, Li luoran clapped his hands and said,

"almost. That's it."

The boys and girls splashing water stopped one after another.

The pig cage was already muddy. Angie shivered all over and curled up in the mud. After a series of devastation, she had no eyes.

At that time, Li luoran, who was splashed with cold water, was in such a mess?no

At that time, Li luoran was in worse condition than they are now, because Anjia used ice water mixture when she splashed her, which was just the coldest zero. Compared with what they did to themselves, Li luoran was much more kind

She squatted down slowly and looked at the shivering lady an indifferently,

"you should be glad that Shaochen stopped you from branding me, otherwise, today I will brand you the same."

It seems that Miss Anne wants to say something.

Li luoran pulled the rag from her mouth, but the endless cold made her teeth cackle, unable to say a word, so she could only look at Li luoran.

"I know that if you want to say you hate me, you will make me pay the price."

Li luoran calmly opened his hands,

"I still said that everyone who splashed you today was instructed by me. If you want to revenge, just come to me. But miss ANN, remember, from now on, no matter what you do to me, I will get back to you like this time. "

Speak words, slowly stand up.

In the process of getting up, I suddenly found Lu Wanyue staring at her, and she raised her eyebrows proudly,

"and you, Lu Wanyue and you four" top class people ", what I said to an Jiaren also worked for you. If you want a war, I will accompany you at any time."

Drop this sentence, and Jiang Xiaojing phase arm in arm, head also don't return to the yard gate.

The boys and girls did not untie them, so they left them.

More than thirty people got on the bus.

Li luoran sat on the seat of the middle row car. The beautiful garden became smaller and smaller in the rear view mirror, and her vision became less and less focused.

"I think, after this lesson, Angie should dare not trouble you any more." Jiang Xiaojing patted Li luoran on the shoulder.

Li luoran smiles,

"I hope so."

"Alas! I just don't understand why Anne hates Gu lianyue so much. She goes directly to Gu lianyue for revenge. She also knows that you and Gu lianyue don't get along with each other. Why do you hold on to her? It's really unreasonable. "

Up to now, Jiang Xiaojing is still indignant. Compared with what an Jiaren has done to Li luoran, this repayment is insignificant.

Li luoran sighed, "I've seen the scene of an Jiaren meeting my mother. An Jiaren can't get any advantage from my mother. How dare she take revenge?"

"All right!"

Jiang Xiaojing comforted Li luoran and said, "Ranran, you are so pitiful. How can a beautiful and lovely fairy like you not have a good person to treat you gently?"

Li luoran touched Jiang Xiaojing's head, "silly girl, I don't have you!"


Li luoran first accompanied Jiang Xiaojing back to his fashion shop and put down Jiang Xiaojing's investigative equipment.

Afterwards, the two men closed the door of the fashion shop and put up a notice of "suspension of business" to go shopping nearby.

There are so many kinds of ornaments in the jewelry store that people are dazzled. While Li luoran is trying on a platinum necklace for Jiang Xiaojing, two policemen in uniform come by.

One of them said seriously,

"Li luoran, come with us."

Li luoran was stunned, "what's the matter?"

"Don't you know what you do? What's the matter with us? Let's go The police took liluoran and left.

Where would Jiang Xiaojing let them take Li luoran away? He pushed the police away and stood in front of Li luoran. "Cut, what's so great about the police? Can the police arrest people without asking for anything? Don't even think about taking her away if you don't make it clear

Li luoran was also helpless.

However, Jiang Xiaojing is the kind of person who is not afraid of everything. If she doesn't agree with others, she will fight with others. Even the police are not afraid. She stands between Li luoran and the police. Li luoran can't pull her away.

There was a commotion here, which attracted the eyes of countless people.

In addition, the police have the right to explain to the police that they have no choice but to use the image of an, who is the most afraid of being arrested

Li luoran's mind was buzzing.

Anjian has done the same thing to her. She has solid evidence, but she never thought of calling the police

An Jiaren immediately called the police after the incident, which she did not expect.

"Miss Li, can you come with us?" The policeman pointed to the police car in front of the shop.

Before Li luoran had time to speak, Jiang Xiaojing shook his head firmly,

"no, you can't just listen to an Jiaren's words, you..."

"Mirror!" Li luoran pulled Jiang Xiaojing,

"be obedient, don't make trouble out of no reason. Everyone is watching."

Thinking that Li luoran has already taken over the film "gone with the wind", she will surely become an eye-catching star after the release of "gone with the wind". In this situation, she keeps on making trouble, but it doesn't have a good influence on Ranran. She can only reluctantly flash to one sideLi luoran and two policemen went out of the shop.

"Hey, you wait!" Jiang Xiaojing ran after the police quickly.

The serious looking policeman turned back helplessly, "this lady, what else can I do for you?"

Jiang Xiaojing raised her face and said, "just want to ask, if Ranran really did what Anjian said, how would you punish her?"

Police, "according to the law, if everything Mrs. an said is true, the person waiting for Miss Li is at least two years in prison."

Is it so serious?!

Jiang Xiaojing was shocked.

Li luoran also took a cold breath, and the result was more serious than she thought.

"Ranran, don't worry. I'll call my father right now. He has a lot of connections. Even if I let him lose his fortune, I'll find someone to get you out." Jiang Xiaojing's tears almost fell down.

Li luoran gathered up her uneasiness and looked back at the lovely woman like nothing. "Mirror, be obedient. Don't worry about it."



Jiang Xiaojing looks at Li luoran's figure taken away by the police and tears fall down.

Although Li luoran never looked back, he seemed to be able to see Jiang Xiaojing's sad appearance.

Jiangjing used to be the one whose father was in charge of Jiangjing!

Last time, after Jiang Xiaojing beat Lu Wanyue, Jiang's helpless father had to ask Li luoran for help. Later, Li luoran gave Lu Wanyue the "private photo album" to settle the matter.

What's more, this time, the person she provoked was an Jiaren.

It's not the Jiang family that can afford such a person as Anjian.

Li luoran would rather prepare for the worst than drag her family into the water for her sake.


Li luoran is sitting in the police car.

The harsh sound of the siren reverberated in her ears, adding to her already upset mood.

"I'll go!"

The driver in the cab suddenly let out a scream, the next second, a nervous brake.

Tires on the ground friction out bright sparks, the front of the car "boom" top in front of that silver super run on the door.


The driver made sure he was right. The front of the police car didn't hit the parking space of the car in front of him, but hit the door of the car!

Because the car just passed the police car at a very fast speed, accompanied by a difficult drift and tail swing, it crossed the middle of the road and stopped the police car.

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