You,Under My Name

Chapter 191: 191

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"Especially, how do you drive? Even the police car dares to stop you. Don't you want to get out of here?"

Grumbling, the irascible old driver kicked the door open and walked to the car ahead.

At the same time, the door of the car in front was also kicked open, and the man walking out of it was wearing a straight black suit with a gloomy and terrible face.

At the moment when the angry driver saw the man's face, he immediately stood in the same place like a curse, and his expression turned into appreciation and amazement -

is this man much more beautiful than those greasy faced male stars on TV?

It's so good-looking that people even doubt that there will be such a good-looking man in the world.

More than good-looking?

He is so handsome!

Although he is not happy, but also let see his people see straight eyes, no matter how big the fire can not come out.

The man didn't look at the driver at all and walked past him indifferently.

At the moment, the two policemen who were responsible for escorting Li luoran also got out of the car. After seeing the man's face, one of them couldn't help sweating, bent down respectfully and whispered in a low voice,

"Mr. Lu, what do you want to ask us to call directly, that is, why do you have to take such a big risk to stop a car on the road?"

The expressionless Lu Shaochen, "let people go."

what did the police understand at once? He hurriedly laughed at it.

, "Oh, Mr. Lu, you know the rules of our line. Your mother has already reported the case. Now Miss Li is a suspect. According to the law, we must take her back to the interrogation."

Lu Shaochen, "release people."

“……” Police a takes a cold breath and looks at police B in embarrassment.

Police B sighed helplessly, "Mr. Lu, I know you and our director are good friends, even our director also want to give you face, but we really can't agree to your request, I hope Mr. Lu can understand."

Lu Shaochen, "release people!"

"This..." Seeing Lu Shaochen's face getting worse and worse, the police scratched their heads anxiously.

Because of the sudden traffic accident, the traffic has become congested. The car owners behind only honked their horns, and the passers-by stopped to watch.

Lu Shaochen looked at the girl sitting alone in the car through the dark glass of the police car, "give her to me, and I will give you a complete explanation."

A complete account?

The policeman shook his head. "Mr. Lu, the only prerequisite for us to give Miss Li to you now is that your mother, Mrs. an, took the initiative to withdraw the accusation against Miss Li. However, Mrs. an emphasized that she would never withdraw the accusation when she reported the case. She also said He also said that if you intervene, we will never compromise. "

Lu Shaochen eyes a deep color, no longer want to talk with them, went straight to the police car opened the door.

"Hello! Mr. Lu, you can't do that! "

"Mr. Lu!"

"Mr. Lu..."

The police are still hesitating. Lu Shaochen has taken Li luoran by the hand and led her out of the car.

"Well behaved, did they let you be wronged?" Lu Shaochen gently pinches Li luoran's round face.

Li luoran smiles and shakes his head.

Lu Shaochen was also infected by her crooked lips with a smile, "count their interest, if anyone dares to wrong my wife, I promise they will never regret."

The two policemen looked at each other.

"Go home."

His long arm took Li luoran's slender waist, took her and left.

Although the two policemen were in a dilemma, they did not dare to stop them. They could only look at Lu Shaochen's back in distress and helplessness, "Mr. Lu, if someone is taken away by you, how do you want us to go back to the office?"

Lu Shaochen did not look back, "I said, will give you a satisfactory answer, I said to do."

"But Mr. Lu, your mother... "


The heavy sound of closing the door interrupted the police.

Lu Shaochen and Li luoran had already got into the car.

When the car starts up again, the front of the car is adjusted with a crisp forward and turn, the window slides down, and Lu Shaochen's penetrating voice wafts out faintly,

"she will withdraw the lawsuit and go to the bureau to wait for news."


Mrs. Ann?

Why didn't Mr. Lu call her "Ma" instead of "Ma"?

The police have not run back to the super phantom.

"Sister in law, is it cool to ride in a police car?" Chu Star side driving the car side dishonest look back to Li luoran.

Li luoran, "..."

Seriously, she was really scared when she was in the police car. Besides, the police said that she might face more than two years' imprisonment

Chu Xingchen said with a smile, "I remember that after shadow night killed Su Jinnian, the police must arrest you. As a result, ye went to the Bureau for a day instead of you. So don't be afraid, sister-in-law. Even if you are sentenced this time, I think ye will go to prison for you.""Poof ~"

Li luoran couldn't help laughing.

Only heartless people like Chu Xingchen can tell jokes under such circumstances.

Think about it. Although Lu Shaochen can save her for a while, if an Jiaren keeps holding on to her, she will inevitably be in prison.

It's not that she doesn't know that she's breaking the law in the way she treats Angie.

Angie used more cruel means to her, she just used the most simple and direct way of tit for tat!

Found Lu Shaochen has been heavy complexion of Chu Xing Chen, "master, do you have something on your mind? Where are we going next? "

Lu Shaochen, "hospital."

All right!

At this moment, Chu Xingchen seemed to understand why Lu Shaochen's face had been heavy.


Jiangcheng first hospital.

Chu Xingchen just parked the car in the parking space, and an Jiaren came here with the help of Lu Wanyue and Xiao Qing.

"Wait for me in the car."

After that, Lu Shaochen pushed the door open and got out of the car.

"Look, Ma, isn't that my brother?" Lu Wanyue, the first to see Lu Shaochen, excitedly points to Lu Shaochen.

"Hum!" An Jiaren Bai Lu Shaochen gave a glance,

"I also said that he really drew a line with me for the little fox spirit. He had a little conscience and knew to come to the hospital to see me."

Lu Shaochen didn't return, but walked steadily to an Jiaren,

"Mom, you can be discharged so soon, which shows that Ranran didn't do much harm to you."

"Beast When she heard this, she immediately lost control,

"Lu Shaochen, what do you mean? What do you mean that I can be discharged so soon? Don't you think I'm going to leave the hospital soon? Do you want me to live in the hospital all my life to make you happy? What do you mean that little bitch Li luoran didn't do much harm to me? Are you satisfied that she wants to kill me? "

Lu Shaochen, "I don't mean that."

"Is it?" Anjia's fingers trembled with anger.

Lu Wanyue nervously took an Jiaren's hand and said, "Mom, brother Shaochen, didn't he come to see you? Don't haggle with him any more. "

Now the quarrel between Lu Shaochen and an Jiaren is more and more fierce. Lu Wanyue is really worried that if this continues, they will become tit for tat enemies.

An Jiaren sighed with frustration, "if he is really kind-hearted to come to see me, I'm afraid that the weasel will pay New Year's greetings to the chicken, and he won't be kind-hearted."


Lu Wanyue is also drunk.

An Jiaren tried to calm her mood. "Shaochen, up to now, you know what Li luoran has done to me. I'm an old bone. I can't stand being splashed with so much cold water, and I can't afford to lose that kind of person. I'm a very talented person. I haven't been splashed to death by her on the spot. I have to investigate her responsibility. If you come to intercede for her, don't talk about it!"

Lu Shaochen, "I didn't come here to intercede with her."

All right.

Anne was very happy.

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Sure enough, what Lu Shaochen cares about most is her mother.

In a man's mind, mother is always more important than his wife. Li luoran, the little fox, is too arrogant to humiliate her. She has consulted a lawyer. As long as she sticks to Li luoran, she can let Li luoran go to prison for at least three years. If she goes on with her relationship, she can even sentence Li luoran for five years

She didn't believe that after Li luoran was sentenced to prison, Lu Shaochen, who was outside the prison, would still give her heart and soul.

Lu Wanyue couldn't help showing her joy.

She had discussed with an Jiaren for a long time. As long as Lu Shaochen didn't intervene in this matter, this time, Li luoran was finished!

Lu Shaochen, "I just want you to withdraw the charges against Ranran."


An Jiaren and Lu Wanyue stay at the same time.

Lu Shaochen's face was cold and his voice was cold. "You take the initiative to withdraw the accusation against her. This is the end of the matter, and the past Festival between you and her has been written off."

Firm tone, without a hint of request, as if in order.

"Shaochen, is that really what you said? Shaochen... " As if she had been fatally hit, Mrs. an was very disappointed when she saw Lu Shaochen,

"yes, you didn't come to intercede for Li luoran. What you did is more cruel than intercede for her. You forced your mother to compromise with her!"

"You know that my mother's heart is not good, and you know that my mother wants face most. She tied me up, put a rag on my mouth, and deliberately let my security guards and servants watch me, pouring buckets of cold water on me. What a vicious person can do? Shaochen, a good son who was brought up with all his hard work, not only didn't help me to vent my anger, but forced me to compromise with that woman with a heart like snakes and scorpions. Shaochen, where's your conscience? Won't your conscience hurt? "


Trembling fingers poke Lu Shaochen's face, and an Jiaren's painful eyes are full of tears.

Lu Shaochen painfully closed his eyes. When his eyes opened again, the pain and tenderness were also digested by him. At the moment, he showed only indifference,"You ask me how vicious a man can do such a thing? What you have done to her is more than what she has done to you. If she is vicious, do you mean that you are more vicious than her? "


Anne's eyes were round and her expression was full of disbelief.

She never dreamed that one day her own son would use the word "vicious" to describe her.

Lu Shaochen said, "if I were a woman, if my mother-in-law did the same to me, I would return it in the same way as Ranran. Ranran didn't do anything wrong, she just did what she should do."


An Jiaren, pale, looks at Lu Shaochen in fear. She is too sad and desperate to say a word.

Today, every word Lu Shaochen said pierced her heart like a poisonous needle.

Sitting in the car, Li luoran's eyes suddenly wet after hearing Lu Shaochen's words.

She was so angry that she did this to an Jiaren. Afterwards, she calmed down a little and thought that Lu Shaochen would blame her. She was prepared to blame Lu Shaochen no matter how she was blamed by Lu Shaochen.

However, Lu Shaochen did not give her a word of blame, but has been on her side.

She remembered that Lu Shaochen said in the restaurant today that no matter what conflict between her and an Jiaren, he would be on her side unconditionally. At that time, Li luoran thought that it was just Lu Shaochen's angry words when he was angry with an Jiaren. Unexpectedly, he did

"Brother, are you going too far? Mother is so badly hurt by Li luoran. Instead of comforting her, you are angry with her. How can you do that? " Lu Wanyue was so angry that she was about to cry.

"I didn't get angry with her. I just told her what to do."

Looking at an Jiaren and Lu Wanyue in front of him, they were once the most important people in Lu Shaochen's life. Lu Shaochen did not expect that one day, his eyes would be so cold when he looked at them, as if they were passers-by,

"I don't want to say that for the second time, you know me better than anyone else, so do as I say, or don't blame me for turning over."

Voice down, the desperate mother and daughter left in place, indifferently turned and left.

The man who is good at hiding emotions, the more heartbroken he is, the more expressionless he is, and the more cold he is with his eyes to hide the real heartache.

Miss Ann!

Lu Wanyue!

He really wants to hold these two women who are more important to him than the flesh of his heart in his hands for a lifetime. However, they always force him to stay away from them with their cruel and merciless actions, again and again, more and more without the bottom line!

"Lu Shaochen, stop for me!"

Lu Shaochen has gone out for a long time, but Lu Wanyue gradually regained her mind. She looks at Lu Shaochen's tall figure with tears in her eyes,

"Mom and I have decided that we must send Li luoran to prison this time, and we will never compromise. If you want to turn over with us, we will turn over. Just watch her go to prison!"

The man's step suddenly stops.

There is no turning back, but suddenly cold eyes,

"when you carry out the so-called" family law "on Ranran, all the servants of my family are watching. They are witnesses, and the monitoring in the yard records the whole process. What you do to her is much more than what she does to you."

Lu Wanyue didn't understand Lu Shaochen's intention to mention it again.

"brother, what do you mean?"

Lu Shaochen's extremely handsome face showed a trace of evil,

"if you send Ranran to prison, I will send you to prison, not only you, but also those close relatives of the family who participated in it. If she goes to prison, you will go in and accompany her!"


Lu Wanyue felt as if she had been shot through her heart. Her whole body trembled and her tears flowed down.

"Well, Lu Shaochen, my good son, how dare you threaten me, Shaochen My good son, Lu Shaochen

The body of Jia Dun covers the person's chest and groans painfully.

"Ma, what's the matter with you? Mother Lu Wanyue squatted on the ground, pinching an Jiaren with her strength,

"Mom, wake up, wake up

"Ma! Wu... "

"Wu Wu Wu..."

Lu Wanyue burst into tears.

Because this is a hospital, several nurses came one after another, lifted Anjia on a stretcher and rushed to the hospital building.

But Lu Shaochen always stands in the same place indifferently, like a sculpture without heart.

Now, how can Li luoran still sit in the car? She pushed open the car door and ran quickly to the direction where she was carried away.

When passing by Lu Shaochen, he was held by his wrist.

"Why?" She was staring at Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen's opposition to an Jiaren really moved her. What's more, Lu Shaochen was on the right side in doing so.However, if Lu Shaochen didn't care after Anjia's heart attack, it would be terrible to be such a cold and heartless person!

Lu Shaochen put his big hand on her shoulder, but shook his head, "I know what she really looked like when she had a heart attack. Don't worry, this time, she was acting."

Li luoran took a breath of cold air.

Oh, my God!

She really can't see the "acting" element of an Jiaren at all.

Why did she meet so many actors?

They are so talented. Why don't they go filming like Bai Qingwan!

"Brother, mom was angry with you for having a heart attack. Now I don't know whether she is alive or dead. You said she was acting. Do you have heart or not?" Lu Wanyue is also angry.

Lu Shaochen did not explain.

Lu Wanyue can only vent her resentment on Li luoran. She stares at Li luoran,

"Oh, I remember. On my mother's birthday, on that luxury cruise ship, Gu lianyue said that her daughter would stir up our family. You must be the undercover sent to our house by Gu lianyue, a cheap woman who is very proud of her? Now our family has been stirred up by you. Have you achieved your goal? "

Li luoran could not laugh or cry, "if you must think like this, I have nothing to say."

"Nothing to say? What has nothing to say, you are guilty and acquiesce. " The more indifferent Li luoran is, the more angry Lu Wanyue is.

"Li luoran, you are as cheap as Gu lianyue, you are as shameless, you are as shameless, you are as shameless, you..."

"What happened to me Li luoran lightly interrupts Lu Wanyue's words.

Lu Wanyue, "..."

Li luoran pointed to an Jiaren, who had been carried away for a long time. "You also said that your mother had a heart attack, and her life and death are uncertain. Since it is so serious, if you don't go to see her, you still have the heart to quarrel with me here?"


Lu Wanyue stamped her feet in anger.

This just fiercely stares at Li luoran, and then angrily whitens Lu Shaochen, pretending to be in a hurry to run after an Jiaren.

Up to now, Lu Wanyue is more sure that an Jiaren's "sudden heart attack" was performed.

Although Lu Wanyue is not the daughter of an Jiaren, Li luoran is sure that Lu Wanyue is very concerned about an Jiaren. If an Jiaren really has a heart attack, Lu Wanyue will never be so calm.

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