You,Under My Name

Chapter 199: 199

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Lu Shaochen holds Jin Xintong and walks to the car.

Sitting on the ground, Li luoran looked at his indifferent figure in a trance. "Your Xiaojin is not as simple as you think. I argued with her because she stole our engagement ring."

Lu Shaochen stopped and his voice became colder and colder,

"I know her. Anyone in the world can steal, but she is the only one."

Ha ~

sure enough, Jin Xintong's image in his mind is so beautiful that no one is allowed to desecrate her.

Li luoran, whose heart seems to have been stabbed, is trying to open Jin Xintong's suitcase in front of Lu Shaochen. However, he sees Jin Xintong's bloodless face, shaking his hands and holding Lu Shaochen's shirt tightly, saying angrily,

"I didn't I didn't steal sister Ranran's ring. I saw with my own eyes that she took it off and put it in her pocket... "

"Shaochen, sister Ranran stole her ring in order to plant me, deliberately when you drove over Hide the ring in In her own pocket... "


Li luoran couldn't believe his ears.

Cold little hand subconsciously to his pajamas pocket to touch, actually in the pocket to touch a hard object.

Take it out naturally.

Li luoran was petrified by this bright ray that suddenly came into sight.

It's not her engagement ring. What is it?!

Lu Shaochen never said a word again.

His eyes have already explained everything -

this is a kind of extremely desperate eyes. He is so desperate and frustrated that he can no longer say a word.

Li luoran watched him carry Jin Xintong to the car. The bright blood flowed down Jin Xintong's slender legs, leaving a conspicuous blood line on the grass.


The door slammed shut.

The luxury car started, backed up at the fastest speed and drove out of the hospital.

Liluoran sat in the pungent exhaust.

In her right hand, she held this noble and dazzling diamond ring. She thought that when Lu Shaochen gave her this ring, her expression was so warm and her eyes were so doting, which was in sharp contrast to her present indifference and alienation.

She and Lu Shaochen haven't seen each other for two days.

In the past two days, Li luoran has always unconsciously outlined in her mind the pictures of her meeting Lu Shaochen again. Each picture is warm and sweet

Li luoran never thought that the reality was so cruel.

It's like a pair of ruthless hands, cruelly tearing up all her wishes;

it's like a slap on the face


Lu Shaochen's car has long disappeared, but Li luoran is still sitting in the same place.

I also want to stand up, but my whole body seems to be drained of strength, and I can't move at all.

"How are you, ma'am?"

With this concerned inquiry, the servant Zhao Haixin came to Li luoran.

Li luoran looks at Zhao Haixin powerlessly.


Zhao Haixin sighed and sat on the grass side by side with Li luoran,

"madam, I know you are kind-hearted. You are very kind to the people around you, but you are very fierce to Miss Jin, and you are a little too fierce."

Li luoran looks haggard, eyes desolate, "aunt Zhao, if I say I never really hurt Jin Xintong, everything is her self directing and acting, do you believe it?"

Zhao Haixin shook his head. "Three years ago, I became familiar with Xiao Jinhe. Miss Jin is as polite and kind as you. She is very kind to everyone. Even to us servants, she is always very polite. She is not as arrogant as Miss Lu. We servants often praise her like you behind her back.

"So, ma'am, if you say that Miss Jin will direct and act herself to wrongly you, no one will believe it. Moreover, when you pushed Miss Jin just now, I saw the whole process, alas That's true

"Alas! You and Xiaojin are sisters, too. If only you could get along with each other... "


Zhao Haixin sighed.

Li luoran can only smile bitterly.


Li luoran also believes that Jin Xintong is kind-hearted.

Jin Xintong and Bai Qingwan are different.

Because Lu Shaochen is by no means a person who can be confused by appearances. If Jin Xintong is in essence a "lustful girl" and scheming whore like Bai Qingwan, but she plays beside Lu Shaochen, she would have been seen through by Lu Shaochen for a long time -

we can only say that Jin Xintong is definitely a good girl who is worthy of Lu Shaochen's love from inside to outside.

It is because of this that she can firmly occupy Lu Shaochen's heart, and no one can replace her.


Jin Xintong is a good girl!

She is good to everyone.

But, Li luoran robbed originally belongs to her love, she will have to dig empty plot to frame Li luoran.Is everything Li luoran's fault?

If Li luoran hadn't appeared in Lu Shaochen's world, Jin Xintong would have gone back to his old love with Lu Shaochen after his return. Jin Xintong would have continued to be better, Lu Mingyue would have continued to be better, Lu Shaochen would have continued to be better, everyone would have continued to be better

The appearance of Li luoran breaks up the perfect couple of Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong. Mingyue can only choose one of her parents. In addition, Jin Xintong hurts herself again and again in order to get Lu Shaochen back. In order to achieve her goal, she even makes an unknown man enlarge her stomach

It's all her fault!

Jin Xintong and Lu Shaochen should be such a happy couple.

She's the one who hurt everyone!


"aunt Zhao, can you help me up?" Li luoran took a long breath.

Zhao Haixin helps Li luoran up.

At the moment, there are other servants cleaning the lawn. A thread of blood on the lawn is particularly conspicuous. It needs to be pulled out and replanted.

"What about this suitcase, ma'am? Do you want to throw it away as garbage? " The lawn sweeper pointed to the suitcase on the lawn.

Li luoran stopped,

"keep it for her, she will come back to get it."

She believes that Jin Xintong's visit to Lu house is really to get her things. Jin Xintong should have happened to see her ring on the bedside table, so she thought of "stealing it".

Li luoran also believes that the reason why Jin Xintong "steals" this ring is by no means how valuable it is. As Lu Shaochen's "first love" and Jin Qian's sister, Jin Xintong is not short of money at all.

The reason why Jin Xintong "steals" this ring is that she knows that this ring is very important to Li luoran, so that Li luoran will be worried and sad after losing it

And Jin Xintong "steals" after the ring, also wants to leave quietly.

After Li luoran finds out and catches up with her downstairs, Jin Xintong takes advantage of Li luoran's troubles and quietly puts the ring back into Li luoran's pocket, then pretends to compete with Li luoran for the trunk -

Jin Xintong calculates the right time. When Lu Shaochen's car comes near, Jin Xintong deliberately relaxes his strength and lets Li luoran grab the trunk, and then deliberately pours on Li luoran to make Li luoran happy Luo ran pushed her away with conditioned reflex -

every step of Jin Xintong's life was perfect.

Only Li luoran knew that she didn't push Jin Xintong so hard.

But Jin Xintong's performance is so realistic. After being pushed by Li luoran, Jin Xintong turns around and swings. Anyone who sees Jin Xintong's appearance will feel that Li luoran has used enough strength, and no one can see that Jin Xintong is acting.

Jin Xintong.

It's because she loves Lu Shaochen so much that she can do it!


Li luoran went back to the bedroom.

He opened the drawer and put the engagement ring, which was worn by him all the time, together with the jewelry that Lu Shaochen had given her before.

The marriage certificates of her and Lu Shaochen are also in this drawer.

She took it out.

In the color photo on the marriage certificate, she leans in Lu Shaochen's arms. Although she is smiling, she is so happy and sweet. Although Lu Shaochen in the photo doesn't smile, her eyebrows and eyes are full of warmth and satisfaction.

Lu Shaochen remembers the picture of Lu Shaochen being stopped by the Civil Affairs Bureau at night and being burned by her

She remembered the scenes before Jin Xintong's return when she was with Lu Shaochen. Every scene was so sweet. Even when Lu Shaochen was angry, she was still warm and sweet.

But now, she and Lu Shaochen will never go back!

The crystal tears dropped on the marriage certificate.

Li luoran found that he didn't know when he was in tears.

Put the marriage certificate back in place and close the drawer.

With cold water again and again to wash away the tears on the face, changed clothes, walked to the door.

Push open the door, but see that Zhang junleng's face.

With a cry of fright, the bag fell to the ground.

"Is that your purpose? Xiaojin's child has not been saved, and She lost her fertility forever. " Lu Shaochen's eyes were as cold as ice.

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Li luoran gives a pep talk.

At first, there was a trace of sympathy in his heart. The next second, he caught the trace of blame in Lu Shaochen's eyes, and his expression turned into irony in an instant.

"are you sure? I believe her child can't be fake if she doesn't keep it. As for her loss of fertility, how do you know if she bribed the doctor to fake the examination results? "

At this moment, she found that Lu Shaochen's expression was obviously shocked.

Followed by hysterical pain and disappointment, "liloran, how can you say such a thing? Don't you have any conscience? "

"Conscience?" Whispering this cruel word, Li luoran's eyes became more stubborn and proud,"Yes, you have seen the facts with your own eyes. You think I hurt your Xiaojin. In your mind, as long as she has conscience, it's enough. What else do I need conscience to do?"

Lu Shaochen's eyebrows were deeply locked with the "Chuan" character pattern of the sense of surname, and his eyes were dark and terrible.

Li luoran picked up her handbag and strode to the door.

"Where are you going?"

Behind him came Lu Shaochen's low voice.

Li luoran didn't have to go back to "shoot."

"Don't go." The voice became colder and colder, such as in the command,

"Xiaojin just got out of danger, you must go to apologize to her."

Li luoran sneered, "I've already said that I didn't push her so hard. It's her who wants to hit your car. It has nothing to do with me."

Keep going.

But I can't step forward.

Because the arm has been firmly grasped by Lu Shaochen's big hand -

"go to apologize to Xiaojin, otherwise, I will be strong to you."

Abortion and loss of fertility, for any woman is a fatal blow!

Li luoran knows that since Lu Shaochen has determined that Jin Xintong was hurt by her, Lu Shaochen asks her to apologize to Jin Xintong. It's not too much

However, when Li luoran heard his cold voice and looked at him coldly, her voice became even colder and colder,

"I, no, go!"

Word by word, looking up at Lu Shaochen bravely with a haggard face, as if facing an enemy who has a deep hatred for himself,

"you believe that jinxintong is pregnant with your child. You hate that your child has not been saved, but you hate the wrong person. Everything is directed and acted by jinxintong. Jinxintong doesn't want this child, so you should hate her It's not me

Lu Shaochen holds Li luoran's arm and his hand trembles violently.

At this moment, the meaning of the man's black gem like eyes was clearly despair.

Li luoran knew what he was desperate for.

He was so desperate that his wife was so vicious!

This idea made Li luoran's eyes even colder. "See the truth, Lu Shaochen. Jin Xintong is not pregnant with your child at all. She told me that she was interrupted by her own scream in order to have a baby with another man - ah -"


So Lu Shaochen was pressed on the stair guardrail, Lu Shaochen's cold tone seemed to freeze everything in the world, "Li luoran, tell me, how cold-blooded and heartless are you?"

The voice trembled faintly.

The original extremely handsome face was a bit sinister, like an angry Beast.

Li luoran had never seen Lu Shaochen so terrible.


In the past, no matter how much she did, Lu Shaochen always spoiled her and protected her. When did he treat her so coldly?

If he was not very disappointed with her, how could Lu Shaochen be so cold to her?

"Ha ha..."

In the face of such a cruel reality, Li luoran even laughed,

"yes, Lu Shaochen, I'm so cold-blooded and heartless. I just don't have any conscience and compassion. Since you have seen the facts clearly, why should you ask them clearly?"

Stubborn arrogant stare landing Shaochen, like a cold-blooded killer who will never be soft hearted no matter how many people are hurt.

Lu Shaochen's body is shaking.

Because Lu Shaochen's body pressed her tightly, so she felt very clearly.

At the same time, she heard Lu Shaochen's voice become very heavy, low whimper in his throat, his thin lips open, should be to say something, but can not say a word -

in this way, painful, sad, pitiful, trance looking at her, like a fatally injured animal.

Every word that Li luoran said pierced his heart like the point of a merciless knife.

Li luoran looked at him coldly.

On his eyes, why so heartache?

Heartache, there is a trace of inexplicable sympathy and affection, even unconsciously some regret that he said so many "vicious" words to hurt him.

Lu Shaochen is innocent!

In this helpless love triangle, Lu Shaochen is the most helpless and painful victim.

Li luoran hated himself for hurting him again because he couldn't control his little temper

At this time, Li luoran's mobile phone rang.

She can guess that it was Qin Weijie who called to urge her to go to the cast.

"I'm going to answer the phone," she said

No response, Lu Shaochen is still pressing her, deep eyes color as if two bottomless black whirlpool.

Li luoran said, "please let me go, I want to pick up Ah - "

" hiss! "

There is no sound of breaking in the air.

Liluoran's skirt was torn off, and a long cut spread from the neck to the stomach. A large piece of bright skin showed in the cold air."What are you doing?" Li luoran was in a panic.

"As you wish!"

Magnetic voice and strong despair and loss, like the wind and snow to liluoran.

Li luoran looked frightened and confused.

The man whose thin lips almost touched the tip of her nose showed a bit of blood red in his eyes because of excessive emotional excitement, such as the enchanting red ink dripping in the black ink, sinister and enchanting,

"since you say that I did this to you because I lost my child, then I will help you, then you can help me have another one!"


Li luoran's mind was buzzing.

The body lost its center of gravity.

So Lu Shaochen was pressed on the cold ground.


"Don't --"

"Lu -- ah --"

her skin felt tight and strangled by her own clothes. Her skirt was torn into rags, which were left on the guardrail and in the stairs.

In the past, Lu Shaochen was not less moved towards Li luoran, but Li luoran had never seen Lu Shaochen so savage and crazy

Li luoran wanted to say that it was in the corridor.

Although they are also in their own home, there may be servants at all times.

Li luoran wants to say that he is pregnant now, and the doctor has specially told him not to do such a thing.

But she can't say it.

Lu Shaochen not only covered her eyes, but also covered her skirt.

She couldn't make a sound. She couldn't see anything.

I only know that I was pressed on the cold wooden floor. I only know that this time Lu Shaochen is wilder than ever, like a beast out of control

At first, Li luoran was still struggling.

With the passage of time, her consciousness gradually blurred, and her mobile phone rang again and again, and she could not hear clearly, except for Lu Shaochen's heavy breathing sound -

like roaring, like venting anger, like crying

I do not know how long, the storm finally passed.

The cloth strips in front of her eyes and in her mouth are untied. The sudden strong light makes liluoran's eyes tingle. Lying on the ground, she looks at the tall man in front of her in a trance through the gap between her eyes.

"Is that what you want?"

Looking down at her, he is a very handsome man, and his clear eyebrows and eyes are stained with a trace of emotion that can not be seen,

"from now on, I will plant seeds for you like an animal until you are pregnant with my child - you said, it's called debt repayment."

Li luoran was puzzled.

When did she say that?

It's all his supposed imagination, isn't it?

Li luoran took a deep breath.

Looking back on countless times in the past, every time she had a tit for tat confrontation with Lu Shaochen, she would have the upper hand at first. Finally, Lu Shaochen, who was irritated, would make her completely speechless by using the way of domineering bow. The more she provoked Lu Shaochen, the more "beasts" Lu Shaochen would treat her.

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