You,Under My Name

Chapter 200: 200

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"Get dressed and we'll go to the hospital."

Lu Shaochen's cold voice came down.

Li luoran knows that this time, Lu Shaochen is determined to ask her to apologize to Jin Xintong. The more she resists, the more she will suffer -

so she gets up silently and goes back to the room.

There are three missed calls from Qin Weijie in the mobile phone. Li luoran dials them back,

"sister Qin, I may be late for the cast today. Please ask for a leave for me."

"Ranran, why does your voice sound so haggard? Is something wrong with you? " Qin Weijie's concerned voice rang in his ears.

Li luoran pretended to smile easily, "don't worry, what can I do for you."

I hung up in a hurry and found a clean suit in the closet.

Standing in the living room, Lu Shaochen looks at her graceful figure through the open door. The haze that had been hidden in his eyes before gradually appears in his eyes.

Up to now, Li luoran's damage to Jin Xintong is beyond description.

And he also magnanimously forgives Li luoran again and again.

After learning in the hospital that Jin Xintong not only failed to keep her child, but also lost her precious fertility, Lu Shaochen thought he would hate Li luoran because Li luoran hurt Jin Xintong.

However, to Lu Shaochen's surprise, although he has heartache, it comes more from his disappointment with Li luoran's "indifference" and "cruelty" than from Jin Xintong's injury.

Is he really wrong?

Is Li luoran really a vicious woman?

However, why did he know so clearly that he could not extricate himself from this woman?

If Li luoran is poisonous, Lu Shaochen finds that he has been poisoned by the girl. He is addicted to the girl and can't extricate himself.


go out of the bedroom and change your clothes.

But her delusion?

For a moment, she seemed to see Lu Shaochen staring at her.

She looked at him for confirmation, but he turned his eyes without any trace, as if the previous eyes were inadvertently on her face.

It must be her illusion!

Now Lu Shaochen should despise and hate her, he must disdain to see her, right!

Chu Xingchen didn't know where he was. Lu Shaochen drove himself.

Li luoran deliberately didn't look out of the window. Along the way, they didn't say a word or even make eye contact.

Soon to the hospital.

When Li luoran walked into the ward, Jin Qian was also there.

Jin Qian's warm big hand is holding Jin Xintong's small hand, telling a joke to make Jin Xintong laugh.

Seeing Li luoran coming in, the atmosphere in the ward seems to have been splashed with a basin of cold water, and the expressions of the two people who were originally laughing become serious.

Li luoran walks up to Jin Qian,

"I understand your current mood, and you think I'm the one who caused Jin Xintong to do this."

Jin Qian looks up at his handsome face. In this scene, he doesn't know what to say.

Li luoran said, "Jinqian, if I say that I didn't hurt her, she hurt herself so intentionally, what do you think?"

Qian Jin will tell a joke, "I think you."

Li luoran was slightly stunned.

Let go of dyeing brocade. She doesn't care about the child. She doesn't know how to protect her? Besides, for a young girl, fertility is more important than anything else. Who will hurt herself so hard that she loses fertility? "

What Jin Qian said is reasonable, but Li luoran is speechless.

Jin Qian sighed, "so, Ranran, Xintong is very sad now. Although I have been telling all kinds of jokes to make her laugh, your joke is not funny at all."

The voice falls, Jin Qian patted Li luoran on the shoulder and left the ward.

Li luoran stood still.

Although Jin Qian failed Li luoran, Li luoran knew that Jin Qian was the man who believed in himself most in the world. Jin Qian even trusted her more than Feng Qian.

However, when she told the truth, even Jin Qian took it as a "joke".

What's more, Lu Shaochen, who saw her push jinxintong out with her own eyes?

"I think Shaochen asked you to apologize to me."

Li luoran's thoughts are pulled back to reality by Jin Xintong's voice.

She looked at Jin Xintong on the bed,

"I sympathize with your experience, but whether I should apologize or not, you know."

"Yes, it's a matter of heaven and earth. You know it and I know it. Of course, I know it well. It's just that it's not certain whether other people will know it well or whether Shaochen will know it well, is it?" Say words, brocade Heart Tong supports to sit up.Li luoran looks at Jin Xintong's face in the cold light. It's as delicate as a magic face. Even if it's so pale and haggard, it's still pleasing. It's hard to move his eyes.

"is it worth paying such a heavy price to frame me?"

"To set you up?" Jin Xintong laughs bitterly,

"yes, I used to spare no effort to hurt myself, just to frame you, so as to destroy your image in Shaochen's mind beyond recognition. But this time, I really didn't want to frame you with this child, Li luoran. Do you know the reason?"

Li luoran was slightly stunned.

Jinxintong, "because, after going through the failure again and again, I have been disheartened, I found that destroying your image has been useless."

Li luoran was more confused, "what do you mean?"

"Li luoran, why do you know that? Do you not know what you have done? " Thinking of the cruel reality, Jin Xintong stares at Li luoran, his voice trembles with anger.

Li luoran looks at Jin Xintong.

She really didn't know what she had done.

"Ha ha ~ it's ironic ~" leaning on the head of the bed with weak back, the haggard and beautiful woman sighed a long time,

"I'll be frank with you. It's me who sent people to follow you and take photos of you and my brother together, and it's me who sent those photos to Anjian."

Li luoran felt cold all over.

"Since I came back, I want to do everything possible to destroy you. I don't hesitate to hurt myself to plant you. My purpose is just to make Shaochen think you are very bad. As a result, I succeeded. In fact, I succeeded long ago, didn't I?"

Jin Xintong's voice clearly rings in Li luoran's ear.

Time seems to go back, and Li luoran's thoughts go back to the past. It seems that Jin Xintong framed himself


Jin Xintong succeeded.

Jin Xintong not only misunderstands Lu Shaochen that Li luoran has deleted the important information in his notebook, but also makes Lu Shaochen believe that Li luoran has scratched Jin Xintong with a piece of glass

Later, Li luoran sprinkled salt water on Jin Xintong's wound under Lu Shaochen's eyes;

later, Lu Shaochen witnessed Li luoran throwing Jin Xintong into the lotus pond

Jin Xintong successfully destroyed Li luoran's image in Lu Shaochen's mind, which made Lu Shaochen recognize Li luoran as a bad woman.

"But later I found out that my success was so sad, yes, Li luoran! I ruined your image in Lu Shaochen's mind beyond recognition. I made him think you were a bad woman. What happened? "

When it comes to the most painful thing, Jin Xintong's eyes are bleak,

"as a result, Lu Shaochen never gives up blaming you. No matter how bad you are, no matter how cruel he is to me, he always stands on your side. Even if he knows that you are unfaithful to him, he still takes care of you when an Jiaren wants to impose family laws on you. Ha ha What about me? What am I compared with you? "

"Li luoran, do you know? Sometimes, I feel like a clown, sandwiched between you, trying to attract his attention. As a result, no matter what I do, his eyes are always nailed to you like nails, but I'm left with all the scars, making myself scarred and full of skin! "

Thinking about the little things that happened after he met Jin Xintong, Li luoran was in a complicated mood.

Jin Xintong continued,

"later, I finally figured out that since it was useless to destroy you, why should I continue to ask for trouble like a fool? So ah, Li luoran, I didn't care if my body was infected by another man. I tried my best to conceive this child, not to frame you, but to attract Shaochen's attention!"

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Li luoran's eyes were cold. "So, do you really want to give birth to that child?"

Jin Xintong wry smile, "now the medicine is so developed, I'm not stupid enough to give birth to this child to become the handle of being torn down by you, and the father of this child is a person I hate."

In order to be pregnant with this child, Jin Xintong and a person she hates

Li luoran looks at Jin Xintong with complicated eyes.

"I know what you're thinking..."

Thinking of her father, Jin Xintong's mood is extremely complicated.

"Shaochen attaches great importance to love and righteousness. I wanted him to mistakenly think that I was pregnant with his child, and then find a suitable opportunity. Because of his abortion, he will always feel that he owes me, and he will never let me go."

"Speaking of it, today I really want to take your ring while you are sleeping. It's not because that ring is precious, but because I always see you wear that ring on your hand and put it close to you when you sleep. I know it's very important to you. If it's lost, you will be very sad." Jin Xin Tong said in a trance.

indeed, as like as two peas of Luo Luo.

Li luoran shrugged, "at that time, I went downstairs to chase you. When you saw that I was emotional, you made a plan to put the ring back into my pocket when I didn't pay attention, and pretended to grab the suitcase with me.""Yes

Jin Xintong doesn't deny it,

"the purpose of my pregnancy is to attract Shaochen's attention. I didn't intend to bring you in. It's bad luck for you. Who let you in when you should not? Do you know, Li luoran, when you are wearing pajamas and your shoes are too busy to wear, and you are so anxious to get back the ring, I suddenly have an idea and come up with the best of both worlds... "

Considering that he had succeeded, Jin Xintong's haggard face showed a smile of satisfaction,

"because I was in Lu Shaochen's car, Lu Shaochen also felt that he had an unshirkable responsibility. In addition to my loss of fertility, Lu Shaochen felt even more indebted to me. At the same time, I succeeded in blacking you once by the way. Although it's useless for me to blackmail you, Lu Shaochen asked you to apologize to me again? He must be the same as last time, afraid that I will hold you responsible? "

"Don't worry, Li luoran. I'm not as unreasonable as an Jiaren. I'll never set you up again and take you to court. I'll tell Shaochen that I've forgiven you. In this way, he'll have a better impression on me, won't he?"

What a deep routine!

However, thinking of a woman who came up with these tricks in order to attract the attention of her loved ones, Li luoran can't help but feel sympathy for Jin Xintong,

"well, thank you."

Drop this sentence, turn around and go.

Brocade Heart Tong pour is a stay, "you walked like this?"

Li luoran didn't look back. Her thin figure turned her back. "What else do you want?"

Jin Xintong's haggard face showed a trace of confusion, "I did so much, I thought you would hit me, or do something to me..."

"I won't hit you again, from now on, never again!"

With these words, Li luoran quickened his pace.

Jinxintong also want to say what, Li luoran's figure has already disappeared outside the door.

Lu Shaochen did not know where he had gone.

Even Jin Qian did not know where to go.

Li luoran walked alone in the corridor full of disinfectant.

In fact, the moment Li luoran stepped into the ward, she roughly guessed what Jin Xintong would say, but she listened patiently and kept calm from beginning to end -

did not say that this time, Jin Xintong won.

Did not say that Jin Xintong is the ultimate winner.


In the past, Jin Xintong destroyed Li luoran's image in various ways, which made Lu Shaochen feel that Li luoran was a "bad woman". As a result, he failed to do so.

But this time, it's different.

This time, her image in Lu Shaochen's mind has been doomed.

It is also after this time that Li luoran fully understands that she is the root cause of everyone's pain in this miserable love. As long as she quits, everyone will be happy

What a painful understanding!

"Ah, little sister, what's the matter with you? Are you ok? "

A cry of surprise came from behind.

Li luoran looked back in surprise, "what?"

"Don't you feel it? You You're bleeding The little girl with a ponytail pointed to liluoran's leg.

Li luoran looked down and saw the enchanting blood on his legs. He was also frightened.

It's also at this moment that I feel uncomfortable in my stomach.

After Lu Shaochen was pressed into the house, she didn't feel very comfortable until she was attacked.

"Thank you ~"

forced out a smile, said thanks to the little girl, and hurried to the registration office.

Nearly a quarter of an hour later.

Li luoran has been lying on the hospital bed.

******"What's the matter with you, Miss Li? Didn't I specially tell you that the first few months of pregnancy are the most dangerous time to avoid husband and wife life? Alas! That's true

Li Luo dyed his cheeks crimson, but he could not say that he was forced by Lu Shaochen. He just said, "I will pay attention next time."

"Next time? What's next? " The doctor's eyes were wide open,

"your child has not been saved, which has caused abortion."


As if to hear a bolt from the blue, Li luoran was petrified on the hospital bed like a sculpture, his face turned pale.

Seeing that Li luoran was so sad, the doctor with a bad temper could not bear to blame him any more and tried his best to comfort him calmly.

"Alas, girl, I've met a lot of such things before. After all, young people can't control their passion for a while and it's OK to do something too much. There are still many opportunities to ask for it again in the future ~"

it's just

Judging by her experience, if it is the ordinary life of husband and wife, it will not cause such serious consequences, unless the man is extremely wild and powerful!What kind of scum man will still be such a beast when his wife is pregnant?

Li luoran's eyes were closed, and he lay still, like a mummy.

"Alas! Miss Li, in fact, you don't have to be so hurt... "


The door was hastily pushed open. Lu Shaochen came in and saw Li luoran lying on the bed. His eyes were deep. "What's wrong with her?"

The doctor looked up at him. "You should be her husband, right?"

Looking at Li luoran's half dead appearance, Lu Shaochen's face was not worried! What's the matter with her? "

"You have the face to ask her what's wrong? And I want to ask you what you did to her! " The doctor, who had been choking with anger, stood up and looked at this extremely handsome man with disdain,

"I've seen many irresponsible scum men, some of whom let their girlfriends get pregnant and ignore them, some of whom forced their girlfriends to abort, some of whom brought several different girls for pregnancy check-up in a month, but I've never seen such a beast as you!"

The more Lu Shaochen listened, the more confused he became. "What do you want to say?"

Then he went to the side of the hospital bed and looked at Li luoran, who was lying on the hospital bed. His face was so haggard, like a doll without soul. Even though the doctor quarreled with him so fiercely, there was no reaction.

What happened?

Was it because he was so cruel to her that she was sad and desperate?

"She didn't keep the baby in her stomach."

The doctor's voice was clearly in Lu Shaochen's ear.


Lu Shaochen's tall body clearly trembled.

"You've never seen such a good thing? Don't you know how to love girls at all, or your children at all? "

The doctor stares at Shaochen with hatred,

"people who have some physiological knowledge all know that women should not share the same room during pregnancy. Even if you can't control yourself, you must be like her, or at least know something about it? After more than 30 years as a doctor, I saw for the first time that a girl was aborted by her husband It's not human! Animals

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