You,Under My Name

Chapter 214: 214

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Thinking about Bai Zhinian's experience, Li luoran burst into tears,

"Niannian, I understand your mood, but believe me, everything will be better, don't you love Su Yan? You are pregnant with his child in your stomach. Even if you don't think about your safety, you should always think about your child. Be obedient and come to a safe place. We have something to say. "

"Sister Ranran, you don't understand my mind..."

Bai Zhinian shakes his head,

"the purpose of Su Yan's approach to me is to revenge wanwan. I know in my heart that this is exactly what he wants. He can never turn back, and I should have jumped down and done everything. The reason why I wait for you is that you are su Yan's most trusted person. He believes everything you say. Before I die, I want to entrust you with a sentence to him. ”

Li luoran's mind hummed,

"no! Zhinian, you don't want to die, you don't want to be upset, you don't want to... "

"I've made up my mind!" The girl with beautiful skin is smiling at the corners of her mouth and tears in her eyes.

"sister Ranran, please tell brother Su Yan that I have never regretted loving him."

Voice down, had half of the air to the right foot downstairs to take a step forward.


Frightened, Li luoran ran forward to pull her.

However, she was so far away from Bai Zhinian that when she ran to the edge of the roof, Bai Zhinian had already fallen down. She was trembling and watched the girl's weak body fly to the bottom of the building like a broken kite.


Bai Zhinian's body hit the roof of a car, then bounced up and landed.

Downstairs, there was a look of confusion.

At this moment, Li luoran seemed to feel her heart also fell to pieces, tears instantly covered her pale face.

"Zhinian! Why are you so stupid



Bai Qingwan hysterical cry to Li luoran ran over, I do not know what stumbling, "Dong" lying on the ground, fell into a coma.


on the day of the funeral, the sky was full of dark clouds, but there was no rain.

Such a day, like a very sad person, the heart blocked badly, but can not shed a tear, can not vent the pain, can only quietly digest.

Many people came to the funeral.

There are Bai Zhinian's family, relatives, and more of them are her classmates and teachers. We can see that Bai Zhinian is very popular and too many people can't accept her leaving.

Li luoran came early in the morning.

But standing alone outside the cemetery, always watching silently, until the end of the funeral in the afternoon, still standing outside the circle like a puppet.

There are always tears in my eyes.

But I can't cry like the sky.

Although she has done her best, it's hard to avoid some guilt in her heart to watch Bai Zhinian jump to death under her own eyes, as if she owes Bai Zhinian too much -

and that's why she doesn't go to the memorial ceremony in front of Bai Zhinian's Monument?

"The first time you learned that she was pregnant with Su Yan's child, you told her the truth without reservation and advised her to leave Su Yan. On the top of Su's building, you tried every means to persuade her. You did everything you could do for her. You don't owe her and there's no need to blame yourself."

Lu Shaochen takes her in his arms.

Li luoran looked up at him in a trance.

She knows that Lu Shaochen has been very busy recently. He has been standing with her outside the cemetery until now. During this period, people from the company have been calling, but he has forced him to push them off.


Lu Shaochen pinched her haggard face.

Li luoran nodded.

The door was always open. She was about to get into the car, but she was attracted by a white shadow -

to be exact, a man in a white suit.

The spotless man is as handsome as a prince. Even though the weather is gloomy, his appearance is like a white moonlight in the night, which is particularly eye-catching.

Li luoran takes a closer look and finds that this man is Su Yan's moment, and immediately stops the rhythm of getting on the bus.

"I have something to say to him. Wait for me."

With these words, Li luoran quickly walks to Su Yan.

Because Su Jinnian was also buried in this tomb area, Li luoran thought Su Yan was coming to see him, but he never thought that Su Yan went directly to Bai Zhinian's tablet -

just silently looking at the black-and-white photo of Bai Zhinian on the tombstone, his upright body still.

So attentive that Li luoran didn't even know when he walked behind him.

Standing side by side with Su Yan, Li luoran looks at the cold tombstone with tears,

"is it me who misunderstood, or did you find out Su Yan's conscience? You are willing to come to see her

Su Yan noticed her existence. "It's not a matter of conscience. I don't have any feelings for her. Her death has nothing to do with me.""It's none of your business?"

Li luoran felt angry and funny,

"from the beginning to the end, you planned everything, you deliberately used her as a tool to revenge Bai Qingwan, now you succeed, you say it has nothing to do with you?"

“……” The handsome man is like a prince. His figure is trembling, but there is no emotion on his face.

"I didn't expect that the consequences would be so serious. I just want to make her suffer all her life. Who knows that her psychological endurance would be so poor, and she would really commit suicide for such a thing."

Li luoran almost lost control.

She never thought that Bai Zhinian had done everything for Su Yan. In the end, he just played down "such a little thing" in Su Yan's mouth

"I know you despise me." Su Yan turns to Bai Zhinian's tombstone,

"but it's no one else's fault. Who wants her to be Bai Qingwan's sister? She deserves to die!"

Li luoran's anger burned instantly. She sneered and pointed to the location of Su Jinnian's tombstone with trembling fingers,

"so, your father's death is worthy of him, who wants him to be your father!"

Su Yan's eyes hurt, his lips trembled, and his dignified mood made him unable to say a word.

Li luoran looked at him contemptuously, "you know, Su Yan, even if you failed me in the past, I still think you have principles, because you never take the initiative to hurt others, now you are finished!"

"Su Yan, I look down on you!"

Don't want to look at this man again, turn around and go.

Su Yan looks at her figure without expression, "Bai Zhinian is dead, Bai Qingwan is dying. Don't you want to see such a result?"

As if in the body curse, Li luoran's body rigid in the original place, can no longer step.


Bai Zhinian is Bai Qingwan's favorite. After Bai Zhinian died, Bai Qingwan was really heartbroken, but Li luoran never thought about it.

In other words, normal people are concerned about the death of Bai Zhinian. Besides Su Yan, who cares about Bai Qingwan's mood?

Li luoran didn't know how she opened her lips. "Su Yan, do you know that Zhinian asked me to tell you before she died that she never regretted loving you, ha ha Now I'm finding out more and more that it's not worth it. It's better to feed the dog. "

"It can only be attributed to her innocence." Su Yan stands behind Li luoran,

"she is Bai Qingwan's own sister. I have been with Bai Qingwan for three years. She knows all the grudges between me and Bai Qingwan, but it took only one day for me to chase her. That night she lay on my bed and wanted to sacrifice herself. Li luoran, this only shows that Bai Zhinian is as casual and cheap as her sister!"

"Su Yan!"

I can't stand it anymore.

Li luoran turns around and slaps Su Yan in the face.

Mao's powerful slap made Li luoran's palm ache and Su Yan's left face red. But he didn't respond. He still focused on Li luoran and let his nose bleed down his chin, dripping on his spotless white suit.

"I slapped Zhinian. You've really changed, Su Yan! How could you be like this? "

Drop this sentence, escape also like to go to the cemetery.

My heart is empty.

Because of knowing.

Also because of Su Yan.

In the past, Su Yan was essentially just and kind, and would never try to harm others. Now, Su Yan has become so terrible -

he has become the same as Bai Qingwan, and he will do anything to achieve his goal

"Ranran, you don't have to be afraid of me, let alone avoid me, because no matter how bad I become, I will never hurt you." Su Yan's voice came from behind.

Li luoran turned a deaf ear and walked on.

Su Yan's eyes slightly coagulated, and he looked at her thin figure for a moment. "Although Bai Zhinian is dead, the account between Bai Qingwan and me is far from over."

The voice was so cold, as if it was a curse from hell. It made liloran tremble.

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She trembled back,

"what else do you want to talk to Bai Qingwan?"

Su Yan sneered, eyes like the abyss, "sooner or later, I want Bai Qingwan like her sister, desperate to take the initiative to die!"

As if there was a cold wind passing through the cemetery with Su Yan's words, Li luoran only felt cold all over, did not return a word, accelerated his pace, and ran forward.


got in the car.

Lu Shaochen held her chin with his fingers and lifted her small face lightly. "How could her face be worse than just now? What did Su Yan do to you?"

Li luoran pretended to be relaxed and said, "nothing."

"Oh?" Lu Shaochen also wants to ask.

Li luoran interrupted him hastily, "don't mention the name of Suyan in front of me any more. The Suyan I used to know is dead."

Lu Shaochen raised his eyebrows and said, "well."

Li luoran, who was let go of his chin by Lu Shaochen, leans powerlessly on the seat of the car.Su Yan!

Why do you think Su Yan is so terrible now?

It seems that Su Yan has become more and more sinister since he saw the true face of Qingwan. It seems that he has turned into a devil who will do anything for revenge


over the years, Li luoran, who has experienced numerous frustrations, has deeply realized that no matter what kind of storm he encounters, his life will continue.

Leave the cemetery, try to put down everything related to Bai Zhinian and rearrange your emotions.

The next day, on time to the crew.

I was just in front of the base.

When Feng qianzhen saw her, he frowned at her and said, "Princess Ai is the right time for me, so she happened to arrive with me to make a chance encounter with me?"

In the crowded shooting base, Li luoran had no choice but to smile shyly like a little fan sister.

"teacher Feng, don't make fun of others. Will they be shy?"

"Well!" Feng Qianji nodded his head with satisfaction, then lowered his voice,

"Hey, do you know, thanks to you, the whole drama group has two days off."


Li luoran was a little confused.

Wind shallow she deliberately and she walked very close, "yesterday and the day before yesterday, you asked for leave did not come to the crew, wangzimo that guy even let the whole crew off, the whole crew should thank you."

All right!

Li luoran understood this.

In fact, she had asked for a day off to divorce Lu Shaochen, but Bai Zhinian had an accident that day, and her mood couldn't recover for a moment. She had to attend Bai Zhinian's funeral the next day, so she asked for another day

In fact, she did not come to the crew, Wang Zimo can arrange to shoot some supporting roles, but unexpectedly, Wang Zimo gave the whole crew a holiday.

When I think of wangzimo, I can't help recalling the scene that wangzimo pressed himself under the body that night. I feel nervous and flustered More doubts

Li luoran came to the crew.

Qin Weijie immediately handed her the script of the segment to be shot today.

When Li luoran was reciting her lines in the "Palace", Shu Xinshuang, who had been late, sat beside her,

"I saw the news of Bai Zhinian's jumping from a building. What a pure and beautiful little girl, alas! What a pity

Thinking of Bai Zhinian, Li luoran felt pain in his heart.

Shu Xinshuang took her hand, "Ranran, in this short period of more than a week, the man named song Molu was shot in front of you, and then Bai Zhinian fell down from a building under your eyes and died. You can even come to the film crew normally. How strong is your heart's endurance?"

The slender finger gently poked Li luoran's heart.

Li luoran just laughed.

In fact, song Zilu's death has left a huge shadow in her heart. Whenever she walks alone in a dark place, whenever she closes her eyes, and even when she washes her face to eat, her eyes seem to show song Zilu's bloody face after being shot in the head

Bai Zhinian's death left another shadow in her heart.

"But don't worry, with my good friend here, no matter when you feel lonely and afraid, you can come to me at any time." Shu Xinshuang has a bright smile.

Hearing the words "good friend" and looking at Shu Xinshuang's pleasant smile, Li luoran suddenly remembered something.

She shrugged,

"Mr. Shu, I couldn't figure out why you were so kind to me. Other people in the crew were also guessing the reason, but now I know the reason."

"Oh?" Shu Xinshuang suddenly understood something,

"it's him..."


Li luoran nodded.

Because there are some other actors around, and the name "Lu Shaochen" is particularly sensitive in Jiangcheng, Shu Xinshuang only says "he". Only Li luoran and Shu Xinshuang understand that he means Lu Shaochen.

Li luoran said, "he said that you owe him a favor, so I think you should know him. It's strange that he never mentioned you to me, and I'm your fan. When he saw me watching your movies with my mobile phone, he was very insipid, as if he didn't know you at all. Why?"

"Why? Sometimes I want to ask him why... "

Shuxinshuang sighed,

"Ranran, do you know? In fact, he was not an indifferent man in the past, but three years ago, after Xiaojin died in the river, he was depressed for a time. His indifference seemed to turn into an iceberg. His soul seemed to die. It seemed that no one or anything in the world could make him move and smile any more. At that time, I thought that he would eventually meet a woman who would make him move and his soul come back to life Child, but I never thought that this girl should be you. "

Li luoran's eyes were dazed, and his doubts exploded.

Since Shu Xinshuang can say these words, it shows that Shu Xinshuang and Lu Shaochen are very familiar——Familiar with, as if to understand all of Lu Shaochen!

Oh, my God!


Lu Shaochen!

Lu Shaochen!


What's the relationship between them?!

"Ranran, I envy you very much, really, because you are unique in his heart, even Xiaojin can't replace you." Shu Xinshuang still smiles gently.

But at this moment, Li luoran clearly caught a trace of sadness in Shu Xinshuang's beautiful eyes.

Li luoran and Shu Xinshuang have known each other for a long time. Shu Xinshuang gives her the impression that she is a sunny beauty of the best quality. Her character is a bit similar to Feng Qianyu -

this is the first time Li luoran hears Shu Xinshuang sigh;

the first time she sees her sad eyes.

"Don't worry, Ranran. I'm not your rival, and I won't do anything bad between you and Lu Shaochen like Xiaojin. Otherwise, I won't do my best to take care of you, will I?"

He must be very proud that I treat you so well because of his credit, but I'm afraid he's overconfident again Shu Xinshuang patted Li luoran on the shoulder,

"Ranran, when he comes back to pick you up this afternoon, you can tell him that the kindness I owe him is not enough to make me do my best for you. I treat you because I like you too, pure friendship? Er ~ "

suddenly thinking about the starting point, Shu Xinshuang squinted at the wind not far away, who was looking at the scene with a straight eye,

" of course, I don't mind if you understand it as love. "

After that, she got up and went to her own business.

Li luoran sat on the stool, not knowing when the script fell to his feet.

If she didn't ask Shu Xinshuang today, Shu Xinshuang might never say this to her, and she might always think that Shu Xinshuang and she just met by chance -

but now Li luoran knows that Shu Xinshuang not only knows many things about Lu Shaochen, but also knows everything about her (Li luoran), Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong.


Luo Li is the fastest to learn the script by heart.

Today is still to shoot between her and Wang Zimo opponent play.

Shu Xinshuang helps Li Luo dye her make-up. When she comes out of the dressing room, she is facing Wang Zimo who comes out of the dressing room next door.

Wangzimo saw her clearly, but pretended not to see her. Her eyes moved from her face in a hurry, and she was about to leave.

"Mr. Wang, please wait!" Li luoran called him.

Did he look away?

She seemed to see Wang Zimo's fingers shaking.

"Well ~" Wang Zimo stopped and skillfully concealed the slightest bit of panic,

"what's the matter?"

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