You,Under My Name

Chapter 215: 215

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Li luoran quickly walked to wangzimo,

"ha ha, it doesn't matter. I just want to ask you, that day at the celebration dinner, you were drunk in the bathroom, and I helped you back to the room. After that, something unpleasant happened between us, that Ha ha I think you know that, don't you? "

"I don't know." Wang Zimo shakes his head, and his water green eyes are confused,

"what's the matter between us? I don't remember at all. Can you remind me? "


Although that kind of thing is hard to say, in order to get the answer, Li luoran can only blush and ask, "Mr. Wang, it's like this. After I help you back to the room, you..."

"Wait! I seem to remember

Wang Zimo interrupts Li luoran. It happens that Li luoran is about to talk about the point.

"I was drunk and unconscious that night. You helped me back to my room, eh! Ranran, I have to thank you, or my gold medal agent might have to spend the night in the bathroom that night. "


What he called remembering is remembering that she helped him back to the room?!

Li luoran wants to cry without tears.

But Wang Zimo didn't give her the chance to continue to ask. He winked at her and said, "every inch of time is worth every inch of money. The photographers are waiting for us to be in place. Don't waste time on such unimportant things, eh?"


Does it matter?

It's very important, isn't it?!

Li luoran's eyes are straight.

The warmth came from her shoulder, and Wang Zimo's right hand was lightly placed on her shoulder,

"Li luoran, there are too many unsolved secrets in the world. It's natural for you to be curious about some things, but not all things have answers. Therefore, you might as well forget that night's events as if nothing had happened."

Wang Zimo, who dropped this sentence, stepped forward and passed Li luoran quickly.

Li luoran looks at this enigmatic man, unable to walk for a long time.

Why do you feel wangzimo is playing Tai Chi with her?

Why do you feel like wangzimo remembers everything?


Shu Xinshuang, who has been standing behind Li luoran, sighs deeply.

It's strange that Wang Zimo doesn't remember.

That night, Wang Zimo, who was awakened by Shu Xinshuang with a basin of cold water, didn't break out at that time. After Li luoran left, he kicked Shu Xinshuang's room and asked why Shu Xinshuang woke up his dream.

Shu Xinshuang only feels sorry for wangzimo.

Shu Xinshuang knows that if it is not for the effect of alcohol, Wang Zimo of that night will never hold Li luoran so affectionately and selflessly.

She also knew how wonderful the dream was for wangzimo.

Maybe it's a bit cruel that she woke him up in a beautiful dream


like the previous Qiaoduan, today's shooting is very smooth.

Although the shooting was finished at about 4 p.m., Li luoran was in the most basic professional quality and didn't leave until the off-duty time stipulated by the crew.

As usual, Li luoran and Qin Weijie left together, and Feng qianzhen also "ran into" them once again and walked out of the group on the way.

"Li luoran, I have something to ask for you."

When this familiar voice sounded, Li luoran just walked out of the parking lot.

Bai Qingwan -

the name can't help but come to mind. Li luoran followed his reputation and saw the enchanting figure.

Bai Qingwan is still wearing her signature pearl white skirt. Although she has just experienced the pain of losing her sister, she can't see a trace of haggard on the surface because of her makeup. She stands at the air outlet, her elegant skirt moves with the wind, like a white lotus floating on the clear water.

Wan is not alone.

Another tall woman with heavy make-up holds her hand, and Li luoran immediately recognizes that this woman is Gu Mingzhu, a famous star.

"say it." Li luoran is not surprised that Bai Qingwan will find here, because Bai Qingwan has not come here to find her before.

Bai Qingwan was absorbed in the wind and did not speak.

Li luoran seconds understand her meaning, to the wind shallow make a wink, "wind teacher, we girls have something to talk about, you wronged to avoid it."


The wind is shallow, a pair of basic disdain to care about the matter between them of facial expression.

But he didn't leave immediately. He had long legs and big steps, and stepped in front of Bai Qingwan in one step.

"white goddess should still remember the night when she went to my house to play with me?"

Thinking of the scene that night, Bai Qingwan was red in face and ears. Even if her makeup was so rich, she couldn't cover up the scarlet on her face.

How could she forget?

That night, she happily thought that fengqianshe must be interested in her, so she would agree to go to his house to play with her;That night, she was so emotional that she could not help herself. She took off her clothes and nestled up to him, trying to strike a more intense spark with him.

However, it was also that night that her veil of "purity" was completely torn, and Su Yan saw her true face thoroughly

She thought that party would be the most beautiful and unforgettable memory in her life, but she never thought that night would become her nightmare!

"So, you have no need to hide in front of me. What can you say directly, don't you?" The sound of the wind was like the sound of a flute in Bai Qingwan's ear.

Bai Qingwan's lips trembled and her eyes were desolate.

Feng Qianji laughs playfully and sarcastically, "but don't worry, I'm not a shameless person. Since others don't want me to hear what she wants to say, I will never stay. I waste so much words with you. I just want to remind you that I will always guard her not far away, and don't expect you to hurt her under my eyes."

Who else can he refer to besides Li luoran?

Bai Qingwan doesn't know why her heart hurts so much. She has a thousand words in her heart, but she can't say a word in the face of the wind.

Feng Qianji sneered, "Bai Qingwan, don't think I don't know. You are the one who bribed the killer to kill song Zilu in front of her and shot her."

Bai Qingwan's body shuddered, "shallow, you can look down on me, but you can't wrongly treat me. How bad am I in your eyes?"

"Oh, did I hear you wrong? How bad is a woman who is so mean and evil that she doesn't know how bad she is? "

A man as beautiful as a demon has cold eyes and a teasing smile.

"save it, Bai Qingwan. Don't act in front of me any more. In Ranran's life circle, who else can do such things as buying murderers and killing people except you?"

Cold eyes swept Bai Qingwan's face, the eyes, as if to put Bai Qingwan to death on the spot.

Bai Qingwan seemed to be in a daze.

Every word Feng Qianji said was like a poisonous thorn in her heart. Su Yan didn't feel the pain of this moment when she saw her true face.

Gu Mingzhu is also staring at the shadow of the wind.

Although she is also a first-line star, she has never had the opportunity to cooperate with Feng qianshe. She only heard several other female stars who have seen Feng qianshe say that the real Feng qianshe is so good-looking that it makes people drool. Today, she found that the words of those female stars are not exaggerated at all. Just when Feng qianshe came to her, her saliva really came out.

When Li luoran came to Bai Qingwan, Bai Qingwan gradually recovered.

When Bai Qingwan gathered up the injured silk, his eyes turned into indifference,

"Song Zilu's death has nothing to do with me."

Lilo dye face expressionless, "I know."

Not because I believe in Bai Qingwan.

Just because Bai Qingwan didn't hide from Li luoran every bad thing she did in the past -

if it was Bai Qingwan who asked someone to kill song Zilu, she didn't have to hide from Li luoran.

Bai Qingwan said with a wry smile, "do you know what's the use?"?! You're going to explain it to shallowly. He will believe what you say. "

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Li luoran was speechless in surprise.

Then I think of the time when Feng qianshe and Bai Qingwan just talked. Bai Qingwan's eyes at Feng qianshe were sad and gentle. It was clearly a girl's eyes hurt by her beloved man

Sure enough!

No matter how bad a girl is, she has true love!

In fact, Li luoran never doubted that Bai Qingwan was a true love to fengqianshe, but she never thought that Bai Qingwan was cheated so miserably by fengqianshe that night, and she still thought about fengqianshe.

Li luoran pulls his thoughts back to reality as soon as possible,

"I can explain to Qian Zhen, but don't expect him to like you. He is not su Yan. What's more, even Su Yan has turned against you after seeing the truth, isn't he?"

"Isn't that what you want to see?"

Bai Qingwan sneered,

"yes, Su Yan did everything in order to revenge me. Zhinian is my favorite family member in the world. Now Zhinian is dead, and I'm in great pain. You've got your wish, haven't you?"

Li luoran did not explain.

She also likes Bai Zhinian's brilliant and simple little girl. She also regrets Bai Zhinian's death and hates Su Yan who killed him

But she doesn't have to explain to Bai Qingwan.

She doesn't care about everything about Bai Qingwan. How Bai Qingwan thinks of her has nothing to do with her.

"Do you know, Li luoran, that day you and Qian Zhen joined hands with me to make the beautiful image I worked so hard to maintain in front of Su Yan collapse in an instant. After that, Su Yan and I turned against each other and made me go through so many twists and turns. In fact, I didn't hate you much, because I calmly think that I can't play in front of Su Yan for a lifetime, and he will watch it one day As a matter of fact, you just let that day come ahead of time, but after Zhinian died, I hate you to death. Every moment after her death, I wish I could strangle you myself! "Thinking of the tragic death of Zhinian, Bai Qingwan trembles all over. Her gentle eyes are ferocious because of their malice.


Li luoran was very surprised,

"are you sure you don't hate the wrong person? I thought that the person you hate most is Su Yancai. "

"Su Yan! Su Yan, ha ha... " With this name, Bai Qingwan's smile is distorted,

"yes, the culprit of Zhinian's death is him. When Zhinian stands on the roof of Su's building, he can save her, but he can't help her, and let her live life fall and die. The person I hate most should be him. But why do I think of Niannian's death whenever I feel so sad and bleeding Wait, the person I hate most is you, Li luoran? "

Hate hate staring at Li luoran, the original delicate features twisted together, like a tear off the skin, revealing the evil face of the Banshee.

Li luoran had never seen a person's expression so terrible.

She understood that this was the expression of one person's extreme hatred for another.

Qin Weijie, standing behind Li luoran, saw Bai Qingwan's appearance and was scared to take a step back.

Gu Mingzhu, who has been holding Bai Qingwan, also turns her lips -

when she first met Bai Qingwan, she really thought Bai Qingwan was a bright white lotus. Therefore, when Xiao Qian showed her those ugly videos of Bai Qingwan "serving" his customers, Gu Mingzhu's three views were completely destroyed

"After learning that Zhinian and Su Yan are together, you always persuade her to look back. When she finally stood on the top of Su's building, you tried your best to save her. I know that you are not acting. You really miss nianhao..." It seemed that Bai Zhinian's delicate face appeared in front of her eyes, and Bai Qingwan's tears made up her makeup,

"but why do I hate you so much? I didn't know until I saw Su Yan's face in front of the graveyard

Li luoran's eyebrows are locked.

That was yesterday.

At that time, Li Wannian didn't know that the one who went to see the monument before the funeral was over.

"Shocked? At that time, Su Yan only had you in his eyes, and you were just Lu Shaochen waiting for you outside the cemetery. Who would notice me in the distance? " Don't take care of the tears on the face, Bai Qingwan let it drop like rain.

Li luoran is still confused,

"I still don't understand. After all, the person you should hate is Su Yan. Why do you hate me?"

"Li luoran, don't pretend to be stupid. How can you not understand?" Bai Qingwan's voice was fierce because of excitement,

"Su Yan tried every means to harm me, just for you!"


Li luoran's eyes are panic.

The next second, laughing disdainfully, "don't be crazy, Bai Qingwan. You know better than anyone why Su Yan hates you. He hurt Zhinian in order to revenge himself. Why do you push me?"

Don't want to see Bai Qingwan make a fuss again, the voice falls down, turn around and go.

"That's because he's hiding so deep that he doesn't want you to see the truth. Don't be silly. Li luoran, Su Yan and Su Jinnian don't have as deep feelings as you think. Even if I killed his father, it won't make him crazy to do anything. His crazy revenge on me is not that he hates me for breaking you up. He wants me to die, but he's not worried that I will live Continue to hurt you

Bai Qingwan's voice was already a hoarse cry.

Fortunately, the place Bai Qingwan chose was quiet, and no one else passed by.

Li luoran was so surprised that she couldn't walk away. She sneered, "it's all your own subjective judgment. If you like to hate me, just hate me. I don't care if you hate me. There's no need to make up these ridiculous excuses."

Hold Qin Weijie's hand,

"sister Qin, let's go!"

"You stop!" Bai Qingwan stepped forward, holding Li luoran's wrist with his shaking right hand,

"if you want to go, record a video before you go."

Li luoran stops, "what video?"

Bai Qingwan wiped her tears, then took out her mobile phone in her pocket,

"I don't know the name of the movie you are starring in. I only know that the movie" imperial concubine "starred by me and the one starred by you were released at the same time. Don't you want wangzimo to compete with me in this arrangement?"


When Li luoran first took over the play, she really wanted to compete with Bai Qingwan. However, as she spent more and more time filming, she has fully integrated into the crew. She just wanted to make the play well, and she has no other ideas.

But Li luoran never explained, "so?"

Bai Qingwan raised his tearful face. "If we don't leave some proof, what's the significance of who wins and who loses? So, we will swear together now, record the video separately, and then send it to the Internet. When the movie is released, if the fans who see the video testify, no one can break the oath. "Until now, the expression is no longer so sad, even showing a bit of joy.

Li luoran was defeated.

Li luoran immediately understood that this was the reason why Bai Qingwan came to her. She said quietly, "you should say, how can we swear?"

"It's very simple. We will stand together and swear that when the movie we starred in is released, the box office will be the basis for winning or losing. The one with the highest box office will win. If you and I lose, we will take the initiative to quit the entertainment industry and never step into the entertainment industry for the rest of our lives."

Because I have been thinking very clearly for a long time, Bai Qingwan's words are crisp and clear.

Li luoran was really frightened by the vow.

Even Qin Weijie's expression is slightly stiff -

although Bai Qingwan and Li luoran are new people, judging from the production, investment and star lineup of the two films and TV dramas they shot, after the release of these two films, even if they can't be held as top stars, they will become popular and first-line stars.

Therefore, this oath can also be interpreted as -

if Li luoran loses, it means that Li luoran will be out of people's sight forever and never come back as a flash in the pan

Is there a more poisonous oath in the world?!

Bai Qingwan is also expected to win their own will do so!

"Li luoran, if you are afraid of losing, you can't gamble with me. However, both Zhu Zhu and I will look down on you. Zhu Zhu, don't you think so?" Bai Qingwan winked at Gu Mingzhu.

Gu Mingzhu winked at her, "needless to say, some people get the favor of Mr. Wang. They are very inflated. How can they afford to lose?"

Bai Qingwan no longer seems to be in pain. Although her face is still full of tears, she smiles enchanting and brilliant,

"so, pearl, I just want you to have a look. Some people don't have acting skills at all, but they are held so high by Mr. Wang. When it comes to gambling, she feels guilty. How dare she gamble?"

"Well, well..." Gu Mingzhu also wants to continue to pick up Bai Qingwan's stem.

Li luoran interrupted her indifferently, "don't you think you are retarded when you sing like this?"

Gu Mingzhu and Bai Qingwan were both stunned.

Li luoran raised her eyebrows and said, "if you bet, you bet. If you lose, you will quit the entertainment industry forever, right? Sister Qin, start recording the video. "

With these words, the shooting function of mobile phone has been called out.

Raise your hand, the rose gold mobile phone turns into a wisp of golden light and flies to Qin Weijie.

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