You,Under My Name

Chapter 216: 216

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Qin Weijie takes Li luoran's mobile phone in his hand.

Bai Qingwan also gave his mobile phone to Gu Mingzhu, and then he couldn't wait to say, "since it's decided, don't waste any more time."

Voice down, also has come to Li luoran side.

In the next less than five minutes, Li luoran and Bai Qingwan solemnly vowed together according to Bai Qingwan's requirements. Qin Weijie and Gu Mingzhu recorded the whole process at the same time.

Looking at the video recorded by Gu Mingzhu, Bai Qingwan was extremely satisfied,

"Li luoran, we'll see!"

Stare Li Luo to dye one eye, arrogantly walk past in front of her.

Bai Qingwan was born to be good at acting and graduated from a well-known drama academy. Her performance in the "imperial concubine of the golden age" crew was highly praised by everyone. Li luoran, who had not studied acting for a day, was a complete layman -

Bai Qingwan was 100% sure of defeating Li luoran.

She and Lilo can't agree. Only one of them is popular.

She is to let Li luoran get out of the entertainment circle forever. She can only look at her with envy and jealousy

"Alas! Li luoran, if I were you, I would never record this video with a fever in my head. After all, even if you can't make this play well, as long as Mr. Wang wants to hold you up, there will be more opportunities to hold you up in the future. Now you will miss your star dream, alas! How stupid

Gu Mingzhu, who walks in front of Li luoran with Bai Qingwan, looks sad in spring and autumn.

"before, Wan Wan often told me that you are sick, but I still don't believe it. Now I see with my own eyes that Li luoran, mentally retarded is a kind of disease, and you are beyond cure."

"Bitch, what are you talking about?"

Qin Weijie instantly out of control, angry want to start with Gu Mingzhu.

Li luoran held her,

"sister Qin, let her say it."

Qin Weijie is not willing to look at Gu Mingzhu further and further.

Gu Mingzhu glanced back at Qin Weijie provocatively, "Wan Wan, isn't she the person in charge when you participated in the song and dance Shengping? It's said that the person who likes to make trouble for Li luoran in the song and dance Shengping is her. Ha ha, how can she become Li luoran's Pug now?"

Qin Weijie's lung is about to explode, but he can't attack because he has been pulled by Li luoran.

Bai Qingwan disdained the embellishment, "the dog and we are not the same, of course, who give it the bone, it will go with who."

"Ha ha, that is, she must have thought that her master would be popular if he was praised by Mr. Wang. Unexpectedly, her master was so stupid and made such a poisonous oath that she would say goodbye to the entertainment industry after making this film."

"Not necessarily. What's the point of making a poison oath? Maybe people will break their vows and continue to stay in the circle? "

"No? Isn't she going to be scolded to death by her fans? Ha ha... "

"Ha ha ha..."

Two people laugh as they walk.

When they get into the car, Li luoran releases Qin Weijie.

"Special! I'm so angry Qin Weijie hates stamping his feet.

"birds of a feather flock together. How do these two scheming bitches get together?"

Li luoran nodded in agreement.

If Bai Qingwan's "whore" is hidden under the coat of "purity", then Gu Mingzhu is the same as a whore -

this year, Gu Mingzhu is 25 years old, but at the age of 23, she has been divorced six times, and the reason for each divorce is that her extramarital affair was discovered.

After her sixth divorce, Gu Mingzhu has become infamous and no one dares to marry her. During her two years of being single, she has always been rumored of having affairs with different heterosexuals -

it is unimaginable that almost all of Gu Mingzhu's classmates, directors, agents, fans and men who have had contact with Gu Mingzhu have had relations with her

Gu Mingzhu never conceals from the media, always confesses that she likes novelty and excitement, and claims that what kind of private life she pursues is her own freedom and has nothing to do with others.

It is precisely because of this, Gu Mingzhu attracted a curse.

But the more people scold her, the more popular she will be.

Gu Mingzhu's "love" experience is so rich that she is an irreplaceable "topic Queen", so that in all female stars, Gu Mingzhu's popularity is second only to Shu Xinshuang.

Li luoran thought that if Bai Qingwan didn't cover up, he should be similar to Gu Mingzhu.

Therefore, Li luoran was not surprised that Bai Qingwan could walk with Gu Mingzhu.

"When she was in song and dance, if Bai Qingwan didn't rely on Su Yan as backstage, she would not have been able to make it to the final. In my opinion, her acting skills were worse than Feng Qianping. Did she think her acting skills were very good? I don't know where Bai Qingwan's confidence comes from! "

Qin Weijie's eyes turned white.

Not far away, lying in the gun of the wind shallow, demon like Jun face revealed dissatisfaction.Li luoran said with a smile, "sister Qin, it's not worth being angry with this kind of person. I'll leave after I leave."

take Qin Weijie and leave.


Qin Weijie was very surprised.

"Bai Qingwan and Gu Mingzhu are so arrogant in front of you. Don't tell me you are not angry at all."

Li luoran pursed her pink lips and gazed at this trembling woman solemnly,

"speaking of what Bai Qingwan had done to me, if I was angry, I would have been very angry. I don't mind what she said and I don't care to quarrel with her. I don't care if she shows off her tongue in front of me. When I can't bear it, I slap her in the face."


Remembering that he did see Li luoran slap Bai Qingwan, Qin Weijie suddenly realized that the next second, his eyes were confused again,

"but She was so arrogant in front of you just now. Why don't you dump her? "

"Because I don't need to." Li luoran's smile is mysterious,

"this time, I want her to slap herself in the face."

Thinking of the video recorded by Bai Qingwan and Li luoran, Qin Weijie seems to understand something.


Li luoran walks into the parking lot.

See her figure in the rearview mirror, Chu Xingchen presses the door button.

Lu Shaochen, who used to pick up Li luoran with Chu Xingchen, was not in the car.

When the car started, Li luoran sat alone in a spacious three person seat. In the past, when Lu Shaochen was always with her, she didn't feel anything. When he was away, Li luoran suddenly felt empty.

In the heart also as if little something, inexplicable not steadfast.

"I'm very busy today. I can't come to pick you up, and I may be very busy until I come home late." Chu Xingchen said while driving.

Li luoran, "I know."

Got it?

Her response is just such a lukewarm "I know"?!

"Ha ha ~" Chu Xingchen looks at Li luoran in the rear-view mirror in surprise,

"even if they are busy, they can spare time to pick you up. Don't you wonder why he is so abnormal today?"

Casual Li luoran, "why?"

Chu Xingchen holds his oversized earrings with pride, "because he wants to finish tomorrow's work tonight, so that he can accompany you all day."

“……” Li luoran looks confused.

She misunderstood something, didn't she?

Tomorrow she will come to the production group to film. How can she spend the whole day with Lu Shaochen?

Li Ran's eyes will be even more proud to see the drama tomorrow

"Why?" Li luoran deeply suspects that Chu Xingchen is joking.

Chu Xingchen's left eye narrowed and his right eye raised his eyebrow. He looked like the secret of heaven could not be revealed.

Li luoran is really difficult to distinguish between true and false, has called Qin Weijie and Shu Xinshuang telephone inquiry, the reply is normal filming tomorrow.

Chu Xingchen is a person who likes to joke. Li luoran only thinks that he is teasing her intentionally.

After the call, Li luoran leans on the car seat to play with his mobile phone.

At a certain moment, a hot news pop up from a chat platform.

"The gambling between Bai Qingwan and Li luoran has aroused heated discussion" --

after seeing the title, Li luoran did not hesitate to click on the video in the news --

sure enough!

It's the video that she and Bai Qingwan bet and swore.

Today's Bai Qingwan is a little famous, but with her attention, she doesn't immediately set off a huge wave on the Internet after sending out a video.

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The reason why this video is so popular is that the publisher is Gu Mingzhu, the "topic Queen".

Gu Mingzhu's Micro blog has attracted more than 100 million followers. As soon as she sent out the video, it was immediately reproduced by major websites. The number of hits on the website Li luoran watched alone has reached more than 30 million, and the barrage is full of comments.

When Bai Qingwan and Li luoran wanted to shoot this video, Li luoran knew that Bai Qingwan would send it to the Internet, but he didn't expect that Bai Qingwan would be so impatient.

In other words, Bai Qingwan can't wait to see Li luoran quit the entertainment industry forever.

Bai Qingwan believes that Li luoran can't act and that she will win. By virtue of Gu Mingzhu's fame, she makes her bet with Li luoran known to all. In this way, after Li luoran loses the bet, she can't deny it any more!


Li luoran, who left his cell phone on the seat of the car, looked up and sighed.

Chu star moment throws to her curious eyes, "what happened?"

Li luoran took a deep breath, "Bai Qingwan."

Chu Xingchen, "ah? What happened to her? "

Li luoran felt so tired that he couldn't explain. He just said lightly,"Make a cocoon of yourself..."

I can only use this word to describe Bai Qingwan.

In fact, although Li luoran is very sad about Bai Zhinian's death, she will never write off her hatred with Bai Qingwan because of Bai Zhinian's death.

Li luoran has no sympathy for Bai Qingwan.

People like Bai Qingwan don't deserve a little more sympathy from her.

Li luoran, who has been integrated into the "Queen of demons" crew, has become a public-private separation, and completely dispels the idea of taking revenge on Bai Qingwan by virtue of this film. However, Bai Qingwan chases Bai Qingwan to do so, which is bound to kill her.

Before Qin Weijie is also angry under said Bai Qingwan acting slag.

Li luoran knows clearly that Bai Qingwan is a "playwright" with excellent acting skills both inside and outside the play, and Bai Qingwan is also confident in his acting skills, so he believes that Li luoran will lose

But, Bai Qingwan!

This time, you are too confident!

Since you have to hit your head and break the blood, I will help you to have a good taste of slapping and regret!


Li luoran, who returned to the land house, didn't go to bed until early in the morning.

Sure enough, as Chu Xingchen said, Lu Shaochen did not come back.

The next day, when Li luoran got up, he found that Lu Shaochen was sleeping beside his pillow. Lu Shaochen, who was sleeping peacefully, was less cold and more graceful. He looked much more approachable than when he was awake.

I finished washing up in a hurry.

When he went downstairs, he found that Chu Xingchen, who had been downstairs waiting to send Li luoran to the production team, didn't come before Li luoran got up every day.

The servant Zhao Haixin has prepared breakfast.

As soon as Li luoran sat down at the table, Qin Weijie called,

"Ranran, haven't you gone out yet? Mr. Wang just called to inform me that I don't need to go to the cast today. "


Li luoran's eyes were round. He could put an egg in his mouth.

"I asked Mr. Wang why he had a holiday all of a sudden, and he said," sudden situation, strange, everything in the crew was fine last night, how could it happen early in the morning? "

Qin Weijie hung up the line.

Sitting at the dining table, Li luoran couldn't get back to God for a long time.

At the moment when Qin Weijie told her that she didn't have to go to the cast today, Li luoran remembered that Chu Xingchen told her yesterday that Lu Shaochen would accompany her all day because the cast was going to have a holiday

Is it a coincidence?


It's no coincidence that you can think of it even with your toes!

However, if Wang Zimo had decided to give the crew a holiday today, he would have given notice in advance. Since Wang Zimo also said it was an "emergency", it means that this is also a temporary decision.

What's going on?

"A day off?"

A very penetrating magnetic sound enters the ear.

"Yes..." The return of liluoran conditioned reflex.

It was only then that she found that Lu Shaochen had come down the revolving stairs. She had just been so shocked that she didn't even care about the sound of Lu Shaochen's steps down the stairs.

In the twinkling of an eye, Lu Shaochen came near her,

"it's a coincidence that I have a day off too. I'll accompany you today."

Li luoran's lips trembled, "OK..."


Li luoran, who was instantly aware of something, looked at this extremely handsome man like a monster,

"you just said that it was a coincidence, ha ha, yes, you worked overtime last night to arrange today's work so that you could have a holiday today. I was also informed that the crew had a holiday today when I was about to go out. It was a coincidence, it was like someone was deliberately arranging it, wasn't it ?”

"Well." Lu Shaochen nodded and kept a secret smile,

"does wangzimo know that I have a holiday today, so I'm kind enough to give you a holiday?"


Who's in charge of the production team would be so kind as to take the vacation of the whole production team for the reunion of an actor and his husband in the production team?!

When Li luoran was in a trance, Lu Shaochen sat beside her, with his long arm around her slender waist, "what's the plan for today?"

Li luoran looked at him blankly, and it was hard to recover for a moment.

Lu Shaochen eyebrows, "take you to buy, buy, buy, eh?"


Lu Shaochen drove the car himself.

In the morning, Lu Shaochen accompanied Li luoran shopping in the interstellar commercial building.

In my impression, this is Lu Shaochen's first shopping with Li luoran.

Li luoran thought it would be boring for her to go shopping with Lu Shaochen, who is a serious person. She didn't expect that. Although she asked him for advice, his answer was always "just like it", Li luoran actually liked the feeling of shopping with him.

Lu Shaochen almost just acts as a pick-up machine, carrying all kinds of shopping bags with his hands.When they were walking outside the shopping mall, they met Jin Xintong, Jin Qian and Lu Mingyue!

The three of them walked into the shopping mall together, and two of them led Lu Mingyue together. People who didn't know it thought they were three members of a family.

"Brother Qian Jin!" Seeing Lu Shaochen and Li luoran's Jin Xintong move forward in a hurry, it happens to block Lu Mingyue's sight.

Jin Qian stopped, "what's the matter?"

"Nothing." Jin Xintong smiles like nothing,

"I suddenly have something private to do. In this way, you can take Mingyue back to the car to wait for me, and we'll make an appointment to meet later."


Jin Qian's face was puzzled at first, but after seeing Lu Shaochen and Li luoran in the distance, he immediately understood the reason.

Lu Mingyue is always obedient, and because she is blocked by jinxintong, she never sees Li luoran. Therefore, Jinqian says that after taking him back to the car, he obediently leaves with Jinqian.

Lu Shaochen looked at Lu Mingyue's young figure in a daze.

Jin Xintong walks up to him alone,

"the first two days when Mingyue and I were together, they were always noisy and noisy. He couldn't let you go. Now I've managed to coax him to you and gradually forget him. I can't risk letting you meet him."

Lu Shaochen, just light expression, "I understand."

"That's good..."

after all, it's so amazing that I didn't want to see him two weeks ago Stop, it's not good for you or him, so you'd better not meet. "

Lu Shaochen's lips opened in light brown, but he didn't make a sound.

Standing on his right hand, Li luoran obviously felt his arm around her waist shaking deeply.

He was in pain.

Even when Li luoran hears Jin Xintong saying that he wants Lu Mingyue to "gradually forget" Lu Shaochen and does not want him to meet Lu Shaochen, his heart will be pierced by a sharp blade, not to mention Lu Shaochen himself?

"You have a deep relationship with Mingyue, I know; it's hard for you to accept to be separated from him for a while, I know, but Shaochen, you still have Ranran at least, and you have the chance to have another child at least. Mingyue is the only one I can rely on. I can only live with him all my life, and I can't lose him anyway."

Thinking of the fact that she lost her fertility, Jin Xintong's eyes were full of tears,

"so, Shaochen, please forgive my selfishness. I really don't want to see you bear the pain of separation from Mingyue's father and son, but no one can help, can't I?"

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