You,Under My Name

Chapter 217: 217

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Lu Shaochen couldn't say a word, but he couldn't keep moving.

Jin Xintong looks up at Lu Shaochen's extremely handsome face,

"Mingyue has accepted my mother. He is very happy with me. I think sooner or later, his feelings for me will be better than for you. I've decided to take him away from Jiangcheng for a while."

Lu Shaochen eyes color a deep, "you can't take him to leave."

"No?" Jin Xintong's expression seems to hear a big joke,

"Shaochen, I remember that at the beginning, you wanted me to leave early, or even use a lot of money to buy my consent. How? Now you don't want me to go? "

Lu Shaochen sword eyebrow deep lock, "you can go, but can't take the moon to go."

"Oh, how overbearing!" Jin Xintong's smile cools,

"if I have to take him away, what can you do? Lu Shaochen, don't forget that you have abandoned Mingyue for Ranran's sake. "

“……” Lu Shaochen's face was painful and his lips trembled.

Li luoran's delicate face is full of confusion.

According to Li luoran's knowledge, an Jiaren gave the moon to Jin Xintong in order to create a bad relationship between Lu Shaochen and her. Lu Shaochen was not willing to. Why did Jin Xintong say that Lu Shaochen abandoned the moon?

"Sister Ranran, your eyes are so confused that you don't know the truth, do you?"

Jin Xintong's voice brings Li luoran's thoughts back to reality.

Li luoran's eyes turned to Jin Xintong's beautiful face.

Jin Xintong pulls her lips. Even though she smiles bitterly, the smile is still beautiful and makes her feel trance.

"you must have always thought that Shaochen was forced by Aunt an to give me the moon. In fact, it is not. Shaochen is voluntary."


As if by pouring a basin of ice water mixture, liluoran was speechless.

He looked at Lu Shaochen in disbelief.

Although Lu Shaochen kept silent, his painful eyes had already explained everything.

"Ranran elder sister, you already know Shaochen very well. As long as he doesn't want to give up, no one can make him give up. No matter how aunt an forces him, it doesn't help. Just like you, aunt an tries her best, but Shaochen just holds on to you. In the end, aunt an still has nothing to do?"


Li luoran admits that no matter how much effort an Jiaren has put into breaking up her and Lu Shaochen, she still hasn't let Lu Shaochen back down in the end.

"Don't you understand, sister Ranran, if Shaochen doesn't want to give up Mingyue, even aunt an can't force him to compromise."

Jin Xintong, wearing a shoulder dress, stands under the crystal lamp in the passageway of the shopping mall, attracting the appreciative eyes of passing boys.

Li luoran seems to understand, "yes, Shaochen gave up his love for you. You can't have children anymore, which makes him feel guilty. He doesn't want you to die alone."

"Yes, because of him, I have not only lost my child, but also been deprived of the right to have another child forever. Of course, he should be guilty. Of course, he should compensate me by giving the moon to me. However, what makes me so sad is that the purpose of giving the moon to me is for you!"

Jin Xintong's enchanting figure trembles fiercely.

Li luoran's eyes became more confused.

Jin Xintong steps closer to her. Li luoran sees the despair and pain in her tearful eyes. It's so strong that she can't breathe.

"As long as you don't pursue Ranran's responsibility, I promise to give you Mingyue, and you have full custody of Mingyue, and you can refuse anyone to see him, including me." that's what Shaochen said to me that day. Is there a word difference between what Shaochen said and what you said? "

The most beautiful woman turned her sad eyes to Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen, "No."

"Ha ha, no, of course not. To me, every word of these indifferent words is like a cruel knife, which makes my flesh and blood blurred. I'm afraid I can't forget it all my life..."

He took a deep breath in pain and turned his eyes back to Li luoran's face,

"sister Ranran, do you still think that he gave me Mingyue for my good? He saw with his own eyes that you pushed me into his car, resulting in my abortion and loss of fertility. He was worried that I would take you to court, so he bribed me with our son! "

Although Li luoran couldn't believe it, Lu Shaochen told her that every word Jin Xintong said was true.

Li luoran thought that after Jin Xintong miscarried, since she had achieved the goal of setting her up, everything would be done.

She did not expect that there were so many secrets hidden under the calm surface.

If Jin Xintong hadn't told the truth, Li luoran might never have known that Lu Shaochen had paid so much to keep her safe

She knew how deeply Lu Shaochen felt for Mingyue.

And Lu Shaochen gave up Mingyue on her own initiative!Li luoran's eyes were hot and humid, and tears filled her eyes instantly.

"So, Shaochen, you have abandoned Mingyue. Since you negotiated terms with me for Ranran's sake, you are not qualified to be his father again. One day, I will take him away, far away from your cruel father. You have Ranran's sister, isn't it?"

Fall this words, brocade Heart Tong side wipe tears side quickly walk.

Lu Shaochen, who looks like a crown of jade, looks at the thin figure of the woman, and his melancholy is like ink in his clear eyes.

"Why do I keep it from you?"

There was a husky voice from Luo Li.

Lu Shaochen and she look at each other, covering up all negative emotions, eyes only gentle, "just don't want you to feel owed me anything."

This is a simple and understated explanation.


She owes him so much that she can't count it clearly. If she knows that he has paid much more than she knows, she will feel more guilty, won't she?

How much did Lu Shaochen pay for her?

What she didn't know and what Lu Shaochen had done for her, how much more?!


it's already noon.

Lu Shaochen takes Li luoran to a high-end cafeteria outside the mall for lunch.

During the meal, Lu Shaochen received an emergency call and asked Li luoran to wait for him in the restaurant, then left in a hurry.

Li luoran finished his lunch alone and waited for nearly ten minutes, but he didn't wait for Lu Shaochen to come back. The restaurant was too stuffy, so he decided to wait outside.

Standing outside the quiet rest room, one thinks of Lu Shaochen again.

Since Zhang Xiaozhi was "instigated" by Lu Shaochen, Li luoran has given up the idea of seeking a lawyer to divorce Lu Shaochen.

However, think of Lu Shaochen for her just to Lu Mingyue to Jin Xintong, and don't know the truth of their own blindly and Lu Shaochen divorce, now want to have a bit of self blame.

Now I know that I was wrong!

In the past, she was wishful thinking that leaving Lu Shaochen was the only way to be responsible for Lu Shaochen's success. Now she has understood that since Lu Shaochen is so stubborn and clings to her, if she insists on leaving, all Lu Shaochen has done to her in the past will become meaningless, and her leaving will only make Lu Shaochen lose more

She should be as brave as Lu Shaochen!

Li luoran quietly determined that from now on, for her and Lu Shaochen this relationship, she will never give up!

"Just stay with her. Why do you come to me?"

A voice from nowhere caught Li luoran's attention.

It's not because the voice is clear and pleasant, but because she can tell that the owner of the voice is Jin Xintong.

"Because I can't let you go." Another voice sounded.

The voice was so magnetic, so beautiful and so penetrating that when Li luoran heard the first word, he recognized that the owner of the voice was Lu Shaochen.

Didn't Lu Shaochen go to deal with the emergency after receiving an emergency call?

How can he be with jinxintong?

In other words, what he said was that he came here to meet Jin Xintong?

"Oh, your soul has been taken away by her. What else can't let me go?" Jin Xintong's voice is full of resentment.

"Xiaojin, I really have deep feelings for her, but I still love you as before. I can't let her go, and I can't let you go. You and she are an indispensable part of my life. That's why I cheated her to come to dinner alone in the restaurant to accompany you."

Lu Shaochen's voice is magnetic and gentle, just like a charming spring breeze.

A crackle.

It was liluoran's mobile phone that fell to the ground.

Li luoran, who was too alarmed, couldn't even hold his cell phone.

"Well! Who knows if what you say is true? Who knows if you mean to coax me with such pleasant words? " Jin Xintong's voice is much more gentle than before.

"Xiaojin, I swear to God, every word I say is true, I still love you, I will always love you, I don't want to lose you, darling, kiss one, eh?"

Lu Shaochen's voice!

At this time, Li luoran had already judged that the voice came from a rest room only a few steps away from her.

Pale, she could not even care to pick up her mobile phone, just like being dragged by a thread.

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

The door of the rest room is not closed.

Lu Shao Tong and Luo junnan stand face to face through the door?

They stood very close, almost close together.

At the moment, Lu Shaochen bowed his head to kiss Jin Xintong.

"I hate it

Jin Xin Tong raised her hand in front of her, and Lu Shaochen's lip print was on the back of her hand.Shaochen, I know that you are true love to Ranran, and you are also true love to me, and you are the only man I love, so I promise to be your underground lover and speak coldly to you. Only the two of us understand our love for each other, but you have to swear that you will always treat me as well as Ranran

"I swear, although I can't marry you aboveboard, I will love you all my life and live up to you like Ranran." Lu Shaochen raised his hand and swore.

Jin Xintong smiles with satisfaction and nestles in Lu Shaochen's arms.

Lu Shaochen holds Jin Xintong's chin with his fingers, gently raises her small face, and her thin lips approach Jin Xintong inch by inch.

Two people kiss each other deeply

Li luoran didn't know how he got out of the restaurant building.

sat helpless on the sidewalk beside the Wutong tree, and the scene had already changed before, but Lu Shaochen still had a sweet kiss in his mind.

Every word Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong said echoed in her ears like a repeater.

If she had not seen that scene with her own eyes, Li luoran could not have imagined that Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong still had such a relationship -

to be exact, it was called extramarital affair!

Li luoran knows that Lu Shaochen's old love for Jin Xintong is not over.

But she thinks that people with principles like Lu Shaochen, since they have married her, will abide by the principles of marriage and will never have an affair with other women.

She really misread Lu Shaochen!

Although Lu Shaochen loves her, he also loves Jin Xintong. He loves both women, so he has always been an underground couple behind her back


Why is that?!

It turns out that Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong had just quarreled in the mall passageway. They quarreled for her to see!

There is no contradiction between them at all!

Jin Xintong will not take Mingyue away at all. She will stay with Lu Shaochen to be his little wife. How can she leave!

It's just that Jin Xintong and Lu Shaochen show her everything!

Sitting on the ground, Li luoran clasped her arms to her knees, tears slapping on the cold ground.


"didn't you agree to wait for me in the restaurant? Why did you come here alone?"

The familiar sound came from the wind.

The magnetic and penetrating sound, like the cool wind from the top of the snow mountain, belongs to Lu Shaochen alone.

Slowly, Luo Li stood up without any trace of tears.

With the sound of slow footsteps, Lu Shaochen came to him.

Seeing her wet red eyes, Lu Shaochen couldn't help feeling pain in his eyes. "What's the matter?"

He raised his hand to hold liluoran's little face.

Finger has not yet touched her skin, but she was forced to push her hand away, "no matter, you don't care."

“……” Lu Shaochen's extremely handsome face was slightly surprised.

Li luoran lowered his head and strode past him.


Calling her name, Lu Shaochen accurately grabbed her wrist,

"I just received an emergency call and met a very important customer nearby. I thought I would be back in ten minutes. I didn't expect to be delayed for so long. Do you blame me for leaving you alone in the restaurant for so long?"

His legs seemed to be filled with lead, and Li luoran couldn't walk any more.

Thinking about the picture of Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong together, and hearing Lu Shaochen's explanation of "going to see customers", my heart was cold.

Once, she really thought that Lu Shaochen, such a noble man, never disdained to lie, but what happened today completely overturned her understanding of Lu Shaochen!

After a slight shock, Lu Shaochen hugged her tightly behind her, and her handsome and nearly perfect side face was close to her face,

"darling, I'm wrong. Don't be angry anymore, eh?"

The thin lips trembled in her ears, and the magnetic voice and warm breath caressed her cheek, nose tip and earlobe like warm wind

The temperature in his arms is still so warm, still so nostalgic for her.

However, he thought that he would hold Jin Xintong like this, and he would whisper to Jin Xintong in a soft voice. That kind of nostalgia vanished in an instant and turned into exclusion to him.

Her eyes were desperate, her voice was thin and cool,

"can Mr. Lu let me go?"

Lu Shaochen brow micro lock.

Her indifferent tone and the distant address of "Mr. Lu" made him at a loss for a moment,


"No, why..." Li luoran closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She only felt that she had never been weak before,

"she just didn't like touching dirty things."

Of course he knows what she's talking about.

However, why did she clearly feel his body shaking at this moment?As if he was hurt and innocent

Is he hurt?

He's innocent?

"Ha ha..." Li luoran laughs sarcastically,

"let go, Lu Shaochen, because I feel sick at the thought that there is a mouth that has been kissing other women on my face."

Lu Shaochen was very surprised.

Li luoran broke off his hands around his waist and walked forward quickly.

Lu Shaochen's International Limited Edition Rolls Royce is not far away, and Lilo dye, who has been holding the car key, gets into the car.

Lu Shaochen, who had been following her all the time, thought that she would be sitting in the co pilot's cabin as she had been when she came here. When he saw her go straight into the cockpit, he was slightly stunned.

Helpless hook lips, also want to get on.

However, before opening the door, Li luoran had started the car and left.

Lu Shaochen, standing in the exhaust of his car, was staring at the distance between his car and himself. Finally, with a deep sigh, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Chu Xingchen's phone,

"Star commercial building, come to pick me up."

"Ah? Didn't you drive by yourself? Why should I pick you up? What about my sister-in-law? She's not with you... "

Chu star Chen words did not finish, has been Lu Shaochen hang line.

Lu Shaochen was not surprised at Li luoran's performance.

In the past week, Li luoran first experienced song Zilu's head shot in front of her, his face splashed with blood, and then watched Bai Zhinian jump in front of her

Either of these two things is enough for another person to have psychological problems, let alone the superposition of the two things.

Therefore, Lu Shaochen can fully understand that Li luoran will suddenly lose control of his emotions.

Besides, he really left that little girl alone in the restaurant for too long.

If he had known that, he might as well have taken Li luoran to see the client. After all, he didn't intend to hide everything from Li luoran - business is no exception.


Lu Shaochen stood at the plane of the Wutong tree before Li Luo dyeing, and waited quietly for Chu Xing to greet him.

In a black Ferrari not far away, Jin Xintong, whose face is covered by sunglasses, looks at him through the dark black anti peep car glass.

"How is my acting?" There was a magnetic sound around.

Jin Xin Tong light back, "OK."

even though as like as two peas in the driver's seat and Lu Shaochen in the distance, she still looks at Lu Shaochen outside.

Xiao Qianhua shakes his head, "although it's easy for Li luoran to misunderstand Lu Shaochen, it's also easy to be exposed. Once Lu Shaochen finds out the truth, how do you end up?"

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