You,Under My Name

Chapter 218: 218

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"As like as two peas," he would never think that she would tell some fantastic tales about her. "If she could tell her what she saw today, she would only think she was talking about dreams." and the more he refused to admit, the more he felt that he was lying, and the elder sister would not believe him.

When saying these words, Jin Xintong's eyes did not move away from Lu Shaochen's face outside the window for a moment.

Xiao Qian draws his lips,

"as you said, the premise of all this is that Lu Shaochen does not know my existence. If one day Lu Shaochen sees me, it will be different."

Jin Xintong,

"so, you'd better hide yourself."

Looking at Xiao Qianhua, Jin Xintong's eyes are as cold as her voice,

"Xiao Qianhua, if Shaochen, who was hurt by your exposure, was disappointed with me, I would hate you all my life."

Xiao Qian's extremely handsome face could not help showing a trace of sadness. The next second, the corner of his mouth started to draw a vicious arc, "Xin Tong, do you know Bai Qingwan?"

Jin Xin Tong's delicate melon seed face shows some doubts.

She didn't know Bai Qingwan.

Although Bai Qingwan is also an indispensable piece in the design that made Li luoran pregnant with Lu Shaochen's child three years ago, all the details are planned, arranged and practiced by Xiao Qianhua and song Zilu -

in order to protect Jin Xintong, Xiao Qianhua and song Zilu never let her meet Bai Qingwan.

Now Bai Qingwan is famous, and news about Bai Qingwan can be seen everywhere in the entertainment headlines. Jin Xintong judged from the news she saw that Bai Qingwan is a pure jade girl, pure, kind and beautiful, just like a white lotus in clear water

"In fact, the real Bai Qingwan is quite different from the image she shows to people. She's a real woman. She's been hiding well in front of Su Yan for the past three years. But one day, Su Yan sees the truth and turns against her These days, the death of her younger sister makes Jiangcheng very noisy. The reason is that Su Yan wants to get back at her. " There is something in Xiao Qian's painting.

Jin Xintong disdains, "I can't even manage my own affairs. I don't care about the gossip of these stars."

"I know..."

at that time, Lu Wantong would have to tell you all the lies, but I don't want to tell you that he is the one who loves him I hate you like Su Yan hates Bai Qingwan. "

The brocade Heart Tong in the heart claps a Deng.

The most frightening thing in the world is the truth.

She also thought about the result of Lu Shaochen's learning the truth.

She was afraid to think of the result

"Xiaojin, for Lu Shaochen, you've sunk too deep. It's too late to stop now."

Looking at her sad and beautiful face carefully, Lu Shaochen, who is just as handsome as Lu Shaochen, has a tender look in his eyes.

"return the moon to them, and confess to them that the moon is their son. In this way, Lu Shaochen may forgive you for not being a lover, and you can at least make friends with him in the future."


Now Lu Shaochen is so devoted to Li luoran. I'm afraid she tried her best to break them up successfully. Lu Shaochen's heart, which has been occupied by Li luoran, can't make room for her again?

Between her and Lu Shaochen, I'm afraid we can never go back to the past.

Perhaps, for her, it is the wisest choice to give up as soon as possible.

Give Mingyue back to him, so that she can say goodbye, and never disturb his love again. In this way, at least her image of "goddess" in his heart will continue, and will not collapse

Jin Xintong is in a trance.

Seeing her wavering, Xiao Qianhua stepped up her offensive,

"I don't know why you always dislike me so much. I'm almost the same as Lu Shaochen, but I've slept more female stars than him. If you promise to stay with me, I promise to kick all other women far away, and I'll only sleep with you in the future. I'll spoil you as Lu Shaochen did when you were good …… no I will spoil you more than him... "

"Xintong, I'm sincere to you. Can't you give me a chance? If you marry me, I don't care that you treat me as Lu Shaochen's substitute all your life. You can call me "Lu Shaochen" all your life. Is that ok? "

Because of the emotional, originally cold as Satan's man, the outline of the face is rare to show a trace of warmth, the hand on Jin Xintong's shoulder also unconsciously increased the strength.

Jin Xintong, who was pinched by her, frowned and said, "please take away your dirty hands."

Xiao Qianhua's expression is stiff, and his big hand trembles slightly. He moves away from Jin Xintong.

Jin Xintong pulls her lips and grins bitterly,

"you know, Xiao Qianhua, I don't like you. Changing women with you has nothing to do with changing clothes. Even if Shaochen is as playful as you, even if he sleeps all the women in the world, I will love him unconditionally, and you, ha ha...""Don't waste your efforts, Xiao Qianhua. Even if you are not a scum man, I don't have any feelings for you."


The painting is as dull as a high voltage.

Finish saying that words of brocade Heart Tong indifferently shifted a line of sight, continued to look out of the window of Lu Shaochen went.

Xiao Qianhua looked at her back for a long time. At least one minute later, she leaned hopelessly on the seat of the car.


Is his painting a dog in his last life?

Otherwise, how could the love road of his life be so sad?


instead of returning to Lu's house, Li luoran drove Lu Shaochen's car to Jiang Xiaojing's fashion shop.

She should have called Jiang Xiaojing in advance.

However, her mobile phone was left outside the rest room of Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong. When she left, she seemed to run away in a hurry and even forgot to pick it up.

I know where I lost my cell phone, but I don't want to go back.

That place is more terrible for her than purgatory. She would rather lose her cell phone than get close to it

Fortunately, as Li luoran expected, Jiang Xiaojing is sitting in her fashion shop shopping online with her mobile phone.

, do you want to go to her

Jiang Xiaojing, "about!"

Jiang Xiaojing, who closes the shop door and walks out of the commercial building, sees Li luoran's car, and his eyes almost stare out,

"Ranran, am I right? Is this car the legendary limited edition car king? What kind of fortune have I got in my life? How can I get in this car

Li luoran said with a smile, "what are you talking about? Isn't it just a car? When I have the money, I'll give you a better one. "

"Ha ha..."

Jiang Xiaojing is about to laugh his teeth out,

"better than this, how much does it cost? You dare to coax me with such big talk only when you know you can't afford it all your life!"

I'll just wait for you

She didn't joke with Jiang Xiaojing.

Li luoran and Jiang Xiaojing are sisters all the time. Three years ago, Li luoran, who gave birth to a baby, almost died in a car accident. She broke up with Su Yan, but she couldn't work because of the injury. She didn't want to make her father sad and kept it from her father -

in those most difficult days, only Jiang Xiaojing was with her.

Jiang Xiaojing's income is not high. In order to take care of her for more than a year, Jiang Xiaojing not only spent her monthly salary and tens of thousands of yuan of savings she had painstakingly accumulated this year, but also often went to her parents for help

Jiang Xiaojing is a good sister who is willing to give everything for Li luoran.

Li luoran will give everything for Jiang Xiaojing.

It's just that Li luoran now has no money of her own, and the car she drives is also Lu Shaochen's. If this car is her own, she will definitely give it to Jiang Xiaojing without hesitation.


Li luoran and Jiang Xiaojing go shopping, eat and sing late into the night.

It was past eleven o'clock in the night when I got back to the house.

The courtyard of Lu's house is very large. Instead of driving Lu Shaochen's car back to the garage, Li luoran parked it directly on the lawn outside the main building.

Throw the key to the top of the car, and then walk into the door.

The carnival with Jiang Xiaojing lasted for ten hours.

Li luoran thought that as long as he was very tired, he would not have the heart to think about everything with Lu Shaochen.

However, when we step into the living room, looking at the high-end decorated and brightly lit living room and the white jade like revolving stairs, we can see the picture of Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong depending on each other and kissing each other like a high-definition movie playback

Every word Lu Shaochen said to Jin Xintong seemed to reverberate in his ears, just like an endless magic spell.

"Why don't you answer my phone?"

The unknown location suddenly came this magnetic sound.

Whose voice is Lu Shaochen's?

Li luoran found that Lu Shaochen was standing in front of the French window in the east of the living room. She just glanced at him. She didn't have a chance to see him clearly. She was in a hurry and didn't open her eyes.

"she just changed her mobile phone and didn't adapt to the new ring tone, so she didn't want to answer it."

Lu Shaochen, "Oh?"

I don't adapt to mobile phone ringing, so I don't answer the phone when I hear it

What logic?

Li luoran, frustrated and unable to explain, did not want to explain. He only stopped for a moment when he heard Lu Shaochen's voice. He continued to walk toward the direction of the revolving stairs as if no one else was there.

"Your mobile phone has just been changed. Why do you want to change it again?" Lu Shaochen watched her figure.

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It's not that I don't want to see her change her cell phone.

If she likes to change her mobile phone, he can buy all the mobile phones in a mobile phone store and let her change them at will.I just think she's a little strange.

Li luoran is never a girl who likes to waste. Instead of wasting, she frugally gives Lu Shaochen a headache. How can she spend her money

It's unusual for luoran to replace his cell phone only two months ago.

Li luoran didn't look back. "It's my business whether I change my cell phone or not. Did I spend your money?"

Lu Shaochen, "..."

"Oh, yes!"

Li luoran suddenly thought about the starting point,

"when I lost my mobile phone today, I sent out a lot of news. You are not far away from me, did you hear anything?"

Lu Shaochen's face is not confused

"Ha ha, of course not!"

Li luoran suddenly turned back and cast a satirical look on Lu Shaochen's face,

"at that time, you were full of your favorite goddess. You just wanted to hold her, kiss her and pet her. How could anything else attract your attention?"


Lu Shaochen is also drunk.

Li luoran had already started to walk up the revolving stairs.

Lu Shaochen watched her for a moment.

Finally, pick eyebrow evil smile.


A woman with shadow in her heart!

Should he ask a psychologist to help her with her psychological recovery?


Li luoran was very tired.

I didn't even take my pajamas and went straight into the bathroom.

Stripped of all the clothes, beautiful body standing under the shower, the flow of water in the shower to the maximum, supine beautiful melon face, crystal water and tears mixed together.

Because I didn't prepare my pajamas, I didn't even take my bath towel.

So, after taking a bath, he walked out of the bathroom barefoot without any clothes and went straight to the bedroom.

Push open the bedroom door, the next second, immediately on the pair of fiery eyes -

to be exact, it is Lu Shaochen's eyes.

Lu Shaochen was standing beside the bed. He should have taken a bath in another bathroom soon. He was only wrapped in a bath towel which was not wide enough. His perfect figure was revealed without omission. His black hair and thick eyelashes were slightly watery, which made him more beautiful.

The handsome man seemed to have fatal charm, so that even under such circumstances, Li luoran still looked at him for a moment.

However, thinking of the ridiculous fact, he finally bowed his head and hurried to the wardrobe.


The slim little hand opened the door of the wardrobe.

Li just touched the edge of Luo Ran's pajamas, reached through her arms and lifted them from her arms.

"Darling, are you in such a hurry to get dressed?"

Light brown thin lips, like petals in the hot summer, stick to her ear, because liluoran has no clothes, so the man's hands just cover her firmly

“……” Li luoran's nervous body trembled slightly,

"I don't want to. Please let go."

"Well?" Lu Shaochen's smile is evil and his voice is magnetic and hot.

"which one do you want? By me? Or do I touch you? "


Li luoran felt that he was going to explode.

After seeing Lu Shaochen's nature of raising a "little wife" outside, Li luoran clearly dislikes Lu Shaochen so much and repels him so much. However, being touched by Lu Shaochen, she can't help feeling like a deer bumping and numbing all over

I really don't blame her.

Lu Shaochen's charm as a man is beyond any woman's control.

She took a deep breath and tried to show indifference,

"what are you going to do, Lu Shaochen?"

"What are you doing?" Lu Shaochen smiles and ponders,

"baby, you didn't use a pad today, which means you no longer bleed, so you really don't know what I'm going to do?"

For a moment, Logan knew what was red.

"Do you know what to ask, or do you want to play hard to get?" With these words, Lu Shaochen's restless hands made a little effort.

Li luoran made a slight cry because of the sudden abnormality.

Lu Shaochen's thin lip held her earlobe, "darling, I'll take you as if you really don't know, and tell you clearly what I want to do, what I want to do is Love... "

"Am I clear enough?"

Li luoran panicked.

No time to make any response, Lu Shaochen has occupied her overbearing.

Li luoran's hand had to move away from the closet, and the door of the closet closed automatically.

Being manipulated by Lu Shaochen, she could not help but lift her arms over her head and put them on the wooden door of the wardrobe. Lu Shaochen's lips came down, and her kiss came to her like a storm——Li luoran can't accept the fact that Lu Shaochen still has a jinxintong outside. Therefore, at the beginning, she really rejected Lu Shaochen.

However, with the passage of time, her mind was blank, and she could not think of anything at last. Her tired body seemed to fall down at any time.

It's like a drunken person, confused, no longer sober.

At this time, Lu Shaochen always showed no mercy to her.

It was as if the waves were beating against the rocks.

I don't know how long it took to be calm.

Li luoran felt as if he was scattered. He was in a trance in front of his eyes, and his disheveled black hair was scattered.

Looking up at the clock on the wall, it's almost one o'clock in the morning. It's already an hour and a half!

"Good, enough?" Lying beside her, Lu Shaochen gently pinched her chin.

"Lu Shaochen, there's one thing I don't understand..." Li luoran, who has been wandering with Jiang Xiaojing for a long time outside, was very tired originally, but now she is even more tired. Her voice is weak, but she is still indifferent.

"in your heart, jinxintong is always a goddess, and you still love her, right?"

Lu Shaochen's beautiful ink eyebrows can't help locking.


He admits that even if he decides to put down jinxintong, it is impossible to completely forget her like jinxintong has never appeared in his world.

After all, he and Jin Xintong went through seven years together.

Jin Xintong was his first love and the only woman he had ever loved before

However, Li luoran said this topic with a cold face immediately after he was so sweet with him. Isn't it unexpected?


What's wrong with this?

It's like throwing cold water on his enthusiasm and killing the scenery!

Lu Shaochen's eyes were slightly unhappy.

Understand that he is acquiescent, Li luoran words more ironic, "I believe you to Jin Xintong is really no physiological reaction, otherwise, with your ability, three years ago with the normal way to let her pregnant with children, rather than to do test tube, right?"

Lu Shaochen's eyes became more resentful. "What do you want to say?"

Li luoran sneered, "I just want to understand that since you love her so much and can't let her go, do you think about her when you are asleep?"

Lu Shaochen first eyes a deep color, the next second, smile evil four, "my fault, I didn't let you meet, just make you continue to say this kind of love words tease me."


Can't he see she's serious?

When did she say a love word to him?!

Li luoran couldn't believe his ears.

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