You,Under My Name

Chapter 219: 219

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Lu Shaochen picks eyebrows, "well, I'll help you."

The panicked Li luoran has no time to make any resistance, and has been knocked down again by Lu Shaochen.


Li luoran didn't sleep all night.

Lu Shaochen seems to have expected that her cold words to him are "teasing" him, so she never let her go overnight.

Li luoran thinks Lu Shaochen's practice is ridiculous.

She thought that Lu Shaochen didn't know that when he and Jin Xintong were having a private meeting in the rest room, she could see clearly outside. She thought Li luoran had been in the dark all the time, so she had such great confidence.

Since Lu Shaochen thinks that Li luoran doesn't know anything about it, Li luoran doesn't break the window paper.

Because she read a survey about men's "extramarital affairs" in a magazine -

100% of men who have extramarital affairs don't want their wives to know the truth. Once the man is exposed by his wife, he will become angry, and some even abuse his wife, domestic violence

Looking back on his acquaintance with Lu Shaochen, Lu Shaochen always tried every means to spoil her.

She can't imagine Lu Shaochen abusing her!

Li luoran also knows that although Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong are inseparable, Lu Shaochen is also true love for himself, and it is Lu Shaochen who loves both of them, so he puts her in the light and raises Jin Xintong in the dark -

therefore, even if he tells the truth, Lu Shaochen will never agree to divorce her, and she still has no way.


His husband and his first lover have an affair, what a sad reality!

Why does Li luoran feel so ridiculous?


it's already half past five in the morning.

After the last time, Lu Shaochen fell into a deep sleep, but Li luoran didn't feel sleepy and dragged his tired body into the bathroom.

All over his body, except his face, Lu Shaochen left kisses everywhere.

It's hard to recognize her original skin.

It took a long time to wash him.

Put on clothes, along the revolving stairs downstairs, found that has been waiting for her downstairs, Chu star two eyes straight looking at her.

"What's the matter?" She frowned slightly.

"Well, no, nothing Ha ha... " Chu Xingchen stroked his wine red hair,

"just thought that his sister-in-law was particularly charming today."


Li luoran's lips.

For the first time in so many years, this word has been used to describe her.

Chu Xing Chen frequently set up the dishes for Li luoran, "sister-in-law, come to dinner." Steal to see Li Luo dye last one eye, in a hurry she body draw away from sight.

It's not that he doesn't want to see his sister-in-law.

But today's sister-in-law is too beautiful. Once his eyes fall on her, he can't help daydreaming. If the Lord sees him looking at his sister-in-law, his hot eyes will cut him to pieces.

"Thank you ~"

Li luoran, who had already stepped down the stairs, shivered when he passed the floor mirror in the living room.

Her hairstyle and dress are no different from usual.

Her figure and appearance are the same as before.

However, after a stormy night, her eyebrows and eyes seem to be more ruddy than ever - or charming as Chu Xingchen said -

if Li luoran is a rose in full bloom on a sunny day, though beautiful, she is not delicate at all, now Li luoran's roses seem to be watered on the branches, leaves and petals Stained with crystal water drops, a little more delicate and dignified.

Because of the pain in the area, Li luoran couldn't completely close her legs when she walked, and she didn't dare to be as careless as a boy. Because of the inconvenience of walking, she couldn't help wriggling, which was very moving


What did Lu Shaochen do to her!

Looking at himself in the mirror, Li luoran frowned.

Take a deep breath, continue to helpless twist waist to go to the table.

These days, Chu Xingchen comes to Lu's house to meet Li luoran on time every morning and has breakfast with Li luoran and Lu Shaochen. Li luoran is used to seeing the rhythm of the big boy when he goes downstairs every morning.

When Li luoran and Chu Xingchen were about to finish breakfast, Lu Shaochen also went downstairs.

After bathing, he was dressed in a black suit that was as straight as new. At a glance, he looked like a fairy who was not stained with dust. It was hard for people to look away from him.

Li luoran was shocked.

But Lu Shaochen's normal appearance was almost the same as that of last night when he stopped exercising for about an hour and a half.Think of last night and Lu Shaochen close to the sweet scenes, Li luoran can not help but think of Jin Xintong.

She thinks, fortunately Lu Shaochen has no physiological reaction to Jin Xintong.

Otherwise, he will be as violent and wild to jinxintong as he is to her

Luo Li had no appetite when he thought about it.


chopsticks were left on the table by her.

Frightened Chu Xingchen, "sister-in-law, what's the situation?"

Li luoran said, "I'm full!"

If you walk into the bedroom, you can't stand up.

Chu Xingchen's shocked eyes turned to Lu Shaochen, "my Lord, my sister-in-law is so abnormal today. What's the matter?"

Why does she look so annoying?

She used to be different

Lu Shaochen looked anxiously at the door that was shuddered by her, "I think she is ill."


The spoon in Chu Xingchen's hand fell on the plate,

"I said that her sister-in-law didn't look the same as usual, and her walking posture was very attractive Ha ha ha That I mean she's so weak when she walks. What's wrong with my sister-in-law? Is it serious? "

"It's serious."

Lu Shaochen, who looks worried, sits at the dining table.

Zhao Haixin, the servant, wanted to prepare the tableware for him. He waved his hand not to use it. He took half of Li luoran's breakfast and continued to eat with the tableware she had used.

"after sending her to the cast, you should contact the doctor who cured assistant Liu last time as soon as possible."

"What?" Because of excessive fright, Chu Xingchen's voice turned into a scream,

"at the beginning, assistant Liu had severe depression and paranoia. If that kind of severe psychological disease was converted into a physiological disease, it would be cancer and AIDS, which is an incurable disease! Master, are you mistaken? "

Lu Shaochen sighed,

"that's why I asked you to go to the doctor. I'm afraid he is the only one who can cure the disease."

“……” Chu Xingchen is petrified by the dining table.

Lu Shaochen is full of worries.

Last night, he really had a fluke mentality. He was optimistic that the reason why Li luoran was so abnormal and neurotic was that he lacked love, so he gave again and again


It turned out that he was wrong.

Luo Li is so capricious that the doctor has to know how her mental illness is so serious.


Li luoran locked himself in the bedroom.

Once upon a time, she was so infatuated with Lu Shaochen that every time she had to leave him, she felt empty in her heart.

However, I don't want to see him now.

What makes Li luoran not understand is that she still loves Lu Shaochen when she knows the relationship between Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong.

Think about it, in fact, Lu Shaochen also loved her, and she believed that Lu Shaochen was really good to her.

Perhaps, this is the jealousy in women's nature.

She knows that if she is open-minded and frankly accepts that Lu Shaochen's heart is divided into two and one husband and two wives, she and Lu Shaochen can be happy all the time.

But she just can't accept the fact that Lu Shaochen treats her and Jin Xintong well at the same time

"Dong, Dong, Dong!"

There was a knock at the door.

Then there was Chu Xingchen's voice, "sister-in-law, it's late. It's time to go to the cast."

Thinking that Lu Shaochen is also outside, Li luoran doesn't open the door and doesn't respond.

"If you don't open the door again, you'll be late, alas! I understand that song Zilu's death has left a psychological shadow for you. It's understandable that you don't want to go to the troupe. My Lord said that you can completely push off the play. He is willing to pay all the economic losses and all the liquidated damages you caused for wangzimo, otherwise you will push it off. "

Although through the heavy door, the voice of Chu star outside is still clear.

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Song Zilu's death left her a huge psychological shadow.

But who said she didn't want to go to the cast?

Who said she wanted to get rid of the play?!

Li luoran was almost ready to cry.

"Sister in law, in this case, I won't disturb you. Just stay in the bedroom quietly. The master said that he would call wangzimo and push off the play for you, so you don't have to be embarrassed in the future."

With these words, Chu Xingchen is about to leave.

Li luoran opened the door and said, "stop!"

Chu star stops.

Not far away, Lu Shaochen, who took out his mobile phone and was about to make a phone call, had a slightly different expression.

Li luoran came out, "without my permission, no one has the right to help me push this play away and send me to the crew."

Chu Xingchen, "OK..."

Lu Shaochen, "..."Chu Xingchen is still driving. Lu Shaochen and Li luoran sit in the middle row of the car.

What's different is that now Li luoran rejects Lu Shaochen very much. He not only refuses to be held in his arms, but also coldly asks him to sit on both sides of the car seat by the window, separated by a large distance.

No matter how Li luoran loses his temper, Lu Shaochen follows her calmly, never gets angry, and occasionally teases her with a smile -

of course, every time Lu Shaochen tries to make Li luoran laugh, he is thrown cold water by Li luoran.

Chu Xingchen and Lu Shaochen also joined in teasing her.

Li luoran doesn't know what happened to these two people.

Why do they feel abnormal?

Why do they feel that they treat her like a terminally ill patient


take photos of the super large and streamlined base.

Wang Zimo specially arranged a rest room for Li luoran a few days ago. When Li luoran came to the rest room, Qin Weijie had been waiting for her on the sofa for a long time.

"Today's play has been set. This is the script. You..."

Qin Weijie just wanted to talk about another topic. When he saw Li luoran's appearance, his glasses almost fell down,

"I'll go! Ranran, what's the matter with you? You Are you ok? "

Li luoran said with a smile, "I'm fine. What's the matter?"

"Ha ha, nothing!" When he comes to Li luoran and sees the kiss marks hidden under her collar, Qin Weijie suddenly realizes.

When he first saw Li luoran's appearance, Qin Weijie really wanted to ask if she had just been turned by a group of men

Now it's clear that this should be done by the same man.

It will take at least seven or eight times a night to make Dyan look like this!

What a beast that man must be!

Li luoran doesn't understand why Qin Weijie looks at himself so strangely.

Qin Weijie laughed and handed her the script,

"what's going to be filmed today, recite the lines."

Instead of rushing to read the script, Li luoran asked,

"have you asked Mr. Wang why? Why did you give the crew a holiday yesterday? "

Qin Weijie shrugged, "asked, but Mr. Wang only said that he encountered a sudden situation. Who knows what it is?"

Two people are talking, Shu Xinshuang came in, "wangzimo encounter unexpected situation, I happened to be beside him."

Li luoran and Qin Weijie look at Shu Xinshuang's face which is regarded as "the most beautiful in a thousand years".

Shu Xinshuang came to them with a slow step, his white right hand holding Li luoran's arm,

"in fact, wangzimo didn't plan to have a holiday yesterday. He arrived at the crew around seven o'clock, and many staff members had already arrived at that time. When we were discussing the next shooting process, he received a phone call and answered it In Cheng, Wang Zimo's face became very ugly. After he hung up, he dropped his mobile phone on the ground and turned around like an ant on a hot pot for several times. Finally, he yelled, "inform the whole crew that it's a day off."

According to Li luoran's knowledge, Wang Zimo's temperament is similar to Lu Shaochen's. He is always unhappy and looks like a king.

It's hard for Li luoran to imagine Wang Zi's strange spirit turning around in the same place

"Who called him and why was he so angry?"

Qin Weijie expresses Li luoran's doubts.

Shu Xinshuang said with a smile, "the reason why wangzimo is so angry is that he is threatened by that person. Although he didn't tell me who is the person who threatens him, I can guess that there is only one person who can threaten wangzimo, and not threaten him to do something else, but ask him to take a day off for the whole drama group."

"Who is it?"

Qin Weijie and Li luoran share the same voice.

Shu Xinshuang, with a secretive look in his eyes, patted Li luoran on the shoulder. "Ranran, you know who he is."

Lu Shaochen!

Li luoran immediately understood everything.

No wonder Lu Shaochen and Chu Xingchen seem to have foreseen that the crew had a holiday yesterday.

It's not that wangzimo wants to give the crew a holiday, but Lu Shaochen threatens wangzimo to give the crew a holiday!


the shooting crew of the imperial concubine of the flourishing age is located in the southern suburb of Jiangcheng, opposite to the shooting base of Li luoran.

It's half an hour longer than the entry time set by the crew.

Bai Qingwan drives her red Porsche into the underground parking lot.

I got out of the car in a hurry and walked out of the parking lot.

"Don't rush. The crew didn't arrange your play today."

The sudden sound is not high, but it is very clear because of the discerning magnetism.

This voice is also the voice Bai Qingwan would not like to hear.

There are two people who have this voice——Lu Shaochen and Xiao Qian's paintings -

no matter who they are, they are nightmares for Bai Qingwan.

"When I left the cast yesterday, director Zhang also told me that he would shoot me against the man on the cliff today." Then Bai Qingwan looked to the left.

the black Bentley as like as two peas in a car, the window of the black Bentley has slipped.

But judging from the man's dark and evil eyes, this man is not Lu Shaochen.

"Zhang Tiancheng arranged your play yesterday, which doesn't mean that it must be carried out today." What has the final say in

? Xiao Xiao's black eyes are narrowed and narrow, and his eyes are playing with danger.

, "don't forget, in this drama group, I have the final say. My words are the imperial edict for Zhang Tiancheng. What I want him to take today is what he will take."

Bai Qingwan's body trembled.


Xiao Qian's painting is not exaggerating at all.

Xiao Qian painting is the boss behind the group. Everything has the final say. It is precisely because of this that the original group tried to drive her out of the group under the pressure of Su Yan, and no one dared to catch her when she was behind the scenes of Xiao Qian painting.

"Come in the car."

Under this order, Xiao Qianhua closed the car window.

Although Bai Qingwan didn't want to, he could only walk to the car.

When I opened the door, I found Gu Mingzhu sitting in the car. She stayed a little, then got into the car.

"The reason for interfering in today's shooting plan is that you have a very important client who wants to accompany you." Xiao Qianhua's cold voice rang out in the silent carriage.

Bai Qingwan said, "Mr. Xiao, my sister just passed away a few days ago. I'm in a bad mood. Now I really don't want to do this kind of thing. Can you let me slow down for a few days?"

Bai Qingwan didn't lie. Bai Zhinian's death made her disheartened.

What's more, the clients Xiao Qianhua asked her to accompany in the past were just big bellied, ugly and full of fat. Moreover, their demands were very strange. It was so strange that every time she slept with those clients, she felt sick that she couldn't eat for a few days

"I said that this client is very important. In order to flatter you, I've invested a billion yuan in this film. I'll at least get some back from you, won't I?"

The cold faced man, looking at Bai Qingwan's haggard face in the rearview mirror, has no sympathy.

"don't worry, this time the customer won't trample on you as before, and you don't need to have any physical contact with him. You just need to act well in front of him with your partner."

Her partner?

Gu Mingzhu

Bai Qingwan looks at Gu Mingzhu sitting beside him.

Gu Mingzhu is indeed her partner.

In order to flatter her, Xiao Qianhua arranges Gu Mingzhu, a popular female star, to play No. 2. In the movie, the No. 2 happens to be an uninhibited brothel woman, which is also in line with Gu Mingzhu's reputation in reality. Gu Mingzhu is a real performance.

If she didn't know Xiao Qianhua, Bai Qingwan would never have dreamed that Gu Mingzhu, a famous female star next only to Shu Xinshuang, was also used by Xiao Qianhua as one of the tools to accompany his clients -

moreover, Gu Mingzhu had been helping Xiao Qianhua do such things before her debut

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