You,Under My Name

Chapter 220: 220

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"OK ~"

Bai Qingwan's mind goes back to reality,

"your client, what does he want to see me play with Mingzhu?"

What she is good at is acting. Xiao Qianhua asked her to act for this client, which is much more kind than letting her please those clients with her body as before

Xiao Qianhua, "this client likes to see women go to bed with women, especially female stars."


As if to hear a bolt from the blue, Bai Qingwan's eyes were glad that she had not had time to appear in front of her eyes and turned into despair like the end of the world.

Sitting beside her, Gu Mingzhu looks at her with discontent and helplessness. It seems that Gu Mingzhu already knows what Xiao Qianhua wants her to do with Bai Qingwan.

"According to this customer's request, you should kiss Gu Da Xing warmly in front of him. In the process, you can't wear clothes. Of course, you should be as sweet as a pair of lovers. Do you understand?"

Xiao Qian's picture is expressionless and his voice is thin and cool, just like a ruthless and cold-blooded killer.

Bai Qingwan didn't know how to make a sound. "Mr. Xiao, you know that Mingzhu and I are both normal oriented women. You just want us to please your dirty male clients. Why do you want us to do something that we can't do?"

Trembling all over, the voice has turned into a hysterical cry.

That kind of thing happened with different men is all right. Bai Qingwan didn't dare to imagine the picture of himself and a woman

"Don't make a mistake. It's not something you two women can't do. You're the only one with the problem. Miss Gu agreed before you got on the bus." Xiao Qian's painting language is indifferent.

Bai Qingwan looks at Gu Mingzhu for confirmation.

Looking at Gu Mingzhu nodding in response, Bai Qingwan felt as if he was frozen.

Seeing Bai Qingwan's appearance in the rearview mirror, Xiao Qian's ink eyes flashed a little bit of fun,

"Miss Bai, I know how difficult it is for a person with normal orientation to do this thing. Don't you always want to challenge yourself with high difficulty drama? Take this as a challenge to your acting skills. "

Voice down, a black-and-white something lost in Bai Qingwan leg.

It's a tablet.

Bai Qingwan doesn't understand why Xiao Qianhua wants to give her this.

"Play button."

It turns out that Xiao Qianhua has called out the play interface on the tablet computer. A video in it has been suspended, and a prominent red triangle play button appears on a large dark screen.

Bai Qingwan with doubt under the mood of this button.

The next moment, a woman's cry like a cat came from the tablet, accompanied by the picture of two women with delicate skin and body like a model.

Bai Qingwan just felt that the picture was filthy. He immediately screamed and stopped the play.

"The two women in the video are a real couple, so you'd better watch the video and study hard. Otherwise, if your performance can't satisfy my customer, I'll make you double pay back."

With these words, Xiao Qianhua has already started the car, carrying Bai Qingwan and Gu Mingzhu out of the garage.

Bai Qingwan's trembling hands clung to the cold flat. He was dazed like a puppet for a long time. Then he raised his head and looked at Gu Mingzhu with complicated eyes. Finally, he pressed the play button

It doesn't matter!

Anyway, she has been ruined by the clients before Xiao Qian's painting. What's the point of being trampled more thoroughly?

Since Xiao Qianhua promised to win her more than Gu Mingzhu;

since Xiao Qianhua promised that she would win over Li luoran.

Then, she will take what she has done as her dedication to art!


today's filming is not going well at all.

In the words of director Song Yi, today's Li luoran is not online, not only his acting skills, people and soul, but also his temperament

Li luoran really wants to play well.

She's in the show just as she used to be.

However, by Lu Shaochen like a beast, Li luoran's whole body seemed to be scattered from 11:00 to 5:30 in the morning. His behavior was not harmonious at all, and he couldn't perform the artistic conception he wanted.

Li luoran has remade a one minute drama for hundreds of times, but still hasn't.

This is the first time since Li luoran came to the troupe that he couldn't film for his own reasons.

Song Yi scratched his ears anxiously.

Although other staff members don't say it on the surface, they are also worried in their hearts -

after seeing Li luoran's performance today, it's doubtful that this is the real acting skill of this little Mengxin. In the past, her performance was just a mistake.

However, Wang Zimo, who has remade his opponent's play hundreds of times with Li luoran, is not worried at all. Instead, he cheers for Li luoran,"A temporary setback doesn't mean anything. I believe in your strength. Go back to have a good rest today and look forward to your performance tomorrow."

Li luoran lowered his head in shame, "thank you."

since even boss looked at this, other actors were not able to make complaints about it, and could only complain in their hearts.

The actor who worked with Wang Zimo didn't know that he was indifferent to every actor in his hand. He was especially partial to Li luoran, which really made people suspect that Mr. Wang and Li luoran had another hidden relationship.

Li luoran, dressed in ancient costume, walked out of the shooting spot dejectedly.

Wang Zimo looked at her back without any trace -

in fact, when I first filmed with her today, I judged why she was so tired from her strange behavior.

That bastard Lu Shaochen is really a beast!

He called and threatened him to take a day off for liluoran. Is it just to live for liluoran?

Watching Li luoran go farther and farther, Wang Zimo seems to present a picture of Li luoran being tossed by Lu Shaochen. At this moment, no one can see the jealousy hidden in his beautiful water green eyes


when Li luoran left the shooting base, Lu Shaochen and Chu Xingchen were waiting for her in the parking lot as usual.

Lilo got caught in the car.

Lu Shaochen gently pinched her chin with his fingers, "well behaved, did the filming go well today?"

If you change to the past, Li luoran will smile and respond.

This time, he pushed his hand coldly,

"it's none of your business whether I'm good at filming or not!"

Lu Shaochen is not angry at all. He still looks at her with a playful smile, and the pain in his eyes looms.

Chu Xingchen looked at her with the same eyes.

Li luoran couldn't understand what happened to these two people today, and she didn't want to find out. Just like Lu Shaochen, she opened the distance from Lu Shaochen, and soon fell asleep leaning on the car door.

It was awakened by a violent shock.

When I opened my heavy eyelids, I found that I was being held by Lu Shaochen -

it turned out that the car had already entered the courtyard of Lu's house. When Lu Shaochen picked her out of the car, he woke her up inadvertently.

At the moment, Lu Shaochen is standing on the lawn outside the car. She is held in his arms, covered with his black suit, while his upper body is only wearing a thin shirt. The autumn wind is chilly in the evening, and the goose bumps on his skin are dense and clearly visible.

Li luoran felt warm from the bottom of his heart.

However, the next second, when I think of Lu Shaochen's secret relationship with Jin Xintong, I feel like a cold wave in my heart, and the tenderness turns into indifference before it can bloom in my eyes,

"let me down!"

I didn't expect that Lu Shaochen, who woke up at this time, was slightly stunned, then hooked his lips,

"I'll be home in a moment, not in a hurry."

Li luoran, who was not worried, added, "I can walk by myself. I don't need you to hold me. Let me go, let me go, let me come!"

Lu Shaochen, "..."

On one side, Chu Xingchen, "..."

Li luoran didn't want to stay in Lu Shaochen's arms for another second. He struggled to get down to the ground. He never looked at Lu Shaochen, left him behind and walked forward quickly.

However, as soon as I woke up, I didn't listen and I was stumbling by something unknown. As soon as I came out of the two movies, I lay down on the lawn.


Lu Shaochen helped her in a hurry.

Fingertips have no time to touch the skin on her wrist, she was coldly pushed away, "do not you help!"

Lu Shaochen bent over and kept supporting her. His body was petrified.

Li luoran stood up with support.

After walking out of a distance, he suddenly realized that he was still wearing Lu Shaochen's suit, so he stopped and unloaded the suit as soon as possible.

"Your things, return you..."

Throw the suit back to Lu Shaochen,

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

"also, you are not allowed to hold me while I am asleep, and you are not allowed to put your clothes on me, because your people are as dirty as your things!"

Although the lawn is very soft, but just Li luoran fell so heavily, her legs and feet still hurt badly, and she didn't care about the pain, falling this word, her feet became faster.

Lu Shaochen stood on the lawn like a sculpture, watching his stiff suit fall at his feet.


With a heavy sigh, Chu Xingchen came to Lu Shaochen,

"in the morning, when you said my sister-in-law was very ill, I still didn't believe it. Now I see it with my own eyes, alas! Poor sister-in-law. "

Lu Shaochen's eyes became more worried.


as soon as Li luoran stepped into the living room, he saw the conspicuous white shadow -

to be exact, he was a man in white.He was dressed in white, wearing a pair of white frame glasses, and standing beside the white jade revolving stairs. With his handsome face, Li luoran had a dreamlike illusion.

"Mrs. Lu, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The man came to Li luoran.

"Who are you? Why are you waiting for me? "

"Er ~"

the man smiles, showing his teeth as neat as those on the toothpaste advertisement,

"let me introduce myself first. My name is Zhang hang, a psychologist. You can call me Doctor Zhang."

Li luoran saw clearly that the white dress on the man was the kind of white coat that doctors often wear in hospitals.

Li luoran's eyes were very confused,

"why do you come to my home if the doctor doesn't go to the hospital and stay well?"


Zhang hang was obviously blocked by Li luoran's indifferent words.

Sure enough!

Her performance is the same as that described by Mr. Lu.

"Cough, cough!" Zhang hang clears his throat and stops a step away from Li luoran. Junjun's face is full of friendly smile,

"Miss Li, it's like this. Seeing a person being shot in front of him and splashed with blood, not to mention a vulnerable woman like Miss Li, I'm afraid even a big man with strong psychological endurance may not bear it It's affordable, isn't it? "

Lilo dyed his eyebrows and his face became very bad.


Song Zilu's death has left her with a lingering fear, and Zhang Hang's words seem to pull her back to the moment of the accident, which seems to present a bloody scene -

that scene, which makes her heart almost stop beating.

"What's more, a few days later, another girl you like jumped out of a building and died in front of you. It was even worse for your already broken mind. It's inevitable for you to have psychological problems..."

In fact, compared with people like Zhang Xiaohang, I believe that their mental health has been greatly improved

Li luoran instantly understood that the psychiatrist regarded her as a patient and came to see a doctor for him!

Li luoran, who had Lu Shaochen raising his "little wife" outside, stayed up all night, and repeatedly had trouble acting in the production group, had a stomach full of fire, but now he was added fuel to the fire and suddenly lost control,

"especially, I've been talking for a long time, so you think I'm sick!"

Zhang hang, "..."

Eyes clearly said, temper so irritable, not sick is what?

"Oh ~" Li luoran can't bear it. The arc of her mouth is cold and sarcastic,

"I tell you, I'm psychologically healthy. I'm not sick. You're the kind of psychotherapist who feels sick when you see someone."

Zhang Hang's mouth turned wrongly.

At this time, Lu Shaochen and Chu Xingchen also entered the living room.

Li luoran turned his cold eyes over their faces,

"don't look at me like a patient. You are so strange today. I think you are psychologically ill. You should let this doctor treat you."

Fall this words, in the eyes of three men startled explosion, along the revolving stairs quickly up.




The fast-paced footsteps gradually faded away.

Finally, there was a heavy slamming sound, and Li luoran's figure disappeared behind the door of the living room on the second floor.

Looking up at the door that she had fallen so hard and still shuddered, Lu Shaochen's eyes were heavy.

He thought the girl would be in a better mood after a day's filming. Unexpectedly, she became more and more violent.

"How is she?" Looking at Zhang hang, Lu Shaochen's eyes became as cold as usual.

Zhang hang bowed his head respectfully. "Mr. Lu, your judgment is correct. There is something wrong with his wife's psychology, and the problem is very serious."

Lu Shaochen although sad, but still reported a glimmer of hope, "are you sure?"

"I'm absolutely sure!" Zhang Hang's voice is firm,

"if a woman in her 40s or 50s has such a performance, it may be due to menopause, but Miss Li is still so young. If it is early, it is more certain that it is impossible. Her indifference and irritability must be caused by psychological problems."

Lu Shaochen's eyes could not help showing his worry.

Chu Xingchen shook his head sadly.

Zhang hang, "I think although the death of song Zilu and Bai Zhinian is also the cause of Miss Li's illness, it may also be related to her occupation."

Lu Shaochen Mou color a deep, "how to say?"

Zhang hang, who came to Lu Shaochen's side,"The more involved actors are in acting, the more likely they are to be trapped and unable to get out. There are many international precedents like this. After making a play seriously, there are not a few stars who commit suicide because they can't get out of the play and return to real life. Mr. Lu, I wonder if Miss Li is too involved in filming?"

Lu Shaochen, "..."

In order to prevent too much kissing and bed play between male and female owners in the film made by Li luoran, Lu Shaochen went to Shu Xinshuang to see the play. Li luoran's Hua Mo Li's emotions in the play fluctuate -

but Li luoran's emotions suddenly change so obviously that she really can't rule out the possibility that her emotions are brought into the real world in the play.

"So, Mr. Lu, I suggest you stop miss li from filming."

Zhang Hang's voice rang clearly in front of Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen, "other treatments?"

Zhang hang said helplessly, "Mr. Lu, mental illness is more difficult to cure than physical illness. According to my judgment, Miss Li's illness is really serious. If you don't want to stop her from filming, you can only wrongly endure her indifference, mischief and violent temper, and slowly wait for time to heal her mind."

Zhang hang sighed helplessly.

Lu Shaochen collapsed and sat on the sofa.

"My lord..."

Chu Xingchen nestled up to him,

"you have plenty of money, and there's no need for your sister-in-law to be a star to earn that money, right? And if you want to, it's just as easy to force her to stop filming, can't you stop it? "

Lu Shaochen just shook his head.


If he wants to, he has thousands of ways to make Wang Zimo's crew unable to continue filming. He can even make Li luoran not know that he is secretly intervening.

However, he heard Shu Xinshuang say that Li luoran likes the play very much, and she is very involved. Besides, she has made a "life and death" bet with Bai Qingwan.

Lu Shaochen would rather endure her rejection and sarcasm than pour cold water on her career.


Li luoran was very tired.

Without a bath or dinner, he went straight into the bedroom and almost fell into a deep sleep.

Li luoran, who had a good rest, had a smooth second film.

Time goes by day.

Lu Shaochen and Chu Xingchen still take the trouble to pick her up and see her off every day, regardless of the heat, cold, wind and rain

Li luoran thinks Lu Shaochen is more and more abnormal, because no matter how cold she says to Lu Shaochen, Lu Shaochen never gets angry, and she has found more than once that the more she shows indifference and mania, the more the affection in Lu Shaochen's eyes is -

as if her indifference to him is a kind of disease!

Li luoran doesn't know what's wrong with the world.

Since she discovered Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong's "secret", it seems that everyone has become so strange.

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