You,Under My Name

Chapter 221: 221

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The brocade Heart Tong also becomes quiet, have never come to land house again.

Li luoran thinks that Jin Xintong has agreed to be Lu Shaochen's underground lover. Of course, he and Lu Shaochen will keep it from her and try to avoid appearing in her sight

After all, a slap can't make a sound. No matter how noisy Li luoran is, Lu Shaochen doesn't care. Li luoran can't fight with him. After a long time, she doesn't stick too much to his relationship with Jin Xintong -

since she is disappointed with her marriage, Li luoran puts her heart into filming.

It lasted a year.

It seems that it's just a blink of an eye to the day when Bai Qingwan's "imperial concubine of prosperous times" and Li luoran's "matchless queen of demons" will be released at the same time.

"The imperial concubine of the golden age" is released one day earlier than "the queen of demons".

It can be seen that the crew attached great importance to the film and did enough publicity in advance. All kinds of preferential activities such as buying tickets and returning red envelopes were hung on the major booking app.

Li luoran also went to the cinema specially to watch the film.

After watching the film, Li luoran is worried and is helped out of the cinema by Jiang Xiaojing.

Although Li luoran knew Bai Qingwan was a "playwright" for a long time, his performance in the film was still better than Li luoran expected.

Li luoran immediately understood why Bai Qingwan had so much courage to bet with her.

Although Li luoran is also very involved in "the queen of demons", she is not sure that she can surpass Bai Qingwan.

"Ranran, you look worried. Aren't you afraid?"

Jiang Xiaojing is full of confidence in Li luoran.

"I don't know what you have to worry about. Bai Qingwan's acting is too artificial, OK? Now what age, the audience is the pursuit of real nature, she played so exaggerated, just like a piece of shit as ugly, if not to accompany you, I would have disgusted midway out

Li luoran shook his head.

In the process of watching the film, she heard a lot of applause from the audience. Bai Qingwan's performance was not as bad as Jiang Xiaojing said.

"where does Li shake her arm and feel sad? Although your movie hasn't been released yet, I'm sure you can get rid of the hair of Bai Qingwan's scheming whore. I can't wait to see Bai Qingwan repent after losing the bet. Don't worry. Smile, OK

Where can Li luoran laugh?

After leaving the cinema, he and Jiang Xiaojing strolled out for a day and returned to the land house after dinner.

Lu Shaochen, who has just taken a bath, is standing in front of the door in his baggy robe. He sees Li luoran. His eyes and eyebrows bend across from her,

"is Bai Qingwan's movie good?"

Li luoran didn't reply or look up at him. He always looked cold and disgusted.

Lu Shaochen held her slender waist,

"dear, tell me about the content of that film, eh?"

Li luoran said coldly, "go away."


Lu Shaochen smiles instead of being angry,

"what's the matter with you? Why don't you talk to me?"

Li luoran, "not good!"

Lu Shaochen's thin lips moved, and he still wanted to pester her, but she pushed them away, "Lu Shaochen, would you please don't disturb me? I beg you

Lu Shaochen fell into silence.

Li luoran walked in front of him with his eyelashes drooping. He didn't look at Lu Shaochen from the beginning to the end.

She didn't have to look, but she knew what kind of expression Lu Shaochen was now.

In the past year, this extremely cold iceberg man seems to have completely changed himself. In front of her, he is always like a tamed wild horse, extremely obedient and considerate -

he is not himself.

And every time Li luoran is too indifferent to him, he will inadvertently show the same look as the patient.

Does Lu Shaochen think she is ill?


She felt that Lu Shaochen, who was so abnormal, was really sick!


after taking a bath, Li luoran lay on the bed.

Before long, Lu Shaochen also went to bed.

Lie on her pillow, and habitually hold her in her arms.

Li luoran did not refuse, just like a doll who could not move, and let Lu Shaochen put himself in the position of embracing him.

In the past year, Li luoran came here like this every night.

She deliberately wants to distance Lu Shaochen, but she can't sleep with him. So she can only act like a piece of wood. No matter what he wants to hold, cuddle or do, it's up to him. She doesn't resist or respond

Lu Shaochen is a famous "Mr. Lu" in Jiangcheng!

Li luoran thought that as long as she deliberately showed indifference, Lu Shaochen, who is arrogant to the bone, will slowly lose enthusiasm for her.However, more than a year later, Lu Shaochen did not change at all -

no matter how cold Li luoran was, he still plundered her like a wild animal every other time and took her to sleep every night.

Holding her, Lu soon fell into a deep sleep.

Li luoran just ran away from his arms, full of thought is that she and Bai Qingwan bet, how also can't sleep.

Keep watching the entertainment news.

Around early in the morning, some media released the box office statistics of the first day of "imperial concubine of the golden age" -

the shocking 250 million.

Major media reprinted the news one after another, and Bai Qingwan was praised to the sky;

the headlines of major entertainment were news like "the birth of a new generation of film queen" and "the new star Bai Qingwan created a box office myth".

At the same time, the gambling agreement between Bai Qingwan and Li luoran, which had already attracted a lot of attention, was once again removed by the major media. Many media predicted that Li luoran would be defeated, and advised Li luoran to prepare paper towels in advance and be ready to say goodbye to the entertainment industry

Looking at the news, Li luoran couldn't sleep any more.

Li luoran takes fame and wealth lightly. She is not afraid to quit the entertainment circle forever, but she doesn't want to lose to Bai Qingwan.


tossed and turned all night.

The next day, before six o'clock, I heard a familiar voice shouting outside the door,

"the sun is on your ass, are you still sleeping?"

Li luoran was surprised that Jiang Xiaojing came to Lu's house to find her.

It turns out that Li luoran used her mobile phone to watch too much news last night, which eventually led to the automatic shutdown of her mobile phone when it ran out of power. Jiang Xiaojing couldn't get through to her phone, and he was anxious to go to see the film starring Li luoran with Li luoran, so he directly found Lu zhailai.

Li luoran, who changed clothes in a hurry, and Jiang Xiaojing walked downstairs together.

Jiang Xiaojing carefully stroked the white jade fence of the revolving stairs with her slim hand, and looked around with envious eyes,

"is Lu Shaochen too luxurious? How much is the decoration of the house? Will his conscience not hurt when he lives in such a luxurious house? "

Li luoran sighed silently.

When she thought of her first visit to the land house, she was stunned by the luxury in it. At that time, she also loved the house very much - not because of its brilliance, but because it gave liluoran a warm and down-to-earth feeling of home

Now, however, everything has changed.

Lu's house is the same as Lu's house, but since Lu Shaochen had Jin Xintong outside, this house can no longer make Li luoran feel warm.

Seeing guests coming, Zhao Haixin, who is highly professional, did not ask much, but quietly prepared breakfast for Li luoran and Jiang Xiaojing.

When he sat down to eat, Li luoran suddenly thought of the starting point,

"by the way, how did you get in? Didn't the guards stop you? "

"Cut!" Jiang Xiaojing raised his face with pride,

"who am I? Who dares to stop me? The security guards at your door didn't stop me. When they saw my car, they hurriedly opened the door and I drove the car all the way out. "

Raise your hand and point out.

Li luoran's eyes ran after him. Through the huge floor glass, he saw Jiang Xiaojing's car parked on the lawn.

Li luoran thought carefully that although Jiang Xiaojing had never been to the land house before, he had driven Li luoran to the gate several times. It was reasonable that the security guards knew her car.

Today is the premiere of "matchless Queen" starring Li luoran.

In fact, at first Wang Zimo temporarily named the movie "the queen of demons in troubled times". Later he thought that the movie starring Bai Qingwan was called "the imperial concubine of prosperous times". He didn't want to use the same word "world" with Bai Qingwan, so he finally named it "the Queen of demons".

Jiang Xiaojing ordered tickets for the film a week in advance. Although Li luoran had seen the film several times in the crew, he agreed to go to the cinema with Jiang Xiaojing.

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After breakfast, Li luoran and Jiang Xiaojing went to the cinema.

In the cinema, Jiang Xiaojing cried out as he watched.

I don't know whether other audiences are infected by Jiang Xiaojing, and they keep cheering. The whole movie is very lively in the cinema.

Li luoran couldn't feel any better.

Even pessimistic thought than Bai Qingwan's "prosperous imperial concubine" is much worse.

After walking out of the cinema, Jiang Xiaojing patted her on the shoulder and assured her, "Ranran, I really don't understand what you have to worry about. I think you must have watched your film too many times, and now you don't feel fresh. At first glance, you will feel inferior to Bai Qingwan's film. I am a senior fan. I believe my judgment. You will win It's over. "

Li luoran only feels that Jiang Xiaojing is comforting her.

Still in the early morning.

The media announced the box office of the first day of "matchless queen of demons" --

120 million -

although it is also a hot hit, it is not as good as half of the box office of the first day of "golden age Princess"."The imperial concubine of the golden age" was released the next day, and the box office still exceeded 200 million.

These two films are the focus of media attention. As a result, all kinds of news about the comparison of these two films abound. The bet between Li luoran and Bai Qingwan has become the most popular news. The whole world seems to be waiting to see Li luoran's hot fight

Li luoran was in a state of confusion.

"I have to listen, because you are too sad to breathe..."

The phone rings at the moment.

It's a strange number.

Li luoran was reading messages with her mobile phone, so she answered the phone every second,


"As I think, you haven't slept yet. Ha ha, someone who has just tasted a little bit of popularity after making the first movie is going to say goodbye to the performing arts circle forever. How can you sleep?"

Clear and tactful female voice, so ironic, so familiar.

Li luoran sighed helplessly, "isn't this the result you want?"

"Yes, that's what I want." Bai Qingwan didn't hide it at all,

"although I disdain to see the rotten film you made, I can see from the box office that your acting is not in the same level as me. Li luoran, I bet with you at the beginning that I was setting up a game to calculate you. You are so stupid. You know it's a trap and jump in, don't you have any self-knowledge?"

Li luoran was too sad to speak.

Bai Qingwan said with a smile, "Oh, by the way, the reason why the bet between us made the headlines today is that I went to the media and the water army to hype it up. I just want to let the whole world know that you liluoran lost. Goodbye, liluoran. From now on, you will be envious and jealous outside the circle and watch me become more and more popular! Ha ha ~ "

there's a phone call over there.

Li luoran, who put down his mobile phone, was desolate.

In fact, she was also full of confidence in the shooting process of the queen of demons, otherwise she would not have bet so much with Bai Qingwan.

Moreover, the story of "the queen of demons" is so wonderful, with the help of Shu Xinshuang and Feng Qianyi, she is more confident than Bai Qingwan.

But now, seeing today's box office, Li luoran has been completely disheartened.

Is absent-minded, suddenly on a pair of black gem like eyes.

It turns out that Lu Shaochen didn't sleep all the time. Instead, he lay on his side in bed, holding his nearly perfect side face in his right hand and staring at her for a moment,

"I went to the cinema to see your movie today. What do you have to worry about?"

Li luoran looked confused, "what do you mean?"

Lu Shaochen smiles,

"I believe in my eyes. The story of the movie you starred in is wonderful and shocking. The director, the screenwriter, you actors If such a good film can't even compare with Bai Qingwan's artful works, it only means that the fans all over the world are blind. "

Is that right?

Why did Lu Shaochen say that?

Li luoran was even more puzzled. "Today's box office results have come out. The premiere box office of" Shengshi imperial concubine "is more than twice that of" matchless queen of demons ". Even today, the box office of" matchless queen of demons "is still crushed by" Shengshi imperial concubine. "

Lu Shaochen said, "a good start means a good result."

What are you talking about

Lu Shaochen raised his eyebrows, pointed his finger to his face and said, "kiss me."

Li luoran's eyes are round.

It suddenly occurred to me that I had been deliberately alienating Lu Shaochen for more than a year. I had never talked to him normally, let alone kissing him

Lu Shaochen, "kiss me, and I'll tell you why, eh?"

How could Lori kiss him?!

Cold smile, turned back to him.

However, half of what Lu Shaochen said was like a knot in her heart, which made her eager to untie.

Just struggling and hesitating.

After a long time, he finally turned his heart to him and his lips to Lu Shaochen's handsome face.

"Well ~"

Lu Shaochen's lips were hooked and her face was pinched with his fingers.

"do you know how much money the cast of" the imperial concubine of the golden age "spent on publicity?"

In the past, Li luoran might have pushed Lu Shaochen's hand away indifferently, but now she just wanted to hear what he said, so she let him hold his face and stare at him with his knowledge seeking eyes.

"120 million, which is still a conservative estimate. In order to ensure the box office, the crew of" the golden age Princess "spared no effort in publicity." Looking at her for a moment, Lu Shaochen's eyes are secretive,

"do you know how much money Wang Zimo has invested in the promotion of" matchless queen of demons "

Li luoran just looked at him for knowledge.

In the "Queen of demons" crew, she only focuses on filming and knows nothing about other things.Lu Shaochen even seemed to know everything. He let go of her face with his fingers and made an "OK" gesture,

"what's this?"

Li luoran looked at his three fingers, "thirty million?"

Lu Shaochen shook his head.

Li luoran looks panic, "300 million?"

Lu Shaochen shook his head.

Li luoran wants to say three million more.

Lu Shaochen shows the "O" shape of "OK" in front of her, "zero."

Li luoran was shocked.

"This is where wangzimo is better than other agents. He is not stingy in the scene and production of the film, but he doesn't spend a cent on meaningless publicity, which is the reason why the box office of the premiere of" matchless queen of demons "is not high."

Li luoran realized that in the past six months, advertisements for "the imperial concubine of the golden age" could be seen everywhere in the media, magazines and billboards outside, but she had never seen "the queen of demons".

The original wangzimo did not do publicity!

Why did he do that?

"Because he doesn't have to advertise." Lu Shaochen seems to know what she is thinking,

"first of all, the major media all know the news of the simultaneous shooting and release of" Shengshi HuangFei "and" the queen of demons ". When" Shengshi HuangFei "publicizes itself, the major media naturally compare" the queen of demons "with it. While" Shengshi HuangFei "vigorously publicizes itself, it also indirectly publicizes" the queen of demons " Biography of

"But indirectness is indirect after all. There is no strong appeal of direct publicity. Therefore, many fans who have seen the publicity will buy tickets for the movie. That's why the box office of the premiere of the movie is so much higher than that of gone with the wind."

Maybe it's because Lu Shaochen's words are always convincing.

After hearing what Lu Shaochen said, Li luoran was relieved.

Liluoran looks complicated.

Lu Shaochen gently rubs her black hair when she is rarely obedient,

"wangzimo never fights a battle that he is not sure about. He is confident in this film, so he has the confidence not to do publicity. From tomorrow on, the situation will be very different. You must be the final winner. Trust me, eh?"

But was infected by his smile, Li luoran couldn't help but smile, "EH."

Lu Shaochen, "so, don't stay up late any more. Have a good sleep tonight, eh?"

Li luoran nodded reflexively, "well."


Didn't he sleep beside her all last night?

How could he know that he had stayed up as if he had stayed up all night?

Lu Shaochen didn't give her the chance to ask. He had already taken her into his arms. He still put her in the usual posture of embracing him.

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