You,Under My Name

Chapter 222: 222

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This is Li luoran's first peaceful speech with Lu Shaochen after discovering that Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong had an affair outside their marriage.

After Li luoran's deliberate indifference and rejection of Lu Shaochen in the past, he was always in a bad mood. Today, after opening his heart to him, he has a warm feeling that he has not seen for a long time.

She is still greedy for this beauty.

Li luoran thought that if she could keep calm with Lu Shaochen, she might be in a good mood all the time.

But she can't

She could never have been so tender to Lu Shaochen even though she knew that he had an extramarital affair


Li luoran slept soundly tonight.

The next day, Li luoran stayed at home all day, anxiously waiting for a platform to announce today's box office results.

340 million -

seeing this data, Li luoran couldn't even believe his own eyes.

When she was about to call Qin Weijie for confirmation, Qin Weijie took the initiative to call,

"Ranran, Mr. Wang just sent a message to let me tell you that today's box office exceeded 300 million, and he also said that he expected it to be higher tomorrow. I hope you can have a good sleep."

Li luoran concluded that the data released by the platform was correct.

And look at the "imperial concubine of flourishing age" starring Bai Qingwan, the box office has fallen from more than 200 million yesterday to just over 100 million.

As Wang Zimo expected, on the third day, the box office of "matchless queen of demons" continued to soar to an astonishing 500 million, while the box office of "imperial concubine of prosperous times" plummeted to below 10 million.

In the following week, "the queen of demons" continued to be on fire, causing a series of shocking tsunamis in the film and television industry, while "the imperial concubine of the golden age" gradually faded out of people's sight.

Li luoran specially went to see one of the most authoritative film and television scoring platforms in China, with an average score of 9. The score was 2, which was the same as that of a masterpiece with the highest score in the past ten years, while the first day of the golden age princess was 8. A few days later, as more and more fans scored, it was gradually lowered to 7. Six

To be fair, all over the world, it's 7. A commercial movie with a score of 5 is excellent.

"The imperial concubine of the golden age" is really a rare good work.

Bai Qingwan is really good.

However, no matter how good things are, they are afraid to be compared with better ones.

If "the imperial concubine of the golden age" does not meet "the queen of demons" in the same period, it will become the box office champion of this period.

The most tragic thing in the film industry is that a good work meets a better one in the same period. What's more tragic is that the latter has the same theme and type with it, which means that these two works can only fight each other like two people fighting for life and death

It's the same as what Jiang Xiaojing said -

if the audience has only seen "the imperial concubine of the golden age", they will definitely praise the film and Bai Qingwan's performance.

However, after watching "matchless queen of demons", the audience will immediately find that Li luoran's real and unpretentious performance, which is crying when he should cry and laughing when he should laugh, is just full of devotion. By contrast, Bai Qingwan's acting style is too fake and exaggerated

Just because of this, the box office of "the queen of demons" continued to burst, while "the imperial concubine of the golden age" gradually disappeared.

It seems that two weeks passed in a flash.

"The queen of demons" has a total domestic box office of more than 4 billion, a record high in three years. The "golden age Princess" has only 700 million, of which more than 600 million came from the first three days of its release.

In just two weeks, the name "Li luoran" has been known and heard in the streets. It can be seen everywhere in the entertainment news, and posters with Li luoran's head can be seen almost everywhere.

When Li luoran went out, reporters often came out from unknown places and asked her a variety of questions;

she was surrounded by excited fans more than once, and only when she signed in, she got away.

As early as when shooting "matchless queen of demons", Qin Weijie told her more than once that she would be popular. She thought Qin Weijie was mostly joking, but she didn't expect it to come true.

Like most girls, Li luoran once dreamed that one day she would become a star.

However, she knew that it was just her dream, so she never dared to ask for it.

Therefore, even when Li luoran received the play "matchless queen of demons", he was mostly chased by wangzimo. In the process of filming, he also held an ordinary mind, only attached importance to the process, and did not think about the result.

Li luoran was excited, nervous and scared by the rapid rise of her popularity

At the same time, Bai Qingwan has been completely pushed to the opposite side of Li luoran -

in fact, Shengshi imperial concubine has created 700 million box office, which can make Bai Qingwan fire. However, because she lost the bet with Li luoran, the public opinion is full of calls for her to fulfill her promise and quit the entertainment industry foreverBut Bai Qingwan was always silent and did not make a public statement.



The only six-star hotel in Jiangcheng.

The platinum third floor of the hotel has been packed.

Because the celebration ceremony of "the queen of demons" is held here tonight.

In order to make the whole crew have a more pleasant communication, no non crew members are allowed to participate in the dinner. Ten security guards are guarding the six gates to prevent reporters with camera equipment from sneaking in.

This is a victory belonging to the whole crew. At the ceremony, Wang Zimo gave everyone a huge bonus, and the atmosphere was full of money.

There is no accident that luoran has become the protagonist tonight.

In fact, in the past, Shu Xinshuang, the most popular star and "the first beauty of the Millennium", was the focus of everyone's attention at every gathering.

And tonight, for the first time, people's attention turned to lilac.

Shu Xinshuang, as before, follows where Li luoran goes.

When she and Li luoran were standing by the fountain chatting, Feng Qianyi came to tease, "goddess Shu, interview you, you are the first goddess of the whole nation. Now Li luoran's popularity is soaring, and it has the momentum to catch up with you. Do you have a sense of crisis?"

"Sense of crisis..." Shu Xinshuang smiles and winks at Li luoran,

"if Mr. Feng doesn't mention it now, I really don't realize that, my God, the world is full of reports about Ranran these days. I don't feel any of your so-called" sense of crisis ". On the contrary, I feel quite a sense of achievement."

The wind is shallow and the eyebrows are picking, and the blue eyes are full of enchantment,

"Tut, a sense of achievement? What do you say? "

Shu Xinshuang elegantly rolled his lips, "I just feel that my efforts are not wasted, do you understand?"

"Don't understand!" the wind said

Shu Xinshuang looked up at his beautiful face. "Of course, you don't understand. As long as you have a beautiful face, it's enough. As for your IQ, it's completely negligible. It's not surprising that you don't understand the words of smart people."

The wind is shallow

Li Ran Fei thought that she would not look so beautiful as long as she didn't stand here

"Poof ~"

all the water that Li luoran had just taken into his mouth was sprayed into the pool.

The wind is shallow and the evil face is full of displeasure.

"Ranran, in order not to lower our IQ, we'd better stay away from the mentally handicapped, right?" Shu Xinshuang gives Li luoran a look and pulls him to the other end of the pool.

The wind looked at their backs for a moment.

At last, a look of "I understand" passed in the enchanting blue eyes.

Of course, he knows that Shu Xinshuang will never feel a sense of crisis because of Li luoran's popularity, because Feng Qianji finds out that since Li luoran's popularity, Shu Xinshuang has not only been supporting Li luoran silently, but also secretly helped Li luoran accumulate popularity in some ways that are hard to be found by others

In fact, Wang Zimo decided to let another female star play No.2. He didn't plan to invite Shu Xinshuang, but Shu Xinshuang wanted to join her.

Shu Xinshuang, a superstar, not only devoted herself to Li luoran's acting, but also spared no effort to promote her after her popularity.

This is too unreasonable

Which female star wants to see other female stars more popular than herself?!

There is only one possibility, as he guessed before -

Shu Xinshuang is absolutely true love for Li luoran!

Across the clear water, it means looking at Li luoran and Shu Xinshuang on the opposite side of the fountain strangely, the wind is shallow, the smile is evil


around 10 pm, wangzimo announced the end of the celebration.

When Qin Weijie and Li luoran walked out of the door together, Qin Weijie asked her, "Ranran, do you feel any difference between now and before?"

Li luoran said with a smile, "it's more trouble than before."

Qin Weijie, with a muddled face, "trouble?"

"Yes, please..."

Li luoran shrugged,

"once upon a time, I had a dream of being famous. Now that my dream has come true, I find that it has not brought any happiness to my life. My photos can be seen everywhere on the street. Many people know my name, but what about that? I can't go shopping as usual any more. I lose my freedom. As long as I leave home, I have to wear a mask for fear of being seen. Alas Sister Qin, I don't think it's good to be popular. I just feel that compared with what I've lost, I'm not worth the loss. "

“……” Qin Weijie stares at Li luoran like an alien for five seconds.Finally, he sighed for a long time,

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"Ranran, you are really different from them."


Who is it?

Li luoran looks puzzled.

Qin Weijie didn't explain any more. He gently pulled Liluo to dye it. His voice was gentle,

"let's go!"

What Qin Weijie didn't say is -

after more than ten years in this circle, she has seen countless stars. There are too many stars who were quite approachable before they became famous. Once they become popular, they will forget themselves, be arrogant and extravagant

There are very few girls like Li luoran who never forget their original intention.

Maybe that's why Mr. Wang and Shu Xinshuang are so kind to her?

Two people are walking, wangzimo blocked their way,

"Li luoran, talk to you alone."

Qin Zhijie goes to one side.

Wang Zimo opened his thin lips and said, "after deducting all the expenses such as the share of the theater line, the expenses of the crew, and the initial investment, so far, the net profit of this film is more than 1.1 billion. According to our contract, we will give you half of it. When you have time, we will settle it."

Half of 1.10 billion -

505 million

Oh, my God!

Li luoran, who was scared by this shocking figure, almost knelt down in front of wangzimo on the spot.

"Ha ha ~"

she tried her best to calm down,

"Mr. Wang, in fact, I'm just participating in the performance in this play. Compared with what you have paid, it's your credit to write the script, arrange the shooting and arrange the release. I really can't afford to share so much with you."


Although wangzimo is silent, if you look carefully, you will find a trace of shock in his water green eyes.

Li luoran said with a smile, "why don't you do this? You don't have to count the contract. Just like other actors, you can give me some film remuneration symbolically."

She is not insatiable.

Although wangzimo is the main male character in the play, it is a play that focuses on the female character. In the final analysis, even the male character "master Mo" is playing for her.

This is the reason why Li luoran became popular after the release of "the queen of demons".

She knew that Mr. Wang wrote such a play to highlight her. She was satisfied with being praised by Mr. Wang.

Her request is very beneficial to Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang should agree very simply, right?

However, why did wangzimo stare at her for a moment and fall into silence?

"Well ~"

after a long time, Wang Zimo's jade like lips just sent out a faint syllable,

"although what you said is very attractive to me, I am a person with principles. I'd better come according to the contract. Half of you and half of me are not allowed to break the contract or refuse."

Li luoran, "..."

Who in the circle has spread the rumor that Mr. Wang Jinjin is very strict with his artists and wants to drain every drop of oil from them?

Mr. Wang is very generous, OK?!

Li luoran didn't know what to say.

Wangzimo, standing under the crystal lamp, looks at her as quietly as possible,

"the release period of Queen demon is not over, and there will be income from selling copyright, and then I will share it with you equally. In addition, because the market response of Queen demon is good, you are ready to make sequels."

"Good." Li luoran doesn't object. Now she is an artist under wangzimo. It's his duty to listen to wangzimo's arrangement.

Wang Zimo said, "by the way, in three months, there will be a biennial multi-dimensional film queen selection. I will try my best to help you get the title of" film queen. "

Do you want a movie queen?

That's the highest gold medal in Asia, the dream pursued by countless female stars all their lives!

Although Li luoran didn't hold any hope, because he didn't want to disobey Wang Zimo's kindness, he said with a smile, "thank you, Mr. Wang."

Wangzimo did not return, so silently staring at her.

The light here is bright. Wangzimo is only a step away from her. He slightly lowers his head half way above Li luoran's head. The breath from his nose is like the spring wind blowing the hair on Li luoran's forehead.

But her delusion?

At this moment, Li luoran suddenly felt that Wang Zimo's eyes were so beautiful and gentle.

In a trance, Li luoran can't help thinking of the picture of her and him nestling together in wangzimo's wallet, the picture of him pressing her under him that night, and his charming eyes and words that night

At the moment, she clearly and wangzimo open enough distance, but Li luoran inexplicably feel too close to him, busy goodbye, turn around and go.

"Dye dye."

The voice of wangzimo came from behind.

Li luoran stopped suddenly.It suddenly occurred to me that the former wangzimo either called her by her first name or called her "Miss Li". This was the first time he called her "Ranran"

That's normal.

That's what people call her.

However, why did she feel that his meaning was especially warm and intimate when this name was called out in wangzimo?

Is it her illusion again?

A warmth came from the shoulder.

It was Wang Zimo's big hand lightly placed on her shoulder.

The handsome man, staring at her thin figure with green eyes, "you are very different. I think I understand why Lu Shaochen is only so kind to you."

Why does Wang Zimo also say that she is different?

What's different about her?

And Lu Shaochen

What is the relationship between wangzimo and Lu Shaochen?

Li luoran has numerous questions in her heart, but now she just wants to open the distance from wangzimo as soon as possible. She only faintly replies "thank you" and doesn't turn her head back. She speeds up her pace and goes to Qin Weijie.


Li luoran and Qin Weijie walk out of the banquet hall arm in arm.

Wangzimo always stands in the same place, people come and go around, there are always people smiling to say hello to him, but he feels inexplicably lonely.


Wang Zimo thought that if he found her, he would never be alone again.

Why do you see her every day after you pull her to the cast, and shoot the opposite play close to her every day? Once she leaves, you will feel more lonely and lonely?

"How long are you going to keep it from her?"

With a clear voice, Shu Xinshuang came to his right hand.

Hope son Mo didn't return, only eyes color a deep.

Shu Xinshuang stood side by side with him, looking up at his beautiful little face, looking at the direction he was looking at,

"I know you are in pain, I know that even I, your best friend, can't share a little pain for you. In this world, she is the only one who can heal the wound in your heart

"Zimo, it's a relief for you to tell her what happened to you and her photos, why you were so abnormal that night, and tell her the truth, isn't it?"


Wang Zimo silently digested this cruel word in his heart.

Since it is impossible to put it down, how can we get rid of it?

Standing under the crystal light, Wang Zimo was silent for a long time. At last, his eyes were wet red and he looked at Shu Xinshuang,

"when you mentioned her, you always deliberately acted calm and relaxed, as if it was just between me and her, as if you didn't care at all, you were just deceiving yourself."

Shu Xinshuang shrugs her shoulders and covers up her heartache with meaninglessness.

Wang Zimo clapped his hand on her shoulder, "Xinshuang, I know that you care about her as much as I do, and you miss her very much, otherwise, why are you so good to her?"

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