You,Under My Name

Chapter 223: 223

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Although it's late at night, the front door of zhijinfang is still surrounded by reporters and photographers from various media.

In order to prevent being surrounded by reporters, Li luoran put on a mask before going out and left through the back door with Qin Weijie.

Although the back door is not as busy as the front door, there are still several media reporters waiting here. Fortunately, because the air quality in Jiangcheng is not good recently, most people will wear masks when they go out. Li luoran is not the only one, so he did not attract the reporters' special attention.

In order to avoid people's attention, Chu Xingchen, who came to pick up Li luoran, parked his car in the open square 100 meters away from zhijinfang.

When Li luoran was about to walk to the car, a clear voice burst into her ear,

"you are so dazzling and beautiful that you make people look at you with new eyes."

Bai Qingwan!

Li luoran had this name in his mind.

She didn't look back, just stopped to smile,

"don't you do the same, and make everyone look at you with new eyes?"


Bai Qingwan gets out of control with anger,

"ha ha, yes, Li luoran, thanks to you, because you and I made a bet, everyone was laughing at me. I should be popular, but I became like a street mouse. Everyone was waving sticks to drive me out of the entertainment circle..."

With these words, Bai Qingwan has come to Li luoran, and she stares at Li luoran with hatred,

"Li luoran, I've really taken your blessing. You've caused all this!"

"Is it?" Li luoran raised her eyebrows and laughed sarcastically,

"what did I remember wrong, or did Miss Bai lose her mind because she was defeated? How can I remember that it was you who forced me to make that bet with you, sent that video to the Internet and made everyone know that it was you. Now it's my blessing and I'm responsible for everything? "

Bai Qingwan had nothing to say for a moment.

These days, Bai Qingwan is also on fire.

the more Li Wan and Luohuo promise to quit, the more she wants to keep her promise

So, in order to prevent being seen outside, Bai Qingwan uses a mask to cover her face like Li luoran.

However, even so, you can still see that she is very angry -

Bai Qingwan hates Li luoran.

I hate myself!

She hated that she had made such a vow when she made a bet with Li luoran. As a result, she didn't kill Li luoran completely, but she raised her hand and slapped her face so hard that she couldn't turn over.


Li luoran did nothing at all.

Although Li luoran also recorded the video of their bet at the beginning, she didn't post it on the Internet like her. Later, she also decided that she would win and maliciously hyped the bet

She suffered everything for herself.

Like a malicious poison master, he painstakingly compounded a deadly poison. He was full of confidence that he would poison liluoran to death. In the end, he was the one who poisoned himself.

The night was cold.

In the square should and square dance seven color lights alternately across Bai Qingwan's face, will her eyes that silk pain Chu Ying particularly clear.

Seeing her appearance, Li luoran was not at all soft hearted, but her eyes became more and more indifferent,

"Oh, seeing your self reproach look, I understand. In fact, you know very well that all this is caused by yourself, but self reproach makes you very painful, so you deceive yourself and push the responsibility on me, right?"

Bai Qingwan's figure trembled and her eyes were more painful.

Li luoran's smile is thin and cool, like a cold-blooded killer,

"I'm sorry, Miss Bai, I don't carry your pot. You are responsible for all this. If you want to blame, you can continue to blame yourself."

"Oh, by the way, I went to see Shengshi HuangFei specially. To tell you the truth, you played very well. Shengshi HuangFei also created an amazing 700 million box office. If it wasn't for that bet, you would have been a first-line star now. Unfortunately, who let you make it yourself What about death? "

Wink at Bai Qingwan and walk past her with pride.

Bai Qingwan was like a puppet in the cold wind. She had something important to say to Li luoran, but now her lips were shaking violently, and she couldn't make a sound.

Every word in her heart was stained with salt.


Since she lost the bet, Bai Qingwan has been reflecting on herself almost all the time. If it wasn't for her own death, even though she couldn't be as popular as Li luoran and become a first-line star after she finished making "the imperial concubine of flourishing age", she can still have a bright future. Maybe she will be more popular than Li luoran in the futureNow, she has no chance!

She should have been extremely dazzling star, just began to shine, she was cruelly killed in the cradle!

Li luoran went to the car.

Chu Xingchen opened the door for her.

Lilo ran cat got down and went into the car.

At this moment, Bai Qingwan, who was out of his wits, thought of his purpose,

"Ranran, let's make a deal."


Li luoran was so surprised that his left foot just stepped into the car and slowly retracted in a second.

Bai Qingwan, a few steps away, stands in the changing light,

"I want to talk to you about a condition."

Standing outside the car, Li luoran held the door with one hand and clenched his fist with the other hand at the waist level. "What's the condition?"

"When is the time to repay each other's grievances? Li luoran, people can't come back to life after death. The past is gone. People should always learn to look forward, shouldn't they? I don't want to fight with you any more. Shall we make peace? "

Bai Qingwan's voice is getting closer and closer.

Because of excessive shock, Li luoran could not speak for a long time.

Even the Chu star in the car also stares round eyes.

With the sound of clear footsteps, Bai Qingwan walks to Li luoran's back,

"Ranran, you also see my strength. You also said that if it wasn't for this bet, I would be very popular. The only person who can help me now is you. Ha ha ~ of course, I'll suffer all this So I won't let you help me in vain. As long as you help me through this difficulty, I'm willing to sign a contract with you and give you 30% of my future income. "

Ah ~

Li luoran knew that Bai Qingwan had come to her for help.

She sighed, "30 percent, if you can get through this difficulty, the next movie's pay will easily exceed 100 million yuan, and I will get 30 million yuan for nothing. After that, if you earn 1 billion yuan, I will get 300 million yuan for nothing. If you earn 10 billion yuan, I will have 3 billion yuan. The more popular you are, the deeper I will get What a temptation... "

"Yes ~" Li luoran turned his back to Bai Qingwan. Bai Qingwan couldn't see Li luoran's cold eyes. After listening to Li luoran's words, he thought Li luoran was shaken, so he breathed a sigh of relief in silence.

"Ranran, no matter because of Su Yan or Yingye before, I owe you. This money will be taken as my compensation to you."

Hearing the word "shadow night", Li luoran's eyes are colder,

"so? How do you want me to help you

Bai Qingwan, "now you have a lot of fans, they all believe you. As long as you hold a press conference and publicly declare that the bet between us is just a joke, by then, I will be able to continue to play in this circle openly."

Li luoran's heart is full of mixed flavors, and his little hand holding the door is shaking faintly.

Bai Qingwan was only happy, but he didn't notice Li luoran's excitement. He thought she was hesitant to accept her terms, so he took advantage of the heat to fight on the railway.

"if you don't think it's enough, I can give you 35 percent, Ranran. I really want to make friends with you, and give you so many benefits, which is enough to show my sincerity. Let's let it go and be like a good couple Sisters in the entertainment industry together to break a world, OK

So sincere and touching.

With these words, he gently pulls Li luoran's right hand on the car door and looks like a "sister" to Li luoran.

It's also the moment when she holds Li luoran's hand. Bai Qingwan feels that Li luoran's hand is shaking violently.

Bai Qingwan is smug in her heart -

sure enough!

There is nothing in the world that money can't buy.

What are you saying about being in love with brother and sister at shadow night?

What do you say, hate her to the bone, and give her a tooth for a tooth?

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Li luoran didn't forget the principle immediately after seeing so many benefits. He was so excited that he was shaking his hands all the time!

Bai Qingwan is full of confidence to expect that Li luoran will nod and promise.

Li luoran responded with a slap in the face.

Because there was no preparation, Bai Qingwan didn't dodge at all. He just watched Li luoran transfer and slapped her in the face.

This slap in the face, Li Luo dye Mao full body strength.


With a scream, Bai Qingwan was beaten back three parts in succession, and then "Dong" fell to sit on the cold ground.

"Ranran, you What do you mean... "

How also can't expect to be such result, fall on the ground of white pure Wan incredibly stare Li Luo dye, the nose blood of thick red flows out, spread gradually on the pure white mask.

Li luoran looked down at Bai Qingwan and said, "it's obvious that I don't accept your terms and our deal has collapsed."

Can't believe this fact of Bai Qingwan can't care to deal with his nose blood, "Ranran, I've opened it to 35% for you, how much do you want?"Li luoran sneered, "I want you to turn yourself in and take the initiative to clarify the fact that you ordered brother Yingye to kill Su Jinnian and forced brother Yingye to commit suicide by taking poison."

As if a basin of cold water had been poured on her head, Bai Qingwan trembled all over, and her eyes turned into panic.

Sure enough!

Li luoran is still that Li luoran -

she is stubborn and arrogant, without a trace of reason. No matter how great the interests are, she can't change her stupid and ridiculous principles.


Excited, Li luoran takes off her mask and throws it on Bai Qingwan. Her delicate face is cold and painful.

"Bai Qingwan, how confident do you think I will be after being framed by you, not only don't care, but also help you clean up? I'll help you wash white, so that you can fly higher and higher, stay in this circle and continue to harm me? "

Bai Qingwan was speechless.


She was never kind.

The so-called giving 35% of his income to Li luoran is just Bai Qingwan's temporary expedient

As long as Li luoran falls into her trap, she will surely give Li luoran a good look after her comeback.

"Bai Qingwan, you really have no backbone. If I lose, I will never go to beg you. By the way, if I do, will you help me?" Li luoran is condescending and looks at the enchanting woman on the ground indifferently.

Bai Qingwan is pitiful on the surface, but resentful in the heart -

the answer is "never".

Li Luobu's purpose is not only to make her disgrace and disgrace, but also to make her suffer

Li luoran doesn't want to take a look at Bai Qingwan any more. He turns around to get into the car.

"Ranran, I really want to make up with you. If you promise me, I will give you 50%, that is to say, for every 200 million I earn, I will get 100 million from you." The voice of Bai Qingwan begging came from behind.

Li luoran didn't look back. "Don't forget, someone is going to say goodbye to the entertainment industry. From then on, in this circle, you can't earn a penny, 200 million? You'd better make 200 million in your dream. "

"Liluoran!" Bai Qingwan, who was completely desperate, called her name fiercely,

"I have been reduced to this point, what do you want?"

Li luoran slowly turned back, cold eyes, "I want to let the world know that you Bai Qingwan lost, farewell, Bai Qingwan, I want you to look at me more and more enviously outside the circle!"

With a smile of indifference, Li luoran got into the car.


Bai Qingwan was struck by lightning.

It was as if she had been lying on the ground for a long time, cold as a doll's soul.

The last words that Li luoran said to her were exactly what she said to Li luoran.

That was the night of the premiere of "the queen of demons" starring Li luoran.

Seeing that the box office of "matchless queen of demons" is in the doldrums, Bai Qingwan, who thinks he has won, calls Li luoran late at night.

Bai Qingwan clearly remembers her sarcastic remarks about Li luoran. That night, she said,

"Li luoran, although I disdain to see your rotten film, I can see from the box office that your acting skills are not in the same level as mine. Li luoran, I bet with you at the beginning that I was setting up a game to calculate you. You are so stupid. You know it's a trap, but you don't have any Is it self-knowledge? "

"Oh, by the way, the reason why the bet between us made the headlines today is that I went to the media and the water army to hype it up. I just want to let the whole world know that you liluoran lost. Goodbye, liluoran. In the future, you will watch me more and more enviously outside the circle! Ha ha ~ "

now, why do you feel so ridiculous?


the luxurious streamlined super race is moving forward slowly in the night of Jiangcheng.

Li luoran was sitting in the car.

Bai Qingwan's figure has already faded out of her vision, and her ears still seem to echo those words Bai Qingwan said.

In fact, Li luoran only did one thing about her "gambling appointment" with Bai Qingwan -

that is, Bai Qingwan was inspired to shoot that video at first.

Later, no matter how the video continued to ferment on the Internet, Li luoran never participated in it. Bai Qingwan was planning to make it big.

Because Bai Qingwan has the confidence to win.

Recalling all the enmity between her and Bai Qingwan, in the final analysis, it was all because of Bai Qingwan's "greed for vanity".

Bai Qingwan doesn't love Su Yan. She tries her best to get close to Li luoran, then uses Li luoran to climb up to Su Yan's bed, and then uses various means to make Li luoran and Su Yan break up. The purpose is to get close to Su Yan, a rich young man -

later, all Bai Qingwan did was to marry into a rich family.Now, Bai Qingwan's dream of marrying into a rich family and a big red and purple family has turned into a bubble because of her own self bondage. Li luoran thinks that for Bai Qingwan, it's also a deserved retribution.

However, Li luoran is still unable to put down his grudge with Bai Qingwan.

Li luoran found that once he thought of Bai Qingwan, he would still be heartbroken.

With her understanding of Bai Qingwan, Bai Qingwan will never give up easily with her.

In this world, there is always a kind of people who are crazy, just like Bai Qingwan.

From the beginning to the end, it is clear that Bai Qingwan has evil intentions in her mind. However, she never feels guilty. Instead, she forces her hatred on others after failing to do so again and again.


Bai Qingwan was lying on the ground like this.

I don't know how long it took.

The lights and dance music in the square have already stopped, and the fitness people are gradually dispersing. It's past eleven o'clock.

At one point, a black car stopped beside her.

The door of the co pilot's cabin opened, and a cold voice came from the car like a cold wind,

"get on the bus."

Or often think of the voice of the owner, Bai Qingwan will be afraid of the body not sincere reason, originally as if the general stiffness, she did not know where the strength, even the stiffness of the climb up, wobbly on the car.

when I took off the mask, I was even paler and paler than when I took off the mask.

Although the man in the driver's seat has a very handsome and pleasing face, when he saw her like this, he didn't show any sympathy. Instead, he sneered and ridiculed,

"it seems that you didn't grasp the last chance I gave you."

Bai Qingwan thought that she would not have any mood fluctuation when she was already desperate. However, when she heard the man's words, her lips still trembled obviously,

"Mr. Xiao, I still have a chance. I can offer her higher conditions. I believe that as long as I give her a high score, she will forget the past. Please believe me, you Do give me another chance... "

"You know my principles."

Xiao Qian's picture is expressionless, and his eyes are cold and deep.

"don't worry, I've invested too much in you. I will never let you out of the entertainment industry. On the contrary, I will hold you up."

“……” Bai Qingwan showed surprise in his desperate eyes.

Xiao Qian sneered, "since you can't be a decent goddess now, just like Gu Mingzhu, be a villain. I have many videos of you helping me accompany customers. I will send these videos to the Internet. You used to be a white lotus. When you see your real face, you will surely set off a huge wave. I'm sure you will win more than Gu Ming The Pearl needs to be "dirty" and "dirty."

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