You,Under My Name

Chapter 224: 224

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After listening to Xiao Qian's words, Bai Qingwan's surprise just blossomed in his eyes for a few seconds, which dissipated like wind and cloud, and turned into endless panic,

"no! If you send those videos to the Internet, my family, relatives and friends will despise me, and everyone will despise and scold me. I'd rather disappear in the entertainment industry forever. I'd rather give up my dream of becoming popular and become an ordinary person in the future than be as famous as Gu Mingzhu

"Mr. Xiao, I have done enough for you. Will you let me go?"

Excited to pull the arm of Xiao Qian painting, tears in the eyes, begging means so strong.


Xiao Qian's eyes are cold,

"I'm a businessman, and I only value value and profit. Since you mistakenly think that you have done enough for me, I might as well settle this account with you."

How to settle accounts?

What's the difference between her and him?

There was doubt in Bai Qingwan's tears.

Xiao Qianhua looked at her playfully, "Miss Bai, listen up. In order to flatter you, I invested 400 million yuan in" the imperial concubine of flourishing age ". In the later stage, all kinds of packaging and publicity cost me nearly 100 million yuan. However, the total box office of" the imperial concubine of flourishing age "is only 700 million yuan. Excluding the share of the cinema and other parties, I only got 130 million yuan. I have high hopes for you, but you let me lose 30 million yuan 70 million. "

Bai Qingwan's lips trembled,

"but But I have accompanied many clients for you, which is enough to compensate you for 170 million. "

"Ah ~"

as if hearing a big joke, the handsome man couldn't help laughing,

"Miss Bai, do you really think of yourself as a" pure jade girl "? Do you really think you're worth a thousand dollars a night? "

"Miss Bai, don't forget that there are hundreds of men who have slept with you. To put it bluntly, you are a watch in a pure coat. How precious do you think you are? Can I ask for millions or tens of millions of dollars for a single sleep with my clients? "

Bai Qingwan's face was pale, and he looked at Xiao Qian's painting like a devil.

Xiao Qianhua squeezed her chin, "Bai Qingwan, remember, in my hand, you are always a dirty and mean lady. Compared with those ladies who stand on the street late at night, you are just a little more expensive."

Bai Qingwan trembled all over.

The man's powerful fingers pinched her chin, and she didn't seem to feel it.

Xiao Qianhua shakes off her face and looks coldly, "I don't want to dirty my car, so now get out of here!"


The door pops open automatically.

Even though he didn't want to stay with this cold man for another second, Bai Qingwan didn't get out of the car in a hurry. Instead, he still sat in the car and looked at this handsome face with fear,

"Mr. Xiao, what you want me to do is to say that from now on, the well water between us will not break the river water?"

"No Xiao Qian painted sarcastic lips,

"I have made it very clear that I will send your video with customers online, and I will hold you as red as Gu Mingzhu. After all, the more red I hold you, the more profitable I will be. Do you understand?"

Bai Qingwan had the feeling that he was taken off and thrown into the refrigerator. His shaking right hand held the door handle tightly, and he didn't even have the strength to get off the car.

"You know my patience is limited, so, disappear in front of me as soon as possible, understand?"

Xiao Qian's voice is cold.

Knowing that challenging this man's bottom line will only make him more embarrassed, the disheartened Bai Qingwan can only take a deep breath and push the door open.

The front foot just stepped out of the car.

A beautiful and cool female voice suddenly sounded,

"wait, I have something to say to you."

Bai Qingwan is in a low mood just now. She has been paying attention to Xiao Qianhua. Until now, she finds that there is a woman sitting on the seat in the middle row of the car.

Naturally look at the woman's face.

Bai Qingwan could not imagine that there would be such a beautiful face in the world.

In the past, she always felt that there was absolutely no other face in the world that could surpass fengqianshe, but now she completely changed her mind, because this face was even more delicate than fengqianshe's evil face

Bai Qingwan thinks that even if the woman with this face has a very poor figure, it will also make countless men crazy for her.

What's more, although Bai Qingwan can't see the part below her waist when she is sitting in the car, she should have a perfect figure from her slender arms and plump two places

"Close the door and get back in the car."

The woman opened her mouth lightly.

How dare Bai Qingwan, who has just been driven out of the car by Xiao Qian's cold face, do it?

Her eyes cast on Xiao Qian's face."Listen to her," said Xiao Qian with a cold face

Back in the car, Bai Qingwan looks at the woman with complicated eyes.

The extremely beautiful woman looked at her faintly,

"I heard Xiao Qianhua talk about you. I know what you have done is quite different from the image you showed in front of the public, but I can see that you are different from Gu Mingzhu. Gu Mingzhu doesn't care what other people think of her at all. She even wants to make adult films if she can be famous. Although you have a rotten private life, she wants to be famous Has a good reputation, right? "


Bai Qingwan doesn't know how to return.

She couldn't tell whether a woman was praising her or mocking her.

The woman said with a smile, "don't worry, I don't care what kind of person you are. I just want to give you a reassurance. Xiao Qianhua decided to take back every word he just said."


Bai Qingwan couldn't believe her ears,

"you what do you mean? Can you make it clearer? "

"It means literally that Xiao Qianhua has decided that he will not destroy your reputation, but will try his best not to let you quit the entertainment industry and continue to hold you up. Of course, I mean to hold you up for the better, not to let you follow the footsteps of Mingzhu."

For Bai Qingwan, it was like a bolt from the blue, but the woman said it lightly.

Bai Qingwan had been in a trance for a long time, and then his lips and teeth began to tremble,

"who are you? Xiao Qianhua didn't say that. How do you know that he has decided? "

The woman glanced at Xiao Qian and said, "you can ask him yourself."

Bai Qingwan looked at Xiao Qianhua and said, "Mr. Xiao, what she said is true..."

"Listen to her." Xiao Qianhua interrupts Bai Qingwan's words, raises her eyes, looks at the endless night in front of her through the light gray front window,

"whatever she says is what you and I just listen to her."


Bai Qingwan couldn't believe her ears.

When she first found a beautiful woman sitting in Xiao Qian's painting car, Bai Qingwan thought that this woman was either a tool to "entertain customers" for Xiao Qian's painting, or a famous model or star of Xiao Qian's painting

However, gradually, Bai Qingwan knew that he was very wrong.

According to Bai Qingwan's understanding of Xiao Qian's painting, Xiao Qian's painting is very cold and even cold to people. However, when he looks at the woman in the car, his eyebrows and eyes unconsciously show a kind of docility that Bai Qingwan has never seen before -

and Xiao Qian's painting is so obedient to the woman's words

Is this woman Xiao Qianhua's boss?

Does Xiao Qianhua have a superior?

"We've never met, have we? Why are you helping me? " Bai Qingwan looked at this beautiful woman in a trance.

"Because we have a common enemy," she said gracefully

A common enemy?

Bai Qingwan was confused.

An extremely beautiful woman, looking through the window at the billboard printed with liluoran's head, a trace of sadness looms in her beautiful eyes,

"Miss Bai, I believe you are a woman who knows her kindness and intends to repay her kindness. From now on, let's share the same hatred."

"OK ~"

Bai Qingwan's tears were full of doubts,

"are we friends now? Can you tell me your name? "

Xiao Qian's eyes were cold. "You are not qualified to be friends with her, and you are not qualified to know her name."

But the woman politely extended her hand to Bai Qingwan, "my name is jinxintong. You can call me Xiaojin or Xintong, wanwan. I'm glad to be your friend."

Bai Qingwan is flattered to hold Jin Xintong's hand.

Sitting upright in the driver's seat, Xiao Qian's eyes are as dark as night. He looks at two pairs of white hands holding together. His eyes are getting colder and colder.

His little brocade is as bright as Chang'e in the moonlight. Bai Qingwan is so filthy and different from her. What's the qualification to be friends with her?

He knows.

Jin Xintong is to win over Bai Qingwan to deal with Li luoran.

But he still doesn't want to see the picture of jinxintong and Bai Qingwan shaking hands as friends.


You are reading story You,Under My Name at

it's cool in late autumn.

Lu Shaochen stood in front of the gate of the courtyard, staring at the street in front of him for a moment.

It wasn't until the luxurious streamlined super car appeared that Lu Shaochen's dignified face became a little relaxed.

With the screeching sound of brakes, the car suddenly stopped beside him, and a head with wine red explosion stuck out of the window,

"Sir, do you want to get on the bus?"

Lu Shaochen got into the car.

Li luoran sat in the car as usual -

also turned a blind eye to Lu Shaochen as usual. From the beginning to the end, he didn't say a word to Lu Shaochen or look at him.The car entered the yard and stopped outside the main building.

Lu Shaochen got out of the car and opened the door first

Li luoran still did not look at him, only lowered his head perfunctorily, "talking about what?"

Lu Shaochen raised his eyebrows, "talking about today's celebration banquet?"

Then he put his right hand around her waist.

However, before the fingertips could touch her clothes, she pushed them away coldly,

"nothing to talk about!"

Lu Shaochen was slightly stunned.

She has already stepped forward and walked in front of him in a hurry.

Lu Shaochen looked at her back like a watchman's stone.

Since her "illness", Li luoran has always been so indifferent to him. Lu Shaochen has gone through all his memories. In the past year or so, Li luoran only had a good talk with him -

the time when she was puzzled about the box office on the premiere of "the Queen of demons" last week.

And that time, it was like a flash in the pan.

When she woke up the next day, she immediately turned back to her indifferent and distant appearance, like an iceberg that wanted to keep him away from thousands of miles

"Sir, I don't know if I should say something."

Chu Xingchen didn't know when he came to him.

Lu Shaochen's vision pulled away from Li luoran's figure

"It's about sister-in-law, sister-in-law, she, that..." Seeing Lu Shaochen's blue eyes, Chu Xingchen grabs his oversized earrings and says, "ha ha I don't want to make you sad. Let it go. "

Turn around and try to escape.

However, after looking at Lu Shaochen's gloomy and terrifying eyes, he was too scared to walk.

"Ha ha, don't frighten me with this kind of eyes. I said, can't I?"

Lu Shaochen feels that Luo Chen's sister-in-law is still sick when he comes to his lips

Lu Shaochen, "um ~"

Chu Xingchen's words successfully touched the most sensitive string in his heart.

One year ago, when he learned that Li luoran was seriously ill, Lu Shaochen decided to take conservative treatment -

he thought that as long as he obeyed her as much as possible, no matter how cold and neurotic she was, he would respond as gently as possible. After a long time, her mental illness would naturally die.

However, as time went on, Lu Shaochen gradually found that he seemed to be wrong.

After more than a year, the girl's condition has not improved. Her indifference and estrangement towards him are consistent

Does acting really depress her?

Is this girl really too deep into the play, too much pressure, unable to extricate herself?

Perhaps, he really should consider using the way not to be noticed by this girl to force her away from the entertainment industry.

"Well, I wish my sister-in-law was really ill." Chu Xingchen sighed deeply.

Lu Shaochen's face suddenly became very bad,

"what's the matter with you?"

"Don't be angry, sir. Let me explain to you slowly." Although Li luoran, who has already entered the living room, can't hear Chu Xingchen's voice, Chu Xingchen still keeps her voice very low.

"at the beginning, I thought my sister-in-law had a serious mental illness, but according to my observation of my sister-in-law this year, it's really strange, because she is only sick to you."

Lu Shaochen's eyebrows show the "Chuan" pattern of surname sense.

Chu Xingchen continued to explain, "according to my long-term observation, my sister-in-law treats me, the nanny, the gardener, Feng Qianyi, Qin Weijie and Shu Xinshuang Forget it, I'll say it like this. My Lord, when my sister-in-law is with anyone except you, she behaves normally. But once you appear in front of her, she immediately turns a cold face, turns into a bitter and hostile look, and sneers at you


Lu Shaochen's extremely handsome face is colorful.

Chu Xingchen's words shocked him more than seeing UFO.

Is there such a thing?

"How long have you found her like this?" Lu Shaochen didn't know how he made his voice.

Chu Xingchen didn't hide anything,

"Yeh, I found out a year ago, but I didn't have the heart to tell you the truth because I was afraid that it would hurt you."

Don't you have the heart?


After hearing Chu Xingchen tell the truth, Lu Shaochen is hard to accept.

He looked at Li luoran, who was surrounded by the bright light in the living room from a distance through the large French window. His eyes were slightly in a trance.

"That ~ ye, although I can think that you are very hurt now, hurt to want to kill and set fire, but I think you will try to restrain, no matter how wronged, you will not be violent to your sister-in-law, right?" Chu Xingchen carefully looked at Lu Shaochen's sad side face.


Lu Shaochen's extremely handsome face was slightly puzzled,"Why should I have domestic violence against her?"

"Ha ha, of course, although I'm cold outside, I'm always gentle and considerate to my wife. I know that I'm the best husband in the world. No matter how big a mistake my sister-in-law makes, I can't do anything to her. Ha ha ha..."

Lu Shaochen was surprised to find that he, who always understood people's hearts, could not understand what his brother like Valet was saying.

Lu Shaochen's eyes darkened,

"what do you want to say?"

"Do you really don't understand or don't you?" Chu Xingchen is also very helpless,

"well, sir, I can say it, but you must promise that after I say it, you can never beat your sister-in-law or me."

Lu Shaochen, "say!"

Looking at Lu Shaochen's appearance, if Chu Xingchen doesn't speak directly, he will be killed by Lu Shaochen's eyes.

So, Chu Xingchen heart a horizontal, "Ye, from the sister-in-law's performance can infer, sister-in-law betrayed you, said more frankly, sister-in-law derailed."

Voice down, Chu star was Lu Shaochen suddenly cold eyes scared to hit a cold shiver.

The next second, Lu Shaochen's heavy foot firmly kicked his ass.

the stars.

Lu Shaochen, whose face is darker than Bao Qingtian, takes off his suit and rolls up his shirt sleeve to continue beating Chu Xingchen.

"Please forgive me!"

"Spare my life, my Lord!"

Chu Xingchen rushed to Lu Shaochen and hugged him with both hands.

"my Lord, I'm cheap. I shouldn't tell the truth. I'm wrong. Don't do it. I won't tell the truth any more, OK? Ouch - "

" well, sir, you can continue to beat me. Just pour your anger on me. As long as you don't beat my sister-in-law, I won't complain if you kill me... "

Hearing this, Lu Shaochen was about to fall to Chu Xingchen, and his fist was stiff in the air.

The throat is sliding violently, cold, angry, sad, injured Complex emotions, like the blade of a knife, lingered in his heart.

Finally, the thin lips of the man emit cold syllables,

"why, what, what?"

Chu Xingchen, who is holding Lu Shaochen to death, is surprised by why Lu Shaochen's second fist didn't hit him.

Looking up and seeing that he was fatally wounded, Lu Shaochen didn't know why his sister-in-law was cheating

Sure enough.

I've been in the dark.

Sure enough.

I'll be hurt to hear that.

Perhaps, if he kept concealing it, he would not have to face the hurt eyes of Ye.

However, as Lu Shaochen's most trusted follower and a man who has been treated like a brother by his father, he can no longer bear to see Lu Shaochen being ignored and alienated by his sister-in-law every day. He has been foolishly thinking that it is because his sister-in-law is suffering from mental illness

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