You,Under My Name

Chapter 225: 225

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"My Lord, after I found that my sister-in-law was very abnormal to you, I specially called a marriage expert. The expert told me that usually, after a married woman likes a man other than marriage, she will be very indifferent, dislike and dislike her husband."

Lu Shaochen's face is dignified. He can feel his tremor clearly when he hugs Chu Xingchen.

although Lu Shaochen's sister-in-law has no choice but to tell the truth, I will not be forced to go out of marriage if she wants to

Eyes color painful Lu Shaochen, "how to say?"

Chu Xingchen, "what to say?"

Lu Shaochen, "what do you mean she was forced to have no way to go by me?" When did she make him cheat?

"do you remember that Lu Shaochen and his sister-in-law Chu had a divorce for some time last year

Lu Shaochen nodded.

Of course, he remembers that at that time, Li luoran made a lot of trouble and tried every means to leave him. Later, Li luoran even hired a lawyer. Finally, Lu Shaochen forced him to have no way to go before he gave up the idea of divorce.

"At that time, I was also very confused. Although aunt Ann always got into trouble with her sister-in-law, and sister Xintong also" came back from the dead "at that time, you always treated your sister-in-law very well and protected her. Under normal circumstances, she saw that you paid for her wholeheartedly and should cherish you more. Why did she divorce you instead?"

Worried that Lu Shaochen might start at any time, Chu Xingchen still clings to Lu Shaochen's waist and hangs on him like a sack.

Lu Shaochen, with a heavy heart, didn't care to push him away. He just looked at him suspiciously with his eyes like a black gem.

Chu Xingchen,

"because at that time, my sister-in-law had already moved away, which was the only possibility."

Lu Shaochen seems to have turned into a sculpture.

Chu Xingchen continued to explain, "you think, sister-in-law is so aboveboard, even if she falls in love with someone else, it is impossible to have a relationship with that person when she is your wife. Therefore, she must divorce you, but you will not let go. She is extremely helpless, and loves that person so deeply that she can only have an extramarital affair with that person behind your back ”

"so, sir, no wonder sister-in-law, you forced everything."

Chu star's voice doesn't live below to ring.

From the beginning to the end, Lu Shaochen seemed to be strangled by the throat and could not say a word.

Although he didn't want to believe such a fact, on the contrary, Li luoran's performance showed that everything Chu Xingchen said was so reasonable.

Li luoran fell in love with another man.

Li luoran had an extramarital affair with that man, and it has been going on for a year.

"No one can do anything about it, sir. I know that even if your sister-in-law sells you, you will still hold on to her, so Alas! Master, please accept the reality

With a heavy sigh, Chu Xingchen let go of Lu Shaochen and turned away.

"According to your observation, do you think she - I mean your sister-in-law How far do you think that person and she have developed? " Behind him came the man's penetrating magnetic voice.

Chu Xingchen turned back in surprise,

"what do you want to ask? Am I not clear enough? "

When did you become so reserved?

“……” Lu Shaochen's face was low and her voice was cold,

"I mean, did she talk to that man..."

It was a simple word "sleep", but it seemed to Lu Shaochen that he weighed tens of thousands of pounds. He could not say it.

"Er ~ hehe, I don't have to be embarrassed, I know what you mean ~"

Chu Xingchen grabs his exaggerated wine red hair,

"although you can rest assured, with my understanding of my sister-in-law, she must blame herself for her psychological infidelity, and she will never cheat physically. Besides, he is so fierce that he always sleeps so full that she vomits People who eat so much at home that they almost throw up every day will not want to eat delicious food when they see it outside, right? "

Lu Shaochen was a little relieved at last.


In the past year or so, he always ignored her indifference and did some good to her

"However, psychological infidelity is more serious than physical infidelity, because some people's physical infidelity is just a pure pursuit of freshness and stimulation, but psychological infidelity is due to true love."

Listening to Chu Xingchen's words, Lu Shaochen's little joy turned into despair before it was too late.

"Who would that be?"

For the first time, the man who is always scheming is so helpless in his eyes.Chu Xingchen, who wanted to leave, immediately softened his eyes to Lu Shaochen. He turned and walked back to Lu Shaochen. He patted Lu Shaochen on the shoulder with his right hand comfortingly,

"my Lord, you really asked the right person about this matter, because although I'm good at nothing else, I'm especially good at observing and studying, especially in the love between men and women Heart Cough! Cough

Chu Xingchen can stop Lu Shaochen's impatient eyes,

"ha ha, I don't want to worry about you. I'm serious. I'll count the men who may have feelings with his sister-in-law. Su Yan, who has completely destroyed his image in his sister-in-law's eyes, is the first one to be excluded, right?"

Lu Shaochen acquiesced.

Chu Xingchen said, "the second one is Jinqian. I have to say that Jinqian is excellent and the first love of his sister-in-law. At the beginning, he and his sister-in-law had to break up, and her sister-in-law also cut her wrist for him to commit suicide. It can be seen how deep her sister-in-law's affection for him is, and her sister-in-law is definitely likely to rekindle her old love for him. However, as far as I know, in the past year or more, her sister-in-law has been filming in the crew or in the Lu house Life is basically 2:1. He and Jinqian have no chance to meet at all, so Jinqian also ruled it out. "

Lu Shaochen agreed.

Chu Xingchen, "so, the person who turned Yeh green is most likely in his sister-in-law's troupe. When it comes to the troupe, I have to talk about it."

Lu Shaochen's eyes darkened when he thought of the light wind.

Those scenes that used to be dyed together by Feng Qianji and Lilo are like high-definition movies.

"But it's true that Feng Qianji is beautiful and impeccable, but the mistake is that he is too beautiful. That kind of man is gay, and his sister-in-law always treats him as a" sister ". Of course, it's not him."

Chu Xingchen's analysis is in place.

Lu Shaochen nodded.

Chu star Chen continues a way, "so, only of possibility left Wang son mo."

At this moment, Chu Xingchen didn't notice that Lu Shaochen's figure on the ground was obviously shaking. He continued,

"speaking of wangzimo, although he is very handsome and always serious, I can see at the first sight that he is not a good person. What this kind of person is good at is to hook other people's wives. Look at his water green eyes Then, how can his sister-in-law resist his enthusiasm when she takes face-to-face action with him every day? "

Lu Shaochen's eyes had never been so deep and terrible.

Chu Xingchen continued, "in my opinion, my sister-in-law's taste must be very high. Since you have such an outstanding man to be her husband, the one who can make her empathize must be the best of her own. Ha ha ~ don't get me wrong. I don't really praise that my sister-in-law is the best of her own. I just say that the hypocrite of my sister-in-law will disguise himself in front of her sister-in-law Well, it gives my sister-in-law a false impression that he is "the best of human beings". In fact, Wang Zimo is a kind of man with a face of beast and a heart of gold and jade How did you leave, sir? "

"Sir, don't you listen to my analysis before you leave?"

"My Lord

"My lord?"

Lu Shaochen has long gone far without looking back.

A heavy step fell on the green lawn.

In front of his eyes, the light and shadow crisscross and the scenery changes, but Lu Shaochen always presents a handsome face -


the name seems to reverberate.

Even Lu Shaochen, who is somewhat narcissistic, has to admit that Wang Zimo is indeed a very outstanding man. No matter in appearance or temperament, he is on a par with him

Lu Shaochen thinks that in Li luoran's current life circle, the only one who can make her empathize is Wang Zimo.

In the past, Lu Shaochen never connected Li luoran's abnormality with "extramarital affairs".

Tonight, after listening to Chu Xingchen's words, he suddenly woke up -

like a man who had been in a trance for more than a year, suddenly awakened by cold water.

The man with a painful face is sitting alone on the swing in the corner of the yard. The cold wind blows and the withered leaves hit him

Lu Shaochen just sat there for more than an hour.

When I left, there was no temperature in my body, as if every drop of blood had frozen.

From time to time, Li luoran and Wang Zimo are still in a mirage.

In the past, he did not think much because he believed in Li luoran.

Looking back at the moment, Li Mulan is looking forward to being chased by Luozi

Lu Shaochen also asked Shu Xinshuang why Wang Zimo was so good to Li luoran. Shu Xinshuang did not answer with a smile.

Now, Lu Shaochen finally knows the reason!

Sure enough!

Lu Shaochen is not the only one with vision in the world.

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Sure enough!

He was not the only one who saw Lilo dye well.

Sure enough!

That girl is like a rare treasure, no matter where she is, she can't hide her brilliance.She is always dazzling and eye-catching. Even if he marries her, it doesn't mean that he can tie her tightly for a lifetime. In this world, there is always wangzimo, a man who knows she is married but still covets her


Lu Shaochen goes back to his bedroom.

Li luoran did not sleep, but lay down to chat with Jiang Xiaojing.

When Lu Shaochen came over, she was also chatting with Jiang Xiaojing. After that, she turned off her mobile phone and locked the screen.

Inadvertently, the mattress sank. It was Lu Shaochen who sat beside the bed and did not speak. Instead, he looked at her silently with a pair of eyes like thick ink.

Li luoran doesn't want to communicate with him. He is about to turn his back to him, but Lu Shaochen's big hand hugs her.

"Eh ~"

the sudden pressure made Li luoran unable to stop singing and never turn over.

The power of a man is so great that he can confine her with only one hand.

Li luoran can only lie on his back, his eyes down from top to bottom, she has nowhere to hide.

Lu Shaochen opened his thin lips, "just chatting with him?"

“……” Li luoran was slightly stunned.

It was not because Lu Shaochen's question made her not know how to answer, but Lu Shaochen's cold voice was as cold as the wind from the top of the snow mountain.

It was also at this moment that Li luoran felt that he was cold all over, like a man who had just come out of the refrigerator, without any temperature

Such Lu Shaochen made Li luoran feel a deep fear.

"Is my question hard to answer?"

The man's cold voice is like a cold wind.

Li luoran then regained his mind and silently covered his fear. His eyes were only indifferent,

"it's my freedom to chat with anyone, and no one else has the right to interfere."

As the voice fell, she clearly saw that Lu Shaochen's thin lips were slightly open. He should have wanted to say something, but he took it back in the middle. Instead, after staring at her for a moment, she asked, "what do you think of extramarital affairs?"

Oh, my God?!

Li luoran thought Lu Shaochen would treat his extramarital affair with Jin Xintong as a top secret and hide it from her all her life. Unexpectedly, one day Lu Shaochen took the initiative to mention this topic.

Is he finally going to have a showdown with her?

Li luoran wrung his lips sarcastically, "it depends on whether this extramarital affair is true love. If a person is not for true love, but purely for the sake of seeking stimulation, then it can only show that the person has no principles, is dirty and shameful..."

Li luoran's eyes are even more ironic when he thinks of the true love between Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong.

"of course, some people have principles and bottom lines. If this kind of person does not trample on the bottom line of marriage and secretly engage in extramarital affairs, he loves that person too much, and the law of our country is monogamy, so, He can only steal. I think this kind of person is pitiful and worthy of sympathy, don't you think? "

"Oh?" Lu Shaochen's eyes were darker,

"so, don't you deny it?"



Li luoran almost laughed, "Lu Shaochen, since you and I both know it well, since you have taken the initiative to talk about this topic with me, you don't deny it yourself. What can I deny?"

Did she say something wrong?

Why is Lu Shaochen's face getting colder and colder?

Cold as if a fierce beast had been enraged to the critical point of madness?

Li luoran doesn't understand why Lu Shaochen's reaction is like this!

It's clearly that he and jinxintong have an extramarital affair, and it's also clear that he takes the initiative to mention it to her. She just said something sarcastic. Is he like this?

Li luoran, who is unwilling to confront Lu Shaochen,

"Lu Shaochen, what I have said is very clear. I think now you know why I reject you so much, and you won't think I'm sick any more?"

She felt Lu Shaochen's big hands shaking, and the man who was very good at hiding his emotions, even his voice was shaking at this moment,

"so, you treat me like this, all because of this extramarital affair?"

"Just because of this extramarital affair? It's just Ha ha... "

Li luoran could hardly laugh or cry,

"do you mean that this extramarital affair is not enough? There should be two, three, four paragraphs, or more betrayal and infidelity. As for me, am I frustrated with you? "

Lu Shaochen's Adam's apple glided violently.

Is she wrong?

At this moment, Lu Shaochen's eyes are so cold. However, apart from this cold, why does Li luoran feel a trace of deep grievance and pain

Where did he come from?

What is he suffering from?

Li luoran's voice trembled with excitement. "Lu Shaochen, you're right. It's just because of this extramarital affair. I don't have any feelings for you. I don't want to sleep with you. I don't want to see you. I feel dirty and sick when I think of you!"Lu Shaochen's eyes were darker.

Li luoran grabs Lu Shaochen's shaking wrist with both hands,

"can you take your dirty hands off me now?"

There was no response.

Cold faced Lu Shaochen not only did not let go, but slowly pressed down on her. A cold and handsome face inch by inch approached her and stopped until the tip of her nose was close to her.

Li luoran, with his eyes wide open, panicked, "Lu Shaochen, you Didn't you hear me? You What's going on? "

The man's thin lips slowly opened,

"wife, it's time to have dinner."


Li luoran looks alarmed. Seeing Lu Shaochen is like looking at a mental patient,

"what's the meal?"

"A feast of human flesh..." Staring at her coldly, the cool syllables from the lips and teeth of the handsome man brushed her face,

"a person who eats at home until he almost vomits every day will not want to eat delicious food when he sees it outside."

What the hell is he talking about?

Li luoran doesn't have a chance to carefully understand Lu Shaochen's words. He has torn her pajamas and forced her to break in


Li luoran couldn't sleep all night.

In the past, she thought that Lu Shaochen was powerful enough, but now she knows that she was wrong.

Lu Shaochen seemed to have taken the wrong medicine, from about 12:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Li luoran was carried to the balcony, living room, sofa and bathroom for more than ten hours. Li luoran didn't get a second's rest.

Lu Shaochen, who never closed his eyes, went straight to the bathroom after finishing his last time -

after taking a bath, put on his clothes and went straight to the company.

Li luoran, who was extremely tired, closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up, it was more than five in the afternoon.

Looking around, as long as the line of sight everywhere is a mess, every place makes her think of the picture that made her blush last night.

Li luoran does not deny that even though she knows that Lu Shaochen is having an affair with Jin Xintong, she still has feelings for Lu Shaochen.

However, she is a person who will never make do with it.

Since Lu Shaochen has trampled on the bottom line of her marriage, even if she loves Lu Shaochen again, if Lu Shaochen doesn't insist on it again and again, she will divorce him as soon as she has a chance.

She would rather stand outside the circle and see Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong happy, than share the same man with another woman.

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