You,Under My Name

Chapter 226: 226

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The president's office was smoky.

Lu Shaochen was sitting at his desk with cigarettes between his bony fingertips and cigarette butts in his ashtray.

With the light footstep, Secretary Gu walked to the desk carefully,

"president, customers in Europe have been urging for a whole afternoon. They are eager to use this document. Please take some time to approve it for them."

No response.

Lu Shaochen just smokes without expression.

Secretary Gu looked through the thick smoke, and saw that the six documents that must be signed by Lu Shaochen, the president, were still the same as they were when she put them at Lu Shaochen's desk. After more than six hours, Lu Shaochen did not move -

today, Lu Shaochen came to the office as if he had turned into a smoking puppet and sat like this mechanically Smoking one by one, except lips and hands, the rest of the place still, no water, no words

In the past three years, Secretary Gu has never seen Lu Shaochen so abnormal.

What happened to President Lu today?

Secretary Gu can't count the coffee in Lu Shaochen's coffee cup. It's the first time that it has cooled naturally today.

Lu Shaochen turns around cautiously and sighs for a cup of coffee.

"Have you ever had an affair?"

Lu Shaochen suddenly opened his mouth.

Secretary Gu was surprised. "President, what are you talking about? I haven't even got married yet. How can I get married?" It's foreign affairs. "

Lu Shaochen's face was expressionless, looking at the burning cigarette at his fingertips in a trance,

"what do you think of extramarital affairs?"


Secretary Gu was confused in reality. However, the next second, he thought that although Lu Shaochen had never disclosed that he was married, the fact that he was secretly married to a girl had been spread all over the company for a long time

Is the president suggesting that he wants to have an affair with her by asking her like this?

Oh, my God!

Secretary Gu felt that his whole heart was bursting with excitement.

She looked at Lu Shaochen with a red face, and her eyes were gentle and shy,

"president, although I am 21 years old, I have never been in love. I feel that as long as I really like someone, whether he is unmarried or married, I can accept it. If the man I secretly love also has feelings for me, I am willing to give him my first love, and I am willing to be his marriage He's a woman who's willing to help him keep it from his wife. "

Lu Shaochen looks at Secretary Gu with inexplicable eyes.

Secretary Gu's cheeks are red and her eyes are tearful,

"president, do you know how long I've been waiting for you? I know what you mean, and my answer is, "yes."

Lu Shaochen eyes color a deep, "what do you want?"

Gu Secretary tears with a smile, "I am willing to do your extramarital affairs ah."

"What are you talking about?"

Lu Shaochen just pressed the cigarette out of his hand and couldn't breathe it

How did not expect Lu Shaochen will be such a performance, Gu Secretary reluctantly looked at him, "president, you just asked me what I think of extramarital affairs, is not to imply that I do you..."

"Get out!"

Lu Shaochen interrupted her coldly, pointing to the door with a clear-cut finger,

"this is the end of the topic. Go out of this door and immediately forget our conversation today, and never mention it again. Do you understand?"

"OK, I understand ~"

seeing Lu Shaochen's cold expression, Secretary Gu didn't dare to say anything more, so he had to leave the office with a small mouth wronged.

Lu Shaochen has a dignified face.

Some people say that smoke can relieve worries.

However, Lu Shaochen smoked continuously for a day, but his melancholy did not get any relief.

He has been sitting in the president's office for more than six hours. However, his thoughts still stay at the moment when Chu Xingchen told him that Li luoran and Wang Zimo had an affair outside their marriage. Until now, Li luoran and Wang Zimo are still together from time to time.


Chu Xingchen is right.

Lu Shaochen finds that he has been poisoned by that girl. Even if he knows that Li luoran has betrayed him, he is not willing to give up this marriage -

in other words, Lu Shaochen wrongly accepts the fact that she has been "green" and does not want to accept that she does not exist in his future life

What even Lu Shaochen can't understand is that he has been cruelly betrayed by Li luoran, but he can't hate Li luoran at all. Instead, he blames Wang Zimo for all his hatred.


The door was hastily pushed open.

A big boy with an exaggerated wine red explosion came up to him and said, "my Lord, I have arranged everything according to your requirements."

Lu Shaochen, "to ensure that everything is safe."Chu Xingchen confidently grasps his exaggerated explosion, "Yeh, I dare to take my life to guarantee you that the fox spirit with surname Wang's status in my sister-in-law's mind will be wiped out tonight."


Lu Shaochen's ink eyes, which had been deep for a long time, showed a trace of thought-provoking afterglow.


almost as soon as Li luoran put on his clothes, the door of his bedroom was knocked.

Li luoran, "who?"

"Sister in law, it's me." Chu Xingchen's voice,

"it's like this. Someone invited me to dinner tonight. I specially ordered me to pick you up."

Thinking of Lu Shaochen, Li luoran refused without hesitation, "don't go."

"Ha ha ~" Chu Xingchen smiles,

"the LORD said, you must go."

Lilo stamped his foot angrily, "tell him, I won't go! No

Chu Xingchen outside sighed heavily, "well, my Lord is waiting for you downstairs now. I'll tell him you don't want to go according to my sister-in-law's meaning. But my Lord said that if you don't go, he will force you to go in the way he told you last night. Alas, I don't know what he said, but my sister-in-law should know very well."

Before the words came down, the door was opened in a hurry by Li luoran.

"You stop!"

Li luoran's hands clung to Chu Xingchen's arm, his eyes were terrified,

"you tell him, I'll be there in a moment."


Chu Xingchen is proud of a smile.

In fact, Lu Shaochen didn't say that he would "force" Li luoran himself. He just told Chu Xingchen to "invite" Li luoran downstairs by any means. Chu Xingchen just made up the idea of trying to force Li luoran in the way he did last night. He didn't expect that it would work so well

So, did you force my sister-in-law last night?

Looking at my sister-in-law's panic, how terrible was the way I treated her last night?


Chu Xingchen looks at Li luoran with guilt -

sorry, sister-in-law!

I betrayed you!


when Li luoran opened the door, he saw Lu Shaochen standing in the living room on the first floor.

She walked down the revolving stairs and Lu Shaochen came up,

"I'm sorry, I exhausted you last night. Do you have a good rest now?"

Li luoran's mouth twitched and couldn't smile bitterly.

Thinking of last night's storm that lasted for ten hours, I feel sore and palpitating.

The waist is tight.

Lu Shaochen's long right arm encircled her slender waist, "dear, I will see you soon. Smile, eh?"

Li luoran didn't want to say a word to Lu Shaochen.

I can't laugh.

I can't get out of his arms.

Only with a cold face, Lu Shaochen hugged him and followed him into the car.



"Crescent VIP private room".

When Lu Shaochen walks in with Li luoran in his arm, Li luoran is surprised to find that the people who have dinner with them tonight are Shu Xinshuang and Wang Zimo.

Seeing Lu Shaochen and Li luoran, Shu Xinshuang warmly welcomed them and put his hands around Li luoran's arm,

"Ranran, how come he looks so bad and quarreled with Shaochen?"

Li luoran glanced at Lu Shaochen with a smile. "Who is Mr. Lu? How dare I fight with him?"

“……” Shu Xinshuang looks embarrassed.

Lu Shaochen's meaningful eyebrows.

Chu Xingchen was stunned.

Wang Zimo sat still in his seat.

The atmosphere suddenly became cold.

The waiter with high professional quality was busy smiling and said, "Mr. Lu, Miss Li, please take a seat."

Lu Shaochen and Li luoran both sat down.

Li luoran sits on Lu Shaochen's right hand, Chu Xingchen sits on his left, Shu Xinshuang is next to Li luoran, and wangzimo is between Shu Xinshuang and Chu Xingchen.

"Is Ranran my illusion? Why do you feel listless and just wake up? Didn't you have a good rest last night? "

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Shu Xinshuang immediately opened the conversation.

Li luoran was inconvenient to say what happened last night. Youyou sighed, "yes, I feel like I've been having nightmares all night. It's like going to hell. I've been tortured by the devil all the time."

"Poof -"

hearing this, Chu Xingchen almost sprayed a mouthful of hot tea on Lu Shaochen's face.

Lu Shaochen's face was expressionless.

"Ah?" Shu Xinshuang's exquisite little face shows concern,

"Ranran, is it because song Zilu's death has caused you psychological shadow? Do you often have such nightmares? "

Li luoran, "occasionally..."The two chatted like they were on the set.

Chu Xingchen occasionally has a few words.

Lu Shaochen and Wang Zimo seem to have become deaf mute, and never say a word.

Soon, the waiter filled the table with dishes and served everyone with red wine.

"President, what else can I do for you?" The waiter leaned over Lu Shaochen's ear and whispered.

Lu Shaochen waved his hand.

The waiter gave him a deep bow and politely stepped back.

Li luoran didn't understand why the waiter always called Lu Shaochen "President Lu" or "President Lu" instead of "Mr. Lu".

What she doesn't know is that Lu Shaochen is the boss behind the "zhijinfang". Of course, the employees here will call him "President".

"It's my honor for Mr. Lu to come to the banquet." Lu Shaochen finally opened his mouth.

Wangzimo, "where is it? It's my honor to be invited by Mr. Lu. "

At this time, Li luoran and Shu Xinshuang, who had been chatting with each other, were silent for a moment.

It's not that they are worried that they will disturb the conversation between Lu Shaochen and Wang Zimo, but that the feeling of Lu Shaochen and Wang Zimo's speech makes people sweat -

both Lu Shaochen and Wang Zimo are dignified men. Standing in front of one person is enough to silence him. At the moment, although they are exchanging greetings, they can't speak well Hou Du's face is expressionless and his eyes are cold, as if in confrontation

Lu Shaochen said, "in fact, the purpose of this meal is to thank you for taking care of my wife."

Wang Zimo said, "it's my duty to take care of my artists."

Lu Shaochen, "I'm not talking about taking care of her in career, but about taking care of her emotionally."


Li luoran looks at Lu Shaochen like UFO.

What's the matter with Lu Shaochen?

What is "emotional care"?!

Li luoran thought Wang Zimo would ask Lu Shaochen.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zimo's insincere acquiescence, "should be."

Then Lu Shaochen and Wang Zimo ignored the existence of the other three people and looked at each other for a long time

Li luoran felt that the temperature in the private room continued to drop. Every time she held the bell, the temperature around her seemed to drop tens of degrees, which made her feel cold from the bottom of her heart.

Chu Xingchen and Shu Xinshuang are also petrified by this picture, and dare not even breathe to make a sound.

The scene lasted at least five seconds.

Finally, Lu Shaochen slowly raised his glass, "well, to show that you take care of my wife emotionally, I'd like to toast you."


Chu Xingchen, who was frightened by Lu Shaochen's words, dropped the spoon to the ground.

Wang Zimo also raised his glass, "thank you."

Two people clink glasses in the air.

The mellow wine reddened the thin lips.

Li luoran swore to heaven that he had never seen such a terrible picture.

Although she didn't know what was going on between Lu Shaochen and Wang Zimo, they made Li luoran feel more terrible than song Zilu's being shot in front of her

"Ranran, let's drink, too."

Shu Xinshuang raised his glass to her.

Li luoran this just slightly back a few distractions, deep draw a breath, out of his mind raised the crystal cup, and comfortable collision together.

After that, the atmosphere in the private room changed back to what it was at the beginning -

Shu Xinshuang and Li luoran talked and laughed all the time, and Chu Xingchen spoke occasionally.

After drinking that glass of wine, Lu Shaochen and Wang Zimo seem to have turned into statues, never saying a word, never eating food or drinking

Li luoran thought that if she had known that Wang Zimo and Lu Shaochen and Wang Zimo were eating with her, she would rather have been treated by Lu Shaochen like last night.

About half an hour later, Wang Zimo got up and left.

A moment later, Chu Xingchen also said that he wanted to go to the bathroom and pulled Lu Shaochen out of the private room.

Only liluoran and shuxinshuang are left in the luxurious private room.

Li luoran looks at Shu Xinshuang and says, "Xinshuang, what is the relationship between Mr. Wang and Lu Shaochen?"

Shu Xinshuang shrugged, "as far as I know, Shaochen knew Zimo before he knew you. They should be friends, right?"


Do you have such friends?

Or is the friendship between Lu Shaochen and Wang Zimo, who stand at the top of the pyramid, so different?

Li luoran was puzzled.

Shu Xinshuang said with a smile, "I don't quite understand the relationship between men and women. No matter what they do, dye and drink bars."

The crystal glass is close to liluoran.

"Ding!"The crystal clear wine cup bumps together, Li luoran is drinking wine with a lot of worries.

At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open.

The next second, a prominent wine red head showed up, "sister-in-law, no good, my lord just fainted in the bathroom, you go to see him!"

Li luoran's heart suddenly raised,

"where is he?"

Chu star star a face of panic, "I helped him into the suite, I take you to go."

Li luoran put down his glass and stood up in a panic.

Chu Xingchen, who leads the way, is surprised to find that Shu Xinshuang has been following Li luoran's right hand. He looks at this extremely beautiful "goddess" doubtfully,

"Hey, the couple are going to the suite, so you don't have to follow them?"

Shu Xinshuang raised his face haughtily,

"why can't I follow you?"

Chu star evil smile, "I am afraid you see not clean picture."


Shu Xinshuang is too lazy to pay attention to this exaggerated boy. She reaches for Li luoran's arm and says, "don't you lead the way yet?"


Chu star helpless shrug, and steal a look at Shu Xinshuang, stride to the elevator direction.

As the only six-star hotel in Jiangcheng, "zhijinfang" has not only a luxury restaurant, but also an 8-story presidential suite.

The elevator stops.

It's the tenth floor.


Chu Xingchen, who was walking in the front, opened the door of the suite and made a gesture of waving in,

"sister in law, my Lord is in it. I think he should be in a coma now. Go and see him quickly."

Chu Xingchen's words haven't finished, Li luoran with a heavy heart has quickly walked in.

Shu Xinshuang naturally goes in with Li luoran.

Chu star star big hand light pulls her arm, "you still don't go."

Shuxinshuang delicate face revealed displeasure, "what's the matter with you?"

"Er, ha ha, it's OK, it's ok..."

Chu Xingchen scratched his head in embarrassment.

He is also out of a good heart, OK?

Shu Xinshuang is the idol of Chu Xingchen.

He just doesn't want to dirty his idol's eyes

This is a luxury suite with three bedrooms and one living room. The large room is clean and tidy, and there is no Lu Shaochen.

Li luoran stops in the hall for a moment, and finds that the door of a bedroom adjacent to the living room is open, and the bright light is showing through the crack of the door. She thinks Lu Shaochen should be in this bedroom.

So liluoran went straight.

Eager to meet Lu Shaochen, he quickly opened the door.

However, the next second, I saw the ugly scene in the bedroom behind the scenes, stunned at the door like a puppet -


What an incredible picture it is!

In fact, that luxurious big bed was big enough, but now it is extremely crowded, because there are four people in this big enough bed -

one man and three women.

What's more, they didn't wear any clothes at this time. The clothes of the four people were littered by the bed, all over the floor

A man's figure is as strong as a male model, and the three women are all beautiful women with fair skin. If you look carefully, you will find that one of them is a foreign girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Beautiful men and women, let alone such a scene, has a stunning visual impact.

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