You,Under My Name

Chapter 227: 227

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Because Chu Xingchen said that this is Lu Shaochen's suite, Li luoran's first reaction was that the man in front of her was Lu Shaochen -

so she went forward with a "buzz" in her ear.

However, after seeing clearly that the man in front of him was wangzimo, he instantly recovered his calm.

The next second, just standing in front of the bed.

"Beauty, we are specially invited by Mr. Wang to spend a high price to accompany him for the night. Mr. Wang said that it's a long night and he hopes that more girls will accompany him, so we three will accompany him together..."

The beautiful girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, speaking awkward Mandarin, smiles and hooks her fingers at Li luoran,

"I think Mr. Wang won't mind another person to accompany him. Why don't you join in? You can earn 100000 yuan a night with him."

Li luoran's expression was like five thunderbolts.

The blonde girl smiles charmingly,

"come on baby! comeon!”

The other two girls also admitted to Li luoran, "come on!"

"Come on!"

"This handsome red haired man and that beautiful woman, come high together!"


Shu Xinshuang was so angry that she took the vase on the shoe rack and smashed it to the ground, slamming the door hard.

The picture is so terrifying that Li luoran seems to be out of his wits. He stays in front of the bed for a long time before his soul gradually returns to his original position -

take a deep breath, his trembling hands inch by inch pull the door open, and he walks out of the door.

Just walk a few steps, Chu Xingchen quickly catch up, and hold her arm, "hey hey, sorry, sister-in-law, I seem to remember the wrong room number, ye should be in 1116, I help you to find him."

"Good ~"

Li luoran's voice is weak.

Wangzimo and three women tangled unclear picture, give Li luoran feel more terrible than to see the flood.

"Hey, sister-in-law, in fact, if that happened to a gentleman like me and my Lord, it would be very unexpected, but it would be normal to happen to a man like wangzimo." Chu Xingchen walks with Li luoran, laughing.

Li luoran was very surprised, "how to say?"

Chu Xingchen smiles brightly,

"ha ha, there is no gentleman in the vanity fair, sister-in-law. What kind of circle is the entertainment circle? It can be said that the entertainment circle is the most ugly place in the world. Which of those handsome male and female stars are not looking for backstage or big men?"

Although Chu Xingchen's words were somewhat extreme, Li luoran did not object.

At the beginning, when Li luoran didn't step into this circle, she heard some rumors.

In the past year or so, after Li luoran joined the circle, she learned more about the truth from Shu Xinshuang, Qin Weijie and others who knew the inside story -

many stars who were packaged as bright as a white moon, in fact, their private lives were in chaos. They held "Godfather" and "senior" and other people who had resources, and the male stars knew what they were "Godfather" is not uncommon

Behind this circle, it is by no means as dazzling as its surface.

What is presented to the audience on the big screen and under the spotlight is just a flashy appearance.

Chu Xingchen continued, "as the saying goes, if you often walk by the river, you can't lose your shoes. Wang Zimo, a gold medal broker, is the super boss in this circle. There are hundreds of beautiful female stars in his hands. He wants to sneak, which one doesn't have a look in his eyes?"

Seeing that Li luoran was moved, Chu Xingchen strengthened the rhythm of heiwangzimo,

"and wangzimo's face is as handsome as you are - bah! Pooh! Pooh! Look at my smelly mouth. How can he be handsome? He's a hundred thousand miles worse than you. Ha ha, sister-in-law, what I want to express is that although wangzimo's appearance is a little worse than you, it can also be regarded as the level of laughing and bringing disaster to the country and the people. The girl can't hate to rush on him. If he wants to be confused in that aspect, he can sleep with different beauties every night And you don't bring a duplicate every day 365 days a year, do you? "


Li luoran took a breath of cold air.

Chu Xingchen's very instructive words made her unconsciously come up with a scene of wangzimo and different beauty's brain opening.

Seeing that Li luoran has believed what he said, Chu Xingchen happily pinches his oversized earrings,

"sister-in-law, you have witnessed how wangzimo sleeps three beauties at a time. Wangzimo is a super pig hoof, the fighter plane in the scum man. Fortunately, you didn't sleep with him, otherwise, you don't know the ranking among the women he slept with It's estimated that they all rank after four digits. "


Li luoran stops for a moment and stares at Chu Xingchen angrily, "what are you talking about?"

"Hey, don't be angry, sister-in-law. I'm just kidding. I'm kidding. Hey, hey..." Chu Xingchen is busy making fun of himself.really?

Is that a joke?

Although Li luoran knows that Chu Xingchen often plays some very out of tune jokes, and it's not surprising that the words are said in his mouth, why does she feel that Chu Xingchen's words are very serious just now?

Chu Xingchen continued,

"so, sister-in-law, don't be deceived by wangzimo's hypocrisy. He is too dirty and casual. Compared with Ye, he is more beautiful than faeces. If there is a woman in the world who doesn't love such faeces as ye, but goes to throw her arms and arms to such faeces as wangzimo, it can only be said that this woman It's stupid

Li luoran was indifferent.

Chu Xing Chen gently pulls her, "sister-in-law, you should not be as stupid as that kind of stupid woman?"

Li luoran doesn't understand how Chu Xingchen can apply this kind of thing to her. She stares at Chu Xingchen angrily,

"why do you talk so much nonsense?"

Chu Xingchen, "..."

All right!

My sister-in-law must be very upset now.

Chu Xingchen can fully understand -

after all, a principled girl like her must have betrayed her husband and had an affair with wangzimo because she had a true love for wangzimo. Now, she is desperate for wangzimo, and it is inevitable that she will be lost


the door of room 1116 is open.

The moment Chu Xingchen pushes the door open, Li luoran immediately sees Lu Shaochen -

he is standing in front of the French window at the end of the suite, his famous brand suit is as straight as new, there is no light in the room, the neon light outside hits him through the light blue window glass, and his originally extremely handsome face is reflected to show a bit of secluded Charm -

so that Li luoran's face is very beautiful When Luo ran saw him for the first time, he forgot that he was in a cold war with him, and his eyes could not help showing his appreciation.

"My Lord, you scared me to death when you were in a coma. When did you wake up?" Chu star star immediately way.


Lu Shaochen's thin lips opened slightly, but he did not speak as if he could hardly speak.

Li luoran was very surprised.

Is Chu Xingchen's question so difficult to answer?

"Cough! Cough

Chu Xingchen coughed hard twice and strode to Lu Shaochen. He winked at Lu Shaochen in the direction that Li luoran couldn't see.

"my sister-in-law is worried about you after hearing that you are in a coma. If you don't explain to her why you are in a coma and when you wake up, my sister-in-law may think that we are acting in collusion to cheat her."

All right!

As Chu Xingchen reminds him, Lu Shaochen, who is not good at lying, can only follow the lines that Chu Xingchen made up for him in advance,

"I didn't sleep last night, and I was busy all day today, so I was in a coma. I just woke up."

Li luoran didn't know why Lu Shaochen didn't dare to look her in the eyes when she spoke.

And think of last night's Lu Shaochen like a beast in her rampant for more than ten hours, after finishing the last time, he got up and went straight to the company, Lu Shaochen although strong, but in such an overdraft of physical strength in the case of accidental coma is also reasonable.

With the steady sound of footsteps, Lu Shaochen came to her and stroked her delicate face with a magnetic voice and warm lips,

"say, did you really worry about me?"

Li luoran wanted to sneer at him as usual, but his lips moved, but now he couldn't say a word.

Li luoran also found out at this moment that no matter how disappointed she was with Lu Shaochen, at the moment when she heard that he was in a coma, she was only concerned about him. Until she saw him standing here safely, her tense heart gradually relaxed.

"When a person is in a state of great anxiety, he has no time to hide his true feelings. I can see that his sister-in-law was very worried at that time, really." Chu Xingchen raises both hands to guarantee.


Lu Shaochen's eyebrows were slightly raised.

At this moment, Li luoran didn't look up at him, so she couldn't see the tenderness in his black Qu stone eyes, as if it could melt glaciers all over the world.

There was a slight chill on the skin.

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Lu Shaochen's fingers gently pinched her white face,

"go home."

Li luoran's body was slightly shocked, and Lu Shaochen took him into his arms.

Li luoran did not refuse, but walked with Lu Shaochen in a coordinated way.

Since the discovery that Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong are inseparable, although Li luoran has always been indifferent to Lu Shaochen, he never refuses to be hugged by him

First of all, as long as the marriage between her and Lu Shaochen is not decided, Lu Shaochen has the right to be close to her.

Secondly, even if she is disheartened to Lu Shaochen, she has the obligation to take care of Lu Shaochen's face, and give Lu Shaochen a scene of love with him.The corridor was ablaze with lights.

Luo Li stepped forward on the red carpet.

After 1106 room outside, Chu Xingchen hit a ring finger, "sister-in-law, you guess Wang Zimo and the three beauties at this time is what posture?"

“……” Lilo's cheeks are burning.

Li luoran, who had heard that Lu Shaochen was in a coma, was worried about his safety. Even if he went to the wrong room and saw Wang Zimo sleeping with three beauties, although he was very surprised, he didn't think much about it. Instead, he continued to see Lu Shaochen in a hurry -

until now, Li luoran didn't care to think about Wang Zimo carefully.

Remembering the ugly scene in room 1106, Li luoran can't help remembering the scene of being bullied by wangzimo.

In fact, if she didn't see Wang Zimo's "chaos" today, Li luoran really thinks Wang Zimo is a good man who keeps himself clean. She even thinks that the time Wang Zimo moved her was just an accident.

However, the scene that people can't bear to look directly at makes Li luoran see the real face of wangzimo thoroughly.

"Seriously, sister-in-law, are you very sad?"

Chu star seems to have deep meaning to Li luoran wink.


Li luoran doesn't understand why Chu Xingchen always means strange when she talks, and she doesn't want to ask more questions. She just pulls her lips lightly,

"why should I be sad?"

"Ha ha, no why, no why, I'm just asking..." Chu Xingchen smiles awkwardly and looks at Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen was silent, only a smile that could not be noticed was raised in the corner of his mouth.

Li luoran didn't lie.

She's not upset.

It's just a bit of disappointment.

Li luoran thought that wangzimo was as pure and beautiful as Shu Xinshuang. She also hoped that wangzimo would be as pure and beautiful as she thought. Therefore, after the hope was shattered, Li luoran was inevitably disappointed.

It's just disappointment!

After all, Wang Zimo's position in Li luoran's mind is only her boss and agent. No matter how chaotic Wang Zimo's private life is, it doesn't have much to do with her

"Oh, didn't you say you were unconscious? It's only a quarter of an hour before you wake up naturally? How fast you wake up. "

Lu Shaochen, Li luoran and Chu Xingchen just came to the elevator when this clear voice sounded.

Li luoran went along the road and saw Shu Xinshuang sitting on the stairs leading to the next floor, looking at Lu Shaochen with sarcastic eyes.


Lu Shaochen stops, his voice is thin and cool,

"Miss Shu is with Wang Zimo. Wang Zimo is now lingering in the flowers. I don't think he will go with you tonight. Are you still waiting for him foolishly?"

"Wangzimo is so boring. What's there to wait for?" Shu Xinshuang stood up and walked slowly to Lu Shaochen with her slender legs,

"Mr. Lu is a smart man. Of course, I know very well that you are the one I am waiting for."

Lu Shaochen's lips are crooked and his eyes are cold and deep.

"you know that Lu is most tired of actors, especially female actors. Miss Shu, the purpose of waiting for me is to annoy me?"

Li luoran trembled with fear.

Since Shu Xinshuang said the first word to Lu Shaochen, Li luoran, who was held by Lu Shaochen, felt that Lu Shaochen had turned into a piece of ice for ten thousand years, which made her shiver.

What's more, Lu Shaochen is full of hostility to everything Shu Xinshuang says.

Li luoran heard Shu Xinshuang say that Shu Xinshuang was asked by Lu Shaochen to take care of Li luoran in the production group because she owed Lu Shaochen a personal debt -

Li luoran thought Lu Shaochen and Shu Xinshuang were friends, but he didn't expect that the way they talked to each other was just like a bitter enemy.

When Li luoran is still in shock, Shu Xinshuang looks up at her beautiful face and confronts Lu Shaochen coldly,

"according to Mr. Lu, Ranran has made a hot movie, and she is also a real actress. Does she annoy you?"

Lu Shaochen, who was not worried about his face, was speechless.

Shu Xinshuang sneered,

"so, Lu Shaochen, why do you raise your hand and shake your face?"

Lu Shaochen's eyes were deep.

Shu Xinshuang holds Li luoran's hand, "Ranran, I have something to ask him alone. You and this ugly man who killed Matt should go first."


Chu Xingchen's eyes suddenly stare round.


He admits that his wine red hair and oversized earrings are easily mistaken for "killing Matt", but Shu Xinshuang even says he is ugly?

Among the people who have seen him, there are many people who praise him as handsome. Has no one ever said that Chu Xingchen is an ugly man?

Being "praised" by his idol, Chu Xingchen suddenly felt an impulse not to live in the world

"Well."Li luoran answered faintly.

As if the petrified Chu star stares at Shu Xinshuang with unwilling and injured eyes.

At the moment, accompanied by a crisp metal bell, the elevator just arrived. Although Li luoran wanted to know what Shu Xinshuang wanted to say to Lu Shaochen, since Shu Xinshuang didn't want to let her know, she couldn't force her to pull Chu Xingchen into the elevator.


after the elevator door was closed, Shu Xinshuang waited for more than ten seconds.

After confirming that Li luoran had gone away, she faintly opened her mouth,

"I know what kind of person Zi Mo is. He would never do that kind of thing. I never thought that the upright Mr. Lu would do such a dirty thing."

"Lu Shaochen will treat people with a dirty face, but I will treat them with a straight face."


Shu Xinshuang's face flushed with anger.

Lu Shaochen leaned lazily on the guardrail of the stairs and sneered, "besides, you just feel dirty. The three women each charge 100000 yuan every night. They are all the best among the young ladies. My hospitality is enjoyment for wangzimo. How can it be dirty?"

Voice down, indifference in Shu Xinshuang face away from the eyes, open long legs to go.

"Why do you do this to him?"

Shuxinshuang's voice came from behind.

Lu Shaochen did not stop or look back, but his voice was cold,

"you have to ask him about that."

"Do you suspect that he has feelings with Ranran?"

Shuxinshuang's voice was as cool as water, but Lu Shaochen seemed to hear a bolt from the blue and couldn't help stopping.

Sure enough.

Shuxinshuang is still shuxinshuang.

He has never opened his heart to this woman, but she is like a thorn in his heart. She can easily see all his thoughts

"Then you misunderstood them." With the sound of steady footsteps, a woman with a monstrous but unattractive figure pursues Lu Shaochen. Lu Shaochen looks up half of her head and her beautiful little face slightly upward to see him.

"first of all, Ranran is with me almost all the time except filming, and she has no chance to contact with Zimo alone. Second, and most importantly, even if Zimo likes it Ranran, Ranran is not the kind of person who will have extramarital affairs with anyone. "

Listening to Shu Xinshuang talking about Li luoran, Lu Shaochen's face became less cold.

Shu Xinshuang looks at this extremely handsome man sarcastically,

"Lu Shaochen, do you know why Ranran can make this play so well?"

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