You,Under My Name

Chapter 228: 228

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Lu Shaochen, "because of her talent, although she didn't learn acting as you did in the professional comedy academy, she was just as good as you."


Shuxinshuang's exquisite face reveals surprise, and the next second, she smiles calmly,

"yes, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. In your mind, dyeing is good. In your mind, she is talented, and no one can match her But your words are not all wrong. Ranran is really smart. She is very suitable for acting. "

Lu Shaochen's mouth rose with pride, as if to show off.

Shu Xinshuang sighed silently, "but the most important reason why Ranran is so involved in the role is that she imagines the hero in the play as you."

"What do you say?" Lu Shaochen was quite surprised.

Shu Xinshuang rolled her lips, "when she first joined the cast, it was difficult for her to integrate into the role, because she was flustered and nervous when she faced the man who played wangzimo. I told her that as long as she imagined wangzimo to be the one she really loved, she had never made any mistakes since then."

Lu Shaochen was slightly shocked.

Shu Xinshuang looks at him sarcastically, "I'll tell you this, Lu Shaochen. Ranran's Hua Moli and Wang Zimo's" master Mo "are a couple in the play. Every time Ranran is shooting, she is facing Wang Zimo, but what she thinks is you

"Ha ha, how ridiculous! She is devoted to you, but you suspect that she is unfaithful to you. "

Lu Shaochen's eyes hurt.

If it was someone else who said this to him, Lu Shaochen might doubt it, but the speaker is Shu Xinshuang -

in this world, if there is only one person who can never lie to him, then Shu Xinshuang is the only one

So, did he misunderstand Li luoran?

However, if not because of empathy, why is that girl always so indifferent to him?

Full of doubts, Lu Shaochen just wants to ask Li luoran for a clear answer, so he takes a long leg and strides past Shu Xinshuang.

"And you left like this?"

Shu Xinshuang can't laugh or cry,

"Zimo is innocent, and you ruined him in a mess. Even if he and the three women are doomed, you should at least apologize to him?"

Think of wangzimo and the three women mixed together unbearable picture, shuxinshuang heart of regret.

Wang Zimo is a clean man. Shu Xinshuang knows better than anyone. What happened today makes Shu Xinshuang feel sorry that a piece of pure jade has been polluted

"What's done?" Back to Shu Xinshuang, the light in the man's eyes is flickering,

"Miss Shu, thanks to you, you are still the best in the performing arts circle, can't you see the three women acting?"

They act?!

Shu Xinshuang really didn't see it.

"Wangzimo was drugged in the glass of wine he drank in advance. He was always in a coma. I only told the three women and wangzimo to play in the same bed. They would do nothing else."

After these words, Lu Shaochen started again.


Seeing that he was about to leave, Shu Xinshuang suddenly held his hand tightly.

Lu Shaochen's eyes darkened,

"wangzimo is the same wangzimo he used to be. He was not touched by the three women. I don't have to apologize to him. What I said is not clear enough?"

The trembling little hand tightly pulls Lu Shaochen's wrist, and tears in Shu Xinshuang's beautiful eyes, "are you true love to Ranran?"

Lu Shaochen, "yes."

Shu Xinshuang looked at his tall figure through crystal clear tears, "where is she better than me?"

Lu Shaochen was silent for a moment. At last, cold syllables spilled over her thin lips,

"in my eyes, she is better than you anywhere."


The answer was clearly expected.

However, listen to Lu Shaochen so no cover to say, Shu Xinshuang's heart is still like being stabbed by the tip of a knife.

Under the bright crystal lamp, Shu Xinshuang's thin figure faintly trembles, and her cherry like lips are hard to open,

"you know that I dare to love and hate. If I love someone, I will never hide to chase him. If I can't catch up, I will pester him. If I can't, I will wait in silence until he sees my good, Shaochen. I have been waiting for you for four years Year. "

Lu Shaochen's face was dignified, and a trace of guilt appeared in Qu Hei's eyes.

"You are the only man I've ever loved. I've been waiting for you all these years. That's why there is no other opposite sex around me."

Shu Xinshuang said bitterly, tears can't help flowing,

"I clearly remember that after Jin Xintong died, you were heartbroken, even sad to want to jump out of the river to drown her. During the most difficult time for you, I was the only one who accompanied you. You know what I mean to you. I clearly remember that when I showed my love for you, you were very happy I said, you will never fall in love with another woman besides jinxintong in your life. At that time, I looked at your haggard face and said to myself silently, I will wait for you all the time. If you will never love again in your life, I will wait for you all my life It turns out that... "Shu Xinshuang's voice trembled,

"as a result, I waited until your dead heart rekindled love, but the girl you fell in love with was not me."


Remembering Shu Xinshuang's true waiting for her and his failure to her, Lu Shaochen can't help blaming himself. However, up to now, all he can say is this sentence,

"I'm sorry."

Voice down, determined to shuxinshuang hand away.

"Love is so helpless, it is inevitable that someone will be hurt, you did nothing wrong, do not say sorry to me." Shuxinshuang's voice came from behind.

Lu Shaochen just stepped out of the steps to stop, but still did not look back.

Shu Xinshuang looks up at his beautiful tearful face and looks at his tall back in a trance,

"I know how difficult it is for people like you to find a girl who you really love. I love you, so I will love you openly and justly. I will try my best to make you and Ranran happy and complete, instead of being selfish like jinxintong."

Lu Shaochen suddenly turns around and looks at Shu Xinshuang with displeasure,

"do you say Xiaojin is selfish?"

"Yes, I say Jin Xintong is selfish." Meimou looks directly into Lu Shaochen's eyes with tears in her eyes,

"if jinxintong is not selfish, she should withdraw after knowing that you have found true love, instead of pestering and influencing the relationship between you and Ranran, and not taking away your children. Lu Shaochen, this kind of love that only wants to get you without considering your feelings, is not selfish What is it? "

Lu Shaochen's heart was suddenly heavy.

Shu Xinshuang's every word is like a stone in his heart, which makes countless ripples.

He gazed at Shu Xinshuang thoughtfully for a long time. At last, Lu Shaochen came to Shu Xinshuang and patted her on the shoulder with his big hand,

"Xinshuang, you are a good woman worthy of true love. Forget me."

Voice down, turn around, walk down the stairs, only to leave tears of Shu Xinshuang standing alone in the corridor of bright light and shadow.


Lu Shaochen went down the stairs.

Lu Shaochen has walked far away, and the rhythmic footsteps can't stop reverberating in the deep corridor. However, it seems that he can't hear the echo, but the words of Shu Xinshuang are always echoing in his ears.

In fact, Lu Shaochen also knows that Jin Xintong is absolutely true love for herself.

And compared with Shu Xinshuang, Jin Xintong's love is really selfish.

However, how can there be unselfish love in this world?

Who doesn't want to spend his life with someone he loves?

Maybe Xiaojin's performance is human. It's not Xiaojin's selfishness, but there are few open-minded and selfless people like Shu Xinshuang. It's just that Xiaojin is selfless


after becoming popular, Li luoran had to be on guard against being found by paparazzi at any time, so he didn't walk out immediately after the elevator arrived at the first floor, instead, he put on his hat and mask before leaving with Chu Xingchen.

Sitting in the car, he took off his mask and leaned lazily in the seat of the car, thinking about the picture of Wang Zimo sleeping with three women and what Shu Xinshuang would say to Lu Shaochen.

About ten minutes later, Lu Shaochen got on the bus.

The car starts.

Along the way, Li luoran looked out of the window as usual and did not take the initiative to say a word to Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen also seemed to have something on his mind. He was silent all the way.

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The car drove into the land house.

Chu Xingchen says goodbye and leaves. Li luoran is walking along the cobblestone path in the lawn towards the main building. Lu Shaochen suddenly holds her arm behind her,

"you and Wang Zimo have no extramarital affair at all, do you?"


Li luoran couldn't believe his ears.

Although Lu Shaochen has always been very strange recently, she was shocked and caught off guard when he asked such a question coldly.

In front of her, Lu Shaochen walks up to her and sees her stunned expression. He is more sure that the so-called "extramarital affair between her and wangzimo" is purely his imagination with Chu Xingchen.

With her hands on her shoulders, Lu Shaochen's dark eyes sparkled with remorse,

"last night, I asked you what you thought of extramarital affairs. You said that you love that person too much, and the law of our country is monogamous, so you can only steal. I asked you why you didn't deny it. You said that you and I knew it well, and you didn't have to deny it."


Li luoran was astonished.

She clearly remembers that Lu Shaochen did ask this question last night. She thought Lu Shaochen was confessing to her. However, it is only now that she understands that the person who Lu Shaochen said had an extramarital affair was not himself, but she

What went wrong?

Lu Shaochen, "since you have no extramarital affair, why do you say so?"


At first, Li luoran really thought that Lu Shaochen was joking. He raised his eyes and looked at him solemnly, instantly realizing that Lu Shaochen was very serious.At this moment, Li luoran's eyes became extremely ironic,

"Lu Shaochen, no wonder you punished me like a beast last night. Now I understand that you think I was unfaithful to my marriage after a long time!"

Lu Shaochen's guilty lips.

This kind of performance can be regarded as default.

"Ah ~"

Li luoran can't laugh or cry,

"I forgot when I saw an article in a magazine, which said that there is a kind of men in the world called straight men of iron and steel. They never reflect on their mistakes, but blindly examine their wives with a microscope. I thought that article was sensational and unexpected There are such men. Lu Shaochen is one of them. "

Lu Shaochen couldn't help showing his grievances in his ink eyes.

Is he a straight man?

Seeing that he is still pretending to be wronged, Li luoran is even more trembling with anger,

"don't act in front of me, Lu Shaochen. It's you who are unfaithful to your marriage all the time. Do you really think you are hiding so deeply that I don't know the extramarital affair between you and Jin Xintong?"


Lu Shaochen's beautiful lips were open, and his eyes were never shocked.

Because of Li luoran's excitement, the yard was empty and silent. Her voice spread far away. Not far away, the servant who was cleaning the night threw a strange look at Lu Shaochen.

Seeing that Lu Shaochen still looks surprised and innocent, Li luoran only finds it ridiculous.

Although she found that someone was watching, she didn't give Lu Shaochen any face, and didn't deliberately restrain her voice,

"you and Jin Xintong have all seen that, so don't treat me as a fool and a blind man, and think I know nothing about it. Lu Shaochen, I have a suggestion, since you want to keep her as a concubine, you want to bully me and don't leave me If you want to get married, it's better for you to be more aboveboard. Just take her to Lu's house and live with her. In this way, you can not only support each other, but also reunite with Mingyue, right? "

Lu Shaochen was stunned in the cold night.

"Go away!"

With these words, Li luoran pushed his trembling hands on his chest.

Lu Shaochen was already absent-minded, but Li luoran's strength was much stronger than usual. Lu Shaochen was pushed back by her, and then squatted in the cobblestone path.

He subconsciously wanted to hold her.

And she had already walked quickly past him.

The night was cold.

Lu Shaochen sat on the pebbles covered with dew, watching Li luoran's figure fade away in a trance, reflecting on every word she said, and finally realizing the reason why she was so indifferent to herself in the past year


Lilo has gone upstairs.

At the moment of closing the door, the whole body's strength seemed to be emptied. The handbag fell to the ground with a thump, and the thin back stuck to the cold door plate, inch by inch sliding on the ground.

In fact, if she could choose, she would rather have never seen Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong together a year ago.

For one thing, she couldn't get rid of the marriage.

Second, even if Lu Shaochen is willing to divorce her, she will live in the shadow of this marriage for the rest of her life.

Lu Shaochen has always been very kind to her.

Therefore, Li luoran would rather never find out Lu Shaochen's extramarital affair and live forever in the lie that Lu Shaochen only loves her

In that way, I may live freely and easily.




There was a heavy knock on the door.

Li luoran, who clings to the door panel, can clearly feel the vibration of the door panel.

She took more than ten deep breaths in a row, and finally managed to get up with a mouthful of strength.

When she opened the door, Lu Shaochen's familiar face immediately came into her view.

Handsome, even if Li luoran saw it more than once a day, he still couldn't get tired of seeing it. He still had a kind of amazing feeling of beating heart every time he saw it.

Maybe it's Lu Shaochen's amazing appearance that makes Jin Xintong fall in love with such an extremely beautiful woman -

even makes Jin Xintong fall in love with him, preferring to be an extramarital affair that he can't see all his life

"Why do I have an affair with Xiaojin?"

Although Lu Shaochen thought that Li luoran thought this way, he was ridiculous. In order to clarify the truth, he asked patiently.

Li luoran sneered, "I said, I saw you with her, that day you and her in the break and cuddle, kiss and love, don't tell me, you don't remember."

Lu Shaochen's eyebrows are deeply locked.

Li luoran was even more ridiculous. "Ha ha, of course you don't remember. This kind of secret date should be like a routine for you. That time was just another ordinary one. How can you remember it?"Unwilling to see Lu Shaochen perform in front of him in such a "wronged" and "innocent" way, Li luoran didn't even care to pick up her handbag, so she turned and left angrily.

Lu Shaochen picked up her handbag for her and followed her,

"what was the specific time and place that you said happened?"

His legs seemed to be filled with lead, and Li luoran couldn't walk any more.

All right!

She took a deep breath,

"on September 13 last year, the star commercial building, around 12:15 at noon, was the rest room outside the restaurant of the commercial building." She will never forget that day. Until now, the scene of Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong's sweet embrace is still clear.

Lu Shaochen's black eyebrows stirred slightly.

On September 13 last year, he clearly remembered that day -

because that day, in order to accompany Li luoran shopping, he specially threatened wangzimo to take a whole day off for the whole drama group. That day was also the only time he accompanied Li luoran shopping when he married Li luoran

It is also since he accompanied Li luoran that shopping, Li luoran seems to have changed a person, began to sneer at him, until now.

So, did Li luoran's misunderstanding of him start with that shopping?

Lu Shaochen stood only ten centimeters behind her, gazing at her shaking figure,

"I have a deep memory of that day. At noon that day, we were supposed to have dinner together, but I got a call from a customer in the middle of the day and went to meet him nearby. When I came back to the dining room to look for you, you were no longer there. From 12:10 to 12:40, I was at home With that client. "

"Is it?"

when Lu Shao Tong and I hold you for a moment, I don't want to see what you say clearly Customer, the person you meet secretly is jinxintong, who you can't let go for a moment. "

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