You,Under My Name

Chapter 229: 229

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Looking back on every word Li luoran said, Lu Shaochen was silent for a long time.

Finally, open thin lips gently,

"you know the client I met that day."

Li luoran can't laugh or cry.

She really doesn't understand why Lu Shaochen has already known that she saw the "private meeting" between him and Jin Xintong, but continues to cheat her with the lie of "meeting customers".

Does Lu Shaochen really treat her as a fool?

Behind her, there was a sound of footsteps gradually disappearing. She never looked back and did not know what Lu Shaochen was doing.

About ten seconds later, the sound of footsteps gradually approached her, and the tall figure of the man completely shrouded her body.

"This is the customer's mobile number, and he will help me to prove my innocence."

With the sound of this magnetic flute, Lu Shaochen's long arm passed around her waist to her.

Li luoran realized at the moment that Lu Shaochen had just gone to write the telephone number.

Now on this standard A4 paper, a string of elegant handwritten Arabic numerals is particularly prominent.

Li luoran believed that what she had seen was true, and Lu Shaochen was so determined that she took out her mobile phone in her pocket with the mentality of seeing what medicine Lu Shaochen was selling in his Gourd -

when she dialed the mobile phone number, Li luoran's eyes could not help showing satire.

The call was soon put through.

"Dye dye?"

When the mellow baritone came from the receiver, Li luoran's eyes turned into shock.

She will never forget the voice -

even if the people over there only say a short word, Li luoran can instantly distinguish who is the owner of the voice -


Lu Shaochen gave her a call from Jin Qian!

"Ranran, I always remember your mobile phone number. What's the matter with you calling me so late?"

Even after the current halo dye, still can not hide the man's voice that strong concern.


Li luoran took a deep breath and tried to calm her voice.

"I'm sorry to disturb you so late, Jinqian. I just want to prove something to you."

Jin Qian, "well, just say it."

Feeling that Lu Shaochen has been standing behind her with his chest slightly sticking to his back, Li luoran steps forward to distance himself from him,

"I forgot when Chu Xingchen told me about you and Lu Shaochen. You and he used to be good friends, but after Jin Xintong's accident, you parted ways, and there has been no business since then."

Jin Qian, "um ~"

with this affirmation, the clouds are light and the wind is light, warm as spring.

For Li luoran, it was like a cold wave passing by, which made her heart even colder.

"In that case, thank you. It's OK."

Li luoran is about to hang up.

"Wait!" Jin Qian quickly stopped her from hanging up the line,

"Ranran, it suddenly occurred to me that I don't have no business relationship with Shaochen now. About a year ago, I signed a project worth 2.2 billion with him, and now, the project is still in progress."

“……” Li luoran's little hand holding the mobile phone trembled obviously,

"you Remember when you signed with him? " Even the voice was shaking.

"I can't remember the specific date of the month, but I remember it very clearly. Around noon that day, Xiaojin and I went shopping with Mingyue. We met you and Shaochen on the way. Xiaojin didn't want Mingyue to meet you. Let me lead Mingyue back to the car first..."

Jin Qian's voice clearly rang in Li luoran's ear,

"I waited in the car for more than half an hour, but I didn't wait for Xiao Jin to go back. It happened that our company took over a high-tech project at that time. At present, only Shaochen's company in China has the ability to do well in this project. So I called Shaochen to meet him, one is to talk about this project, the other is to take advantage of it With this opportunity, carrying Xiaojin, let Shaochen and Mingyue meet once. "

Li luoran seemed to be frozen all over, just like a piece of ice in the hall with warm light. His trembling lips opened, but he could not say a word any more.

"Oh, come to think of it, I seem to have a copy of the contract in my briefcase. Didn't you just ask me when I signed the contract with Shaochen? I'll find it for you. "

A series of rummages came from the other end of the phone. Before long, Jin Qian's voice continued to ring,

"the signing time was September 13 last year, and the more specific time should be around 12:30 on that day, because on that day, from 12:10 to 12:40, Shaochen and Mingyue were always together."

"Ranran, are you ok?"

"Dye dye?"

"Why don't you talk?"


Jin Qian was a little flustered."I'm fine..." Li luoran didn't know how to make a sound.

"thank you, good night ~"

the moment she hung up, her mobile phone fell to her feet.

Li luoran didn't care to pick it up, but stood in the bright light and shadow without expression, tears of regret filled her eyes instantly.

Although Jin Qian failed Li luoran.

But Li luoran firmly believes that Jinqian will never cheat her.

Jin Qian could never collude with Lu Shaochen.

Therefore, Lu Shaochen never cheated her. It was her who misunderstood Lu Shaochen -

and the misunderstanding lasted for a whole year!

For more than 360 days and nights, almost every time I was with him, I was cold and hostile to him

Li luoran stood in the same place.

She did not know when Lu Shaochen came to her.

Lu Shaochen only felt a slight pain on her skin. Her well-defined fingers gently pinched her chin and lifted her tearful face,

"do you still think I have an extramarital affair?"

Lilo's lips tremble.

Across a layer of crystal clear tears fog, looking at his handsome and gentle face, a sour nose, tears fell down.

Lu Shaochen gently wiped the tears on her face with her warm palm,

"well behaved, remember, loyalty to marriage is my principle and bottom line. I will never cross this bottom line. I'm not allowed to think so dirty in the future. Do you understand?"


In this situation, the only thing li luoran wants to say to Lu Shaochen is "I'm sorry". However, she gambles heavily in her throat. She's afraid that when she opens her mouth, her cry will get out of control, and she only nods with guilt.

She is so sorry for Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen, who is well-known, is so aboveboard and principled. However, she thinks he is so "dirty" that she firmly believes that he has an extramarital affair with his predecessor like some scum men

Lu Shaochen is still the proud and precious man like Lu Shaochen. In fact, his love for Jin Xintong is still alive in his heart. Because he is loyal to his wife, he will bury his love in his heart and never steal it.

She should not doubt Lu Shaochen's character.

She should have believed him.

In the past year, no matter how cold and unreasonable he was to Lu Shaochen, Lu Shaochen always gave her warmth and smile. Lu Shaochen never blamed her, but worried about whether she was ill. Li luoran felt even more guilty.

Lu Shaochen wiped Li luoran's tears and helped her into her bedroom.

Li luoran was lying on the bed with tears in her eyes in the dark. She was very tired, but she couldn't sleep.

In addition to the guilt of Lu Shaochen, there are doubts in his heart.

A big question mark seemed to flash in my mind

Last year, I saw Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong secretly "dating" in the break. It's true. That's why Li luoran believed it.

But now she knows that Lu Shaochen and Jin Qian were together.

What went wrong?

In his mind, Li luoran came up with one guess after another, but because each guess could not be justified, he was overthrown one by one

Finally, she found Jin Xintong's mobile phone number in her mobile phone and quickly sent a message,

"let's meet."

She thought that Jin Xintong was probably playing with her mobile phone at the moment, and she said, "no see ~"

Li luoran, "the play you played last year was good, Shaochen already knew the truth."

This time, brocade Heart Tong passed at least five minutes just to return, "tomorrow morning ten o'clock, come to my home to look for me."

Later, Jin Xintong gave her home address.

Li luoran thinks that if she meets Jin Xintong in public, it's easy for her to attract paparazzi to steal photos. Since Jin Xintong dares to invite her to Jin Xintong's house, with Jin Xintong's cautious style, Li luoran believes that Jin Xintong will never set a trap in her own house, so she quickly returns to two letters,


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Lu Shaochen is sitting in the living room.

Yesterday and Li luoran had a stormy night, but it's early in the morning. He hasn't closed his eyes for more than 40 hours in a row, but he still has no sleepiness.

Every word that Li luoran said echoed in his ears like a repeater.

Jin Xintong is deeply rooted in Lu Shaochen's image of "goddess". Lu Shaochen believes that Jin Xintong can't "frame up" like Bai Qingwan's scheming Watch -

therefore, if Li luoran just says that Jin Xintong is not good as before, Lu Shaochen will only regard it as Li luoran's frame up of his rival

However, this time, Lu Shaochen had to be unconvinced.

Because if Li luoran didn't see it with her own eyes, she would never have been indifferent to him for more than a year.Is it true that Xiaojin deliberately creates misunderstanding between him and Li luoran?

Is the scene that Li luoran said that he hugs and kisses Jin Xintong, which Jin Xintong deliberately shows to Li luoran?

If that's true

Lu Shaochen can't help thinking of Shu Xinshuang's selfish words about Jin Xintong's love.

In fact, Lu Shaochen fully understands that Jin Xintong wants to make up with him again. He also agrees that Jin Xintong doesn't want to leave because he loves him

But if jinxintong will do such a mean thing because of this love, then he is completely wrong about jinxintong.

So, Jin Xintong is not worthy of the image of "goddess" in his mind.

That kind of jinxintong is no longer worthy of his love.

Xiaojin -

this girl is incomparably pure and perfect in his mind -

she should not be a deep "white lotus" like Bai Qingwan, right?

"Mr. Lu."

A deep voice suddenly rang out.

Lu Shaochen, who has been absent-minded for a long time, was shocked to find that "Falcon" was standing in front of him at some time -

the man in black clothes, black hat, black neck cap and most of his face covered by black hair was like a silent ghost.

Lu Shaochen glanced at "Falcon" lightly,

"what did you find?"

Falcon as like as two peas, "I remember to tell you a year ago that I have seen a man who is exactly the same as you. You have been asking me to find him in the past year."

Lu Shaochen, "um ~"

the "Falcon" with cold appearance and shy heart will not only blush at the sight of beautiful girls, but also feel uneasy in the face of Lu Shaochen, an extremely good-looking man. He can only steal a look at Lu Shaochen when he doesn't pay attention, and then bow his head in a hurry,

"I found out, his name is Xiao Qianhua."

Xiao Qian's painting

Lu Shaochen had never heard of the name before.

"Mr. Lu, when I found out his name at first, I thought he was just a nobody. Who knows, I picked up his background carefully through secret channels, and unexpectedly found out that he was the" black hell "who controlled most of the entertainment industry in secret."

"Falcon" is not popular.

At this moment, even Lu Shaochen, who had always collapsed on the top of Mount Tai but did not change his color, shook his tall figure.

"Black hell" --

although few people know this name, in the upper class circles, no one knows it. Even some people often compare "black hell" with Lu Shaochen.

The reason why he is called "black hell" is that he is not only as terrible as "hell", but also as deep as the endless night. He controls most of the operation of the entertainment industry in secret, but no one has ever seen his true face.


as like as two peas, Lu Shaochen was the same as the face of his face.

Thinking of this, Lu Shaochen and Qu Hei's beautiful eyes could not help showing a trace of fun.

"Mr. Lu, if you think he looks like you because he appreciates your handsome face, it's a big mistake. I find it very clear that he was born with such a face, such as a fake one."

With these words, Falcon presented his large screen mobile phone to Lu Shaochen,

"this is the photo I found. Please see for yourself."

Lu Shaochen looked down.

Looking at the clear facial close-up on his mobile phone, if he didn't know in advance that it was another person's photo, Lu Shaochen would mistake it for his own

There are more than ten photos taken from different angles.

Lu Shaochen as like as two peas in the picture, and the man who was shocked by Xiao Qian found that the man who drew the picture of Xiao Qian was almost the same as him in any way. Even Lu Shaochen did not see any difference in his own way.

Lu Shaochen was in a bad mood when he thought that he was handsome and unique, but there was a copy of him.

"Mr. Lu must remember song Zilu?"

The voice of the Falcon brought Lu Shaochen's thoughts back to reality.

Lu Shaochen's gaze is already the default.

Lu Shaochen not only remembers the man who knew the whereabouts of his and Li luoran's children, but also was shot in front of Li luoran.


"according to my investigation, the reason why it was difficult for me to catch song Zilu last year was that Xiao Qianhua secretly sheltered him. I suspect that it was Xiao Qianhua who bribed the killer and killed song Zilu later."

Lu Shaochen's eyes were darker.

Only the Falcon continued, "a year ago, Su Yan wanted to bribe Bai Qingwan out of the group. Later, Bai Qingwan not only stayed in the group unharmed, but also increased the investment. Recently, I found out that Xiao Qianhua, the" black king "was helping Bai Qingwan."Lu Shaochen, "why?"

Falcon shook his head, "I also don't understand the reason. In fact, such an actress as Bai Qingwan doesn't have much use value for Xiao Qianhua. I don't think it's for profit for him to hold Bai Qingwan at all costs."

Is it not for profit that a businessman holds up a female star?

And for what?

Or, for whom?


after reporting everything, the Falcon retreated silently.

Lu Shaochen, who is in a complicated mood, sits on the sofa, projects his mobile phone picture on the big TV screen, and looks at the pictures painted by Xiao Qian thoughtfully.

"Well, by the way, Mr. Lu, there is something about Miss Jin, so I don't know whether to say it or not." The voice of the Falcon came from the door.

Lu Shaochen's line of sight does not leave the television screen, "says."

Falcon, "when I was investigating Xiao Qianhua, I found Miss Jin in his car one night. Of course, Mr. Lu, I believe Miss Jin will never have any abnormal relationship with him. I just want to tell you that Miss Jin and Xiao Qianhua know each other."

After about two seconds of silence, Lu Shaochen's thin lips and teeth uttered cold syllables,

"I know."

"Well, I'll step back first." The Falcon went out the door.


Feeling Lu Shaochen's heavy voice, the Falcon looked at him and found that his eyes were cold, as if they could freeze everything in the world.


The Falcon took a cold breath.

Mr. Lu, what happened suddenly?

He had never seen Lu Shaochen's face so terrible.

"Keep staring at Xiao Qian's painting."

The man's eyes are cold, and his voice is word by word,

"find out everything between him and Xiaojin."


With the sound of footsteps, the Falcon disappeared like the shadow of the night outside the door.

Lu Shaochen stood as like as two peas in front of the bright screen, and looked very cold for the long time.

At the moment when Falcon tells us that Jin Xintong and Xiao Qianhua know each other, the thoughtful Lu Shaochen instantly understands the truth -

last year, it was Xiao Qianhua who Li luoran saw with Jin Xintong.

Xiao Qian's painting and Lu Shaochen look like the same person. Even Lu Shaochen himself can't see any difference. Of course, Li luoran can't tell the difference

Is he really wrong?

Is Xiaojin, like Bai Qingwan, a schemer who acts in front of others and "filthy" behind others?

Xiao Jin and Xiao Qian

It is Xiao Qianhua who secretly advocates Bai Qingwan against Li luoran - moreover, Xiao Qianhua doesn't do it for profit

It is also Xiao Qianhua who prevents him and Li luoran from finding their children

Xiao Jin, Xiao Qianhua, Bai Qingwan, song Zilu

What's the connection between them?

The loss of the image of "goddess" in my mind, the pain of loving the wrong person, and all kinds of doubts The complicated emotions don't live in Lu Shaochen's dark gem eyes, which are intertwined

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