You,Under My Name

Chapter 230: 230

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the second day.

Li luoran was awakened by the ring of his mobile phone.

Li luoran answers the phone call from Shu Xinshuang.

"Ranran, do you have time now?" Ear immediately came the sound of comfortable and refreshing.

Li luoran, a gangster who has not yet been fully awake,

"yes, what's the matter?"

Ask just know, originally this telephone is Shu Xinshuang help Wang Zimo to hit.

I don't know what time Lu Shaochen went to bed last night. He is still in deep sleep now. Even Li luoran's ring didn't wake him up.

Li luoran knew that Lu Shaochen was very tired.

So he got out of bed lightly.

Take care of yourself, put on a mask, pick up a car in the garage, and go straight to the place where wangzimo asked her to meet.

A famous bank.

When Li luoran arrives, Wang Zimo and Shu Xinshuang are waiting for her in the hall.

Because of the huge amount of money transferred, the enthusiastic president personally invited them into the VIP room.

Li luoran infers from the president's attentive attitude to Wang Zimo that Wang Zimo should be very familiar with the president and must have a lot of deposits in the bank.

The transfer went well.

505 million -

Li luoran thought it would take a lot of complicated procedures to transfer out such a large sum of money, but he could not imagine that everything was as simple as eating a takeout, and it took only a quarter of an hour before and after.

After the transfer, Li luoran looks at the nine digit balance of his bank card on the ATM, and his mood is extremely calm.

At the beginning, Li luoran had a poor experience, and she also dreamed that she would have a lot of money one day.

However, when this day comes, Li luoran finds that he is not as ecstatic as he once thought, but extremely calm -

when he had no money, he naively thought that after he had a lot of money, he would have great changes. However, the only thing that has changed is that he can buy his favorite clothes and cosmetics without tangle Jewelry and other belongings that money can't buy are like family affection, love, heart and time No amount of money can buy

"The queen of demons is still on, and the box office has always been good. I will remit the revenue generated in the future to your account in time."

After walking out of the bank, Wang Zimo said lightly.

Li luoran said with a smile, "thank you."

Then she came to her car.

She stooped slightly, trying to open the door, but did not pull it.

Because wangzimo has been leaning on the door.

She looked at the extremely attractive man in surprise,

"what else is Mr. Wang doing?"

"Did Lu Shaochen not explain to you what happened last night?" Wang Zimo's arms are naturally held in front of his chest. A pair of water green eyes are shining in the golden sun, just like two flawless green diamonds.

Li luoran looks confused.

Last night, she and Lu Shaochen did explain the misunderstanding between them, but she was sure that what Wang Zimo asked was not between him and Lu Shaochen.

Sure enough, Wang Zimo said with a smile,

"of course, he won't help me explain, but I have to clarify for myself that there was medicine in Lu Shaochen's glass of wine for me last night. After drinking that glass of wine, I fell into a coma for some time, until I woke up in my suite the next morning."


Li luoran was stunned at first, and then he seemed to understand something.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Wang is innocent. He doesn't know what happened last night. Don't worry. Xinshuang and I will pretend that we haven't seen anything. We will keep it secret for you and never spread it to the outside world."

With these words, he squeezed his eyes at Shu Xinshuang, who stood silently watching the excitement,


Shu Xinshuang just laughs.

Wang Zimo's Amber like eyes showed a trace of helplessness, "when I woke up, I was the only one in the bed. If it wasn't Xinshuang who told me that there were three women who had slept in the same bed with me, I would never know what happened."


Li luoran understands Wang Zimo very well,

"Mr. Wang, Xinshuang and I both know that you don't know anything. Nothing happened between you and the three beauties. I said it. Didn't I say that I kept it secret for you? Can you get out of my car now? "

Thinking that he and Jin Xintong have made an appointment to meet at 10 o'clock, and now it's 9:30, Li luoran is a little worried.

But Wang Zimo didn't know what happened. He clearly saw her eagerness and still pressed the door firmly with his strong body,

"so, do you believe I'm innocent?"

What do you believe in?!

Li luoran couldn't help staying.

Ever since wangzimo brought up this topic to her, Li luoran always thought that wangzimo's "one on three" ugliness was seen by Li luoran last night, and he was worried that Li luoran would publicize it, so he said that he had been drugged and lied to remind Li luoran to keep his secretAt the moment, to look at son Mo dignified eyes just suddenly understand, son Mo is serious.

She looked at Shu Xinshuang for confirmation.

Shu Xinshuang chuckles, "Zimo didn't cheat you. It's all Lu Shaochen and the ugly man who killed Matt. Moreover, Zimo is very innocent and has nothing to do with the three women."

Li luoran suddenly realized.

In fact, although Wang Zimo's "sleeping together" with three beauties was a surprise last night, it was just an insignificant episode in Li luoran's life. After that, she had been thinking about the relationship between Jin Xintong and Lu Shaochen. If Wang Zimo hadn't brought it up, Li luoran would have forgotten that episode

"Now you know the truth?"

The clear voice of wangzimo and the breath of Qingxin come to liluoran.

Li luoran took a breath,

"I know, Mr. Wang is pure, Mr. Wang is a good man with the same appearance."

Wang Zimo's tight body gradually relaxed.

Li luoran pulled the door hard. "So, Mr. Wang, can I get on the bus?"

"Well ~"

Wang Zimo moved away.

Lilo ran quickly got into the car.

Standing just a step away from the car door, Wang Zimo looks at her beautiful side face through the translucent window glass. Between her beautiful eyebrows, she feels relieved and dignified

Relief, because Li luoran knew that he was not a "dirty power slag man".

It's dignified because Li luoran doesn't seem to care about whether he is a "dirty man" or not. It seems that he is just an insignificant "colleague" or "bystander" in her mind. Whether he is good or bad, dirty or clean, it has nothing to do with her


There came a heavy sigh of comfort.

Wang Zimo's eyes fell on Shu Xinshuang's delicate face, "what do you sigh?"

Shu Xinshuang slapped Wang Zimo's shoulder with a smile and a smile, "are you serious? Mr. Wang

Wangzimo, "..."


when liluoran started the car to leave, the door of the co driver's seat was opened by Shu Xinshuang.

The next second, the luxury car vibrated slightly, and Shu Xinshuang had already sat in the car.

Li luoran looked at the "first beauty in a thousand years" in surprise,

"what are you doing up here?"

Shu Xinshuang, with a light face, "give me a ride."

“……” Li luoran is helpless and just wants to say that he is going to another family, and Shu Xinshuang is not on his way.

Shuxinshuang mildly smile, "today is so boring, no matter where you go, just take me for a ride."

All right.

Li luoran said with a smile, "I'm not very good at driving. You can fasten your seat belt."

Shu Xinshuang looked at her with profound meaning. Her lips like rose petals moved, but she didn't say anything more.

After the car entered the driveway and drove smoothly, Shu Xinshuang suddenly said strangely,

"Ranran, I think a man like wangzimo is also a charming man. Do you really care nothing about him?"

Li luoran, who is dedicated to driving, shakes his head slightly,

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

"I care a little bit."

It's not that she's cold.

Wangzimo has the kindness to her, Li luoran is clear, if not wangzimo's support, she will never have today.

If we must make it very clear that Wang Zimo is in Li luoran's heart, then, for Li luoran, Wang Zimo should belong to her "immediate boss", and Li luoran is a good boss whom Li luoran appreciates and admires very much -

Li luoran certainly hopes that the boss whom he appreciates and admires is a good man with good privacy.

Therefore, when he learned that last night's scene was a misunderstanding, Li luoran's mood suddenly brightened.

Just, now she is full of mind is to meet Jin Xintong thing, really don't have too much time and experience to study wangzimo's "character".

Li luoran focuses on driving.

Shuxinshuang also calmed down.

Although Shu Xinshuang is an irreplaceable "goddess" in the circle, Shu Xinshuang, who has all kinds of auras, seems to have no sense of existence when she calms down, just like a petal floating on the water, beautiful and amazing alone, does not disturb anyone, does not make waves

Li luoran drives very fast because he is in a hurry.


there are many beautiful flowers -

few residential areas are named after such names.

"Flowers like brocade" community was built five years ago, when Li luoran saw the community in the real estate dealer's flyer, he joked with Jiang Xiaojing about the ridiculous name.

However, Jiang Xiaojing told her that the builder of the community was Mr. Lu, who was famous in Jiangcheng, and Mr. Lu named the community after his beloved woman.At that time, Li luoran did not know who "Lu Shaochen's beloved woman" was.

Now, she knew it was jinxintong.

Li luoran and Jin Xintong agreed that the time was ten o'clock.

In order to be in a hurry, Li luoran, who was not good at driving, drove very fast. On the way, the car was bumped and scratched several times.

When the car arrived at the "colorful" community, the time was just 9:55.

Seeing this time on her mobile phone, Li luoran breathes a sigh of relief. Then she thinks of Shu Xinshuang. She has been sitting by her side, turns her head and looks at Shu Xinshuang. Shu Xinshuang is also looking at her, with surprise, admiration and disgust in her eyes It's very complicated

Li luoran laughs awkwardly,

"ha ha, I'm sorry to surprise you. I said I was poor in driving."

"No ~" Shu Xinshuang gives her a thumbs up,

"to be honest, Ranran, you are one of the most powerful drivers I have ever seen, none of them."



Are you praising her?

Seeing that there are still five minutes to go before the appointed time, Li luoran can't delay any longer and throws the car key to Jin Xintong in a hurry,

"don't you want to go for a ride? Take this car and pick up your pocket. "

Shu Xinshuang said, "if I drive away, what will you do when you come back?"

Li luoran, who got out of the car in a hurry, "I'll call you when I get there. If you are near, I'll come back to pick me up. If you drive far away, I'll take a taxi home."

Shuxinshuang, "..."

Li luoran walked into the unit building quickly.

~~Room 301.

Li luoran rang the doorbell.

Before long, Jin Xintong personally opened the door.

Li luoran, standing outside the door, glances at Jin Xintong in front of him and carefully looks at the layout of the room.

Jin Xin Tong sarcastic sneer, "afraid I set up an ambush at home, dare not enter the door?"

Li luoran picked his eyebrows haughtily and went straight into the door.

Of course, she doesn't worry about jinxintong setting an ambush.

Even if Jin Xintong wants to hurt her again, she will not be so stupid as to treat Li luoran in her own home. On the contrary, Jin Xintong will guarantee that Li luoran will not be damaged, which is why Li luoran dares to come here alone.


There was a clear sound like a silver bell in the air.

Mingyue -

the name and the miniature face of Lu Shaochen immediately came to Li luoran's mind.

Then, a soft little cute girl ran to Li luoran.

Li luoran was overjoyed and immediately squatted down to hold xiaomengwa in her arms.

Four year old Xiao Mengbao, with a handsome face and big round eyes,

"does mommy not want me? Why doesn't Mommy come to see me?"

Li luoran couldn't help but keep her eyes wet. "How can mommy not think about baby? Mommy thinks about you every day, but Mommy is very busy and can't see baby often. Baby, don't blame Mommy, OK?"

The moon is still small, Li luoran knows that it is difficult to explain to him the reality that it is difficult to meet him again, so he can only say so.

Xiaomengwa wrongly pursed her pink lips, and her tears ran across her face. "Mingyue misses Mommy, and Mingyue wants to be with mommy."

Thinking of the fact that he was afraid that he would never be able to be with the moon in his life, Li luoran was so sad that tears could not help falling down.

Li luoran clearly remembers that the last time he met Lu Mingyue was a year ago -

to be exact, it was not a meeting -

because although Li luoran saw Lu Mingyue from a distance, Lu Mingyue didn't see her. At noon that day, in the interstellar commercial building, Jin Xintong deliberately blocked his sight before Mingyue saw Li luoran, and hurriedly asked Jin Qian Take the moon away

Since then, Li luoran has never seen the moon again.

Li luoran knew that the moon was destined to have no blood relationship with her.

After all, Mingyue is just "other people's children".

Li luoran once felt that her feelings for Lu Mingyue would become weaker and weaker with the passage of time, but more than a year later, she would still often think of this cute baby. When she thought of him, she would still be lost, as if she had lost her soul

Li luoran didn't understand why he had such a strong feeling for "other people's children".

After a year, the moon has grown a lot, and a face is more like Lu Shaochen. It looks more lovely than last year.

Li luoran, holding xiaomengwa in her arms, feels that she has never been steadfast. She seems to feel that the one she is with xiaomengwa is her complete self. The past year has been like a walking corpse

"I can't believe my eyes, Li luoran. Are you really in tears?"

With the sound of clear footsteps, Jin Xintong walks up to Li luoran and looks down at Li luoran squatting on the ground,"Seriously, when I saw you treat Mingyue so well in front of Lu Shaochen, I despised you from the bottom of my heart, because I thought you were acting in front of Lu Shaochen. Unexpectedly, your feelings for my son are true."

Li luoran's body trembled slightly.

The three words "my son" mentioned by Jin Xintong are like three poisonous needles, which are cruelly stuck in Li luoran's heart. It makes her heart bleed, and makes her realize the fact that Jin Xintong is Mingyue's biological mother

"But then again, my son is my son. You're just an outsider. Of course, I hope everyone likes my son. So, I don't mind that you're an outsider who likes him, but if you like him, I'm kind enough to let you hold him. You can't claim to be my son's" mommy "in front of my own mother, can you?"

Fan shaped eyelashes hanging slightly, looking down at the tearful Li luoran, Jin Xintong's voice is more ironic.

Li luoran was in a trance.

Although Jin Xintong said every word is as cruel as a blade.

But for Li luoran, what's more cruel is that every word Jin Xintong says is a certain fact -

for Mingyue, she is just an "outsider", like passer-by A and passer-by B.

Jinxintong has the right to refuse Mingyue to get close to her.

And she is not qualified to let Mingyue call her "mommy"

So, she should be wise to let go of the moon.

However, why is it that holding this cute little baby is like meeting the north pole of a magnet at the south pole of a magnet. It seems that his hands are tightly attracted to him and can't be moved any more.

"Oh, Li luoran, aren't you stubborn and dignified? When did you become so shameless? I've already said that. Why are you still holding my son? "

With these words, Jin Xintong squats down and gently rubs Lu Mingyue's head with her slim hand,

"Mingyue, how did Mommy teach you? You only have Lu Shaochen as your father and I as your mommy. The woman in front of you is not really good to you. She is a bad woman who broke up mommy and daddy. She is a fox spirit. She pretends to be a liar to you. Do you forget? "

Li luoran felt as if he had been splashed with a mixture of ice and water.


As Mingyue's biological mother, jinxintong's teaching of her son is also human, which Li luoran can fully understand.

However, thinking of the past year and more, Jin Xintong is such a destruction of their good image in the eyes of xiaomengwa, still can not be said to be sad.

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