You,Under My Name

Chapter 231: 231

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Xiaomengwa stubbornly raised her tearful face, "Mommy is not a bad woman. Mommy is not a fox spirit. If you don't let me be with Mommy, you are a bad woman."

"Bright moon!" Jin Xintong's extremely beautiful face was distorted for a moment,

"I'm your own mother. Don't you promise that mommy won't say that again? How can you say Mommy is bad! "

Stretch out both hands, want to pull out little cute baby in Li luoran's arms.

Four year old Xiao Mengbao pushed Jin Xintong's arm with her tender hands. "I want to be with mommy. Go away, go away!"


Jin Xintong is also helpless.

At the moment, the nanny who heard the news came near in the kitchen.

Jin Xintong sighed, "Xiaoyue, I have something to say with Ranran. You take Mingyue upstairs."

"Yes, Miss Jin."

The baby sitter takes orders.

Although Lu huaitong doesn't have to go against the baby sitter's orders, she doesn't have to go with the crying baby

Luxury duplex mansion, three and four floors are connected by revolving stairs.

Accompanied by the children's wailing and heavy footsteps, the tiger backed nanny dragged Lu Mingyue away.

In the twinkling of an eye, two people went upstairs.

With the sound of "Dong" closing the door, all the sounds were isolated, and the third floor became as quiet as death.

However, as if for a long time, Zhang Meng's face was still not full of tears.

The moment Lu Mingyue is taken away from Li luoran's arms, Li luoran feels that she is hollowed out.

However, she has no way!

For Lu Mingyue, she is nothing but a passer-by.

Even if Lu Mingyue is not qualified to die.

All she could do was to watch him being carried away. Even if her heart was bleeding, she could only bear it silently.


Looking at Li luoran's painful appearance, Jin Xintong is secretly frightened.

Is it true that mother and son are connected?

Although Li luoran didn't know that she was Mingyue's biological mother, she developed such deep feelings after she didn't get along with Lu Mingyue for a long time.

in contrast, Jin Xintong herself, although she has been living with Lu Mingyue day and night for more than a year, and she also treats Lu Mingyue as a parent and child, but Lu Mingyue doesn't have much strong feelings for her, she knows I still haven't entered Lu Mingyue's heart

"Ah ~" Jin Xintong sighs silently,

"you know, Li luoran, seeing this scene, I feel guilty unconsciously. I can't help thinking, how happy would you be if I didn't separate your family?"


Li luoran's thoughts are pulled back to reality by Jin Xintong's words, and he raises his hand to wipe away the tears in his eyes. The doubts that he was covered by tears are superficial,

"did I hear you wrong? You say "we're a family"

As Mingyue's biological mother, jinxintong should never classify her son and another woman as "a family", right?

Why did she say that?

"Look at my mouth, I can say such substandard words." In order to cover up her confusion, Jin Xintong stands up with her back to Li luoran,

"I mean, if I open my eyes and close my eyes, and let your stepmother live together with Mingyue instead of taking Mingyue to her body out of her maternal love, you, Shaochen and Mingyue may be happier than they are now."


Jin Xintong's words sound like a drop of water.

However, I don't know why, but Li luoran felt that something was wrong in these words, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

In retrospect, since Jin Xintong's "resurrection from the dead", although Jin Xintong is very good to Lu Mingyue, Li luoran feels that every picture in which Jin Xintong and Lu Mingyue are together has an indescribable sense of disobedience -

more specifically -

Li luoran feels that Jin Xintong is not like xiaomengwa's mother.

Is it jealousy?

Li luoran couldn't figure out why he had this illusion.

"Last night you sent a text message saying that Shaochen knew the truth. I don't understand. What truth did he know?" Jin Xintong turns her back to Li luoran.

It's not until this moment that Li luoran, who has been held by Lu Mingyue, remembers his purpose of looking for Jin Xintong.

She stood up slowly and looked sarcastically at Jin Xintong's tall figure,

"you can't be more clear in your heart, otherwise, you won't ask me to meet you at your house, will you?"

"Yes? If you talk like this, I think we can't find out the truth even if we spend so much time Until now, Jin Xintong is still playing dumb.Li luoran knows.

Jin Xintong is always so careful. She worries that Li luoran doesn't know the truth at all. Instead, she deliberately says some frightening words to cheat her out of the truth. How can she take the initiative to confess?

"Well, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, so I'll say it straight ~" Li luoran walked up to Jin Xintong with a natural step,

"a year ago, in the rest room of the interstellar commercial building, I saw you and Shaochen do something that Shaochen can't do in the rest room, and Shaochen has proved that he was with Jin Qian at that time, I don't understand what you're up with."

Although Jin Xintong was shocked, she was still innocent. "Sorry, Ranran, can you remind me which day you are talking about? Because in the past year or so, Shaochen and I have had countless secret dates. What you said is so vague and general that I really can't tell which one it is! "

Slender fingers gently rubbing their temples, as if extremely confused.

Li luoran sneered, "Jin Xintong, don't act. Shaochen has never been on a secret date with you. Even the only time was for you to make me misunderstand Shaochen."

Jin Xintong shrugs.

The surface is still very innocent.

Li luoran tried not to lose control. "I believe in my eyes. I never read it wrong that day. I also believe that Shaochen didn't cheat me. He wasn't with you at all. Shaochen also knows the fact that you made a misunderstanding between us, so don't play it again. Jin Xintong, tell me the truth now."

Jin Xintong is silent.

At the moment of silence, more that jinxintong heart ghost.

Li luoran opens his lips and just wants to continue questioning, but Jin Xintong mumbles to himself,

"it's just a matter of opportunism. One day you will open your heart, and one day Shaochen will find out the truth. He's right."


Who is it?

Li luoran's eyes are confused.

"It's time for you to win, luoran." With a sigh, Jin Xintong raised her slender right hand and hit a crisp ring finger,

"you can come out now."


Li luoran was very surprised.

The next moment, I heard a "click" from the front right.

Li luoran followed the voice and saw that the door which had been closed was pulled apart inch by inch. The first thing that appeared in Li luoran's vision was a white leather shoe, then a straight trouser leg and a big long leg. With the door being pulled open completely, the handsome face came into Li luoran's vision clearly.

"Lu Shaochen!"

Excessive shock made Li luoran cry out his name.


Li luoran is sure that he is indeed Lu Shaochen!

Because of Lu Shaochen's figure and facial features, Li luoran will never forget. She will never admit her mistake.

However, according to Li luoran's cognition, Lu Shaochen always wears only black suits. Li luoran clearly remembers that Lu Shaochen told her that the reason why he never wears white suits is that he thinks that the men who wear white suits are gay

Only at this moment did Li luoran know that even if Lu Shaochen said that, he sometimes wore a white suit -

moreover, Li luoran found that Lu Shaochen in a white suit was even more beautiful than that in a black suit, so handsome that he looked like a fairy and suffocating

"Miss Gu, you are all right."

With the steady sound of footsteps, the extremely handsome man came to Li luoran with elegant steps,

"Oh, my fault, I should not call you Miss Gu, but call you wife."

Staring at him, Li luoran looked confused.

The man raised his lips and eyebrows. "Wife, why do you look at me like a stranger? I don't even know my husband, do I? "

With these words, Li luoran's waist was surrounded by his long arm.

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Li luoran's body was slightly shocked, so he took him into his arms.

However, she could not say a word.


as like as two peas, Lu Shaochen, who is the man who holds her own, is the same as Lu Shaochen.

However, it's not clear why this "Lu Shaochen" felt strange to Li luoran -

when Lu Shaochen was indifferent, he was like an iceberg, and he also felt very cold.

But when Lu Shaochen was gentle, he made Li luoran feel very safe and warm.

However, "Lu Shaochen" at this moment, because of the evil and cold in his heart, although he said warm words to Li luoran and hugged her intimately, he still made her cold

This strange feeling made Li luoran extremely frightened.

"Wife, your delicate body is shaking. Why?"

The man with Li luoran's arm around him looks at her with a smile,

"is Lu Shaochen's embrace not warm enough? Or is the affair between Lu Shaochen and Xiaojin chilling your heart? "what?!

Reality is too chaotic, Li luoran is more and more confused!

Excessive fright makes her face pale. She slightly looks up at her familiar face and can't hide her panic.

"last night, we have clarified the truth. You said that there was no extramarital affair between you and Jin Xintong. Why do you say that today? What are you What's the matter? "

Li luoran was really scared.

Last night, when Lu Shaochen spoke to himself, he was serious and swore to himself, which was quite different from his cynical appearance.

In this situation, words like "psychosis" and "second personality" appeared uncontrollably in Li luoran's mind

It's said that the more excellent people are, the more developed their brains are, the more personality they have. Is Lu Shaochen


However, in addition to "personality", I'm afraid there is no other reason to explain this phenomenon!

"In fact, I lied to you last night. I have always been a true love to Xiaojin. In the past year or so, I have never stopped dating her secretly."

The man's magnetic voice is like a flute, which is in liluoran's ear.

Li luoran felt as if he had been strangled in the throat.

Jin Xintong, standing opposite Li luoran, looks at Li luoran's desolate expression, and her delicate corners of mouth unconsciously pull up a smile line.

"Of course, I love you too. You and Xiaojin, I don't want to lose anyone." The man's eyes are soft and his smile is playful,

"because he loves me deeply, Xiaojin accepts the fact that I am a man and two wives, and is willing to be my secret lover, that is, my little wife, but you always want to monopolize me, cough! Ranran, as you know, how can a man like Lu Shaochen be satisfied with only one wife in his life? I want at least two But I don't guarantee that I will meet other women who are attracted to me in the future. If I meet them, I will raise them in the dark like Xiaojin and be my third and fourth wife... "


Li luoran couldn't believe his ears.

I feel that Li luoran's shaking is more severe, and the smile from the corner of the man's mouth is more and more charming,

"Ranran, you know, maybe God made a joke for me. Although I love Xiaojin to the bone, I have no physiological reaction to her. Over the years, I have a wish that I have a real married life with her."

Li luoran feels that her heart has stopped beating. She stares at Lu Shaochen's extremely handsome face with clear eyes. Her eyes are like looking at the devil.

She felt the man's arms around her waist tighten significantly.

Then, she was so forced by the man to go to the jinxintong side.

The man with playful eyes, holding Li luoran in his left hand and Jin Xintong in his right hand, lowers his head leisurely and whispers in Li luoran's ear in a low voice,

"Ranran, in this world, only you can satisfy my wish. After a while, you and Xiao Jin will lie down together, and we will hug for a while, until I have a physiological reaction, I can do it with Xiao Jin The real couple, don't you think? "

Li luoran was struck by lightning.

The man's cold eyes narrowed into a narrow gap,

"wife, help me? Well

With these words, his fingers hit Li luoran's coat, and he was about to unbutton her.

"Go away!"

Li luoran had no idea how he opened his lips.

She didn't know where she had the strength to push Lu Shaochen's hand away.

Because the finger of "Lu Shaochen" was hanging on her button before. When she pushed it hard, the button fell to the ground. There was a nearly ten centimeter long opening on her shirt, and the bright skin inside was looming.

Li luoran couldn't hide himself.

Just panic, run to the door.

Because she was in such a hurry, when she got to the door, she fell to the ground and her black high-heeled shoes fell down. She didn't care to pick them up. She pulled off the other high-heeled shoes and dashed out of the door barefoot.

The room was hell to her.

Lu Shaochen in the room is like a devil!

The elevator didn't know when it would arrive, and she didn't want to wait for a moment, so she ran down the stairs barefooted and cold.

Shu Xinshuang didn't drive her car for a ride, but has been waiting for her in the same place.

The cockpit door was open for her.

She pulled it apart and hurried in.


Slam on the door.

His trembling body sank into the driver's seat, and his round eyes didn't focus.

"What's the matter? What the hell? " Shu Xinshuang looks at Li luoran in surprise.

Li luoran stayed like a puppet for a long time.

About three minutes later, I took a breath like a ghost.

"yes, I would rather believe that I saw a ghost."“……” Shu Xinshuang looked at her in surprise,

"what's the matter?"

With her understanding of Li luoran, Li luoran was a stubborn and strong girl. She would never have behaved like this if she had not met something that made her extremely afraid.

In Shu Xinshuang's memory, a year ago, song Zilu was shot in front of Li luoran and splashed with blood on Li luoran's face. After waking up in the hospital, Li luoran was not so scared

Li luoran holds his disheveled black hair in both hands,

"thank you for your concern, but let me be quiet first."

I really don't want to mention that.

That scene was more terrible than the most terrible nightmare liloran had ever had.

If Li luoran still loves Lu Shaochen after he discovered that Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong had an extramarital affair a year ago, then today's Lu Shaochen has ruined his image in Li luoran's heart

Now Lu Shaochen's image in Li luoran's mind is only "dirty", "shameless", "dirty" and "changed"

Li luoran never dreamed that Lu Shaochen would be such a man.

Apart from fear, there is endless despair and sadness.

Li luoran used to be betrayed by Jin Qian and Su Yan. Every time, she left a scar in her heart that could not be healed. She thought Lu Shaochen was the end of her love.

She thought that this man named Lu Shaochen would heal all the pain in her heart and never hurt her again.

However, in the end, Lu Shaochen is not her lover at all, but a more cruel and cold-blooded killer than Jin Qian and Su Yan -

Lu Shaochen!

In her mind, Lu Shaochen was so good. In the end, the real Lu Shaochen was worse than anyone who had failed her before.

Why are you so reluctant?

Why, even now, still constantly recall Lu Shaochen's "pet"?

The pictures of Lu Shaochen's desperate efforts to save himself are just in front of us.

And just Lu Shaochen's "dirty" and "dregs" scene, the contrast is so bright!

Powerless lying on the seat, eyes closed, tears gurgling down the corner of Li luoran's eyes.

Looking at Li luoran's appearance, Shu Xinshuang takes out a tissue in her handbag, but takes it back before handing it to Li luoran.

She didn't know what happened to liloran.

But when a person is extremely sad, it's better not to disturb her and let her cry for a while

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